2019年7月24日 星期三


共同科  英文
I. 字彙題:第15題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文句子。第611題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。
( C ) 1. Because of crop failure, millions of people are starving and in need of food ____________.
      (A) lack                   (B) hunger               (C) aid                (D) crisis
由於作物歉收,數百萬人正受挨餓而急需糧食 ____________
(A) 缺乏                (B) 飢餓                  (C) 援助            (D) 危機
(1) 由題幹一開始的關鍵字crop failure (作物歉收),即可知道本主題是糧食短缺的因果題型。其結果是挨餓(starving)與需求食物的問題。不過,須注意空格前用in need of(A)(D)不符合句意,故選(C)
(2) in need of = in want of  急需…,需要…
( C ) 2. My school basketball team is going to ____________ a friendly match against a school team from another county.
      (A) light                  (B) meet                  (C) play              (D) wake
我們學校籃球隊要和來自另一縣的校隊 ____________ 友誼賽。
(A) 點燃                (B) 遇見                  (C)                 (D) 喚醒
(1) 由關鍵字friendly match (友誼賽)一詞,可看出match指的是比賽,與其搭配的動詞應該使用play,故選(C)
(2) against  對抗,反對
( D ) 3. Global warming makes it easier for diseases which are carried by insects to ____________ to new areas and infect more people.
      (A) improve             (B) reduce               (C) point             (D) spread
全球暖化讓昆蟲帶原的疾病更容易 ____________ 到新區域,而使更多人受感染。
(A) 改善                (B) 減少                  (C) 指向             (D) 傳播
(1) 本題說到全球暖化(global warming)所造成的間接影響──由關鍵字diseases (疾病),加之表示方向性的to new areas和動詞infect (使感染),考生可以聯想到spread (傳播),故選(D)
(2) diseases which are carried by insects = insect-borne diseases  昆蟲帶原的疾病
make + it + Adj (+ for sb) + to V...  讓…變得…
( B ) 4. Most newspapers ____________ the news by over-emphasizing the darker side of society, such as robbery, kidnap, and murder.
(A) persuade           (B) exaggerate         (C) disappoint         (D) relieve
大部分的報紙會 ____________ 新聞,它們過度強調社會黑暗面,例如搶劫、綁架和謀殺。
(A) 說服                (B) 誇大                 (C) 使失望              (D) 減輕
(1) 由空格後的over-emphasizing (過度強調)可推知,報紙是「誇大」新聞,故選(B)
(2) dark side  黑暗面
( C ) 5. About fifty-three thousand people die in the United States each year as a result of ____________ to secondhand smoke.
      (A) apology             (B) disguise             (C) exposure            (D) temptation
美國每年大約有五萬三千人由於 ____________ 在二手菸環境中而死亡。
(A) 道歉                (B) 偽裝                  (C) 暴露                 (D) 誘惑
(1) 由句末的關鍵字secondhand smoke (二手菸)可推測—主要是暴露於吸菸者所造成的環境所致,故選(C)。此外,由刪去法來切入:刪去與主題不相干的(A)(B)(D),也可立即得到答案。
(2) as a result of = because of = owing to = on account of = due to  由於…
  be exposed to  暴露於…
( B ) 6. A store with a comfortable temperature and soft music is a pleasant place for shoppers to stay longer.
      (A) a complex         (B) an enjoyable      (C) an internal         (D) a sensitive
(A) 複雜的            (B) 令人愉快的     (C) 內部                  (D) 敏感
本題由描述的細節來看──舒適溫度和輕柔音樂所籠罩的地方,必定是讓購物者得以駐足良久(stay longer)的好所在,可推知應為具有正向涵義的字,故選(B)
( B ) 7. According to studies, loneliness can increase the risk of older people dying early due to its harmful effects on health.
      (A) belief                 (B) danger               (C) knowledge        (D) safety
(A) 信仰                (B) 危險                 (C) 知識                  (D) 安全
(1) 本題可以由題幹後半的關鍵字詞dying early (早逝)harmful effects (有害影響)的提示,加上動詞increase (增加)一字的強化,可得答案為(B)
(2) according to  根據…  risk of sth  …的危險、風險
( C ) 8. There are three things we can do to keep us healthy; we should eat nourishing food, get enough rest, and exercise regularly.
