Reading P1
It was 5 p.m. when Jimmy walked into the convenience store. After a long day at school,
he was tired and hungry. All he wanted was a snack to fill his stomach. Hardly did he expect that a series of marketing2 techniques3 were awaiting4 him. Jimmy下午五點走進了便利商店。上了整天的課,他感到又累又餓,而他所想要的就是吃點心來填飽肚子。他根本難以預料到一連串的行銷技巧正等著他上門。
1 After a long day at school, he was tired and
2 All
he wanted was a snack to fill his stomach.
1. all = all
the things that
• All I know is that social networking media
have a great effect on modern people’s daily lives.
• All
the orphan looks forward to is a sweet home.
2. fill為及物動詞,後面直接接受詞。同學們常常會與be filled with的用法搞混,而寫出to fill with his stomach這樣錯誤的用法,或是把fill與be
filled with的主詞與受詞錯置,如The air is filled with music. (○)The
air fills music.(╳)。
² 此句型表示「唯一……的是……」。
² 「that + S + V」是修飾代名詞all的形容詞子句,關代that作受詞可省略。所以主要子句主詞是all(意思相當於the only thing或everything),動詞是is/was,名詞當主詞補語。
² 主詞補語也可是名詞片語或名詞子句。
² all作主詞的相關用法可參考本冊第七課句型。
All he wanted was a snack to fill his stomach.
“All I Want for Christmas Is You” is
one of Mariah Carey’s hit songs. (〈你是我唯一想要的聖誕禮物〉是瑪麗亞凱莉的暢銷曲之一。)
All the guests could think about was how
beautiful the bride was. (賓客們唯一能想到的就是新娘子多麼美麗。)
3 Hardly
did he expect that a series of marketing techniques were awaiting him.
1. hardly 幾乎不,為否定性的副詞。本句型重點請見本課Focal Point 1。
2. that 所引導的名詞子句當做expect的受詞,所以that可以省略,但是在寫作中,最好不要省略。
3. a series of 一連串/系列的 SYN a chain of
• a
series of experiments/accidents/concerts/explosions
SPP1:否定副詞(Little/Seldom/Never/Hardly/Rarely) 放句首的倒裝
(1) be動詞:移到主詞之前。被動式同樣只移動be動詞。
(2) 一般動詞:主詞前加上助動詞do/does/did,主詞後接原形動詞。如課文第三段例句原來是「He never stopped」,要把stopped拆成did和stop,然後did置於主詞前,變成「Never did he stop」。
² 助動詞也可能是will/would、can/could等等,倒裝時擺放位置都移到主詞之前。
Hardly did he expect that a
series of marketing techniques were awaiting him.
Seldom does it rain in the Atacama
Desert in South America.(南美洲的亞他加馬沙漠難得下雨。)
In ancient China,
rarely were women allowed to choose their husbands.
Reading P2
Jimmy headed straight for
the snack section5. “A
bag of potato chips would be perfect right
now,” he thought. Glancing at the brands6 on the
top two shelves, he noticed one that had a special offer7. “Wow! 30% off if you buy two bags!”
he said to himself and grabbed8
a couple of bags. While Jimmy was waiting at the counter9, a rack displaying10 chewing gum caught his eye. Since he didn’t have
much money left, he decided to buy one pack only. The cashier checked
Jimmy’s items11 and told
him he could get another sticker if he
spent eight more dollars. Gladly, Jimmy got himself a chocolate bar for 15 dollars
because he needed one more sticker. With ten stickers, he could (p.103) exchange them for a
cute Snoopy mug. Jimmy直接走向零食區。他想著:「現在買包洋芋片最剛好。」當他眼角掃到了最上兩層的眾多品牌時,他注意到有個牌子正在特價。「哇!買兩包就打七折!」他喃喃自語,然後隨手拿了兩包。正當Jimmy在櫃檯等候結帳時,展示著口香糖的置物架吸引了他的目光。因為他的錢所剩不多,所以他決定只買一條就好。收銀員刷了Jimmy買的東西,告訴他如果他再多花八元,就可以得到另一張貼紙。Jimmy很高興地又花了十五元買了一條巧克力,因為他還需要一張貼紙。集滿了十張貼紙,他可以換到一個可愛的史奴比馬克杯。
4 Jimmy headed straight for the
snack section.
