2019年7月24日 星期三

Reading Comprehension 1-15

Unit 1
Monica walked out of the campus gates and stopped dead in her tracks. Just across the road was Anita. She was getting on the back of a motorcycle. It was hard to tell from a distance, but it looked like the motorcycle rider was Paul. He ha told Monica he was busy this evening, so he couldn’t pick her up after school. Now she knew what he meant. He was going out with her best friend, and on the day before her birthday!
As things turned out, Monica was right to think that the rider was Paul. However, she was completely mistaken about his reasons for giving Anita a ride. In fact, they were on their way to buy a birthday present for Monica and make the arrangements for a surprise party. The next day, Monica ruined her own birthday by angrily shouting at Paul. She accused him of cheating on her with Anita. She also damaged two of her most important relationships.
Most of us, no matter how open-minded we think we are, jump to conclusions sometimes. We make judgments about people who pass by on the street, according to how they look or the way they are dressed. There is no real harm in that, since we never have any contact with most of the people we see. In our personal relationships, however, jumping to conclusions can lead us into deep trouble, as it did with Monica.
(   ) 1. Monica made a mistake by thinking __________.
             (A) her best friend was waiting for her
             (B) the motorcycle belonged to Anita
             (C) her boyfriend was cheating on her
             (D) the boy on the motorcycle was Paul
(   ) 2. Why was Paul with Anita after school?
             (A) They were going on a date together.
             (B) They were planning Anita’s birthday.
             (C) They were going shopping together.
             (D) Paul was giving Anita a ride home.
(   ) 3. The writer of this passage thinks that jumping to conclusions __________.
             (A) can sometimes have very bad results.
             (B) never does any real harm to anyone.
             (C) is no problem if the reason is jealousy.
             (D) is a good way to understand people.
Unit 2
Maybe you already have a credit card. If you don’t, you will have many opportunit(y)ies to get one when you get to college. Credit card companies often set up stalls on college campuses to encourage students to sign up. They give away little gifts such as T-shirts, coffee mugs, and water bottles to those who are willing to fill out an application form. However, if you are thinking about getting a credit card, you should ask yourself if it really is a good idea.
Why do credit card companies target students? Students often do not have jobs, and many also have student loans, so it may seem unlikely that banks would take a chance on them. On the other hand, research shows that student borrowers are valuable long-term customers because they usually stay with their first card and continue to make purchases for many years to come.
As a student, you will have to decide for yourself if you can handle the responsibility of a credit card. They are easy to get but not so easy to manage. If you are not careful, you may end up with a high, unpaid balance on which the interest grows but the payments are hard to make. When making your decision about a credit card, ask yourself the following: Do I need a credit card? Can I afford a credit card? Will I be able to pay off my balance each month? If you decide to apply for a credit card, be a smart customer and shop around. Instead of signing up for the first card you see, look for one that offers the features you want. Finally, always remember that credit card can be helpful in emergenc(y)ies, but they can also get you into trouble.
(   ) 1. The passage was written for __________.
             (A) students who already have credit cards
             (B) students going to college for the first time
             (C) recent graduates who are looking for jobs
             (D) people working for credit card companies
(   ) 2. Which of the following is NOT true?
             (A) Many credit card companies think students are poor customers.
             (B) You can get a free gift if you apply for a credit card on campus.
             (C) It is quite easy for a college student to receive a credit card.
             (D) You do not always need to have a job in order to get a credit card.
(   ) 3. The third paragraph contains suggestions on __________.
             (A) how to get a credit card that gives the best value for your money
             (B) good ways to manage your money when you have a credit card
             (C) which credit cards are if you plan to be a long-term customer
             (D) what to think about before you decide to apply for a credit card
(   ) 4. What does “shop around” mean in the third paragraph?
             (A) Pay off your bill as soon as possible.      (B) Pay in cash instead of by credit card
             (C) Use your card in different stores.             (D) Check out different card companies.

Unit 3
The world will have over 1.3 billion cell phone users by the year 2005. That means around a fifth of the world’s population will be enjoying the convenience of mobile phones. It also means more people will be affected by the dangers that come with cell phone use.