      (A) reliably              (B) rapidly               (C) routinely            (D) recently
(A) 可靠地            (B) 迅速地              (C) 規律地             (D) 最近
(1) 本題為如何保持健康的主題,可以直接由最後exercise regularly得到答案,最接近者為(C)
(2) exercise regularly也可寫成do regular exercise
(3) keep + O + Adj  保持在…狀態  nourishing food  滋補食物
( A ) 9. One way of eating ice-cream is to put it in a soda and let it melt away in the drink.
      (A) disappear          (B) float                  (C) freeze                (D) sweeten
(A) 消融               (B) 漂浮                  (C) 結凍                  (D) 使變甜
(1) 本題從把冰淇淋放在比之溫度高的蘇打汽水中可能產生的變化可推測到答案,故選(A)(C)是不可能發生的物理現象,而表示「漂浮」的(B)以及「口味上的改變」的(D)不符合句意,亦無法與melt away吻合。此外,若是不明白melt (融化)一字的意思,也可以由away本身所隱含的「離開,消失」之意得到聯想。
(2) 不定詞片語to put it...在此當作主詞補語,用來說明主詞one way of eating ice-cream
( D ) 10. Hot springs are said to help heal skin diseases.
(A) damage             (B) produce             (C) ignore                (D) treat
(A) 損害                (B) 製造                  (C) 忽視                  (D) 治療
(1) 本題由hot springs (溫泉)help (幫助)skin diseases (皮膚疾病)的提示,可推知此處要表達「治療」之意,故選(D)
(2) S + be + said + to V.... = It is said (+ that) + S + V....表示「據說…」之意。本句可改寫為It is said that hot springs help heal skin diseases.
( A ) 11. A program for developing a space shuttle involves tremendous expense of time, money and manpower.
       (A) enormous        (B) jealous               (C) prosperous         (D) suspicious
(A) 巨大的          (B) 妒忌的              (C) 繁榮的              (D) 懷疑的
本題由主題研發space shuttle (太空梭)即可推論,其計畫必是耗費大量時間、金錢和人力支出的任務,故選(A)

II. 對話題:第1221題,請依對話內容選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。
( D ) 12. Interviewer: What brings you here today?
       Applicant: I am interested in your sales department.
       Interviewer: ____________
       Applicant: Yes, I’ve worked part-time in a tea shop for two years.
       (A) What position are you interested in?
       (B) May I see your passport, please?
       (C) Where did you find our company?    
       (D) Do you have any experience?
(A) 你對哪個職位有興趣?                 
(B) 請問可以讓我看一下你的護照嗎?
(C) 你是從何處找到我們公司的?
(D) 你有任何工作經驗嗎?
(1) 這題屬於面試情境的對話。一開始面試官即開門見山的問到申請者來此的目的。而申請者馬上直接回答有意申請的部門。最後說到之前的工作經驗──兩年在手搖飲料店,故選(D)
(2) sales department  銷售部門,營業部
( A ) 13. Kate: May I borrow your bike?
       Linda: ____________ I need it myself.
       Kate: Okay, I will ask someone else for help.
       (A) I am afraid not.                                    (B) Try me and you’ll love it.
       (C) Go ahead.                                           (D) It’s not a problem at all.
(A) 恐怕不行。                                     (B) 妳試試,妳會愛上它的。
(C) 請便。                                              (D) 完全沒問題。
(1) 這題為出借物品的對話情境。由被借者琳達說自己也要使用腳踏車(I need it myself.)可以推論得知無法出借腳踏車,故選(A),表示委婉地拒絕對方的要求。
(2) go ahead = help oneself  請便
( D ) 14. John: How’s your trip to Tainan?
       Jenny: ____________ I tried local snacks and visited some museums.
       John: I guess you’re pretty happy about your trip.
       Jenny: You bet!
