2016年4月26日 星期二

Book 2 Unit 3: Sentence Patterns

Focal Point 1
(1) 表示「未來將要發生的事情或狀態」,動詞時態應用「未來式(will + VR)」
(2) 表示「未來某一定點時間將正在進行的動作」,動詞時態用「未來進行式 (will + be + V-ing)」
When + S + V(s/es), S + will + V.
If + S + V(s/es), S + will + V.
Usually, they will switch jobs, as they tend to visit different places.
You will get to see different sides of the world.
I will be waiting for you in the gym at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
When Peter comes home this weekend, Mom will prepare a lot of delicious food for him.
If Jill saves enough money, she will go on a working holiday in Australia.
If the weather is fine tomorrow, Tim will go hiking with his friends.
Practice A  Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the verbs.
1. Christmas is coming soon. Susan   will buy   (buy) some gifts for her family and friends.
2. Susan   will visit   (visit) the US during the Christmas holidays.
3. Tracy   will stay   (stay) in Tokyo for three days next month.
4. John   will be shopping   (shop) in the department store from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow.
5. Peter   will be watching   (watch) his favorite TV show at 8 p.m. tomorrow.
Practice B  Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb.
1. When Ms. Jones  enters  (enter) the classroom this afternoon, the students
 will give  (give) her a big surprise.
Ms. Jones下午進教室時,學生們將會給她一個大驚喜。
2. If Pan  calls  (call) me again tonight, I  will tell  (tell) her the truth.
3. If Mike  visits  (visit) us this weekend, we  will show  (show) him around the city.
4. When the guests  arrive  (arrive) at the party next Saturday, they  will
receive  (receive) flowers and balloons.
5. If it  rains  (rain) tomorrow, my father  will drive  (drive) me to school.
Focal Point 1
  未來式包括「未來簡單式」、「未來進行式」與「未來完成式」,每個時式都有其特色,如:未來簡單式常配合現在式使用;未來進行式常配合未來某一特定的時間副詞使用;未來完成式常配合「by + 未來時間」及「for + 一段時間」使用。
(1) 課文句型:未來簡單式
S + will/shall + VR. = S + be going to/be about to + VR.
• I will be seventeen years old next week.
• I shall try my best to help you solve the problem.
• What are you going to buy for your mother’s birthday?
• The railway official said, “Hurry up! The train is about to start.”
(2) 課文句型:未來進行式
S + will/shall + be + V-ing.
• We will be traveling on the train at this time tomorrow.
• Our friends will be waiting for us at the station when we get there.
• I shall be playing tennis with friends all this afternoon.
• Don’t be late. We shall be having dinner at seven o’clock tonight.
(3) 課文句型:未來完成式
S + will/shall + have P.P.
說明:未來完成式用來表示「到未來某時間為止的動作之完成、持續、經驗」,常配合「for + 一段時間」及「by + 未來時間副詞」使用。
• The train will have left before we reach the station.
• We will have lived here for ten years by the end of this year.
• If I read this book once more, I shall have read it five times.
• We shall have sold out our stock of new iPads by six o’clock.
(4) 補充句型:未來簡單式配合現在式/現在完成式
1 When + S + V, S + will/shall + VR. 
When + S + have P.P., S + will/shall + VR.
2 If + S + V, S + will/shall + VR.    
If + S + have P.P., S + will/shall + VR.
說明:1 為用when 引導的表「時間」的副詞子句,2為用if 引導的表「條件」的副詞子句,其中附屬子句常用現在式或現在完成式,而主要子句則常用未來簡單式。
When you get sick, you will know how important health is.
When you have learned four thousand English words, you will be able to read a newspaper.
If you study hard, you will be able to attend a national university.
If you have had the experience, you will know how to solve the problem.
(5) 補充句型:will/shall用於附加問句
1 祈使句, will you?(表請求)
2 Let’s VR, shall we?(表建議)
Help me carry the baggage, will you?
Let me go to the movies tonight, will you?
Let’s go to the concert tonight, shall we?
Let’s work together to finish it, shall we?
A. 選擇
1. I ________ eighteen years old next year.
(A) will be  (B) could be(C) may be (D) would be
2. If it ________ fine tomorrow, my uncle will come to see us.
(A) will be  (B) is (C) shall be (D) is going to be
3. We ________ at the airport when you arrive in Taipei.
(A) will be waited (B) will be waiting
(C) have waited   (D) are waiting
4. I don’t know if it ________ this afternoon, but if it ________, I will go by bus.
(A) rains; rains    (B) will rain; will rain
(C) will rain; rains    (D) rains; will rain
5. I wonder what Amy ________ at this time tomorrow.
(A) will be doing (B) shall be done
(C) has done   (D) is doing
6. I ________ my work by five o’clock this afternoon.
(A) will be finished (B) will have finished
(C) have finished    (D) had finished
7. By next Sunday, I ________ in Japan for a whole month.
(A) will be traveling
(B) have traveled
(C) will have traveled
(D) will have been traveled
8. By the end of this year, Nick ________ in Taiwan for five years.
(A) has lived    (B) will be living
(C) will live   (D) will have lived

