all have different beliefs2
about how we should behave3 in public.
1-1. We
all have different beliefs2
about what to do and what not to do. 對於什麼事該做、什麼事不該做,我們都有不同的看法。
belief about sth. 關於某事物的想法或看法
名詞子句wh- S + V當前後子句主詞相同時,亦可轉換為名詞片語wh- to VR:
how we
should behave in public→ how to behave in public
The backpacker didn’t know where he could take the bus.
backpacker didn’t know where to take the bus.
本句介系詞about後接名詞子句how we should behave in public為受詞。
1-2. The
things that we are not supposed to do are called taboos. 我們不應該做的事,稱為禁忌。
that we are not supposed to do為形容詞子句,修飾先行詞the things。that為受格關代,可省略。
The bike (that) my younger brother is riding is mine.
are called指「被稱為」,為被動語態beV + P.P.。
The window was broken by some boys who were playing baseball nearby.
1-3. In Taiwan,
there are some taboos about words, special days, and eating habits. 在臺灣,我們有一些關於用字遣詞、特殊日期及飲食習慣的禁忌。SPP 3:regarding + N/V-ing
² regarding為介系詞,意為「關於」。此字較為正式,多用於書信、演說中,語意等同concerning和with regard to。
² regarding除接名詞、動名詞外,也可接wh-疑問詞引導的名詞子句和名詞片語。
contacted a professional, regarding your request for expert
politician refused to make any comment regarding whether he was
seen driving drunk last night.
()1. If you have any questions the task, please raise your hand.
without (B) under
through (D) regarding
()2. The CEO will respond later
the recent report that the company has
money problems.
regarding (B) according to
in addition to (D) such as
1-4. We
believe we should avoid3 breaking these taboos because it might offend4
others or bring us bad luck. 我們相信應該避免違反這些禁忌,因為這麼做可能會冒犯他人或為我們招致厄運。
it為代名詞,指breaking these taboos這個行為。
在此others為代名詞,等於other people。others (pron.) = other (adj.) + 複數名詞
Some students are chatting; others (= other students) are sleeping.
2-1. Some
Chinese expressions are taboos because they sound like words that carry
negative5 meanings6. 有些中文表達法成為禁忌,是因為它們聽起來像帶有負面含意的字。
feel(感覺起來)/ look(看起來)/ smell(聞起來)/ taste(嚐起來)/ sound(聽起來)+ like N / Adj (像⋯)
•Kevin looks like his
father. •Kevin looks happy.
that carry negative meanings為形容詞子句,用來修飾先行詞words。
carry vt. 含有;帶有
2-2. We consider7 the number four
unlucky because it sounds similar to the word for “death.” 我們認為數字「四」不吉利,因為它聽來類似「死」這個字。
※consider A (to be) B 「認為A是B」→ B可為名詞或形容詞,用來補充說明A。
(1) consider/think + A (to
be) B 認為A是B
• I consider Obama (to be)
a great speaker.
(2) regard/think of
+ A as B 認為A是B
• Ken thinks of Jeremy Lin
as his role model.
(3) see/take/view/look
on + A as B 視A為B
That’s why some hospitals and hotels in
do not have a fourth floor. 那就是為什麼臺灣有些醫院和旅館沒有四樓。
This/That is why + 說明結果的子句,用於闡明上文所帶來的結果。
2-4. Also, we don’t give clocks as gifts, because the phrase8 “to give away
a clock” sounds the same as “to attend9 a funeral10.” 此外,我們不送時鐘作為禮物,因為「送鐘」聽起來和「送終」相同。
also表「此外」,放句首修飾整句,為常見的轉折語,其他近義的有besides, furthermore, in
addition, moreover等。
As a mother, I will do my best to protect my child.
A + be/連綴動詞 + the same as + B「A和B一樣」
Penny’s new smartphone is the same as mine.
3-1. There
are also taboos that are related to certain11
periods12 of the year. 有些禁忌跟一年當中的某些時間點相關。
3-2. For example, we believe that the Lunar New
Year brings us good luck.