1. head for 前往(亦可用被動式)
• They headed/were
headed for the Garden Night Market right after the movie.
2. straight adv. 直接地 SYN directly
• It was late so we went straight home after
the concert without eating any late-night snacks.
5 Glancing
at the brands on the top two shelves, he noticed one that had a special
分詞構句 主要子句
1. Glancing at... 為分詞構句的用法,原句為:When Jimmy glanced at the brands on the top two shelves, he....。副詞子句與主要子句的主詞一致時,可省略主詞改為分詞構句。要特別注意的是,只有副詞子句要做變化,主要子句不做任何改變。本句型重點請見本課Focal Point 2。
2. one代表a brand,在此當作代名詞。
SPP2: 連接詞 + S + V, S + V. →(連接詞)V-ing…, S + V.
² 當副詞子句和主要子句主詞相同時,副詞子句可以簡化成分詞構句,只留下動詞V-ing的部分。
² 副詞子句由連接詞引導,常見的連接詞有:
(1) 表時間:when、while、after、before、as。
(2) 表原因:because、as、since。
(3) 表條件:if、once、unless。
(4) 表讓步:although、though。
² 簡化步驟:省略連接詞→省略副詞子句主詞→副詞子句動詞是主動,改成現在分詞V-ing。
² 如果動詞是進行式,去掉be動詞;如果是完成式(表示先發生的事件),把has/have/had變成having,後面的過去分詞保持原狀。
² 有時為了避免句意不夠清楚,連接詞會保留,僅省略主詞,把動詞改成現在分詞。
² 副詞子句是否定句變成分詞構句時,否定副詞要置於分詞前。
² 本句型和and連接的子句改成分詞構句差別,在於後者表示「連續動作或附帶狀況」,且and引導的是對等子句,和主要子句地位相等,不是副詞子句。
Glancing at the brands on the top two shelves, he
noticed one that had a special offer. (眼睛掃過最上面兩層貨架的品牌,他注意到有個牌子在特價。)
Mark Zuckerberg had founded Facebook, he was reported by the media to be one of the most influential
people in the world.
= Having founded Facebook,
Mark Zuckerberg was reported by the media to be one of the most influential
people in the world. (由於馬克‧祖克柏建立臉書,他被媒體報導為全世界最有影響力的人之一。)
As Ellen
didn’t feel well, she didn’t
join her friends who cycled around Taiwan.
= Not feeling well,
Ellen didn’t join her friends who cycled around Taiwan. (因為Ellen不舒服,她沒有加入騎腳踏車環臺的朋友們。)
The man walked away, leaving the
newspaper on the table. (男子走開了,把報紙留在桌上。)
6 While Jimmy was
waiting at the counter, a rack displaying chewing gum caught his eye.
1. displaying chewing gum 為形容詞子句簡化而來的分詞片語,原為 that/which displayed chewing gum。
2. catch one’s eye 吸引某人的注意
SYN catch/draw/attract one’s attention
注意 本片語的eye只能用單數。
• When drivers and passengers travel on the
freeway, huge billboards (廣告牌) on both sides of the road may easily catch
their eye.
7 With
ten stickers, he could exchange them for a cute Snoopy mug.
1. with prep. 擁有;持有;攜帶
• Mr.
Wang came to apologize to Zoe with flowers.
2. exchange/trade A for B 用A來換得B
• You
can exchange the winning receipt for NT$200 at the post office.
Reading P3
Jimmy’s purchase12
added up to over 100 dollars, which
was much more than he had planned to spend. Yet never did he stop to think
that, like many of us, he had been the “victim13” of clever marketing strategies14.