       (A) It’s not my style.                                 (B) It’s discouraging.
       (C) It’s wasting my time.                          (D) It’s terrific.
(A) 那不是我的風格。                          (B) 很令人沮喪。
(C) 真是浪費我的時間。                       (D) 很棒啊。
(1) 本題為詢問對方旅遊後感想的題目。被詢問者珍妮回答她做了哪些事──包括吃地方小吃和參訪博物館,加上對方的肯定猜測(I guess you’re pretty happy about your trip.),其後又有同意的回覆(You bet!),可知珍妮對這次的旅行給予正向的評價,故選(D)
(2) be happy about...  對…感到滿意
( C ) 15. Joy: Have you ever joined any sports team during your high school life?     
       Kenny: ____________
       Joy: That’s awesome. I hope to have this chance, too.
       (A) No, I didn’t join any music club.       (B) No, it’s once in a lifetime.
       (C) Yes, I was on the swimming team.     (D) Yes, I decided to go to college.
(A) 沒有,我沒參加任何音樂社團。 (B) 沒有,這是千載難逢的。
(C) 有啊,我是游泳隊的。               (D) 有啊,我決定要上大學。
(1) 本題對話內容在詢問是否有參加校隊的經驗,從喬伊的回答表達出讚嘆(That’s awesome.)和嚮往之意(I hope to have this chance, too),可以推測肯尼必是說出了肯定的答案,因此,表示否定的(A)(B)先被刪去,而與運動隊伍無關的(D)也被排除了,故選(C)
(2) sports team  運動代表隊 
( D ) 16. Passerby: You look lost. Is everything alright?
Mark: Thanks for asking. I’m looking for my hotel, the Hilton. I think it’s somewhere around here. ____________
Passerby: Just make a left turn here. Walk two blocks straight ahead. Your hotel is just on the right.
Mark: Thanks a lot!
(A) Is there a good restaurant?                 (B) Could you make a reservation?
(C) How much will it cost?                        (D) How do I get there?
(A) 這附近有好餐廳嗎?                      (B) 你可以先預訂嗎?
(C) 那要花多少錢?                              (D) 我要怎麼到那裡?
(1) 本題是問路的情境,好心的路人主動關心陌生人是否需要協助,而正在找目標希爾頓飯店的馬克則提出他的問題。由路人作出的方向和行經距離的指示,可以判斷在詢問如何抵達目的地,故選(D)
(2) passerby = passer-by  路人,過路客  lost  迷路的
( D ) 17. Clerk: Good afternoon! How may I help you?
       Customer: I would like to pick up a package.
       Clerk: ____________
       Customer: William Hung.
       (A) What kind of package do you need?
       (B) When do you want to pick it up?
       (C) How much do you pay for it?
       (D) Who is the package for?
(A) 你需要什麼樣的包裹?
(B) 你想要什麼時候領取?
(C) 你要付多少錢?
(D) 領取包裹的大名是?
(1) 本題為商店裏顧客與店員的對話,店員主動提供協助,而顧客也說明他來的目的。由顧客直接報上的大名,可知應從找出詢問姓名(who)的選項,故選(D)
(2) would like to V  想要…  pick up  領取,取回
( A ) 18. Andy: Wow, you look amazing. I can’t believe it.
       Brian: ____________
       Andy: Yes. You’ve lost a ton of weight, haven’t you?
       Brian: Yes. I’ve been dieting and exercising.
       (A) You noticed it, didn’t you?               
       (B) How much weight have you lost?
       (C) How much did you spend on it?
       (D) What are you looking for?
(A) 你注意到了,是嗎?
(B) 你瘦了幾公斤啊?
(C) 你花了多少錢在上面?
(D) 你在找什麼?
(1) 本題由最後兩句的對話得知布萊恩減重成功被安迪看出,而布萊恩則分享自已為此所做的努力。可推測布萊恩應是詢問安迪是否是注意到他的瘦身成果,故選(A)
(2) a ton of  大量…,許多…  diet = be/go on a diet  節食
( B ) 19. Mary: How much are these pants?
