2017年5月4日 星期四

Book 4 Unit 3 文法句型解析與補充

Focal Point 1
地方副詞 + V + S.
(1) 複習運用地方副詞(片語)的句型。
(2) 地方副詞(片語)置於句首。
(3) It is/was... that...加強地方副詞(片語)。

複習句型 There beV... + 地方
There beV + S + 地方副詞(片語)
There are blooming flowers in the garden.
There are a lot of wild animals in the jungle.
There used to be a big supermarket around the corner.
• So far, there have been several accidents at the crossroads.

S + V + 地方副詞(片語)
地方副詞(片語)+ V + S(名詞)(+ 修飾語)
On the bench was lying a tired-looking old man.
Under a tree sit two old people who are playing chess.
At the gate of the park stood a child who was dirty and cold-looking.
Along the river were piles of garbage thrown away by nearby residents.
In front of Nancy was standing a young man with a smile on his face.

地方副詞(片語)+ we/they/you/... + V.
• “Here we are!” said the tour guide.
On the top of the hill they stood.
Down to the valley they walked.
Around the park she jogs every morning.

補充句型 It is/was... that...加強
It is/was + 地方副詞(片語)+ that + S + V...
(1) 結構:It is/was + 加強部分 + that + 句子剩餘部分。
(2) 除地方副詞( 片語) 外, 亦可加強主詞、受詞、when子句、because子句等。
It was in South Asia that a giant tsunami happened some years ago.
It was at this bank that a robbery took place the other day.
It is at her local coffee shop that Julia enjoys a relaxing Saturday morning.
It is in these cyber cafés that some teenagers spend their free time.

A. 句子重組
1.   To / she / the / went / MRT station
2.   Under / a stranger / stood / tree / the
3.   At / stood / the gate / some teachers / smiling at students
4.   On / sits / a temple / the hill / with a red roof
5.   In / sat / the classroom / several students / who were taking a test

B. 引導式翻譯
1.   餐桌上有一大碗櫻桃。
           dining table      a big bowl of cherries.
2.   山頂上是個小湖泊。
               of the mountain      a small lake.
3.   這條街住有許多以繪畫為生的藝術家。
On the street      many artists      make their living     
4.   月臺上站著許多候車的乘客。
     the platform      many      who were      for
the train.
*5. 我就是在這間咖啡店遇到Mavis的。
It was                that I      Mavis.

Focal Point 2
that/those (as pronouns)
(1) it they 的用法。
(2) one ones 的用法。
(3) that those 的用法。
(4) 補充代名詞相關句型。

複習句型 代名詞 it they
(1) it代替前面所提過相同的單數或不可數名詞或代替前面已經說過的片語或子句
(2) they代替前面所提過相同的複數名詞
• I bought a dictionary, and it is helpful to me.(it = the dictionary)
• I drank some sweet iced tea, but it made me thirstier.(it = the iced tea)
• The man tried to escape from the jail, but it was impossible. (it = to escape from the jail)
• I get a lot of e-mails every day, and they upset me a lot. (they = e-mails)
• Sick people should eat more fruits and vegetables because they are good for their health. (they = fruits and vegetables)

複習句型 代名詞 one ones
(1) one代替前面所提過的同類但不同一個單數名詞;ones代替複數
(2) 有關one常用的片語:
one by one(一個一個地)
one after another(一個接一個)
one... the other...(一個……另一個……
... one thing, ... another……一回事……另一回事)
• The watch is too expensive; show me a cheaper one. (one = watch)
• I want a cellphone, but I don’t have enough money to buy one. (one = a cellphone)
• Passengers got out of the bus one after another.
• The applicants entered the office one by one for an interview.
• Helen has two hobbies; one is collecting stamps, and the other is playing the violin.

課文句型 代名詞 that those
名詞 + 比較級(常) + that/those + 修飾語
(1) that代替單數名詞those代替複數名詞
(2) 同類但不同一個名詞作「比較」時,後面的名詞可用that/those代替。(此句型用於that/those後面有片語或子句修飾時。)
• The weather of California is much better than that of New York. (that = the weather)
• Sue loves to read American novels, especially those written by Hemingway. (those = novels)
• The ears of a rabbit are longer than those of a fox. (those = the ears)
• The population of China is about one fifth of that of the world. (that = the population)
• This woman’s voice is sweeter than that of that man. (that = the voice)

1. The former...; the latter...【指事物】
= That...; this...(前者……後者……
2. The former...; the latter...【指人】
= The one...; the other...
• Health is above wealth, for the latter cannot give as much happiness as the former.
• The clerk and the customer were arguing; the former/the one stayed calm and the latter/the other got very angry.

Those/People + who V... + 複數動詞
= One/He + who V... + 單數動詞
說明:who V...為關係子句,修飾主詞People/Those/He/One,其動詞的單複數應配合主詞。
People/Those who insult themselves will be insulted by others.
One/He who loves others will be loved by others.
He who knows others is learned; he who knows himself is wise.(知人者為有識之人,自知者為有智之人。)

A. 選填題(依句意選出適當的代名詞)
  it  they  one  ones  that  those  
1.   These colors aren’t suitable for the curtains in my room. Please show me brighter      .
2.   I bought an English-Chinese dictionary last night, but I lost      this morning.
3.   The climate of Japan is not as mild as      of Taiwan.
4.   The days in summer are longer than      in winter.

B. 引導式翻譯、中翻英、英翻中
1.   一看見公車起火,乘客們接連地跑下車。
Upon seeing the fire, the passengers jumped off the bus     
after     .
2.   Sarah 愛看英文小說,特別是 Jane Austen 寫的。
Sarah loves to read English novels, especially           by Jane Austen.
3.   我們都知道,學是一回事,教又是另一回事。
We all know that                                                
4.   鄉下的空氣比都市的空氣乾淨。
*5. 助人者,人恆助之。(Those who
6.   John’s clothing is that of a gentleman, but his speech and behavior are those of a clown.