We are more likely to buy products that we can spot15 easily. That’s why stores generally put more expensive items at eye
level. This is also the place where stores put notices about sales and special
offers. Because of this, shoppers often pick up more things than they planned
on. Even when lining up at the counter, customers can find cheap items within their reach and may
end up getting one. Jimmy購買的產品總計超過了一百元,這價錢遠遠超過他當初計畫要花的預算。但是他從沒停下來想過,他跟我們許多人一樣,都已經成為精明行銷策略下的「受害者」。我們較可能會購買我們容易看得到的產品。這也就是為什麼店家通常都會把比較貴的物品擺在跟我們視線高度一樣高的位置。而這也正是店家貼拍賣與特價告示的地方。因為這樣,顧客常常會購買比原本計畫中還要多的東西。甚至當他們在櫃檯前排隊結帳時,顧客會發現伸手搆得著的便宜商品,結果又多買了一樣回家。
8 Jimmy’s purchase
added up to over 100 dollars, which was much more than he had
planned to spend.
1. over prep. 超過 SYN more
• Over
30,000 people crowded the stadium for the concert.
2. 這裡的which指的是the
amount of money,屬於非限定(補充說明)的用法,所以前面的逗點不可以省略。
3. more為比較級,用副詞much修飾,此外也可用even, still或far修飾。
4. Jimmy原本計畫只花一點錢,這件事情發生在購買行為之前,所以用過去完成式 he had planned to spend,表示比過去時態更早發生的動作。
9 Yet never
did he stop to think that, like many of us, he had been the “victim”
of clever marketing strategies.
1. yet adv. 然而 SYN however
• Tom
wants good grades. Yet he never studies hard.
2. like many of us 是介系詞片語當作副詞用,可以插入在完整句子當中,前後都要有逗點,且不影響原句的結構。
3. 用had been代表他早已經成為行銷技巧的受害者而不自知。
4. victim打上引號,表示並非是一般災難的受災戶或是罹難者,而是特指便利商店行銷策略下的受害者。
10 We are
more likely to buy products that we can spot easily.
sb. + be more/less/most/least likely to + VR
• According to the fortune-teller, those
whose birthday falls in March are most likely to win the lottery this time.
• Jacky is the least likely person to have
committed the crime (犯罪) because he was with me last night.
11 This is
also the place where stores put notices about sales and special offers.
where為關係副詞,指視線高度,可以等於in which。
12 Because of this,
shoppers often pick up more things than they planned on.
1. this代替前面提到「便利商店在視線高度貼上特價告示」這件事情。
2. pick up 購買 SYN buy, purchase
• Let’s
stop by the supermarket and pick up some fruit.
3. plan on + N/V-ing 計畫好要……
SYN plan to + VR
• The
newlywed couple planned on going/to go to France on their
13 Even when
lining up at the counter, customers can find cheap items within their reach and
may end up getting one.
SPP 5:
² within為介系詞,表示「在……範圍內」。常見用法within (one’s) reach表示「在手可以碰到的範圍內」。within也可直接接長度,表示在此距離內。
² 如要表示「在步行可達範圍內」,用within walking distance,後可接of加地方。
² 其他常見用法:within sight表示「在視線範圍內」;within
Customers can find cheap items within
their reach and may end up getting one.
There are
three department stores within 500 meters of the MRT station.
(這座捷運站五百公尺 內就有三家百貨公司。)
I live within walking distance of my
In a crowded place, parents should always
keep their children within sight.
The girls tried to squeeze their way to the
front to be within earshot of their idol.(女孩們試著擠到前面能夠聽到偶像聲音的距離。)
(1) end up + V-ing 結果是……
• The greedy gambler ended up losing all his money in the casino.
(2) end up as + 身分 結果變成……
• Barack Obama, an African American, ended up as the President of the
(3) end up with + 狀態 結果有……
• Anyone who eats food that is no fresh may end up with an upset
SPP 4: end up + V-ing
² 片語動詞end up表示「結果……;最終……;以……結束」,有「不在計劃或預期內」的意味。
² end up後可直接接動名詞當作主詞補語。
² 其他常見用法還有end up後接介系詞片語(含地方副詞)、形容詞、名詞等。
Customers can find cheap items within their
reach and may end up getting one.