Sales: Three thousand dollars.
Mary: Wow, that’s too expensive. ____________
Sales: I’m sorry, these pants are on sale and the tag price is 40 % off the regular price already.
(A) A size four shirt, please.                     (B) Is there any discount?
(C) Do you take a rain check?                  (D) I would like a refund, please.
(A) 請給我四號的襯衫。                     (B) 有任何折扣嗎?
(C) 你可以改天嗎?                             (D) 我想要退款,麻煩您。
(1) 本題為購物對話,從瑪莉說價格太貴(that’s too expensive),和銷售員回答這已經是打折後的價格,可以推測瑪莉應是在詢問是否有折扣的可能,故選(B)
(2) tag price  標籤價  regular price  原價
(3) take a rain check為「下次吧,改天」之意,rain check本身為比賽、演出等因雨取消時可延期使用的票,後用作婉拒邀請的用法。
( A ) 20. Cindy: Hey, did you see Jane’s new haircut? It’s great!
Nina: You are right. She looks so professional with the new hairstyle.
Cindy: I would like to have the same look.
Nina: _______________
Cindy: Good idea! Let’s ask Jane for the phone number.
(A) Why don’t we make an appointment for tonight?
(B) When do you think is the best time to get a haircut?
(C) I prefer to have my hair cut by my hairdresser.
(D) I’ve never seen her with short hair before.
(A) 我們何不預約今晚來弄?
(B) 你認為何時是剪頭髮的好時間?
(C) 我偏好讓我的美髮師幫我剪頭髮。
(D) 我從來沒看過她留短頭髮。
(1) 本題為討論別人新髪型的情境從辛蒂說她覺得珍的髮型很好看她也想弄成同樣的造型而空格後又贊同妮娜給的提議,並且要問髮廊的聯絡電話,可推知妮娜應是提議去弄頭髮,故選(A)
(2) ask sb for sth  向某人要…  make an appointment  預約
( B ) 21. Alex: Hey, Bill, are you interested in scuba diving?
       Bill: Why do you ask?
       Alex: My friends and I are going to a new diving spot this weekend. So if you like, you can join us.
       Bill: Great! _______________
       Alex: We will hit the road right after school Friday night.
       (A) Which way are you taking?
       (B) When do you plan to leave?
       (C) Do you need me to bring a bat?
       (D) Will you go by car or by motorcycle?
(A) 你們走哪條路?
(B) 你們打算何時出發?
(C) 你們需要我帶球棒嗎?
(D) 你們要開車去還是騎車去?
(1) 本題為邀約外出活動的情境。從艾力克斯邀請比爾一同與他們去潛水,而比爾回答Great!可知他答應邀約,接下來艾力克斯回答時間點(after school Friday night)則可推知比爾應是詢問出發時間,故選(B)
(2) scuba diving  水肺潛水(自行攜帶水下呼吸器所進行的潛水)
   diving spot  潛水地點  hit the road  出發,上路

III. 綜合測驗:以下兩篇短文,共有10個空格,為第2231題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
下篇短文共有5個空格,為第2226題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該 空格的答案。
  Jacky is the most interesting person in our office because he is kind but curious and slow. He never tries to take     22     of his colleagues; instead, he is very generous. Whenever we are in need of assistance, he always tries to give us a     23    . Nevertheless, he likes to inquire into other’s business     24     has nothing to do with him. Not only is he interested in how anyone of us does his or her work,     25     he is also interested in our personal matters. Moreover, he usually works in such a slow manner that most of us get impatient with him. Naturally, a lot of work is delayed simply     26     his slowness. Despite his weaknesses, we still appreciate his helpfulness.