3-3. As a result, we do not sweep13 the floor on the first day of the Lunar New Year because this would take away the good fortune14. 因此,我們在農曆大年初一當天不掃地,因為這樣會把好運給掃走。
3-4. Another belief
is about
the seventh month of the lunar calendar, a month
that is also called “Ghost
Month.” 另一個禁忌據信與農曆七月有關,亦俗稱鬼月。
(1) another (adj.) + 單數名詞 另一個⋯
We can go to another restaurant if this one is too crowded and noisy.
I don’t like this necklace. Could you show me another (= another necklace)?
a month that is also called “Ghost Month”為前面名詞 the seventh
month of the lunar calendar的同位語,用來補充說明。又此同位語中帶有一形容詞子句that
is also called “Ghost Month”,修飾先行詞a month。
3-5. During this
summer month, Taiwanese parents warn15 their children not to go to the beach. 在這個夏季月份期間,臺灣的父母會警告他們的孩子不要去海邊。
3-6. This is because we believe that ghosts may take us away if we go near the
water. 這是因為我們相信如果靠近水邊,水鬼會把我們帶走。
This/That is why/because + S + V.就是在why/ because後面+ 說明原因的子句,用於闡明上文某事發生的原因。SPP 1
² This/That
is why表示「這╱那就是為什麼…」,用於說明某件事造成的結果。This/That is because表示「這╱那是因為…」,用於解釋造成某件事的原因。
this summer month, Taiwanese parents warn their children not to go to the beach.
This is because we believe that ghosts may take us away if we go near
the water.
I eat nuts, my throat swells. That is why I can’t have Gong Bao
()1. As a chef, Heather is serious about her dishes. many customers like her.
Which is why (B) Which is because (C)
That is why (D) That is because
2. 我今晚不能跟你出去。這是因為我必須在明天前完成這份報告。
I can’t
go out with you tonight. \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, I have to finish the paper by tomorrow.
Focal Point 1
(I) This/That is why S + V.
(II) This/That is because S + V.
(1) 句型(I)用以表達「這/那就是為什麼……」;而句型(II)用以表達「這/那就是因為……」。
(2) This/That is 為主要子句。連接詞 why 引導「結果」,做主詞補語(SC);連接詞 because 引導「原因」,做主詞補語。
● We
consider the number four unlucky because it sounds similar to the word for
“death.” That’s
why some hospitals and hotels in Taiwan
do not have a fourth floor.
● During
this summer month, Taiwanese parents warn their children not to go to the
beach. This
is because we believe that ghosts may take us away if we go near the water.
Practice Choose the
correct sentence to finish the conversation by using the pattern above.
˙ Their
spaghetti is the best in town.
˙ It’s
a way of praising the chef in their culture.
˙ They
are not talking to each other.
˙ The
number four sounds like the word for “death” in Chinese.
˙ She
has lost a lot of weight.
1. George: What happened between your
brother and your sister? 你哥哥和姊姊怎麼了?
Janet: They had a fight last night. This/That is why they are not talking to
each other.
2. Tony: Wow! How did you get the house at
such a low price? 哇!你是怎麼用這麼低的價格買到這間房子的?
Amy: Well,
in Taiwan ,
houses on the fourth floor are usually cheaper. 嗯,在臺灣,四樓的房子通常都比較便宜。
This/That is because the number four sounds like
the word for “death” in Chinese. 這/那是因為數字四聽起來像中文的「死」。
3. Fred: Stop slurping! You’re being rude! 吃東西不要那麼大聲!你這樣很粗魯耶!
Lucy: It’s OK to slurp noodles in local
restaurants in Japan . 在日本當地的餐廳吃麵時,發出聲響是沒關係的啦。
This/That is because it’s a way of praising
the chef in their culture. 這/那是因為在他們的文化中,這是讚賞主廚廚藝的一種方式。
4. James: Wow! Rita looks so thin! I remember she used
to be chubby. 哇!Rita看起來好瘦!我記得她以前胖胖圓圓的啊!chubby adj. 圓胖的
Rebecca: Well,
she has been playing tennis regularly for months.
is why she has lost a lot of weight. 這/那就是為什麼她瘦了這麼多。
5. Michael: Look! There are so many people
standing in line! 看!有好多人在排隊喔!
