2016年4月26日 星期二

GEPT Unit 6 Reading: Vocabulary & Phrases











Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

qMy brother is a baseball fan, so I bought him baseball _____ as his 10th birthday present.

   (A) glasses         (B) gloves

         (C) balls                 (D) grasses

qglove  n. 手套grass  n. 草地

qbaseball bat  球棒baseball cap  球帽

qbaseball glove  棒球手套

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

qAutumn is the best _____ in a year. It wont be too cold or too hot.

   (A) season  (B) sentence  (C) month  (D) weather

qautumn n. 秋天;season  n. 季節

qsentence n. 句子month  n. 月份

qweather  n. 天氣

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q There is a school _____ on the corner of Main Street and Park Road. The food there is delicious and cheap.

   (A) palace                  (B) theater

   (C) gift shop              (D) cafeteria

q corner  n. 角落;palace  n. 皇宮

q theater  n. 戲院;gift shop  禮品店

q cafeteria  n. 自助餐店

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q A common language is a _____ between different cultures. So learning language is very important.

   (A) umbrella              (B) island

   (C) bridge                  (D) bottom

q common  adj. 共通的;language  n. 語言culture  n. 文化;umbrella  n. 雨傘

q island  n. 島嶼;bridge  v. 橋樑

q bottom  n. 底部

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q Pollution is a serious _____ in modern society.  The government should take some measures to deal with it.

   (A) program               (B) package

   (C) picture         (D) problem

q pollution  n. 污染;serious  adj. 嚴重的

q modern  adj. 現代的;society  n. 社會

q government  n. 政府;take measures  採取措施;deal with 處理(=handle)

q program  n. 節目;package  n. 包裹

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q Jessica made a chocolate cake in the _____ of  a heart.

            (A) spirit (B) shape       (C) middle      (D) limit

q chocolate  n. 巧克力heart  n.

q spirit  n. 精神、靈魂;shape  n. 形狀

q in the shape of sth.  的形狀

q middle  n. 中間;limit  n. 限制

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

qLinda and I have the same interest and _____. We both like collecting dolls.

   (A) direction (B) fortune (C) level (D) hobby

qinterest  n. 興趣;collect  v. 收集

qdoll  n. 洋娃娃direction  n. 方向

qfortune  n. 財產;level  n. 水準、層次

qhobby  n. 嗜好

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

qDont worry. Ill _____ our daughter at school. Well be home around seven.

   (A) give up                  (B) make up

   (C) look up                  (D) pick up

qworry  v. 擔心;daughter  n. 女兒

qgive up  放棄make up  編造

qlook up  查詢;pick up 搭載

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q Tony seldom hands in his homework on time,  _____?

   (A) does he               (B) did he

   (C) hasnt he             (D) isnt he

q 主要子句為否定時附加問句使用肯定此處seldom為否定副詞且為現在簡單式改附加問句時主詞Tony要改用代名詞he,助動詞用does

q hand in  繳交;on time  準時

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q I called Dad to come home while Mom ____ in the kitchen.

   (A) is cooking            (B) has cooked

   (C) was cooking               (D) cooks

q while為連接詞,可連接兩個子句,注意其句型中的動詞。句型 :S + 動詞過去式(瞬間動作)while + S + 過去進行式(持續動作)

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q Not until we lose our friends _____ know the value of friendship.

            (A) we do            (B) do we

    (C) we dont           (D) dont we

q not 為否定副詞放在句首時主要子句要形成倒裝句。句型:

q Not until + S + V do/does + S + V

q value  n. 價值;friendship  n. 友誼

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q I used _____ when I was young.

            (A) to get up early

    (B) getting up early

            (C) got up early

            (D) to getting up early

q used to + Vrt 表「過去常常」之意。

q be used to + N/Ving 表「習慣於」之意。

Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

qIn fact, some animals are _____ more intelligent than we have expected.

   (A) very  (B) rather  (C) much (D) most

qin fact  事實上;intelligent  adj. 聰明的

qmore intelligent than  更聰明

qexpect  v. 期待


Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

qWe will put off going on a picnic if it _____ tomorrow.

   (A) will rain (B) rained

   (C) has rained    (D) rains

qput off  延期go on a picnic 去野餐


Questions 1~15:辭彙和結構

q Have you ever been to Kenting, _____ is famous for its sunshine and beach?

