2016年4月26日 星期二

Book 2 Unit 4: Reading & Grammar

1-1. In a triathlonž, the crowd1 saw a man [in the water] pulling his handicapped2 son [in a boat behind him]. / 在一項鐵人三項競賽中,群眾看到一個男人在水裡從他身後用小船拖著他肢體障礙的兒子。
感官動詞(see, watch, hear, feel)的用法:
(1) 感官V + O + VR → 表「事實」
• I saw her swim. 我看到她游泳。
(2) 感官V + O + V-ing → 表「正在進行中」
• I heard her crying. 我聽到她正在哭。
(3) 感官V + O + P.P. → 表「被動」
• I felt my back touched. 我感覺我的背被碰了一下。
1-2. Then the man rode a special bike, and his son was sitting on the front of it. / 然後,這個男人騎一輛特殊的自行車把兒子載在前面。
字詞辨異:sit onsit in的比較
(1) sit on:坐在扁平、簡單且沒有扶手的椅子上;坐在平坦的事物上(如:長椅、地板、草皮、沙灘等)。
• I sat on the grass in the park and looked at the clouds.
(2) sit in:坐在柔軟且舒服的椅子上;坐在被包圍或包覆的環境中(如:房間內、角落、草叢內、樹中、車內等)。
• Tina was sitting in a chair by the fire.
1-3. In the last part of the race, this father pushed his son in front of him in a wheelchairž. / 比賽的最後階段時,這位父親用輪椅把他的兒子推在他前方。
1-4. This was a long and difficult race, but the father did not give up. / 這是一場持久又艱辛的比賽,但是這位父親沒有放棄
1-5. The people were amazed3 and touched. / 人們既驚訝又感動。
1-6. They stood up and cheered4 loudly when the father and son crossed the finish line. / 當這對父子檔通過終點線時,他們站起來大聲歡呼。
1 cross vt. 橫穿;橫渡
• I have to cross the bridge to get to the other side of the river.
2 across prep. adv. 橫越;與⋯⋯相交叉;對面
• There are many bridges across the river.
• My house is just across from my school, so I walk home every day.
2-1. This “super” team was made up of Dick Hoyt and his son, Rick. / 這個「超級」隊伍是由Dick Hoyt及他的兒子Rick所組成。
2-2. Rick was born with cerebral palsyž. / Rick生來患有腦性麻痺症。
2-3. People with this disease5 have problems moving and speaking. / 患有這種病的人有移動及言語困難。
1. with + N ⋯⋯(表「附帶狀態」)
• The girl with long hair is called Nancy.
2. have problems/a hard time/trouble/difficulty + (in) + V-ing ⋯⋯有困難SPP 3
• Nina has no difficulty learning new things. She enjoys learning.
² 此用法表示「在(做)…有困難」,也可用have a problem,後原有介系詞in,但多被省略,接V-ing
²   同樣意思的用法有have problems with,後接名詞。
²   類似用法有have difficulty (in)difficulty為不可數,後接V-ing
Ÿ People with this disease have problems moving and speaking.
= People with this disease have difficulty moving and speaking.
Ÿ I’m having a problem finding the suitable dress for this formal occasion.
1.    未受過適當訓練,這個商店老闆在辨認真假鈔上有困難。
Without proper training, the store owner \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, fake money from real one.
()2. If you can speak English well, you are less likely to have problems     with others when you travel in an English-speaking country.
(A) to communicate        (B) communicating 
(C) communication         (D) communicate
2-4. The doctors told Dick and his wife to put their son into a home for disabled6 people. / 醫生們告訴Dick及他的妻子將兒子送進身心障礙者的療養院。
2-5. However, the couple noticed that Rick’s eyes would move with them as they moved around the room. / 然而,這對夫婦注意到當他們在房裡走動時,Rick的眼睛會跟著他們動。
1. that 引導名詞子句作noticed的受詞。
2. as 在此為連接詞,表某個動作發生或正在進行時,另一個動作發生。SYN when, while
• As the engineer was checking the system, he found an error.
2-6. They believed that Rick was intelligent7 and would be able to communicate with them someday. / 他們相信Rick是聰明的,並且有一天能跟他們溝通。
(1) someday 未來的某一天 SYN some day
• As long as I keep working hard, I’m sure I will be successful someday/some day/one day.
(2) one day 未來或過去的某一天
• One day, Kathy saw an old lady crossing the street; she ran to help her right away.
2-7. Dick and his wife kept teaching their son, and finally, Rick was even able to go to college. / Dick與他的妻子繼續教他們的兒子,最後Rick甚至能上大學。SPP 4
²   be able to此用法表「有能力做、可以如此做…」,to後接原形動詞。
²   be able tocan較正式些,can後也接原形動詞,在過去式中用could
²   未來式和完成式則用be able to來變化,如will be able tohaven’t been able to
²   不定詞to後也要用be able to,如下列例句二。