Rose: People line up in front of that
restaurant every day.每天都有人在那間餐廳前排隊。
is because their spaghetti is the best in town. 這/那是因為它的義大利麵是城裡最美味的。
Focal Point 1
This/That is why S + V.
This/That is because S + V.
本單元介紹說明結果及原因的句型:(1) This/ That is why + 結果子句。(2) This/That
is because +原因子句。句型變化如下:(1) 表結果:Jane was very tired. That was why she fell asleep in class. (2)
表原因:Jane fell asleep in class. That was because she was
very tired. (3) 表因果:Jane was so tired that she fell
asleep in class.。相關或補充句型供參考,亦可視需要斟酌採用。
(1) 課本句型
1 This/That
is why S +V. 這/那就是為什麼⋯。
2 This/That
is because S + V. 這/那就是因為⋯。
說明:就文法而言,副詞子句(because + S + V)不可作主詞補語,但因使用 “That’s
because...” 的人日漸增多,因此這種口語的用法已被人們所接受,並常用在正式文章裡。需注意副詞子句不可單獨成一句。
I didn’t feel well last night. That was why I went to bed early.
Jane lives alone. That’s why she doesn’t feel happy.
Sam has been in poor health. That’s because he often drinks.
(不可寫為:Sam has been in poor health. Because he often drinks.)
Amy was late for school. That was because it was raining heavily.
(不可寫為:Amy was late for school. Because it was raining heavily.)
(2) 補充句型(I)
1 The
reason (why S + V) is + that子句
2 The
reason (for + N) is + that子句
reason ; why S + V為關係子句,修飾the reason;that子句是主詞補語。2 reason的修飾語另可用片語結構:The reason (for + N) is +
Jimmy lost his job. That’s why he feels depressed. = The reason why
Jimmy feels depressed is that he lost his job.
The weather was awful. That was why we stayed home.
The reason why we stayed home was that the weather was awful.
The reason for his failure is that he is not working hard enough.
The reason for his success is that he gets along well with the
people around him.
(3) 補充句型(II)
1 子句:S + V + the reason + why 子句
2 片語:S + V + the reason + for + 名詞
說明:本句受詞是the reason;why子句為關係子句,修飾the reason;for + 名詞是形容詞片語,修飾the reason。
Brad explained the reason why he was late for work. = Brad explained the
reason for his being late for work.
Carelessness was the main reason why Amy failed the exam. = Carelessness
was the main reason for Amy’s failure on the exam.
The unexpected victory was the reason why the players were in high
The unexpected victory was the reason for the players being in high spirits.
(4) 補充句型(III)
1 This/That
+ is + what S + V. 這/那就是⋯⋯的(東西/事情)。
2 This/That
+ is + how S + V. 這/那就是⋯⋯的方式/方法。
說明:1 what子句 = all that子句,可以用來表達「某人所⋯的一切事物」;2 how子句用來說明方法,亦可寫成:This/That is the way (in which) + 子句。
That’s what/all that I want to be in the future─a doctor without
That’s what/all that Nelly wants to do—make money to help the
Jim works as hard as he can, and that’s how/the way (in which) he
succeeds in business.
Lisa works part-time on weekends, and that’s how/the way (in which)
she has saved up so much money.
(5) 補充句型(IV)
1 This/That
+ is + when S + V. 這/那就是⋯的時間。
2 This/That
+ is + where S + V. 這/那就是⋯的地方。
We all look forward to the weekend. That’s when we can feel relaxed.
My birthday is coming. That’s when I can receive birthday gifts from
The hotel is beautiful. That’s where we will stay for the next three
The traditional market is very convenient. That’s where my mom goes
shopping every morning.
because, what, how,when, where等)
1. Sue is selfish. That’s _______ we don’t
like her.