( A ) 22. (A) advantage        (B) pity                 (C) interest            (D) turns
(A) 好處             (B) 同情                (C) 興趣               (D) 輪流
(1) 由文中第一句的關鍵字kind (親切的)以及空格後提到的generous (慷慨的),可推測傑克的人格特質和同事之間的關係,而空格前有否定字never,故此題應選(A)
(2) take advantage of…  佔…便宜,利用…
( D ) 23. (A) head               (B) help                 (C) hold                (D) hand
(A) 頭部             (B) 幫助                (C) 抓住               (D) 援手
(1) 由空格前的assistance (協助)可知,此處應選擇表示「幫忙」的片語,故選(D)
(2) assistance = help = aid  幫助,援助
   give sb a hand = help sb  幫助某人
( B ) 24. (A) who                (B) which              (C) what                (D) whose
(1) 由空格前的名詞以及後面的動詞片語結構可以判斷,空格應為一關係代名詞,引導限定的關係子句;關代在此作主詞,且先行詞other’s business為一事物,所以答案選(B)
(2) inquire into…  詢問…,查問…
have nothing to do with…  與…無關
( C ) 25. (A) or                    (B) so                    (C) but                  (D) nor
(A) 或者             (B) 所以                (C) 但是               (D) 也不
(1) 此句以對等連接詞not only…but also… (不但…而且…)的前半段開頭,為倒裝句用法,而空格後有also,故此處應選(C)
(2) personal matter = private matter  私人事務
( A ) 26. (A) because of       (B) in order to       (C) except for       (D) in spite of
(A) 因為             (B) 為了                (C) 除了以外   (D) 不管
本句延續前一句所提到傑克工作的特性慢吞吞(works in such a slow manner),而這樣的緩慢(slowness)會造成工作上的延宕(delayed),兩者互為因果關係,答案選(A)

  Many adults can still remember seeing lots of fireflies when they were kids. Children these days,     27    , seldom have the opportunity to see these wonderful creatures. This is because fireflies, particularly the females, are affected by light pollution. To preserve these glow worms, we have to protect them     28     light and other threats. A popular site for watching fireflies is the low-lying mountains of Taichung,     29     in forest parks where tens of thousands of the insects glow in the dark. Of about 55 species of fireflies known in Taiwan, nine species     30     here. The largest number of fireflies displaying their lights can be seen between early April and mid-May. Other times of the year to see fireflies     31     the months of July and November. The warm and wet climate during these periods is ideal for fireflies to find their mates.
  許多成人仍能記起時曾看過的成群螢火蟲。然而,現今的孩童卻鮮少有機會目睹這些美妙的生物。這都是因為螢火蟲特別是雌性受到光害的影響。為了維護這些發光的小蟲,我們必須保護牠們遠離光線與其他威脅。一個著名的賞螢景點位於台中的低山上,尤其是其中的森林公園內,可見到成千上萬的螢火蟲在黑暗中發著光。台灣已知約莫有55 種螢火蟲,其中9種皆能在此處找到。能目睹最多螢火蟲發光的時間大約在四月初到五月中之間。而一年中,其他能見到螢火蟲的時間落在七月至十一月。這段期間內,溫暖潮濕的氣候非常適合螢火蟲求偶。
( D ) 27. (A) therefore         (B) moreover        (C) likewise           (D) however
(A) 因此             (B) 此外                (C) 同樣地           (D) 然而
(1) 前一句指出成人小時候曾見過許多螢火蟲,而此句卻道出現今的孩童很少看到螢火蟲,與前句形成強烈對比,故空格須填入表達「然而」的轉折詞,答案選(D)
(2) opportunity = chance  機會
( C ) 28. (A) with                (B) under              (C) from                (D) by
(1) 前句已明確提出光害(light pollution)會對螢火蟲造成影響,可知若要保護螢火蟲,須讓牠們遠離光線和其他威脅,故答案選(C)
(2) protect A from B  保護A遠離B
( C ) 29. (A) barely              (B) hardly             (C) especially        (D) gradually
(A) 僅僅             (B) 幾乎不            (C) 尤其               (D) 逐漸地
(1) 此句的森林公園(forest parks)屬於山區的一部分,且從文中可推知,螢火蟲在森林公園內特別多,因此答案選(C)
(2) low-lying mountain  低山  tens of thousands  成千上萬的
( A ) 30. (A) have been found                           (B) have found    
              (C) are finding                                     (D) will be finding
( B ) 31. (A) stare at            (B) fall in              (C) lie on               (D) contribute to
(A) 凝視             (B) 落在                (C) 取決於           (D) 促成
本句主詞為other times of… (賞螢的時間),而其後的受詞為the months of... (七月到十一月),可推知此處須用表「落在,適逢」的動詞,故答案選(B)

IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有兩篇短文,共有10個題目,為第3241題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。
Energy from the sun is called solar energy. People use solar energy to produce heat in different ways. For example, many buildings use large solar collectors to collect sunlight. Inside the solar collectors are rows of black tubes carrying water or air. Sunlight strikes the tubes and heats the water or air inside them. The tubes carry the heated water or air to pipes that run throughout the building. The heated water or air is pumped through the pipes. If the heat is not needed, it goes to a storage tank. On a cloudy day or at night, the stored heat can be used. This kind of system is called active heating.