B. 翻譯填充
1. 注意聽!校長要說話了。
Listen! The principal ________ ________ ________ speak.
2. 下星期將會有一個颱風侵襲小島。
There ________ ________ a typhoon hitting the island next week.
3. 明天此時,我將在香港購物了。
I shall ________ ________ in Hong Kong at this time tomorrow.
4. 到今年七月,我當老師將有20年了。
By this July, I ________ ________ ________ a teacher for20 years.
5. 等我們到達宴會會場時,他們將已經離開了。
By the time we get to the party, they ________ ________ ________.
1.(A) 2.(B) 3.(B) 4.(C) 5.(A) 
6.(B) 7.(C) 8.(D)
1. is; going/about; to
2. will; be
3. be; shopping
4. will; have; been
5. will; have; left

Focal Point 2
as + Adj/Adv + as
(1)  本句型用來表達「和/與……一樣……」;前面的 as 為副詞,後面的 as 為連接詞。
(2)  Adj 配合 be 動詞或連綴動詞(look/sound/taste...)使用;Adv 配合一般動詞使用。
Other countries like New Zealand, Japan, and Canada are as popular as Australia.
These holidays may not be as comfortable as sightseeing tours.
The girl felt as confident as a supermodel when she put on the new dress.
Jason runs as fast as the best runner on the school team.
Practice A  Put the parts in the correct order to form a sentence.
1. the building/is/tall/Taipei 101
The building is as tall as Taipei 101.
2. The watch/is/expensive/the shoes
The watch is as expensive as the shoes.
3. Cindy/swims/fast/Stella
Cindy swims as fast as Stella.
4. My brother/looks/handsome/a movie star
My brother looks as handsome as a movie star.
5. Yvonne/dances/beautifully/a butterfly
Yvonne dances as beautifully as a butterfly.
Practice B  Combine the following sentences by using “S + V + as + Adj/Adv + as + ….”
1. The stray dog looks terrified.
    The stray cat looks terrified, too.
à The stray cat looks as terrified as the stray dog.
2. The coffee smells good.
    The tea smells good, too.
à The tea smells as good as the coffee.
3. Eva studies hard.
    Jack studies hard, too.
à Jack studies as hard as Eva.
4. Team A’s performance was good.
    Team B’s performance was good, too.
à Team B’s performance was as good as Team A’s (performance).

