2019年7月15日 星期一

Book 2 Unit 8

I. Words for Production
1. justice [`dZ^stIs] n. [U] the legal process of using laws to judge and punish people 司法,審判 notice = right
The public hope that the killers will be brought to justice soon.
2. guilty [`GIltI] adj. having committed a crime 有罪的,犯了罪的 ANT innocent
► The man was found guilty of stealing money from his company.
  adj. feeling ashamed because of having done something wrong 內疚的,愧疚的
► I felt guilty about lying to my mother about my bad grades.
  guilt [GIlt] n. [U] 罪惡感,內疚
► Dylan felt a sense of guilt after he made the boy cry.
3. crime [kraIm] n. [C] an illegal action that can be punished by law 罪,罪行
Hacking into other people’s computers is a serious crime.
4. accused [1`kjuzd] n. (the) a person or group of people charged with a crime 被告 = cause     excuse
The accused was caught and brought into the police station last night.
  accuse [1`kjuz] vt. 指控,指責
► The writer was accused of copying another person’s idea.
5. prove [pruv] (proveprovedproven/proved) vt. to show that something is true by giving evidence, facts, etc. test  improve證明,證實 ANT disprove
► Pete asked me to give him a chance to prove how much he loves me.
彼特要求我給他機會證明他有多愛我。 believe  belief
  proof [pruf] n. [U][C] 證明,證據 SYN evidence
Without any proof of their age, people cannot stay in KTVs after midnight.
6. innocent [`In1sNt] adj. not guilty of a crime, or having done nothing wrong 無罪的,清白的 = hurt, poison ANT guilty
► The man was found innocent of the crime, so he was let go.
  innocence [`In1sNs] n. [U] 無罪,清白 ANT guilt
► The lawyer was trying his best to help the accused prove her innocence
Once upon a time, there was a king. He was well-known for having a strange way of determining justice in his kingdom. To decide if = whether a person was guilty of a crime, he would bring the accused to an arena. There, the person had to choose between two doors. Behind one door was a fierce tiger. If he chose this door, he would be proven guilty. His body would then be torn apart by the tiger. Behind the other door was a beautiful lady. If he chose this door, he would be proven innocent. Then, he had to marry the lady right away. = at once = immediately
7. unfortunately [^n`fOrtS1nItlI] adv. used for saying that a situation or fact is sad or disappointing 不幸地 SYN unluckily ANT fortunately
► We planned to go hiking last Sunday. Unfortunately, it started raining heavily that morning.
  fortunate [`fOrtS1nIt] adj. 幸運的 SYN lucky ANT unfortunate
► Daniel was fortunate to get back his missing cell phone.
8. trial [`traI1l] n. [U][C] the process of deciding whether someone is guilty of a crime in a court 審判 try
► The driver who hit a child is now on trial. 撞到孩童的司機現在正在受審。
The king loved his daughter very much. The princess was very pretty, and she secretly fell in love with a handsome young man. She and her lover tried their best to hide their relationship from the king. Unfortunately, the king still found out their secret. He was mad and not willing to let his daughter marry a nobody. Therefore, he brought the young man to the arena and ordered him to go on trial. concrete
9. discover [dI`sk^v2] vt. to find out something that one did not know before 發現
► Oliver’s friends were amazed to discover how well Oliver can cook.
奧利佛的朋友們訝異地發現他很會做菜。Troublesome friendship
  discovery [dI`sk^v1rI] n. [C][U] 發現 relative  rainy  sunny
► The scientist made some interesting discoveries about the new form of energy.
1. tear...apart  to break something into small pieces violently 撕裂
► The hungry lion stared at the deer, waiting = and it waited to catch it and tear it apart.
2. try one’s best  to try as hard as one can to do something 盡全力 SYN do one’s best
► The doctor and nurses were trying their best to save the patient’s life.
3. as well as  in addition to 和,還有
► Wendy collected stamps as well as postcards from different countries.
Everyone in the kingdom, from the richest to the poorest, came to the arena to watch the young man make his choice. All of them, as well as the king, were very excited. The king was ready to see the man struggle. However, he did not know that there was another secret: The princess had discovered what was behind each door.
10. entrance [`Entr1ns] n. [C] (usu. sing.) the act of entering a place, especially in a way that attracts others’ attention 進入,登場
► The bride made her grand entrance after all the guests had been seated.
   n. [C] a door, a gate, etc. used for entering a place 入口 ANT exit
► There are two entrances to the school, and students can use either one.
11. sign [saIn] n. [C] a movement or sound that is made to tell someone something 暗號,手勢
► Please give me a sign when you are ready to leave.
12. gesture [`dZEstS2] vi. to move one’s hand, head, etc. to show or tell someone something 做手勢,用動作示意 bring, carry suggest
► Shelly gestured for me to speak louder because she couldn’t hear me clearly.
   gesture [`dZEstS2] n. [C][U] 手勢,姿勢
► The boss made a gesture to let Phoebe know that she could enter his office.
13. form [fOrm] vt. to establish something, such as an organization, a government, etc. 組織,建立
► The volunteers formed a new group to help the poor people in this town.
   form [fOrm] n. [C] 種類,類型
► Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise.
14. jealous [`dZEl1s] adj. feeling unhappy and angry because someone you love is showing interest in another person 吃醋的
► Diane became jealous when she saw her boyfriend dancing with a beautiful girl.
   adj. feeling unhappy because someone has something that you want to have 嫉妒的 SYN envious
► Cindy is pretty, and many girls are jealous of her good looks.
The princess sat beside her father, waiting for her lover’s entrance. She was preparing to give him a sign, but it was a tough decision for her to make. The princess knew that if she gestured toward one door, her lover would be attacked and killed by the fierce tiger. If she gestured toward the other, the beautiful lady would immediately become her lover’s bride. Imagining her lover forming a family with another woman made her very jealous.
15. hint [hInt] n. [C] something that is done or said indirectly to suggest what to do 暗示
► Jack did not know the answer to the question, so he looked at me and asked for a hint.
16. hesitation [&hEz1`teS1n] n. [U][C] a pause before doing something, especially because one is nervous or uncertain 猶豫,遲疑
► When I need help, my best friend always gives me a hand without hesitation.
   hesitate [`hEz1&tet] vi. 猶豫,遲疑
► If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to call me.
Finally, the young man walked into the arena. He looked at the princess, hoping for a hint. The princess looked back at the young man and quickly gestured to the right. Then, she saw him walking to the door on the right without hesitation.
What do you think was standing behind the door—the lady or the tiger?