We’ve all heard about the possible health effects. Cell phones have been reported to cause headaches, tiredness, and memory loss. Some researchers say there is a danger that the radiation given out by cell phones may cause cancer of the brain. Cell phone makers, however, deny any such risk.
It may seem obvious that talking on a cell phone while driving a car is dangerous. However, in one survey, 90 percent of drivers admitted they had done it, even though they knew they were putting themselves and other people at risk. Many countries are making strict laws against cell phones use in cars, but it is hard to catch violators.
One danger that is not often discussed is the threat from old phones. Cell phones have constantly shrunk in size, and people like to buy new ones. The problem is that cell phones contain poisonous chemicals such as lead, zinc, and other substances that have been linked to health problems. By 2005, there will be 500 million old cell phones in garbage dumps. Without a proper recycling plan to deal with them, they may do significant harm to the environment and public health.
(   ) 1. According to the passage, the world’s population in 2005 will be __________.
             (A) 1.3 billion   (B) about 4 billion   (C) less than 6 billion     (D) about 6.5 billion
(   ) 2. Which of the following is NOT discussed in the passage?
             (A) The danger from cell phone radiation.
             (B) The risk of using a phone while driving.
             (C) The danger of cell phone use on planes.
             (D) The environmental effects of cell phones.
(   ) 3. Companies that make cell phones say it is not possible to __________.
             (A) get brain cancer from using one  (B) make one that is completely safe
             (C) use one without getting tired       (D) use two phones at the same time
(   ) 4. The passage says that many people use cell phones when they are driving __________
             (A) in order to save time                               (B) although they are tired
             (C) in spite of the danger                               (D) because it is good fun
(   ) 5. Why are old cell phones dangerous?
             (A) They get smaller and people do not want to use them.
            (B) They still give off radiation even when not being used.
             (C) People are not allowed to throw them into garbage dumps.
             (D) They contain chemicals that may harm the environment.
Unit 4
No one is lucky enough to get her own way all the time. It is impossible to completely avoid frustration in life. On the other hand, those who learn to deal successfully with frustration and its causes will develop creativity, independence, and confidence in their own ability. Setbacks and failure are parts of life. You should not let them hold you back or make you feel depressed. You must do your best to learn from failure.
A good way to handle frustration is to change your environment. A common reaction to failure is to retreat into a shell. Instead, you should remove yourself from the frustrating situation. A new challenge will give you new, positive energy. Of course, it isn’t always possible to do this, but you can at least take a break when you are stressed and tired. Don’t approach problems or serious discussions at times or in places that are likely to lead to frustrating arguments or misunderstandings.
Don’t turn a problem into a crisis. Most events are not as serious as many people think they are. Even if an event is very serious, you will only make it worse if you get upset. Learn to tell the difference between an irritation and a disaster. When something doesn’t work out as you planned, it is not the end of the world. Life will go on. It may be inconvenient and disappointing, but you do not have to get angry. Getting angry makes it very difficult to find a solution and may even lead you to do something stupid or dangerous. Above all, avoid self-pity. When you pity yourself, you depress yourself. Instead, believe in yourself. Be patient and work hard towards achiev(e)ing your goal.
(   ) 1. The passage mostly gives advice about __________.
             (A) ways to deal with frustration                  (B) methods of becoming successful
             (C) how to handle other people’s anger (D) what to do when you are stressed
(   ) 2. What should we all learn to accept, according to the passage?
             (A) That other people can do things better.
             (B) That we need to feel sorry for ourselves.
             (C) That things will go wrong sometimes.
             (D) That failure will keep us from our goal.
(   ) 3. The passage says the best way to handle a frustrating situation is to __________.
             (A) laugh at it                                          (B) study it
            (C) get angry                                           (D) remove yourself from it
(   ) 4. Which of these is most important, according to the passage?
             (A) Turning a problem into a crisis.        (B) Taking a break when you are tired.
             (C) Not feeling sorry for yourself.                  (D) Not getting angry with people.

