2016年4月20日 星期三

News English - 225

An Ancient Challenge with a New, High-Tech Twist
        By all accounts, Lee Sedol is a master of the ancient board game—Go. Although the thirty-three-year-old South Korean looks boyish, he is an eighteen-time Go world champion. In addition, he is widely acknowledged as one of the best Go players in the world. However, it appears that this legend has finally met his match, as Lee was defeated four out of five times in a recent Go tournament. His opponent? A Google computer program named AlphaGo.
        The “man versus machine” Go tournament was held in Seoul, South Korea, and it featured a million US dollars in prize money. Before the tournament, Lee was optimistic about his chances. However, this optimism quickly disappeared after Lee was defeated by the computer three times in a row. Stunned, Lee blamed the losses on “psychological pressure.” He was able to rally to a victory in the fourth match before losing once again in the fifth and final match.
        Of course, this is not the first time that a computer has played a human in a board game. In 1997, a supercomputer from IBM named Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov, who was the reigning world chess champion. Although this outcome shocked many at the time, experts predicted that it would be much more difficult for a computer to defeat a human in the game of Go. In fact, before the recent challenge, some said that computer programs would need at least ten more years before they could compete with Go masters like Lee, since the game is so complex and has an almost endless number of possible moves. The overwhelming victory of AlphaGo has caused many experts to rethink their predictions about the future of computers and artificial intelligence.
        The AlphaGo program was created and developed by a company called DeepMind. Google purchased this company in 2014, and it became part of Alphabet, Google’s parent company. Sergey Brin, president of Alphabet and the co-founder of Google, praised both Lee and AlphaGo, and called the game of Go itself “a very beautiful game.”
        Although some are worried by the victories of this computer, Ke Jie, an eighteen-year-old boy from China who is the number one Go player in the world, still believes that he can beat AlphaGo, if they were ever to play each other. No matter what, one thing is certain: the future of the game of Go and the world itself may have been changed forever by the victories of AlphaGo.

Reading Comprehension
(     ) 1. The main idea of this passage is that ________.
(A) the ancient board game Go is a game hard to master
(B) the advance of A.I. technologies is faster than expected
(C) Google has beat IBM and become the leader in A.I. technologies
(D) Sergey Brin is the main driving force behind the success of AlphaGo.
(     ) 2. Who is the best Go player in the world rank after the five-game tournament between Lee Sedol and AlphaGo?
(A) Lee Sedol.              (B) AlphaGo.          (C) Garry Kasparov.        (D) Ke Jie.
(     ) 3. Which of the following comparisons and contrasts between DeepBlue and AlphaGo is NOT true according to the passage?
(A) They are both computer programs specifically designed for certain games.
(B) They have both beat world champions in some territories at their time.
(C) The later is about two decades more advanced than the former.
(D) The former was designed and developed by IBM and the later by DeepMind.
(     ) 4. According to the passage, it could be inferred that ________.
(A) the author believes that Ke Jie could beat AlphaGo
(B) Sergey Brin was the main designer of AlphaGo
(C) Lee Sedol was confident of success before the games with AlphaGo
(D) the author is pessimistic about the future of the game of Go
(     ) 5. After the first game with AlphaGo, Lee Sedol expressed that his failure was caused by ________.
(A) his arrogance                                           (B) his carelessness
(C) the invincible opponent                          (D) mental pressure