Molly helped her son with the science
project, but ended up doing it all by herself. (Molly幫忙她兒子做科學作業,結果變成她自己一個人在做。)
The gold miners ended up rich.
The child ate a lot of candy and ended
up with a stomachache. (這個小孩吃了很多糖果,結果肚子痛。)
Ray started out as a nobody but ended up
a world-famous composer. (Ray一開始是無名小卒,最後卻成了世界知名的作曲家。)
Reading P4
In addition to these product displays, giving away stickers to customers
is a common way for convenience stores to promote16
sales. Stickers are tempting17
because when customers collect a certain (p.104) number of stickers, they can exchange
them for cute gifts. These gifts often come
in a series so that some customers will want to collect all of them. They
may be functional18 items
such as flashlights, pens, or mugs, or they may be fashionable accessories
like bracelets or key chains. Since the same items aren’t available19
in other places, the stickers get people to keep coming back. 除了產品的展示手法之外,送顧客貼紙也是便利商店很普遍的促銷手法。貼紙很誘人,因為當顧客蒐集到一定數量時,他們就可以用貼紙來換取可愛的禮物。這些禮物常常是一系列的,所以有些顧客會想要集滿所有的贈品。這些禮物可能像是手電筒、原子筆或是馬克杯等實用的東西,也可能是像手鍊或鑰匙圈之類的流行飾品。因為這些相同的東西在其他地方買不到,所以貼紙可以讓顧客一直上門。
14 In addition
to these product displays, giving away stickers to customers is
a common way for convenience stores to promote sales.
1. in addition to/besides + N/V-ing 除了……,還有……
• In
addition to/Besides cash,
customers can use credit cards to pay for things in the shopping mall.
• Going
abroad for further studies is Dora’s dream.
= To go abroad for further studies is Dora’s dream.
= It is Dora’s dream to go abroad for further studies.
15 Stickers are
tempting because when customers collect a certain number of stickers,
they can exchange them for cute gifts.
a certain/large/small number of + 複數名詞
• A small number of people have to wear uniforms in their
16 These gifts
often come in a series so that some customers will want to collect all
of them.
(1) ... so that + S + V 以便……
• The Lin
family got up at 5 a.m. so that they could catch their flight to Thailand.
(2) ... so adj./adv. that + S
+ V 如此……以致於……
• Mr. Wang
works so hard that he has little time for his family and friends.
SPP 6: such as vs. such… as
² such as是片語,表示「例如、像」,後接和前面陳述相關的例子,可以和like代換,接名詞或動名詞作受詞。
² such後接名詞再接as時,such是形容詞,表示「這樣的、這類的」。as表示「像」,當作介系詞或準關代使用。
² as當準關代使用時,後面接形容詞子句,此時such… as為書面語,較為文言正式。用法可參考本冊第三課句型。
These gifts may be functional items such
as flashlights, pens, or mugs.
As the saying goes, “There is no such
thing as a free lunch.”
Reading P5
In the end, customers will feel like winners because
they have gotten “free” gifts or taken advantage20 of special deals. However, the convenience stores have the last
laugh. These offers appeal21
to the customers and keep them returning and spending more. Who knows what brilliant22
ideas the stores will come up with next? 最後的結果是因為顧客拿到了「免費的」禮物或是在特價中占到了便宜,他們會感覺是勝利者。然而,便利商店獲得最後的勝利。他們的優惠吸引了顧客,並且讓他們持續回籠花更多錢。誰曉得下次店家又會想出什麼聰明的花招呢?
17 In the end,
customers will feel like winners because they have gotten “free”
gifts or taken advantage of special deals.
1. in the end 最後;終於
SYN eventually, at last, finally
• In the end, Nelson Mandela was released after years of
imprisonment (囚禁).
2. feel like + N/V-ing 感覺像是……
• Stacy
felt like a queen when her boyfriend took her to a fancy restaurant for a
candle-lit dinner.