Unit 5
The Internet offers a great deal to young people. There are opportunit(y)ies to improve your life and education, have some fun, or even engage in business. Teenagers are often enthusiastic Internet users, especially of services like e-mail, chat, and instant messaging. However, like many exciting activit(y)ies, there are risks to deal with and dangers to avoid.
A big problem is finding information you are interested in without coming across unpleasant material. The best way to find a page or site is to know its exact Web address so you can reach it directly. If you don’t know this, but there is a topic you want to find, then you should use one of the online search tools.
Young people make friends easily and sometimes give out personal details like their address and phone number to people they meet online. Remind yourself to be cautious, though. Don’t reveal personal information too easily. Be aware of “stranger danger,” and if you arrange a real-life meeting with a Net friend, take along someone you trust, and meet in a public place.
Downloading software from websites should be done with caution, as the software may contain a computer virus. It is best to take software only from the sites of well-known companies. Use anti-virus software for better protection. Finally, don’t always believe what you read. Much of what is said on websites is incorrect, biased, or out of date. Consider where the information comes from, and then judge whether it can be trusted.
(   ) 1. Which of the following benefits of the Internet is NOT directly mentioned?
             (A) You can use it to chat with friends.   (B) You can use it for entertainment.
             (C) It can help you find a boyfriend.       (D) It can help you with your studies.
(   ) 2. When you are looking for information on the Internet, it is best to __________.
             (A) use a search engine                           (B) know its exact location
             (C) search for it by topic                                (D) use instant messaging
(   ) 3. According to the passage, too many young people __________.
             (A) do not give others their e-mail addresses
             (B) give out personal information too easily
             (C) are very cautious when they are online
             (D) are afraid to meet Net friends in real life
(   ) 4. Which two dangers of using the Internet are described in the fourth paragraph?
             (A) Search engines and chat rooms.        (B) Bad people and wrong information.
             (C) Viruses and dishonest people.          (D) Incorrect information and viruses.
Unit 6
Some people say that card shop and flower shop owners invented Mother’s Day in order to make money. Actually, the occasion can be traced back to ancient Greece, where a spring festival was dedicated to the mother goddesses. People in England have also celebrated Mother’s Day for a long time. In the 1600s, poor working women there were given the day off and encouraged to spend it with their mothers.
In the United States, Mother’s Day was started in 1908 by a woman named Anna M. Jarvis, who wanted to honor her dead mother. Her mother had said there were too many special days thanking men, but none for women or mothers. On the first Mother’s Day, Anna handed out her mother’s favorite flowers, the carnation, to people who came to celebrate the day. Now, the carnation is the Mother’s Day flower in the United States. Pink symbolizes a living mother, and white symbolizes a mother who has died.
Mother’s Day is a good day to make your mother feel special, but you don’t have to wait until that day arrives. Every day is a chance to do something nice for her. You could even give her a card on your own birthday to thank her for another year of life that she has given you. Also, don’t forget to thank all the women in your life --- for example, your grandmother, aunts, and great-aunts --- on Mother’s Day.
(   ) 1. Which of the following is true?
             (A) Mother’s Day was invented by shop owners.
            (B) The roots of Mother’s Day are in ancient Greece.
             (C) Children try to make money on Mother’s Day.
             (D) Mother’s Day is a religious event nowadays.
(   ) 2. Anna M. Jarvis was __________.
             (A) an English woman                             (B) born in 1908
             (C) thankful for her mother                     (D) dead when she became famous
(   ) 3. What was the opinion of Anna’s mother?
             (A) That there were too many men in the world.
             (B) That women should never have to work.
             (C) That her daughter never thanked her for anything.
             (D) That women should have a special day.
(   ) 4. If people are holding white carnations on Mother’s Day, it is probably because __________.
             (A) they do not want to celebrate            (B) their children are honoring them
             (C) they are visiting their mother            (D) their mothers are dead
(   ) 5. Which sentence best shows the main idea of the last paragraph?
             (A) You should show your love to your mother all the time, not just once a year.
             (B) Mother’s Day should be the most important day of the year for all children.
             (C) When people celebrate Mother’s Day, it is like celebrating a second birthday.       (D) There is no need for a special day for aunts, grandmothers, or other women.