   (A) where   (B) which (C) that (D) who

q 先行詞是地方時其後面所接的關係代名詞可能是whichwhere

q 地方+ where + S + V ...(where 是副詞後面必須是完整的子句)

q 地方+ which + V ...(which是代名詞代替地方做主詞後面接動詞)




Questions 16~20段落填空

In Western countries, people usually shake hands when meeting _(16)_ the first time. This practice is common for both men and women. A handshake should be neither too hard _(17)_ too soft, and the right hand---never the left hand---is always used.

q16. (A) for (B) at (C) in (D) with

q17. (A) and (B) or (C) but (D) nor

shake hands 握手for the first time 初次common 常見的handshake  n. 握手neithernor 既非亦非soft  adj. 軟的

Questions 16~20段落填空

Close friends or family members will often hug and kiss each other when meeting and _(18)_ goodbye. In many European countries, kissing each other lightly on both cheeks _(19)_ common.

q18. (A) to say (B) say (C) saying (D) said

q19. (A) are      (B) is (C) does (D) did

close  adj. 親密的hug  v. 擁抱and為對等連接詞前後所連接的動詞形式必須一致meeting and sayinglightly  adv. 輕輕地cheek  n. 臉頰Ving + 單數動詞

Questions 16~20:段落填空

In native English-speaking countries, _20_, this is not common practice.

q20. (A) since (B) but (C) instead (D) however

native  adj. 母語的

前一句提到common後一句提到not common前後兩句語氣有轉折應使用轉折詞however

Questions 21~25:段落填空

q   Taipei is a really wonderful city and it is _(21)_ to get around. There are many choices for you to travel to other places. For example, there are taxis _(22)_ everywhere.

q   21. (A) fantastic (B) difficult (C) convenient (D) usual

q   22. (A) to run (B) running (C) run (D) ran

wonderful  adj. 很棒的convenient  adj. 方便的usual  adj. 通常的get around 四處走走。

choice  n. 選擇

There is/are + N + Ving表示「有正在 」。

Questions 21~25段落填空

qFor people on the move, the bus and the MRT help to stop traffic jams, so people can get to work and students can get to school _(23)_. During rush hour, the road is usually busy. _(24)_ the MRT, people can travel around easily.

q23. (A) on time            (B) being late

               (C) as well                    (D) every day

q24. (A) Thanks to               (B) Instead of

            (C) Rather than          (D) Other than

on the move  四處奔波traffic jam 交通堵塞rush hour  尖峰時刻thanks to  幸虧、由於instead of  代替rather than  而不是other than  除了

Questions 21~25:段落填空

qThe distance is not a problem at all _(25)_ we have the MRT. In this modern city of two million people, getting around is really easy---its a piece of cake, I believe.

q25. (A) yet (B) but (C) before (D) since

distance  n. 距離not at all 一點也不

since做連接詞表因果關係modern  adj. 現代的get around  四處走走a piece of cake  輕而易舉之事




Questions 26 :閱讀理解

q26. Where might a person see this?

   (A) At school.               (B) In the station.

   (C) On the highway.      (D) At the post office.

qeast n. 東方left  adj. 剩下的mile  n. 英哩station  n. 車站highway  n. 高速公路post office  n. 郵局

Questions 27-29 :閱讀理解

qdepartment store  n. 百貨公司customer  n. 顧客

qsurvey  n. 調查

qsex  n. 性別;male  n. 男性;female  n. 女性

qage  n. 年齡;over  prep. 超過

Questions 27-29 :閱讀理解

qlength  n. 長度

qpublic  adj. 大眾的

qtransportation  n. 運輸

Questions 27-29 :閱讀理解

qhow often  多久一次once  一次

qproduct  n. 產品make-up  化妝品

qhousehold  adj. 家用的good  n. 貨品

Questions 27-29 :閱讀理解

q27. Who might fill the form?

   (A) A manager at the Goodbuy Department Store.

   (B) A clerk at the Goodbuy Department Store.

   (C) A doorman at the Goodbuy Department Store.

   (D) A customer at the Goodbuy Department Store.

qfill  v. 填寫;form  n. 表格

qmanager  n. 經理;clerk  n. 職員

qdoorman  n. 守門員;customer  n. 顧客

Questions 27-29 :閱讀理解

q28. How long does it take the woman to get to the store?

   (A) About 10 minutes.

          (B) 15 minutes.

   (C) More than 20 minutes.

          (D) Less than 5 minutes.

qhow long  多久more than  超過

qless than  少於

Questions 27-29 :閱讀理解

q29. What is NOT true about Mrs. Davidson?