2. Jane asked for a sick leave. That was ______
she has caught a bad cold.
3. Look at this beautiful lake in the picture.
This is ______ we will go next weekend.
4. We all look forward to holidays. That’s ______
we can do what we like to do.
5. Tom always takes everyone’s opinion into consideration.
That’s ______ he leads his team.
B. 引導式翻譯
1. 那就是他被拒絕的原因。(turn
is the reason _________________________.
2. 那就是我昨天說的話。(what)
was _________________________________.
3. 那村莊就是我以前居住的地方。(where)
village is _____________________________.
4. 就在那時我才了解愛的意義。(when)
was _________________________________.
5. Pam的身體虛弱,原因是她沒有規律地運動。
is weak. That is _______________________.
1. why 2. because 3. where 4. when 5. how
why he was turned down
what I said yesterday
where I used to live
when I realized the meaning of love
because she doesn’t exercise regularly
4-1. When it comes to taboos about eating, there are certain rules to follow. 提到關於飲食的禁忌,有些規則要遵守。
When it comes to N/V-ing 當提到(做)某事時
When it comes to choosing a roommate, look for someone who is neat and easy to
get along with.
I am sorry. What do you mean? I’m not following you.
不定詞to follow作形容詞用,修飾前面名詞片語certain rules。
² When
it comes to N/V-ing, S + V.此片語表示「提到…」,用於介紹某個主題,表達個人看法。
² 在此 to 為介系詞,後接N/V-ing。SPP 4
When it comes to
taboos about eating, there are certain
rules to follow.
it comes to playing word puzzles, no one can
beat Clara.
()1. Mr. Chou likes to comment
on food, but when it comes in the kitchen,
he is awkward.
(A) to cook (B)
to cooking
(C) in cooking (D) that cooks
2. 我知道你會游泳,但是說到水肺潛水,你應該遵守教練的指示。
know you can swim, but \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, scuba
diving, you should follow the coach’s directions.
First, we don’t stick our chopsticks straight up into a
bowl of rice. 首先,我們不把筷子直直地插在一碗米飯裡。
Chopsticks which are stuck this way
would look like the incense
that are used to honor16 the dead. 這樣插在飯碗裡的筷子看起來很像用來敬拜逝者的香。
S + be used to + VR 被用來做某事(被動式)
句型文法:SPP 5
(1) S + be used to + V-ing 習慣做某事
• Mr. Jones is used to
drinking coffee every morning.
(2) S + used to + VR 以前常做某事(但現在不做了)
• I used to go jogging, but
now I am too old for it.
the dead 逝者
SYN the deceased
² Sth. + be used to + VR此處used為表示被動的過去分詞,to後接原形動詞,表示「被用作…」。
which are stuck this way would look like the incense sticks that are used
to honor the dead. SPP 5
Basil is used to add flavor to dishes;
what’s more, it is often used to add a pleasant smell to soaps,
shampoos, etc.
()1. Sunglasses our eyes from sunlight.
used to protect (B) are
used to protect
use to protecting (D) are
used to protecting
()2. Before the invention of
cars, horses heavy things.
are used to carry (B) used to carry
were used to carry (D) were used to
² 切勿和Sb. + be used to N/V-ing混淆;此處used為形容詞,表示「習慣於…(不會感到怪異或不自在)」,後接介系詞to。
² 另一個容易混淆的是S + used to + VR;此處used to表示「過去常做某事(現在沒有)」,to後接原形動詞。
have lived in
father used to smoke, but he quit three years ago.
Second, we have to eat up every grain17 of rice. 其次,我們吃飯時必須把每一粒米飯都吃完。
4-5. Otherwise we might marry
a person with many pockmarks on the face. 否則我們可能會和一個滿臉長麻子的人結婚。
otherwise表「否則」,可作副詞修飾整句,亦可作連接副詞連接兩句。SPP 6
Say sorry to your girlfriend now. Otherwise(,) you will regret it. 副詞
Stop making fun of me; otherwise, I will tell the teacher about it. 連接副詞
Iris is talking to a man with a long beard.