3. free加上了引號,表示這禮物並非是真的免費的,純粹只是消費者一廂情願的想法。事實是他們在得到這禮物前,已經花了很多錢來換取貼紙。
18 These offers
appeal to the customers and keep them returning and spending
keep + O + OC 讓……持續……
• The
government tried to keep the economy growing by encouraging more investments.
• The hen
put its baby chickens under its wings to keep them warm.
19 Who
knows what brilliant ideas the stores will come up with next?
• Who is
the creator of the yellow rubber duck?
→ I want to
know who the creator of the yellow rubber duck is.
Main Idea Choose the best answer to the question.
B What is the main idea of “The Real Price of
(A) Customers
take advantage of special deals offered by convenience stores.
(B) Convenience
stores use special marketing techniques to appeal to customers.
(C) People
purchase more products because of the special mugs offered by convenience
(D) Customers
keep buying things at convenience stores because of the great service.
Details Choose the best answer to each question.
A 1. Why did Jimmy get himself a chocolate
bar that he hadn’t planned to buy at first?
Because he wanted to get one sticker.
Because he wanted a cute Snoopy flashlight.
Because he wanted to get another chocolate
bar for free.
Because he wanted to get 30% off on a bag of
potato chips.
C 2. Where do convenience stores generally
put their more expensive items?
On the top shelf. 在最上層的架子上。
Behind the counter. 在櫃檯後面。
On an eye-level shelf.在眼睛高度的櫃子。
On the bottom shelf. 在底層的架子上。
B 3. Why are stickers tempting to customers?
They are very functional items.
Customers can exchange them for free gifts.
Customers can give them to their children at
They can be exchanged for cash.
D 4. Which free gift is NOT mentioned in the
A bracelet. (B) A key chain.
手環。 鑰匙圈。
(C) A cute mug. (D) A
可愛的馬克杯。 洋娃娃。
Focal Point 1
(1) 否定副詞置於句首,用以加強語氣,其後句子須倒裝。
(2) 句子內的動詞:
① 若為be動詞,則需置於主詞前面形成倒裝。
② 若為一般動詞,則需借用助動詞do/does/did形成倒裝。
③ 若為完成式,則需將主詞移到助動詞have/has/had與過去分詞之間形成倒裝。
be + S +
助動詞 + S +VR.
+ S + P.P.
● Jimmy hardly expected that a series of
marketing techniques were awaiting his visit.
è Hardly did Jimmy expect that a
series of marketing techniques were awaiting his visit.
● I seldom went to concerts with such
a huge crowd.
è Seldom did I go to concerts
with such a huge crowd.
● Yet Jimmy never stopped to think that, like many
of us, he had been the “victim” of clever marketing strategies.
è Yet never did Jimmy
stop to think that, like many of us, he had been the “victim” of clever
marketing strategies.
● We hardly got to see superstars in
è Hardly did we get to see
superstars in person.
● Candy is rarely late for work. She is
usually on time.
è Rarely is Candy late for work. She is
usually on time.
Practice A Rewrite the sentences by using the pattern
1. I rarely go shopping.
è Rarely do
I go shopping.
2. We can hardly expect help from Henry.
è Hardly can we expect help from Henry.
3. Alice is seldom a rude student.
è Seldom is Alice a rude student.
4. Benson and Julia hardly know
each other.
è Hardly do Benson and Julia know each other.
5. I had never heard of that man
before I met him.
è Never had I heard of that man before I met
Practice B Put the parts in the correct order to form a
1. Gary/does/eat out/Seldom
è Seldom
does Gary eat out.
2. know/Little/Jerry/did/the singer/about
è Little did Jerry know about the singer.
