2016年4月26日 星期二

Book 2 Unit 4: Vocabulary & Phrases

Words for Production
1. crowd [kraʊd] n. [C] 群眾 a large group of people who have gathered together
õ When their favorite singer showed up on stage, the crowd was excited.
crowded [ˋkraʊdɪd] adj. 擁擠的
õ The department store is crowded with people who are doing their Christmas shopping.
(1) get through the crowd 穿越人群
• It’s difficult to get through the crowd of crazy shoppers.
(2) follow the crowd 隨波逐流
• I don’t follow the crowd. I only listen to my heart.
(3) be crowded with 充滿⋯⋯ SYN be full of, be filled with
• The bus was crowded with people. They were either office workers or students.
crowd vi. 擠滿
crowd around/round 圍繞;圍攏
• People quickly crowd around/round when there is a street accident.
(1) crown n. [C] 皇冠
• Little Mary was dressed as a princess, with a shiny crown on her head.
(2) crow n. [C] 烏鴉
• Crows are seen as a symbol of luck in Japan.
2. handicapped [ˋhændɪ͵kæpt] adj. 有肢體障礙的;有生理缺陷的 not able to use part of the body or mind because it has been damaged in some way  SYN disabled
hand: 表示""
      handicap [`hændikæp] v.妨礙,使不利 n.傷殘,缺陷;不利條件
        構詞法: hand+i=in進入+cap帽→指古代彩票賭馬將罰金置於帽中→設置不利條件
近義詞: burden  disadvantage  hindrance  load
õ The students held an event to raise money for handicapped children.
physically/mentally handicapped people 肢體/精神障礙者
(1) handicap vt. 妨礙(通常用被動形式)
The project is handicapped for lack of money.
(2) handicap n. [C] 障礙
The school has been built for children with all types of physical handicaps.
(1) handicraft 手工藝品
(2) handicraftsman 工匠
3. amazed [əˋmezd] adj. 吃驚的 very surprised  SYN surprised
õ We were amazed at how the single mother could make ends meet on such a low income.
amaze [əˋmez] vt. 使大為驚奇;使驚愕
amaze [ə`meiz] vt.
近義詞: astonish  astound  bewilder  surprise   thunderstruck
õ It amazed me [that my boss agreed to the plan so quickly] because it usually takes him a long time [to make decisions].
amazing [əˋmezɪŋ] adj. 令人驚訝的(指好事)
õ The imagination of young children is amazing. You may be surprised by their creativity.
amazement [əˋmezmənt] n. [U] 驚奇;詫異
õ The crowd listened in amazement as the little girl sang beautifully on the stage.
(1) be amazed at/by 感到驚訝
• The mother was amazed at/by her boy’s quick reaction.
(2) in/with amazement 驚訝地
• When I told my parents that I was going to get married, they just looked at me in/with amazement.
(3) to one’s amazement 令某人驚訝的是
• To our amazement, Tom didn’t show up for his first date.
(4) stand in utter amazement 訝異地目瞪口呆
• The magician’s performance made his whole audience stand in utter amazement.
4. cheer [tʃɪr] vi. 歡呼 to shout as a way of showing encouragement to someone or something
õ The audience cheered loudly when their favorite team won the basketball game.
cheerful [ˋtʃɪrfəl] adj. 高興的;興高采烈的 SYN happy
õ Although Jason has had bad luck recently, he is trying to stay positive and cheerful.
(1) cheer sb. up 提振某人的精神
• May took her friend out to cheer her up since she was upset for her boyfriend’s leaving.
(2) cheer on/for sb. 為某人加油、歡呼
• Millions of fans went into the stadium to cheer on/for their favorite team.
cheer n. [C] 歡呼
• Let’s give a cheer to the player who won the game!
5. disease [dɪˋziz] n. [C] 疾病 an illness which affects a person, animal, or plant
eas: 表示"舒適,容易"
     disease [di`zi:z] n.疾病, 弊病
     構詞法: dis+ease舒服→n.疾病, 弊病
õ To keep the disease from spreading, please cover your mouth when you cough.
(1) prevent/cure + 疾病 預防/治療疾病
• The government took action to prevent SARS from spreading.
(2) a small/serious disease 小/重病
1 disease 指「特定的疾病」,尤其是傳染病或身上某部位的疾病。
• My father has a lung disease. He has to take medicine every day.
2 illness 用於「生病的期間、狀態」。
• Due to his illness, John stayed indoors.