Ÿ Finally, Rick was even able to go to college.
Ÿ To apply for the job, you need to be able to speak Japanese.
1.    六個月大的嬰兒無法行走。
A six-month-old baby is not \o\ac(, \o\ac(, walk.
2. 我上演說課,因為我想要能夠在大家面前講話時不會感到不自在。
I took speech classes because I wanted to \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, speak in front of people without feeling uneasy.
另有表示能力的用法為be capable of + V-ing/N,指「具備有達成某事的特質或能力、符合做某事的條件」。
The teenager is capable of looking after himself.(這個青少年有能力照顧自己。)
3-1. Several years later, Rick wanted to participate8 in a five-mile race. / 幾年後,Rick想參加一項五英里賽跑
3-2. His father was not a runner, but he agreed to push Rick in his wheelchair. 雖然他的父親不是跑者,但他還是同意著坐在輪椅上的Rick跑。
(1) agree to + VR/to + N 答應/同意⋯⋯
• My mother didn’t agree to our camping trip because she thought it was too dangerous.
(2) agree with + sb. 與某人意見相同
• If Jean thought Tom was right, she would agree with him.
(3) agree on/about + sth. 一起決定某事
• The couple agreed on a date for their honeymoon.
3-3. They [took part in the race] and [finished second to last]. / 他們參加了比賽並得到倒數第二名。
1. take part in 參與 SYN participate in, join
• Hank’s teacher encourages him to take part in/participate in/join the talent show.
2. second to last 倒數第二名 SYN next to last
• Kelly finished the race second to last/next to last, but she completed it after all.
3-4. However, Rick was very happy. / 然而,Rick非常高興。
3-5. He told his father, “Dad, when we’re running, I feel I’m not handicapped.” / 他告訴父親說:「爸爸,當我們在跑步時,我覺得我不是肢體障礙的人。」
3-6. His parents realized [that Rick could join these races just like everyone else]. / 他父母了解到Rick能像其他人一樣參加這些競賽。
1. realize vt. 了解;實現
• Ken wanted to be a scientist, and he tried very hard to realize his dream.
2. like prep. ⋯⋯一樣
• Don’t treat me like a child. I am already 18 years old!
3-7. Since then, the father and son have together completed9 more than 1,000 races. / 從此,這對父子一起完成了超過1,000場的比賽。SPP 2
² 現在完成式和「since + 過去某時間點」連用,表示動作、狀態自那時起開始持續。
²   現在完成式和「for + 一段時間」連用,表示動作、狀態持續的時間。
Ÿ Since then, the father and son have together completed more than 1,000 races.
Ÿ My little brother has had a fever for two days.
()1. We haven’t seen our dog     yesterday.
(A) for    (B) before  (C) since     (D) after
()2. Nick has played the guitar     more than ten years.
(A) since       (B) for       (C) in     (D) with
Ÿ The man hasn’t been able to speak since he had a car accident.
Focal Point 2
since vs. for
since + 過去時間」或「for + 一段時間」常與現在完成式連用,表示動作或狀態到目前為止已持續一段時間。
Since then, the father and son have together completed more than 1,000 races.
Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl.
I have had a cold for two weeks.
The Collins family has lived in this house for over 100 years.
Practice A  Circle the correct choice for each sentence below.
1. My English has improved ( since / for ) I moved to London.
2. This dog has been here ( since / for ) its owner passed away.
3. My brother has prepared for the college entrance exam ( since / for ) a whole year.
4. My grandparents have lived here ( since / for ) 1940.
5. We have waited ( since / for ) over 30 minutes, and nobody has taken our order yet.
Practice B  Rewrite the following sentences by using “S + have/has + P.P. + for/since + ….”
1.for/Jason/has practiced playing the piano/four years
à Jason has practiced playing the piano for four years.
2.last year/haven’t seen Dave/I/since
à I haven’t seen Dave since last year.
3.Linda/for/has been sick/a long time
à Linda has been sick for a long time.
4.have loved classical music/I/since/I was a child
à I have loved classical music since I was a child.
5.since/has already finished two books/Cathy/yesterday
à Cathy has already finished two books since yesterday.

