2016年4月26日 星期二

Book 2 Unit 3 Reading

1-1. Students spend their summer holidays in different ways.

(1) + spend + 時間/金錢

to do sth.
(2) It


(3) sth. +

Teresa spent 3,000 NT dollars on the new dress.
= It cost Teresa 3,000 NT dollars to buy the new dress.
= The new dress cost Teresa 3,000 NT dollars.
1-2. Some take extra classes, while others get part-time jobs.
1. Some..., while others.... SPP 3
連接詞whileB1L8句型,用來表示「前後對照」,加入some..., others...表達「一些,而另一些」。
此用法用於列舉,表示「一些…另一些…」。多為兩個獨立句子,可用連接詞連接。若事情只有兩種情況,列舉時用somethe others。當事情有多種情況,從中任意列舉兩項時可用。若要任意列舉三項,可再加still others
• In the park, some people are chatting, while others are exercising.
2. take/attend a class皆為「修習課程」的意思。
B1.  In the park, children are playing happily.
   are playing hide-and-seek. Others are playing on the swings.
(A) One             (B) Some
(C) They            (D) The others
2.    火車來之前,乘客在月臺等候。有些在看報紙,有些在交談。
Before the train came, passengers were waiting on the platform. \o\ac(, were reading newspapers, and \o\ac(, were talking to one another.
1-3. But now there are other choices2 if you want to enjoy a truly meaningful3 vacation.
2-1. Most young people don’t have much money, so [going on a working holiday] is great for them.
※動名詞(going on a holiday)作句子的主詞,指一件事情,其後需用單數動詞。
2-2. They don’t have to save a lot of money BEFORE they travel; instead, they can work to pay for their expenses4 WHEN they travel. SPP 4
句型文法:Instead, S + V.
instead是副詞而非連接詞,因此前面的標點用分號或句點,而非逗號。另一個用法是Instead of + N/V-ing, S + V.... ,若有of則需接受詞,該受詞表示被取代的事物。
• Ken didn’t go to the movies; instead, he went to the gym. = Instead of going to the movies, Ken went to the gym.
( C )1.  Melissa seldom buys new clothes.    , she takes some of her mothers clothes and makes them suit her own style.
(A) However  (B) Besides   (C) Instead    (D) Perhaps
2.    Katherine不用煮飯,相反地,她的丈夫總會為她準備餐點。
Katherine doesn’t have to cook; \o\ac(,, her husband always prepares meals for her.
2-3. Usually, they will switch5 jobs, as they tend to visit different places. SPP 1
※未來式與未來進行式S + will + VR/be V-ing.
l   一般未來式表示「將發生的動作、未來的狀態」,主詞後加上will + VR
l   未來進行式表示「未來某刻正在進行的動作」,可以用於推測、預期、希望。will後接be + V-ing
l   常和未來式連用的副詞:tomorrowthe day after tomorrow(後天)、in the future(在未來)、next搭配星期╱月╱年╱季節、in搭配一段時間。未來式也可和todaytonightthis搭配星期╱月╱年╱季節使用。
l   未來式可搭配when引導的副詞子句和if引導的條件句。可參考第一冊L2句型Ⅰ。
1.    醫生五分鐘後會幫您看診。
The doctor \o\ac(, \o\ac(, you \o\ac(, five minutes.
2.    我們去到機場的時候,導遊會在那裡等著我們。
When we get to the airport, our tour guide \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, for us there.
句型文法S1 + V1…(,) as S2 + V2…. SPP 5
(1) as在此句當連接詞,解釋為「因為」,用法和becausesince一樣,但表示因果關係的口氣比becausesince 較弱一些。
• As it is getting dark, let’s go home now.
(2) as當連接詞用時,還可以解釋成while,表示「當⋯⋯時」。
• As I was taking a shower, I heard a loud noise coming from upstairs.
(3) as也可以解釋為「雖然、儘管」。
• Young as he is, Jason is very brave.
(4) as亦可解釋為「如同」。
• As I have said, I didn’t like the man. He was not my cup of tea. (He was not my type.)
(5) as當介系詞時後面常常接「身分」或「頭銜」。
• Jim works as a nurse in the hospital.
()1. We asked Joseph to drive us home     he was the only one with a driver’s license.
(A) so           (B) when    (C) as    (D) but
()2.     you have no experience in taking care of children, asking your parents for help may be a good idea.
(A) If   (B) Although   (C) While   (D) As
2-4. For example, many backpackersž now travel across Australiaž for a year or two, but stay in the same city for only several weeks.
for example = for instance 指「舉例來說」,後面通常加上完整子句。
• It is expensive to live in a big city. For example, people have to pay high rents and large parking fees.
2-5. During the journey6, they take on different jobs.
• Ray kept talking during the meal.
• Evan served in the US navy during World War II.