6. disabled [dɪsˋeb!d] adj. 身心障礙的;有缺陷的 unable to use a part of one’s own body completely or easily because of an illness or injury SYN handicapped
abl,abili: = able,表示"能力"
   disable [dis`eibl] v.使殘廢, 使失去能力, 喪失能力
   構詞法: dis去掉+able有能力的→v.使殘廢, 使失去能力, 喪失能力
近義詞: cripple  weaken
õ The government provides free training for disabled people to help them find jobs.
learning-disabled adj. 無學習能力的;有學習障礙的
• Learning-disabled children can still be educated. The teachers have to be very patient.
disable vt. 使失去能力;使傷殘
• Jake’s illness totally disabled him from doing his job.
• A serious disease disabled John, and he has had no hearing ever since.
【字首】dis- 表示「否定;減少」;en- 表示「加入;增加」
(1) dis + able (能力) → disable 使不能夠en + able → enable 使能夠
(2) dis + courage (勇氣) → discourage 使氣餒;使沮喪en + courage → encourage 鼓勵;打氣
7. intelligent [ɪnˋtɛlədʒənt] adj. 有才智的;聰明的 good at learning, understanding, and thinking in a logical way about things  SYN smart
lect,lig: =choose,gather,表示"選擇,收集"
 intelligent [in`telidʒənt] a.聰明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的, []智能的
 構詞法: intel=inter...中間+lig選擇,收集+ent...的→a.聰明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的, []智能的
õ Martin learns faster than Amy. He seems quite intelligent.
intelligence [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəns] n. [U] 智能;理解力
lect,lig: =choose,gather,表示"選擇,收集"
 intelligence [in`telidʒəns] n.智力,聰明;理解力;情報,消息,報導
 構詞法: intel=inter...中間+lig選擇,收集+ence性質,狀態→在中間選出好的人→智力
õ Bruce is very smart. In fact, he showed a high degree of intelligence from an early age.
(1) intelligence quotient 智力商數 (=IQ)
(2) emotional intelligence quotient 情緒商 (=EQ)
(3) intelligence test 智力測驗;智能測驗
(1) intelligentintellectual的比較:
A  intelligent:有才智的;聰明的;明智的
B  intellectual:智力的;理智的
   e.g. intellectual property 智慧財產
(2) smart, clever, intelligent, bright 的比較:
A  smart:聰明機靈的
B  clever:聰明伶俐的
強調頭腦靈活,接受新事物快,但不一定暗示全面妥當地 考慮問題。
C  intelligent:有才智、聰明的
D  bright:學習快速的
8. participate [pɑrˋtɪsə͵pet] vi. 參與 to take part in an activity
cap,capt,cept,ceive,cip,cup: =take/hold/seize, 表示",,握住"
  participate [pɑ:`tisipeit] v.參與,參加;分享,分擔;含有,帶有
 構詞法: parti=part部分+cip,,握住+ate做→抓住成為一部分→參與
part,port: =part/divide,表示"部分,分開"
õ Parents should actively participate in their children’s education.
(1) participation n. [U] 參加;參與(+ in
• Thank you for your participation in the meeting. We hope you have learned a lot  today.
(2) participant n. [C] 參與者
• All the participants were encouraged to try their best and enjoy the game.
9. complete [kəmˋplit] vt. 完成 to finish doing or making something  SYN achieve, finish
ple,plen,plet,pli,ply: =full/fill,表示"滿,填滿"
  complete [kəm`pli:t] a.完全的,圓滿的 v.完成,結束,使完滿
  構詞法: com全部+plet滿+e→全部滿了→完成的
近義詞: clean up  close up  conclude  end   entire  finish  terminate  thorough  whole   wind up
反義詞: imperfect  incomplete
õ You have only 40 minutes to complete the entire test. Please answer the questions as quickly and carefully as possible.
complete [kəmˋplit] adj. 完整的;完全的  ANT incomplete
õ This book is a complete guide to the history of street dance. You can find its origins and latest changes in the book.
im-,in-,ig-:    表示",,"
  incomplete [ˌinkəm`pli:t] a.不完全的, 不完善的
  構詞法: in,,+complete完全的,圓滿的→a.不完全的, 不完善的
近義詞: deficient  imperfect  lacking  partial   unfinished  wanting
反義詞: complete
completely [kəmˋplitlɪ] adv. 完整地;完全地  ANT incompletely
-ly 表副詞,放在形容詞後,"..."
com-,con-: 表示"共同,一起;大傢,全部"
 complete [kəm`pli:t] a.完全的,圓滿的 v.完成,結束,使完滿
 構詞法: com共同,一起;大傢,全部+plet滿+e→全部滿了→完成的
ple,plen,plet,pli,ply: =full/fill,表示"滿,填滿"
ple,plen,plet,pli,ply: =full/fill,表示"滿,填滿"
 completion [kəm`pli:ʃ(ə)n] n.完成,結束,完滿
 構詞法: complete[a.完全的,圓滿的 v.完成,結束,使完滿]+ion表名詞→n.完成,結束,完滿
õ Although May and Lynn are twins, they have completely different personalities.