Focal Point 2
since + 過去時間 vs. for + 一段時間
現在完成式have/has + P.P.用以表示「到目前為止已經完成的動作或持續的狀態」。可先從片語寫法的「... for + 一段時間」及「... since + 過去時間」開始,然後再延伸到副詞子句「... since + S + V...」之句型,使自己具有完備的完成式觀念;至於補充句型(3)(4)則視自己需求斟酌使用或提供參考。
 (1) 課文句型:for + 一段時間
S + have/has + P.P. + for + 一段時間.
1 現在完成式用以表示「從過去持續到現在的動作或狀態」時,常與for + 一段時間連用,表示「(到現在為止)⋯⋯已經⋯⋯(時間)」。
2 注意 若「動作或狀態」未持續到現在,則動詞應用過去式。
• The neighbors have lived in the country for ten years.
• Lucy has been ill for a week; she feels weak.
• It hasn’t rained for a long time.
• Lily has served as a volunteer in the school library for more than five years.
• The typhoon hit the island two days ago; it has caused some damage.
(2) 課文句型:since + 過去時間
1 S + have/has + P.P. ... since + 過去時間片語.
2 S + have/has + P.P. ... since + S + V-ed.
1 現在完成式用以表示「從過去持續到現在的動作或狀態」時,常與「since + 過去時間片語」連用,表示「自從⋯⋯以來已經⋯⋯」。
2 現在完成式亦常與「since + S + V-ed」連用。
• I haven’t heard from Sue since two years ago.
• Sally has been in a bad mood since she lost her job last month.
• I have been interested in playing the guitar since I studied in junior high.
(3) 補充句型:易混淆since
1 表「自從」:since + S + V-ed
2 表「由於;因為」:since + S + V SYN because
1 表「自從」的since可置於句首或句中。
2 表「由於;因為」的since通常置於句首。
• It has been ten years since I graduated from college.
• Since I came to Taiwan, I have traveled to many places.
• Since you don’t feel well, you had better ask for sick leave.
• Since time is valuable, we must make good use of it.
(4) 補充句型:易混淆for
1 S + V + for + V-ing. 因為⋯⋯for為介系詞)
說明:介系詞for與前面的動詞blame, thank, praise 形成慣用語法,因此for不宜改成because of, owing to, due to...等。
• Jimmy was blamed for being late to work.
• We thank Joe for giving us such good advice.
• The police praised the young man for helping them catch the robber.
2 S + V, for + S + V. 因為⋯⋯for為連接詞)
說明:連接詞for + 猜測的原因。
• It must have rained hard last night, for the ground is wet.(猜測之原因)
• Something may have happened to Terry, for he was absent from school today.
A. 填充:依句意填入forsince
1. Tom’s mother has been ill ________ two weeks.
2. The poor child hasn’t eaten anything ________ this morning.
3. Catherin has been living here __________ she came to this island.
4. Mr. White hasn’t had a holiday __________ about two years.
5. It hasn’t rained here ____________ more than two months.
B. 填充:將括弧內之動詞改成正確的動詞形式
1. I _______ (stay) at that hotel last summer.
2. I _______ (live) here for 20 years, ever since I was born.
3. Eileen ________ (be) a teacher since she graduated from university.
4. Humans _________ (be) interested in outer space for thousands of years.
5. I have not seen Linda since she _________ (move) to the countryside.
C. 引導式翻譯
1. 自從Candy離家以來,音訊全無。
We ______ ______ nothing from Candy since she _______ home.
2. 我們暑假去琉球旅遊了五天。
We ___ in Okinawa _____ five days this summer.
3. 我從小就喜歡拉小提琴。
____________________________ since childhood.
4. Nancy從上星期就一直生病著。
____________________________ since last week.
5. Dorothy出國讀書已有一個月了。
_______________________________ for a month.
1. for 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. for
1. stayed 2. have lived 3. has been 4. have been 5. moved
1. have; heard; left 2. traveled; for
3. I have liked to play the violin
4. Nancy has been sick
5. Dorothy has gone abroad to study