3. had Jamie/before/Rarely/such a
thing/heard of
è Rarely had Jamie heard of such a thing
4. Jack/know that/did/Little/had
left/his friend
è Little did Jack know that his friend had
5. think that/we/win the
championship/did/we could/Never
è Never did we think that we could win the
Focal Point 1
(1) 複習so/neither/nor之倒裝句型。
(2) 教授否定副詞放句首之倒裝句型。
(3) 教授其他常用之倒裝加強句型。
(1) 複習句型:so/neither/nor的倒裝句型
1 S + 肯定句, and so + 倒裝句.
2 S + 否定句, and neither + 倒裝句.
3 S + 否定句, nor + 倒裝句.
• Jason can speak French fluently, and so can Michael.
• Aaron got up early this morning, and so did I.
• Felix didn’t like talking to strangers, and neither
did I.
• Jack is not good at chemistry and physics, nor
is Tony.
(2) 課本句型:
Little/Seldom/Never/Hardly/Rarely + 倒裝句.
1 表否定的副詞置於句首時,主要子句用倒裝結構。
2 句中有beV時,把beV放到主詞前面。
• Stella is never impatient with her students.
→ Never is Stella impatient with her students.
3 句中有一般動詞時,將助動詞放到主詞前面,後面動詞改為原形。若句中已經有助動詞,則直接把助動詞放到主詞前。
• Jack seldom flew a kite in the square.
→ Seldom did Jack fly a kite in the square.
• I rarely have time to go on a vacation.
→ Rarely do I have time to go on a vacation.
• Animals can scarcely survive in such extreme weather conditions.
→ Scarcely can animals
survive in such extreme weather
4 若為完成式,則將助動詞has/have/had放到主詞前,後面動詞維持P.P.。
• The couple has never been to Europe.
→ Never has the couple been to Europe.
5 若為there beV此類句型則把be動詞放到there前面。
• There is hardly any money left in my wallet.
→ Hardly is there any money left in my wallet.
6 注意 little置於句中解釋成「幾乎不……」與Little置於句首的倒裝句解釋成「一點也不……」意義不同,不可互相替換。
• Scientists little know about other planets.
≠ Little do scientists know
about other planets.
• The local people little knew the cause of the explosion.
≠ Little did the local people
know the cause of the explosion.
(3) 補充句型:(否定)副詞片語放句首
Only + prep. phr./Only then/No
sooner/By no means... + 倒裝句.
說明 1副詞片語置於句首時,主要子句亦用倒裝結構。2by no means也可用on no
account, in no way, in no situation, under no circumstances代替。
• You can achieve your goal only by working hard.
→ Only by working hard can
you achieve your goal.
• I understood the value of friendship only then.
→ Only then did I understand the value of friendship.
• Jack had no sooner arrived home than it started to rain.
→ No sooner had Jack arrived home than it started to rain.
• Tommy is by no means a liar.
→ By no means is Tommy a liar.
• I will on no account accept the offer. That’s too expensive.
→ On no account will I accept the offer. That’s too expensive.
• Hank will under no circumstances do such a thing.
→ Under no circumstances will Hank do such a thing.
1. I could hardly believe the dancer’s amazing performance.
the dancer’s
amazing performance.
2. Tony is seldom late to work.
late to work.
3. The man rarely rides a bike to the park.
a bike to the
4. That man is by no means a suspect.
5. There are scarcely any street crimes in this town.
1. Hardly could I believe
2. Seldom is Tony
3. Rarely does the man ride
4. By no means is that man a suspect.
5. Scarcely are there any street crimes in this town.
Focal Point 2
連接詞 + S + V, S + V. →(連接詞)V-ing..., S + V.
當副詞子句與主要子句的主詞相同時,由連接詞所引導的副詞子句,可以省略主詞改為分詞構句:V-ing/P.P...., S + V. 可用來表「時間」、「原因」、「條件」、「讓步」、「附帶狀況」等意思,注意只有副詞子句做變化,主要子句不變。本課只教授主動動詞的用法,被動將於下一課教授。教學順序建議如下:
(1) 複習分詞片語的句型。
(2) 教授本課文法。
(3) 教授補充句型。
(1) 複習句型:分詞片語(B3 L2)
1 ... N + who/which/that + V...
→ ... N + V-ing...
2 ... N + who/which/that + be + P.P....