Vocabulary and Phrases
1. by all accounts  phr. 從各方面來說據說
I’ve never been to Kyoto, but it is, by all accounts, a quite beautiful place worth visiting.
2. boyish [`bOIIS] adj. 孩子氣的男孩似的
The man with a boyish face looks 10 years younger than he actually is.
3. acknowledge [1k`nAlIdZ] vt. 承認
be acknowledged as  phr. 被公認為
Einstein, well-known for his Theory of Relativity, was acknowledged as a genius.
4. legend [`lEdZ1nd] n. [C] 傳奇人物
As a legend in baseball, Barry Bonds held a record of 73 home runs in a single season.
5. meet one’s match  phr. 遇到旗鼓相當的對手
After winning for years, the champion player finally met his match on the field.
6. defeat [dI`fit] vt. 擊敗戰勝
To everyone’s surprise, the youngest boy defeated all of the experienced players.
7. tournament [`t3n1m1nt] n. [C] 錦標賽比賽聯賽
In the keen competition of this international tennis tournament, Serena narrowly won the championship.
8. opponent [1`pon1nt] n. [C] 敵手,對手
Nothing could shake William’s confidence that he would beat all his opponents.
9. versus [`v3s1s] prep. 對抗
The final game tonight is Yankees versus Red Sox. You shouldn’t miss it.
10. optimism [`Apt1&mIz1m] n. [U] 樂觀,樂觀主義
The young man is filled with optimism; he is always looking on the bright side of everything.
11. in a row  phr. 連續地
You need to win four times in a row if you want to challenge the champion in this game.
12. stunned [st^nd] adj. 震驚的
The sudden breakout of the deadly disease made everyone stunned.
13. psychological [&saIk1`lAdZIkL] adj. 心理的,精神的
In today’s society, psychological well-being has become a very important issue that everyone cares about.
14. rally [`r8lI] vi. 重新振作(精神等)
Though being knocked down in the first round, the tough boxer rallied to beat his opponent at last.
15. reigning [`renI9] adj. 現任的,(體育、競賽項目冠軍)本屆的
The reigning champ is now at his peak and believes that nobody could beat him.
16. outcome [`a5t&k^m] n. [C] 結果,結局
Stanley was satisfied with the outcome of his efforts. He got straight A’s.
17. predict [prI`dIkt] vt. 預言,預料
prediction [prI`dIkS1n] n. [C][U] 預言,預報
The weather forecasters have predicted occasional showers for the coming weekend.
The superstitious man believes every prediction of the fortune teller about his future.
18. endless [`EndlIs] adj. 無盡的,不斷的,無休止的
The young kid’s death left endless pain and sorrow in her parents’ hearts.
19. overwhelming [&ov2`hwElmI9] adj. 壓倒性的;勢不可擋的
Whoever has the strength to persevere in spite of overwhelming hardships ahead can be an outstanding leader.
20. rethink [ri`TI9k] vt. vi. 重新考慮;再想想
The government decides to rethink about its policy since there are many people opposed to it.
21. artificial [&Art1`fIS1l] adj. 人工的,人造的
Instead of using fresh-cut flowers, the family used artificial ones to decorate the house.
22. intelligence [In`tEl1dZ1ns] n. [U] 智慧;理解力
artificial intelligence (AI)  phr. 人工智慧
Since a child’s intelligence develops quickly before the age of six, more and more parents put much emphasis on preschool education.
How much AI is used in our daily life might be more than most people think.

Words for Recognition
1. Lee Sedol  n. 李世乭
2. Go [Go] n. 圍棋
3. South Korean  n. 南韓人
4. Google  n. 谷歌
5. AlphaGo  n. 阿爾法圍棋
由英國Google Deepmind所開發的人工智慧圍棋程式,也是第一個不藉助讓子而擊敗職業九段棋士的電腦圍棋程式。在與李世乭的五局賽後被韓國棋院授予名譽職業九段的榮譽。
6. Seoul [sol] n. 首爾
7. supercomputer [&sup2`k1mpjut2] n. 超級電腦
8. IBM  n. 國際商業機器股份有限公司(International Business Machines Corporation
9. Deep Blue  n. 深藍
10. Garry Kasparov  n. 蓋瑞‧卡斯帕洛夫
11. DeepMind  n. 深度思維
一家英國的人工智慧公司,建立於2010年,最初名稱為深度思維科技公司(DeepMind Technologies),2014年被谷歌收購後更名為Google DeepMind
12. Alphabet  n. 字母表
13. Sergey Brin  n. 謝爾蓋‧布林
14. co-founder [&ko`fa5nd2] n. [C] 共同創辦人
15. Ke Jie  n. 柯潔


閱讀測驗解答:1. B  2. D  3. A  4. C  5. D