3-8. They have even run and biked across the U.S. / 他們甚至跑步和騎自行車橫越美國。SPP 1
² 現在完成式用於表示「從過去到目前為止的經驗」、「從過去到目前已經完成的動作」、「從過去持續到現在的動作」。
² 表示已經完成的動作時,常和recentlylatelyjustalreadyso far連用。
²   表示到目前為止的經驗時,常和everneveryet、次數(如twice、數目+ times)等連用。
Ÿ The father and son have even run and biked across the U.S.
Ÿ Have you ever been to Thailand? (你曾去過泰國嗎?)
1.    據我所知,Jade最近已經搬去洛杉磯了。
As far as I know, Jade \o\ac(, recently \o\ac(, to Los Angeles.
2.    我如此喜愛這個故事,以致於已經讀了十次。
I love the story so much that I \o\ac(, \o\ac(, it ten times.
Ÿ This is the best movie that I’ve ever seen.
Focal Point 1
現在完成式(have/has + P.P.
(1) 表示現在已經完成之動作,常與 recentlylatelyjustalreadyso far 等連用。
(2) 表示到目前為止的經驗,常與 everneveryettwice... times 等連用。
The father and son have even run and biked across the U.S.
Past                Now               Future
Their experience has inspired them to form the Hoyt Foundation.
Recently my hometown has gone through many changes.
Have you ever been to England?
Practice  Change the form of the verbs.
1. That guy looks familiar. I think I   have seen   (see) him before.
2. Humans   have traveled   (travel) to the Moon, but not to Mars yet.
3. Yani Tseng   has won   (win) quite a few golf contests so far.
4. My sister   has been   (be) to Shou Shan Zoo in Kaohsiung City twice this month.
5. The city   has changed   (change) a lot lately. It’s growing quickly.
6. Mrs. Wang is not here. She   has   already   gone   (go) to Japan.
7. A: Do you like the movie Iron Man?
B: I don’t know. I   have   never   seen   (see) that movie.
Focal Point 1
現在完成式(have/has + P.P.
(1) recently, lately, just, already, so far
(2) ever, never, yet, once, twice, ... times
(1) 課文句型:表「到目前為止已經完成的動作」:
S + have/has + P.P.
說明:現在完成式可配合「現在」的時間副詞,如now, this week等。
• Winter has gone and spring has come.
• I have done all my homework now.
• I haven’t studied very hard this week.
(2) 課文句型:配合表「最近、到目前為止」的時間副詞 recently, so far...
1 Recently/So far, S + have/has + P.P.
2 S + have/has + P.P.+ recently/so far.
1 最近:recently, lately
2 到目前為止:so far, up to now, up to the present
3 近年來:in recent years
• I have seldom watched the movies recently.
• Everything has gone along smoothly so far.
• In recent years, teenage problems have gotten more and more serious.
(3) 課文句型:配合表「動作完成」的副詞justalready
S + have/has + just/already + P.P.
1 just(剛剛)置於haveP.P.之間。
2 already(已經)置於haveP.P.之間或句末。
3 注意 just now(剛才)是指過去的時間,應用過去式動詞。
• Terry has just moved into a new apartment.
• I have just finished writing my homework.
• Smith has already gone to Japan on business.
• A: Is Julia home? B: Yes, she came home just now.
(4) 課文句型:配合表「經驗」的副詞 ever, never, yet
1 Have/Has + S + ever/never + P.P.?
2 S + haven’t/hasn’t + P.P. + yet.
1 ever, never常置於haveP.P.之間。
2 never置句首時為「加強語氣」,其後接倒裝句。
3 yet置於句末。
• Have you ever been to National Palace Museum?
• I have never been to any foreign countries up to now.
• Never have I heard of such a strange thing in my life.
• Have you handed in your English report yet?
(5) 課文句型:配合表「次數」的頻率副詞once, twice, ... times
S + have/has + P.P. + once/twice/... times.
1 once, twice, ... times需置於句末,表「某人曾經⋯⋯一次/兩次/⋯⋯次」。
2 once置於句首時,作「連接詞」用,表「一旦」,請參考(6)補充句型。
• I have advised him to quit his bad habit several times, but he just doesn’t listen.
• Smith takes a trip overseas once a year.
• Ann has been to France and America once.
(6) 補充句型:易混淆的onceyet
1 作「副詞」用:once(一次);not... yet(尚未)
2 作「連接詞」用:once(一旦);yet(然而)
1 副詞的作用是「修飾一般動詞」;連接詞的作用是「連接兩個子句或對等的字詞」。
2 yet可連接「句子、名詞或形容詞」等;once只能連接子句。
• Do you have any food? I haven’t eaten anything yet.yet為副詞)
• I have seen that man once. He was at Zoe’s party.once為副詞)
• Once you break a promise, you can’t win others’ trust any more.once為連接詞)
• Jeremy seems honest, yet I don’t trust him.yet為連接詞)
A. 填充 將括弧內的動詞改成正確的形式填入空格
1. This is the best tea that I _______ ever ________ (drink).
2. So far, we _______ _______ (hear) nothing from him.
3. Robin _______ just ________ (go) to the station to see a friend off.
4. In recent years, 3D products _______ _______ (become) more and more popular.
5. Never ________ I __________ (think) that I could win the prize.
B. 翻譯填充及引導式翻譯
1. 我已經找到我遺失的手提包了。
I _______ _______ my lost handbag.
2. Jack向他的父母親說謊很多次了。
Jack _______ _______ lies to his parents many times.
3. 我已經工作10小時了。
______________________________ for ten hours.
4. 到目前為止,Amy還未找到新工作。
Up to now, ________________________________.
5. 我這個月還沒看過電影。
This month, _______________________________.
1. have; drunk  2. have; heard  3. has; gone
4. have; become  5. have; thought
1. have; found  2. has; told    3. I have worked
4. Amy hasn’t found a new job (yet)
5. I haven’t watched a movie (yet)