→ ... N + P.P....(亦可於下一課再複習)
• The lady who is singing on the stage is my sister.
→ The lady singing on the
stage is my sister.
• The little panda that is playing with the ball is
so cute.
→ The little panda playing
with the ball is so cute.
• The statue that is located in the park is made of
→ The statue located in
the park is made of copper.
• The scholarship that is offered by the school adds
up to NT$1,000,000.
→ The scholarship offered
by the school adds up to NT$1,000,000.
• The man who was hit by a car was sent to the
hospital immediately.
→ The man hit by a car
was sent to the hospital immediately.
(2) 課本句型:
連接詞 + S + V, S + V. →(連接詞)V-ing..., S + V.
1 分詞構句的分類(副詞子句的連接詞):
→ 表時間:when, while, as, after, as soon as
→ 表理由:as, because, since
→ 表條件:if, unless
→ 表讓步:although, though
2 遇到動詞為beV時,需改為being,通常可以省略。
3 若是副詞子句為完成式,則需將have, has或had改為having。
4 副詞子句為否定句時,改為Not + V-ing。
5 連接詞可省略,也可保留,保留的話讓語意更清楚。
6 可提醒同學,只會在有連接詞引導的副詞子句會做變化,主要子句不需做任何改變。
• When I took the train to Taipei, I met an old friend of mine.
→ Taking a train to Taipei, I met an old friend of mine.
• After I started studying English, I became more interested
in American culture.
→ (After) Starting to study
English, I became more interested in American culture.
(3) 補充句型:
1 S + V1...V2-ing....
• Alice ran back home crying.
• The crowd stayed in the church singing.
• We arrived in the city feeling excited.
2 S + V1...,
and Katy lay on the grass and appreciated the stars.
→ Betty and Katy lay on the grass, appreciating the stars.
• The policeman entered the room and searched everywhere.
→ The policeman entered the room, searching everywhere.
3 (連接詞)S1 + V1-ing..., S2 + V2.
• Since it was a rainy day, we did nothing but stay at home.
→ It being a rainy day, we did nothing but stay at home.
1. While I was driving on the freeway, I saw a car accident.
→ ,
I saw a car accident.
2. Because Jacky did not speak English, he was misunderstood.
Jacky was misunderstood.
3. Although Nick was born without arms, he is still optimistic.
→ ,
Nick is still optimistic.
4. Since I have not watched the movie, I have no idea about the ending.
→ ,
I have no idea about the ending.
5. Since Betty was sick, she still went to work.
→ ,
Betty still went to work.
1. (While) Driving on
the freeway
2. Not speaking English
3. (Being) Born without arms
4. Not having watched the movie
5. (Since) Being sick
Focal Point 2
連接詞 + S +
V, S + V. →(連接詞)V-ing…,
S + V.
(1) 表時間(when, while)、因果(because...)、條件(if)、讓步(although,
(2) 簡化步驟:
① 連接詞通常省略。
② 省略相同的主詞。
③ 動詞若為「主動之動作」,則改成現在分詞(V-ing);若為完成式,則將助動詞have、has或had改為having,變成having + P.P.。
(3) 如為否定句,則應將not置於分詞之前。
● When Jimmy glanced at
the brands on the top two shelves, he noticed one that had a
special offer.
è Glancing at the
brands on the top two shelves, Jimmy noticed one that had a
special offer.
● Even when customers
line up at the counter, they can find cheap items within
their reach and may end up getting one.
è Even when lining up at the
counter, customers can find cheap items within their reach and
may end up getting one.
● While Sue was walking in the
park, she noticed a stranger following her.
è Walking in the park, Sue
noticed a stranger following her.
● Because Alice didn’t find
her wallet, she became very nervous.
è Not finding her
wallet, Alice became very nervous.
Practice Please combine the sentences by using the
pattern above.

è Having no
money, John can’t buy any food.

è Having finished her homework, Mindy went to

è Having a headache, Allen didn’t go to school

è Sitting on the sofa, Tina heard her baby

è While taking a shower, Rita fell on the