   (A) She is in her forties now.

   (B) She cant drive.

   (C) She often goes shopping once a week.

   (D) She seldom buys toys or CDs at Goodguy Department Store.

qin ones forties  四十幾歲

qgo shopping  去購物

qless than  少於

Questions 30~32 :閱讀理解

qEnglish Teacher Wanted

qNative speakers,


qCall Jack at 555-1230

qclassified  n. 分類廣告

qnative  adj. 母語的

qexperienced  adj. 有經驗的

Questions 30~32 :閱讀理解


qRequired immediately,

qWorking on weekends.

qContact with Manager in MAX

qcashier  n. 收銀員

qrequire  v. 需要

qimmediately  adv. 立刻

qcontact  v. 連絡

qmanager  n. 經理

Questions 30~32 :閱讀理解

qPhotographers Assistant Wanted

qKnowledge of cameras is essential.

qMail to #119, Mason St. Locus City

qphotographer  n. 攝影師

qassistant  n. 助理

qknowledge  n. 知識

qcamera  n. 相機

qessential  adj. 必要的

qmail  v. 郵寄

Questions 30~32 :閱讀理解


qRequired for a furniture company.

qMust have clean driving record.

qEmail to cozyfur@yahoo.com

qdelivery  n. 運送

qdriver  n. 駕駛

qrequire  v. 需要

qfurniture  n. 家具

qcompany  n. 公司

qclean  adj. 乾淨的;良好的

qrecord  n. 紀錄

Questions 30~32 :閱讀理解

q30. Tom is interested in cameras and reads a lot of information about them. What is the best job for him to do?

(A). An English teacher.

(B). A Photographers assistant.

(C). A supermarket cashier.

(D). A delivery driver.

qinterested  adj. ...有興趣

qinformation  n. 資訊

Questions 30~32 :閱讀理解

q31. Albert drives very carefully and doesnt have any bad records. What might be the best job for him?

(A). An English teacher.

(B). A Photographers assistant.

(C). A supermarket cashier.

(D). A delivery driver.

qcarefully  adv. 小心地

qrecord  n. 紀錄

Questions 30~32 :閱讀理解

q32. Lisa was born in America. She had taught English in high school. What job is the best choice for her?

(A). An English teacher.

(B). A Photographers assistant.

(C). A supermarket cashier.

(D). A delivery driver.

qchoice  n. 選擇

Questions 33~35 :閱讀理解

qMost people sometimes tell harmless lies to avoid hurting other peoples feelings. We call these kind of lies white lies. Here are some examples of types of white lies.

qGiving false excuses: Some people lie because they dont want to do something.

harmless  adj. 無害的tell lies  說謊avoid  v. 避免(+Ving)white lies  善意的謊言example  n. 例子type  n. 類型false  adj. 假的excuse  n. 藉口lie  v. 說謊

Questions 33~35 :閱讀理解

qLying to hide bad news: Sometimes people dont want to discuss something bad which has happened to them or someone they know.

qLying to make someone feel good: People often lie in order not to hurt someone elses feelings.

lie/lied/lied/lying  說謊hide  v. 隱藏discuss  v. 討論make + O + Vrt.  使...in order not to ... 為了不要...

Questions 33~35 :閱讀理解

q33. What is the article talking about?

     (A) There is no harm in telling a lie.

     (B) People tell white lies for some reasons.

     (C) Lying to people makes everyone good.

     (D) Never tell white lies.

article  n. 文章;harm  n. 傷害;reason  n. 原因

Questions 33~35 :閱讀理解

q34. Which is true about white lies?

(A) Telling white lies will hurt other peoples feelings.

(B) Excuses are sometimes regarded as white lies.

(C) Telling white lies is a bad habit.

(D) It is wrong to tell white lies to friends.

hurt/hurt/hurt  傷害regard  認為,視為be regarded as  被視為habit  n. 習慣

Questions 33~35 閱讀理解

q35. Which of the following is NOT an example of white lies?

   (A) You saw a classmate cheating on the exam. But you said you didnt see that.

   (B) You were invited to dinner. You were so tired that you said you had to study that night.

   (C) Your friend was going to die. He begged you not to tell his girlfriend. So you did what he said.

   (D) You dont like your friends hair style. But when she asked your thoughts, you just said great.

qcheat  v. 作弊;invite  v. 邀請;beg / begged / begged  v. 乞求;style 款式;thought  n. 想法