4-1. Dick and Rick are known as “Team Hoyt.” /  DickRick以「Team Hoyt(賀特隊)」而聞名。
² be known as此片語表示「以…(身分)為人所知」,as為介系詞,後接主詞的身分或稱號。
Ÿ Dick and Rick are known as “Team Hoyt.”
Ÿ Kinmen is known as a producer of peanut candy and sharp kitchen knives.
1.    以前以「打狗」為人所知的高雄,位於南臺灣。
Kaohsiung, which \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, Takao in the past, is located in southern Taiwan.
()2. Taipei 101 is known     the tallest building in Taiwan.
(A) for      (B) to      (C) as     (D) by
²   be known若要表示「以……(特色)為人所知」,用for
²   若要表示主詞因做了某件事而為人所知,則用be known to + VR
Ÿ The bakery is known for its delicious cheesecake.
Ÿ Chewing betel nut is known to increase the risk of developing mouth cancer.
4-2. They make a wonderful team because they really love each other and never give up. / 他們因為彼此相愛並從不放棄而造就一個超棒的團隊。
make vt. 造就;成為
• Julia loves children. I’m sure she will make a good mother.
4-3. Their experience has inspired10 them to form11 the Hoyt Foundationž. / 他們的經驗激勵了他們組成賀特基金會。
inspire sb. to VR 激勵某人去做某事
• Rick’s story has inspired me to start a new life.
4-4. Its aim12 is to help disabled young people feel more confident13 about themselves. / 此基金會的目的是要去幫助肢體障礙的青年對自己感到更有自信。
to + VR 不定詞作主詞補語,用來補充說明主詞。
• My dream is to be an excellent doctor because I want to help a lot of people.
²  反身代名詞表「…自己」,常在下列情況下出現:
²   不同人稱的反身代名詞如下,應注意複數字尾變化:SPP 5
I myself
we ourselves
you yourself
you yourselves
he himself
they themselves
she herself
it itself
Ÿ Hoyt Foundation’s aim is to help disabled young people feel more confident about themselves.
()1. Mom cut     when she cooked dinner.
(A) her          (B) hers      
(C) herself            (D) her own
()2. The apartment     isn’t very big, but the balcony is comparatively(相對地)large.
(A) itself           (B) himself 
(C) yourself          (D) myself
1.    DIY (Do It Yourself )  自己動手做。
2.    Enjoy yourself. = Have a good time. 好好玩/玩得愉快。
3.    Please make yourself at home. 請不要拘束。
4.    Help yourself. 自己來,不要客氣。(招呼客人用餐時。)
5.    by + oneself 表「獨自」或「靠自己做某事」。
Ÿ I always go to school by myself. = I always go to school alone.
4-5. “Yes, you can!” is the message that the father and son want to send to the world. /「是的,你做得到!」是這對父子想要傳達給全世界的訊息。