5.       Doing yoga is relaxing.
    Listening to music is relaxing, too.
à Listening to music is as relaxing as doing yoga.
 relaxing adj. 令人放鬆的
Focal Point 2
as + Adj/Adv + as
(1) 課文句型:形容詞和副詞的原級比較(肯定)
... as + Adj/Adv + as...
說明:肯定的比較用as... as...,第一個as為副詞,修飾後面的形容詞或副詞,第二個as為連接詞,其後接子句或其省略的形式。
• Mary is as beautiful as her mother (is).
• John works as hard as his brother (does).
• When we drive, we should be as careful as we can (be).
• Mark plays the piano as well as his elder sister (does).
• Julia will study abroad for as long as ten years.
• Some birds will travel as far as three thousand miles when the winter is coming.
(2) 課文句型:形容詞和副詞的原級比較(否定)
... not so/as + Adj/Adv + as... = ... less + Adj/Adv + than...
說明:否定的比較用not so/as... as...less... than...,當中soasless為副詞,修飾後面的形容詞或副詞;asthan為連接詞,其後接子句或其省略的形式。
• This book is not so/as expensive as that one (is).
= This book is less expensive than that one (is).
• Truly, wealth is not so important as health (is).
= Truly, wealth is less important than health (is).
• The scenery of Sun Moon Lake is not so attractive as (it was) before.
= The scenery of Sun Moon Lake is less attractive than (it was) before.
(3) 補充句型:形容詞後接名詞的原級比較
 ... as + many/much + N + as...
• John has collected as many comic books as his friend (has).
• Judy earns as much money as Lucy (does) every month.
... as + Adj + a(n) + N + as... = ... such + a(n) + Adj + N + as...
• Working is as important a thing as playing (is).
= Working is such an important thing as playing (is).
(4) 補充句型:倍數+ as... as...
 ... 倍數+ as + many/much + N + as...
... 倍數+ as + Adj/Adv + as...
說明:中文的倍數置於形容詞後面,而英文的倍數置於形容詞前面。用as... as...表達「一樣多」,half as... as...表達「一半」,one and a half as... as...表達「一倍
半」,twice as... as...表達「兩倍」,three times as... as...表達「三倍」,依此類推。
• I have twice as many books as you (do).
• Lance’s watch cost twice as much as mine.
• Many foreigners think that Chinese is twice as hard to learn as English (is).
• I have collected three times as many stamps as he (has).
• My younger sister spends half as much money as I (do) every month.
(5) 補充句型:as... as... 慣用語
 as quick as a mouse 快速如鼠
as proud as a peacock 驕傲如孔雀
ƒ as busy as a bee/an ant 忙碌如蜜蜂/螞蟻
as cunning as a fox 狡猾如狐狸
as poor as a church mouse 窮如教堂鼠
as strong as an ox 健壯如牛
as happy as a lark 快樂如雲雀
ˆ as hungry as a wolf 像狼一樣餓
as stubborn as a mule 像騾子一樣固執
• The policeman failed to catch the thief because he was as quick as a mouse.
• Jessica is as proud as a peacock, so many of her classmates keep away from her.
• To raise a big family, Tony is as busy as a bee to make more money.
• Tom finally lost the trust of all his friends because he is as cunning as a fox.
• Jack is as poor as a church mouse, so he can only spend NT$100 dollars a day.
1. Mary is not so diligent as Jane (is).
= Mary is __________ diligent ___________ Jane (is).
2. Tom is fatter than Joe.
= Joe is not ________ fat ________ Tom (is).
= Joe is _______ fat ________ Tom (is).
3. Bob is less honest than Sam (is).
提示:請以not so... as... 改寫。
___________________________________________4. Dogs are more faithful than cats.
提示:請以less... than... 改寫。
___________________________________________5.   May is a lazy student.
Sue is a lazy student, too.
提示:請以as... as...合併句子。
1. 今天天氣沒有昨天那麼熱。
The weather today isn’t _________ hot _________ it __________ yesterday.
2. 我不如Judy聰明,但我更用功。
I am _________ _________ clever ________ Judy is, but I study harder.
3. Maggie旅行過的國家和Nancy一樣多。
Maggie has traveled to _________ _________ foreign countries __________
Nancy (has).
4. 騎單車和攝影一樣是有趣的嗜好。
Riding a bike is ____________ interesting a hobby _________ taking pictures (is).
5. 許多人認為財富不如健康重要。
Many people think that wealth is _________ _________ important ____________
1. less; than
2. so/as; as = less; than
3. Bob is not so honest as Sam (is).
4. Cats are less faithful than dogs.
5. Sue is as lazy a student as May (is).
1. so/as; as; was
2. not; so/as; as
3. as; many; as
4. as; as

5. not; so/as; as