雖然MayLynn是雙胞胎,但是她們的人格特質完全不同。 personality n. [C,U] 人格
completion n. [U] 完成
• Tony has worked all year round, and now his studies are nearing completion.
complete, finish, accomplish, fulfill, achieve比較:
(1) complete 完成(告一段落)
• I can’t complete my English homework without a dictionary.
(2) finish(徹底地)完成
• John finished cleaning his room in 30 minutes.
(3) accomplish(事情、工作在期限內)完成
• The task will be accomplished within a year.
(4) fulfill 順利地完成(期待發生的事)
• Hank finally fulfilled his childhood dream of becoming a doctor.
(5) achieve(努力過後)得到;獲得
• Jane has achieved the success she works hard for after many years.
10.  inspire [ɪnˋspaɪr] vt. 鼓舞;激勵 to give somebody the desire, confidence, or enthusiasm to do something well SYN encourage
spir: =breathe,表示"呼吸,精神"
 inspire [in`spaiə] vt.鼓舞,激起;使產生靈感
 構詞法: in進入+spir呼吸,精神+e→吸氣進去→引申為鼓勵
õ Yani Tseng’s success has inspired many young golfers to live out their dreams.
inspiration [͵ɪnspəˋreʃən] n. [U] 靈感
spir: =breathe,表示"呼吸,精神"
 inspiration [ˌinspə`reiʃən] n.靈感;鼓舞,激勵
 構詞法: inspire[vt.鼓舞,激起;使產生靈感]+ation表名詞→n.靈感;鼓舞,激勵
õ The inspiration for many great inventions comes from the inventors’ daily lives.
inspiring [ɪnˋspaɪrɪŋ] adj. 激勵人心的;啟發靈感的
1.-ing: 表形容詞,"...的或令人..."
2.-ing: "..."
 inspiring [in`spaiəriŋ] a.灌輸的,鼓舞的
 構詞法: inspire鼓舞+ing令人...的→inspiring灌輸的
im-,in-: 表示"向內,成為,進入,使..."
 inspired [ɪnˋspaɪrd] a.有創見的,有靈感的
 構詞法: in向內,成為,進入,使...+spir呼吸+ed的→有呼吸的→有生命的
õ When I was young, my mother often encouraged me with inspiring stories.
(1) inspire sb. with sth. 在某人心中激起某種感情
• Jake’s speech inspired me with a desire to succeed.
(2) draw/get inspiration from... ⋯⋯當中獲得靈感
• Many poets and artists drew inspiration from daily life.
(3) in a flash of inspiration 靈機一動;靈感一閃
(1) inspire 鼓舞⋯⋯去努力(主詞為物或人)
• The painter’s story inspired me to go after my dream.
(2) encourage 鼓勵⋯⋯去努力(主詞為人)
• My teacher encourages me to learn a third language.
11. form [form]vt. 成立;組織 to begin or create something, especially organizing people or things
form: =shape,表示"形狀"
 form [fɔ:m] n.形狀, 形態 v.形成
 構詞法: form形狀→n.形狀, 形態 v.形成
近義詞: compose  construct  create  develop   fashion  grade  kind  make  manner   method  mold  procedure  shape  species   style  type  variety  way
õ A group of teenagers are planning to form a social networking website.
(1) form vt. 形成;成形
• Many great ideas began to form from small things.
(2) form n. [C] 形狀;表格;種類
• The design uses many forms, such as triangles, circles, squares, and so on.
• To apply for a job, you must fill out a form first.
12. aim [em] n. [C] 目的;目標 something you hope to achieve or accomplish SYN goal, purpose
õ The aim of this study is to find new power sources. 這項研究的目的是找到新的能源。
aim [em]vi. 致力意欲
õ I aim to be a doctor by the age of 25.
(1) aim at 瞄準;對準
• The hunter aimed at the lion and fired. However, he missed, and the lion ran away.
(2) aim to + VR 致力;意欲
• A : What do you aim to do? B : I want to be a writer.
aimless adj. 無目標的
• If you lead an aimless life, you may feel empty.
(1) aim 用於指明確的目標與目前正在做的事。
• My TOEFL score is 197, and my aim is to achieve a score of 213 by the end of my first year of college.
(2) purpose 用於指人生的抱負與目標。
• The purpose of my life is to be a successful lawyer.