Another way to use solar energy is to “trap” it. When sunlight passes through the glass windows and strikes the material inside, the solar energy changes to heat. This heat warms the air inside, so the air inside becomes warmer and warmer. This build-up of heat is called the greenhouse effect. Such kind of heating is called passive solar heating.
In addition to producing heat, solar energy can also be used to produce electricity. Some may think that solar energy seems to be a perfect energy source. It is clean, plentiful, and free. But there are problems in using solar energy. One problem is that not all places receive enough sunlight to make solar energy useful. Besides, solar energy is not constant. If there are several cloudy days in a row, the stored heat or electrical energy may be used up.
( B ) 32. According to the passage, what do people use to gather sunlight?
               (A) Lightening strike.                            (B) Solar collectors.
               (C) Storage tanks.                                  (D) Pipe cleaners.
(A) 閃電襲擊。                                  (B) 太陽能集熱器。
(C) 儲熱槽。                                       (D) 煙囪通條。
( C ) 33. Which of the following carries the heated water or air to run throughout the building?
               (A) Trappers.             (B) Tanks.            (C) Pipes.           (D) Greenhouses.
(A) 設陷阱的人。  (B) 儲存槽。      (C) 水管。         (D) 溫室。
第一段第四到六句提到,太陽光使黑色管排(rows of black tubes)內的水或空氣作用,再經由水管(pipes)將加熱的水或空氣輸送到建築物各處,故選(C)
( C ) 34. Which of the following could be inferred from the reading passage?
               (A) There is only one way to use solar energy to produce heat.
               (B) People can enjoy using solar energy without worrying.
               (C) Glass can be used to change sunlight into a source of energy.
               (D) All places get enough sunlight to make solar energy.
(A) 運用太陽能產生熱的方式只有一種。
(B) 人們能盡情使用太陽能而不必擔心。
(C) 玻璃可被用來將陽光轉換成一種能源。
(D) 所有地方都能接收到充足的陽光以產生太陽能。
( D ) 35. According to the passage, which of the following about solar energy is NOT true?
               (A) Solar energy is hard to produce without enough sunlight.
               (B) Solar energy can be used to produce heat and electricity.
               (C) Solar energy can be kept in storage tanks for future use.
               (D) Solar energy is a perfect and stable energy source.
(A) 沒有充足的陽光很難產生太陽能。
(B) 太陽能可以用來產生熱和電。
(C) 太陽能可以儲存在儲熱槽內以便日後使用。
(D) 太陽能是個完美且穩定的能源。
第三段第五句點出,陽光的來源充裕才能使太陽能發揮效用,可推知 (A)所述正確;第一段第二句及第三段第一句提到,太陽能可以產生熱和電,故(B)正確;而第一段倒數第三句提及,太陽能製成的熱不需要時,可儲存在儲熱槽內,所以(C)也正確;文中第三段第四句開始,討論太陽能使用的問題,點出其非穩定的能源,故答案選(D)
( A ) 36. What is the best title for this passage?