² S + V. Otherwise(,) S + V.:otherwise為副詞,修飾全句,表示「不然、否則」。其後常接較負面或與前面情況相反的結果。SPP 6
We have to eat up every grain of
rice. Otherwise we might marry a person with many pockmarks on the
It’s raining. Close the window. Otherwise,
the floor will get wet.
1. Darrin的父母借了他一些錢。否則他買不起新汽車。
parents lent him some money. \o\ac(,, he couldn’t afford the new car.
()2. We went to bed very early
last night. , there was no way we could
have gotten up at four o’clock this morning to watch the sunrise.
(A) Otherwise (B) Therefore
(C) However (D) What’s more
5-1. Taboos are expressions
of a culture. 禁忌是文化的呈現方式。
People do not break them because they not only
want to protect themselves but also show respect to others. 人們不違反禁忌是因為他們不只想保護自己,也是向他人表示尊重。
※not only A but also B「不只A,還有B」,此句型A與B需詞性一致、結構對稱。
Mr. Chen is not only an honest man but also a great leader.(名詞片語對名詞片語)
I lead a healthy life not only for myself but also for my family.(介系詞片語對介系詞片語)
I love you not only because you are beautiful but also because you
are nice.(副詞子句對副詞子句)
句型文法 Not only A but also B + VB
肯定句中,以not only...
but also... 連接A、B兩主詞時,動詞隨B變化。
• Not only you but also I
am wrong.
5-3. You
may not believe in them, but it does
no harm to
be more careful. 你可能不見得相信這些禁忌,但更小心謹慎些也沒什麼壞處。
()1. Kristin never goes out in the sun without an
umbrella. she gets sunburned easily.
Therefore, (B) This is why
As a result, (D) This is
()2. My aunt believes in Buddhism (佛教). she doesn’t eat meat.
This is why (B) That is because
Which is why (D) Because of
()3. When it
Taiwanese snacks, you should not miss oyster omelet (蚵仔煎) and bubble tea.
goes to (B)
talks about (D) comes to
()4. Go finish your homework. , you are not allowed to play computer games.
As a result (B) Instead
However (D) Otherwise
()5. Iris is very familiar with this neighborhood. If
you want to know , just ask her.
where to find a nice restaurant
how can you buy cheap clothes
what to doing to spend a day
whether is it worth visiting or not
II. 句子重組20%(一題10分)
regarding/poems/important/to use/writing/It is/your imagination
together/Glue/used/two things/is/to/stick
III. 句子合併20%(一題10分)
Salt and sugar are used.

They can help preserve (保存) food.
提示:請用 be used to合併句子。

It was about how to improve my writing.
IV. 翻譯填空30%(一格5分)
1. 你有任何關於該買什麼禮物給我女友的點子嗎?
you have any ideas on \o\ac(, \o\ac(, buy as a present for
my girlfriend?
2. 講到爵士樂,我最愛的是路易斯‧阿姆斯壯。
\o\ac(, \o\ac(, \o\ac(, to jazz music, Louis Armstrong is my favorite.
3. 希望我可以趕上最後一班公車。不然,我就要等到明天了。
I can catch the last bus. \o\ac(,, I’ll
have to wait until tomorrow.
Main Idea Choose
the best answer to the question.
C What is the main idea of “Taiwanese Taboos”?〈臺灣的禁忌〉主旨為何?
(A) Breaking taboos brings
people bad luck.
(B) The expressions that
carry negative meanings are considered taboos.
(C) Taiwanese people avoid
breaking taboos not only to
protect themselves but also to show respect to others.
(D) There are many taboos
regarding eating in Taiwan.在臺灣有許多關於飲食的禁忌。
Details Write a T (True) or an F (False) for each sentence according to the article.
F 1. People break
taboos because they don’t want to offend others.
T 2. There are some
taboos to follow during the first and seventh months of the lunar calendar in Taiwan .
T 3. In Taiwan , people
burn incense sticks to honor the dead.
F 4. People believe
that eating up every grain of rice brings bad luck.