13. confident [ˋkɑnfədənt] adj. 有信心的;有自信的 feeling sure about one’s own ability to do things and be successful
fid,faith,fed: =trust/faith,表示"信任,相信,信念"
 confident [`kɔnfidənt] a.[of,in]確信的,自信的
 構詞法: confide[v.吐露[心事],委託,信賴]+ent...的→a.[of,in]確信的,自信的
-ent: 表形容詞,"..."
õ Good models should be confident of themselves on the runway. runway n. [C] 伸展台
confidence [ˋkɑnfədəns] n. [U] 信心;自信
fid,faith,fed: =trust/faith,表示"信任,相信,信念"
 confidence [`kɔnfidəns] n.[in]信任;信心,自信;秘密,機密
 構詞法: confide[v.吐露[心事],委託,信賴]+ence表名詞→n.[in]信任;信心,自信;秘密,機密
õ Marsa has practiced hard, so she is full of confidence about the competition.
(1) be confident of/about ⋯⋯有信心;確信
• Although there are many problems, we are confident of/about solving them one by one.
(2) have every/complete confidence in... ⋯⋯有極大的信心
• Teddy has complete confidence in his doctor. He is sure that he will recover very soon.
confidential adj. 機密的;可信賴的
fid,faith,fed: =trust/faith,表示"信任,相信,信念"
 confidential [kɔnfi`denʃəl] a.[]密的;表示信任的;擔任機密工作的
 構詞法: confident[a.[of,in]確信的,自信的]+ial...的→相信的人才知道
• This confidential file must be kept in the safe. No one can touch it except me.
Words for Recognition
1. triathlon [traɪˋæθlɑn] n. [C] 鐵人三項(游泳、單車、賽跑三項全能賽)
2. wheelchair n. [C] 輪椅
(1) steering wheel 汽車的方向盤
(2) spare/wheel tire 備用胎
(3) Ferris wheel 摩天輪
(4) big wheel 大人物
(5) third/fifth wheel【美口】電燈泡;多餘的人
(6) four-wheel 四輪的;四輪驅動的
(7) behind the wheel 開車
(8) put one’s shoulder to the wheel 某人很認真工作
(9) The squeaky wheel gets the oil. 會哭的小孩有糖吃。
3. cerebral palsy [ˋsɛrəbrəl] [ˋpɔlzɪ] n. 腦性麻痺
4. Hoyt Foundation [faʊnˋdeʃən] n. 賀特基金會
lay/provide the foundation for... ⋯⋯打好基礎
• Jim’s hard work laid the foundation for his success.
found vt. 建立;建造 (found—founded—founded)
• Jack Smith founded this school in 1974, and his aim was to help blind children.
1. be made up of  由…組成
   õ About 70 percent* of the human body is made up of water. * percent n. [C] 百分之一
(1) be made of 保有本質的東西,為物理變化(形狀),例如:木材變成桌子。
• The chair is made of wood.
(2) be made from 看不出本質的東西,為化學變化(成分),例如:葡萄釀成酒。
• This wine is made from grapes.
(3) be made into 做成、變成⋯⋯
• Tea-seed oil can be made into health-care products.
be made up of, be composed of, consist of 的比較:
(1) be made up of make up 的被動語態,其主動語態也常使用。
• The team is made up of ten fashion designers. = Ten fashion designers make up the team.
(2) be composed of 只用被動語態,不用主動語態。
• The dish is composed of many ingredients, and one of them is pork.
(3) consist of 比較正式,consist為不及物動詞,所以只能用主動語態,不用被動語態。
• This team consists of people from all walks of life, such as teachers, scientists, artists, and so on.
2. be born with  生來就…(有疾病或問題)
   õ The baby was born with health problems, so he will have to take medicine his whole life.
bear vt. 出生;忍受 (bear—bore—born/borne)
• I can’t bear working with such a selfish person.
(1) be born in + 大地方(如:城市)
• Oliver was born in Taipei, but he was raised in Kaohsiung.
(2) be born at + 小地點(如:家或醫院等)
• My baby sister was born at the hospital near our house.
(3) be born on + 日期in + 年份(月份)
• I was born on December 15, 1973.
(4) be born into/to + 家庭/狀況等
• One-third of the children in the class are born into single-parent families.
3. be known as  以…(身分、名稱等)為人們所熟知 
   õ Michael Jackson is known as the King of Pop.

(1) be known for + 事物或特色 以⋯⋯聞名
Taiwan is known for its delicious snacks. You have to try them when you visit the country.
(2) be known as + 身分/職業/名字 以⋯⋯聞名
Taiwan is also known as Formosa, which means a beautiful island.
(3) be known to + sb. 為某人所知
• The beauty of Taiwan is known to people around the world.