2-6. They look after children, pick fruit on a farm, or work at a restaurant or even at a resortž.
※句中的or都是對等連接詞,第一個or連接前後三個動詞片語(look after childrenpick fruit on a farmwork at a restaurant...)。第二個or連接兩個介系詞片語(at a restaurantat a resort)。
2-7. Other countries like New Zealandž, Japan, and Canada are just as popular as Australia.
S1 + be-V/V + as + Adj/Adv + as + S2. SPP 2
l   本句型用於兩者比較,表示「和…一樣」。第一個as為副詞,修飾後面的形容詞、副詞;第二個as為連接詞,後可接句子,不過若S1S2的動詞相同,一般都會省略S2後的動詞。
l   形容詞可搭配連綴動詞(looksoundsmelltastefeel),副詞搭配一般動詞。
l   表達「和……一樣多」時,可在兩個as間加入「much + 不可數名詞」或「many + 可數名詞」。
1.    Larraine和她的雙胞胎哥哥一樣高。
Larraine is \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, her twin brother.
()2. Sue sings     well     a popular singer.
(A) more; than   (B) as; as(C) so; that          (D) not; but
3-1. Another way to see new places is to be an international volunteer.
3-2. These volunteers work without any pay, but they gain7 a sense of fulfillment from helping others or the environment8.
句型文法:without + N/V-ing 沒有SPP 6
• We cannot live without air and clean water.
• Grace left home without saying goodbye.
Without + N置於句首常與假設語氣連用,相當於But for + N表示「沒有……的話,某事可能就會……」。
( C )1. The little boy rushed across the streets without       out for the traffic.
(A) look       (B) looked (C) looking (D) looks
2. 輸了比賽的網球選手一語不發地離開球場。
The tennis player who lost the match left the court \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(,.
3-3. They can plant fruit trees and vegetables with orphans9 in Mongoliaž or pick up trash around Mt. Fujiž.
3-4. They can also help dig wells10 in small Africanž villages11 or entertain12 old and sick people in India.
(1) help + (O) + (to) VR
• Dean helped (his mother) (to) clean the house yesterday.
(2) help + O + with + N
• Dean helped his mother with the house cleaning yesterday.
3-5. If you volunteer, it means you sincerely13 want to serve other people and are able to take care of yourself in a strange environment.
1. If..., it means (that)... 如果就表示
• If you see a red signal, it means (that) you are in danger.
• If you don’t get his phone call tomorrow, it means (that) he has lied to you.
2. be able to + VR 能夠,通常能跟can互換使用,不過若遇到較困難的事情,需要努力才能達成時,使用be able to + VR會比使用can來得恰當。
• Maggie is able to play Chopin(蕭邦).
3. take care of = care for = look after 照顧
3-6. It also means you are willing to accept14 people from different cultures15 and work together with them in a friendly manner16.
4-1. These holidays may not be as comfortable as sightseeing17 tours18, but you will get to see different sides of the world.
4-2. You can gain new experiences, improve19 your language skills, make new friends, and broaden your horizons.
make friends指「交朋友」,為一慣用語,也可以用make friends with somebody
• After Lisa entered the new school, she quickly made friends with many new classmates.
(1) make sb.’s day 使某人很高興
• Receiving my husband’s letter really made my day.
(2) make sense 有道理
• I don’t get it. It doesn’t make any sense.

Main Idea  Choose the best answer to the question.
 C           What is the main idea of “Different Ways to Spend Your Holidays”?
(A)    Students should take extra classes during the summer.
        (B) The best way to spend a summer is to be a backpacker.
        (C) There are many meaningful ways to spend your summer holidays.
        (D) Being a volunteer is the most comfortable way to spend one’s summer.

Details  Write a T (True) or an F (False) for each sentence.
 F   1. Young people who go on working holidays tend to stay in only one city.
 F   2. Japan and China are now popular countries for working holidays.
 T   3. Helping others without any pay may give a person a sense of fulfillment.
 F   4. Volunteering holidays are as comfortable as sightseeing tours.