that 引導形容詞子句修飾主詞補語the message
• Amanda is the girl that/who Johnny likes. He has secretly loved her for years.
I. 文法選擇30%(一題6分)
()1. Have you     to Green Island before?
(A) be    (B) are   (C) were    (D) been
()2. The student            this chapter three times, but he still has problems understanding it.
(A) would be studied      (B) is studying
(C) has studied                (D) was studied
()3. The couple prepared a great dinner for    .
(A) himself     (B) herself     (C) themselves (D) ourselves
()4. Lin Hwai-min is known     the founder of Cloud Gate Dance Theater (雲門舞集) of Taiwan.
(A) as        (B) for        (C) to         (D) by
()5. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?
(A) I haven’t been able to connect with Susan since yesterday.
(B) Excuse me, can you tell me where the restroom is?
(C) I would like to can dance like you.
(D) After two months of rest, the patient was able to walk by himself.
II. 句子重組20%(一題10分)
The USA has been an independent nation since 1776.
1. since/The USA/nation/1776/an/independent/has been
I had problems finding a parking space
2. I/a parking space/had/finding/problems
è I was late for the meeting because                  .
III. 句子合併20%(一題10分)
1.   My grandparents lived in Tainan when they were young.
    They still live there now.
My grandparents have lived in Tainan since they were young.
提示:請用since + 時間合併句子
2. We wait for our food.
    We started waiting 40 minutes ago.
We have waited for our food for 40 minutes.
提示:請用for + 一段時間合併句子
IV. 翻譯填空30%(一格5分)
1. 經過訓練,這個小女孩能夠心算數學。
  After training, the young girl \o\ac(, \o\ac(, to use mental calculation to do math.
2. Kevin太粗心以致於他割傷他自己。
  Kevin \o\ac(, so careless that he cut \o\ac(,.
3. 導演希區考克以「懸疑片大師」為人所知。
  The director Alfred Hitchcock is \o\ac(, \o\ac(, “the master of suspense.”
1. has; moved
2. have; read

句型 II
1. C
2. B

句型 III
1. has; problems; telling
2. B

句型 IV
1. able; to
2. be; able; to

句型 V
1. C
2. A

句型 VI
1. was; known; as
2. C
1. D
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C
1. The USA has been an independent nation since 1776.
2. I had problems finding a parking space
1. My grandparents have lived in Tainan since they were young.
2. We have waited for our food for 40 minutes.
1. is; able
2. was; himself
3. known; as
Main Idea Choose the best answer to the question.
 C   What is the main idea of “Yes, You Can!”?
(A)    A triathlon is made up of swimming, bicycle, and foot races.
        (B) People with cerebral palsy have problems moving and speaking.
        (C) Dick and Rick Hoyt never give up and have overcome many difficulties.
DickRick Hoyt從不放棄且克服了許多困難。
        (D) The Hoyt Foundation aims to help the disabled.
Details  Write a T (True) or an F (False) for each sentence.
 F   1.   Rick Hoyt finished high school but didn’t go to college.
Rick Hoyt完成高中學業但沒有讀大學。
 T   2.   Dick and Rick Hoyt formed the Hoyt Foundation.
Dick HoytRick Hoyt成立賀特基金會。
 T   3.   Dick Hoyt pushed Rick Hoyt in his wheelchair to complete more than 1,000 races.
Dick Hoyt用輪椅推著Rick Hoyt完成超過1,000次的比賽。
 T   4.   Dick and Rick Hoyt make a wonderful team—“Team Hoyt.”

DickRick Hoyt組成一個超棒的隊伍──賀特隊。