               (A) Energy from the Sun                       (B) Different Types of Energy
               (C) Effects of Electricity                       (D) The Greenhouse Effect
(A) 從太陽獲取的能源                       (B) 不同種類的能源
(C) 電的影響                                       (D) 溫室效應

Water is a major component of the human body. Lack of water can affect bodily functions. The body continuously loses water through daily activities and must make up for this loss through food such as fruits and vegetables, and beverages such as milk and soda. Water, which is calorie free, is the healthiest drink.
Men need 13 cups of water per day and women need nine. Water requirements depend on activity levels, climate, and health. If you are doing exercise, you need to drink an extra two cups of water. For intense exercise, such as marathon running or road cycling, you need even more. Sports drinks are one way to replace water and sodium lost through sweat. In hot and dry weather, the body must have enough water to keep cool. Furthermore, in mountains of over 2500 meters, people breathe faster, so they require five cups of water more than usual.
People suffering from fever should also take in additional fluids to balance water loss. Pregnant or breast-feeding women need large amounts of water, too. Doctors advise mothers-to-be to drink ten cups of water daily and women who are breast-feeding 14 cups per day. All in all, water needs differ according to various factors and drinking proper amounts of water is key to good health.
( D ) 37. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor influencing water needs?
               (A) Personal health.                               (B) Climate conditions.
               (C) Sports activities.                               (D) Emotional status.
(A) 個人健康狀況。                           (B) 氣候狀況。
(C) 體育活動。                                   (D) 情緒狀態。
( B ) 38. According to the passage, how much water should a pregnant woman drink per day?
               (A) 9 cups.                (B) 10 cups.        (C) 13 cups.        (D) 14 cups.
(A) 9杯。                (B) 10杯。         (C) 13杯。         (D) 14杯。
( C ) 39. Which of the following is an example of “fluids” shown in line 1 in the third paragraph?
               (A) Milk candy.                                     (B) Chicken breast.
               (C) Orange juice.                                   (D) Hot dog.
以下何者是第三段第一行所提到的 fluids之例?
(A) 牛奶糖。                                       (B) 雞胸。
(C) 柳橙汁。                                       (D) 熱狗。
此句提到take in (攝取)balance water loss (平衡水分流失),故可推知fluids應與水分相關,而此題選項只有(C)和水分一樣皆為液體,因此為正確答案。
( A ) 40. Which of the following is true about this passage?
               (A) Water is needed for the body to function well.
               (B) You need less water if you get a high temperature.
               (C) Sports drinks do not provide sodium for athletes.
               (D) Soda is the best drink for the body.
(A) 人體需要水來正常運作。
(B) 如果你發高燒,就需要比較少的水分。
(C) 運動飲料沒有提供運動員鈉。
(D) 汽水是對人體最好的飲料。
( B ) 41. What is the best title for this passage?
               (A) Sportsmen and Water
               (B) Water and Healthy Living
               (C) Hot Weather and Water Needs
               (D) Sodium Loss through Excess Water
(A) 運動員與水
(B) 水與健康生活
(C) 炎熱天氣與飲水需求
(D) 飲水過量導致鈉流失

. 填充
▲ 請依據中文提示,將試題內空格答案之完整單字(含提示之字首),分別作答於答案卷之作答欄之指定範圍內以完成句子。
▲ 請勿抄題,每格限填一字,超過一字者視為錯誤,不予計分。
1. 我們必須在中午前到達機場,所以我們最好現在前往車站。
We have to arrive at the a airport  before noon, so we had better l leave  for the station now.
(1) had better + V表示「最好…」之意,後面接原形動詞。
(2) leave for  前往…

. 句子重組
2. the effects of / People need to / on human life / be aware of / climate change
  People need to be aware of the effects of climate change on human life.         
(1) need to後面接原形動詞,表示「需要…」之意。
(2) be aware of  意識到…,明白…  effect of A on B  AB的影響
   climate change  氣候變遷

. 中譯英
3. 我們應該養成良好的閱讀習慣。
   We should develop/form a good reading habit/habit of reading.                          
(1) should = ought to = be supposed to,表示「應該」之意,後面接原形動詞。
(2) good/bad habit  好/壞習慣

