2011年1月2日 星期日

LEVEL 3: U7~U8


Unit 07

advice [əd`vaɪs] n. 勸告,忠告,建議(不可數)

Can you give me an advice? (X)

Can you give me a piece of advice? () 你可以給我一個建議嗎?

延伸:an advice (X) a piece of advice () 一個建議 = a suggestionsome advice () 一些建議 = some suggestions


advise [əd`vaɪz] vt. 勸告,忠告,通知

The doctor advised Grandfather not to climb too many stairs. / 醫生建議祖父別爬太多樓梯。

Travelers have been advised that they should avoid going out alone after dark. / 遊客們已被告知天黑後要避免單獨外出。

用法:advise sb to v 勸某人從事advise sb not to V 勸某人不要從事


adviser [əd`vaɪzɚ] n. 顧問(= advisor

I think you need a financial adviser to help you plan your investments. / 我想你需要一位理財顧問來幫助你規劃你的投資。


alley [`ælɪ] n.

A car got stuck in the narrow alley. / 有輛車困在這條窄巷裡。


attract [ə`trækt] vt. 吸引,引起(某人的)注意或興趣

片語:be attracted to/by... 著迷,被深深吸引;attract attention from... 吸引的注意力 = draw attention from...

I must admit that I'm very attracted to her. / 我必須承認我對她十分著迷。

The new policy attracted attention from minorities. / 這項新政策引起弱勢族群的關切。


attraction [ə`trækʃən] n. 吸引力,誘惑,吸引人的事物

Wealth and fame hold no attraction for Tom. / 名利對湯姆毫無吸引力。

Chris could barely conceal his attraction to Melody. / 克里斯很難隱藏自己對美樂蒂的愛戀。

Her greatest attraction for me is her lips. / 她對我最大的誘惑是她的雙唇。

Our main attraction tonight is lady mud wrestling. / 我們今晚的重頭戲是女子泥漿摔角。

延伸:a tourist attraction 觀光勝地


attractive [ə`træktɪv] a. 誘人的,有吸引力的

衍生字:charming [`tʃɑrmɪŋ] a. 迷人的 ③;appealing [ə`pilɪŋ] a. 吸引人的

Unlike her sister, Liz was extremely attractive. / 和她姊姊不同的是,莉絲十分嫵媚動人。

I find the idea of rail travel attractive. / 我發覺鐵道旅遊的構想頗具吸引力。


avenue [`ævə͵nju] n. 大道,方法

片語:explore every avenue 遍尋各種方法

They established a branch office on Fifth Avenue.  / 他們在第五大道上開了一間分公司。

They explored every avenue to find a cure for the disease. / 他們試了各種方法,要找到這個疾病的療方。


chain [tʃen] n. 鍊子,連鎖店 vt. 用鐵鍊鎖住

片語:a chain smoker  癮君子,老煙槍;be chained to... 被鎖在⋯⋯之上

同義字:link [lɪŋk] n. 環節 & vt. 連接 ②

Bill wears a gold chain around his neck. / 比爾的脖子上掛了條金鍊子。

The ice cream parlor around the corner is part of a 10-location chain in this city. / 轉角附近的那家冰淇淋店是本市某個有 10 家店面的連鎖店其中的一家。

Jim is a chain smoker. He smokes one cigarette right after another. / 吉姆是個癮君子。他煙一根接著一根抽。

The dog is chained to the tree. / 狗被用鍊子拴在那棵樹。


conversation [͵kɑnvɚ`seʃən] n. (兩人以上的)對話

片語:strike up a conversation with sb 與某人打開話匣子,開啟一個話題

同義字:dialogue/dialog [`daɪə͵lɔg] n.(兩人的)對話 ③

You can strike up a conversation with people by talking about the weather. / 你可以從談論天氣與人打開話題。


crisp [krɪsp] a.  脆的,涼爽的

反義字:humid [hjumɪd] a. 潮濕的 ②

These crackers are crisp and tasty. / 這些餅乾又脆又好吃。

I like to live in the country because of the crisp weather there. / 我喜歡住在鄉下因為那兒的天氣涼爽。

用法:本字亦可寫成 crispy [`krɪspɪ] ,意思相同。


crunchy [`krʌntʃɪ] a. 清脆的

衍生字:crunch [`krʌntʃ] vt. 清脆的咬嚼 ⑤

This kind of fruit is very sweet and crunchy. / 這種水果很甜也很脆。


dialogue [`daɪə͵lɔg] n. (兩人的)對話

Simply reading the dialogue is not enough. You should act it out. / 光唸對話是沒用的。你應該把它表演出來才對。

延伸:monologue [`mɑnḷ͵ɔg] n. 獨白


empty [`ɛmptɪ] a. 空的 vt. 使變空 vi. 注入(大海)

片語:empty into the sea 注入大海

反義字:full [fʊl] a. 滿的 ①

The gambler returned home from the casino empty-handed as usual. / 這個賭徒和往常一樣兩手空空地從賭場回來。

I was shocked to find that my room was emptied by burglars. / 我看到竊賊把房間洗劫一空,嚇了一跳。

The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico. / 密西西比河注入墨西哥灣。

延伸:empty-handed [͵ɛmptɪ`hændɪd] 空手的


external [ɪks`tɝnḷ] a. 外部的

同義字outer [`aʊtɚ] a. 外在的外面的

This ointment is for external use only. / 這種軟膏只可外用。ointiment [`ɔɪntmənt] n. 軟膏藥膏


file [faɪl] n. 檔案 vt. 歸檔提出

片語keep...on file  建立檔案file a lawsuit (against sb) 對某人提出訴狀,(和某人打官司

John, would you keep this on file for me? / 約翰你可以幫我把這個建檔嗎

Please file these documents in that folder. / 請把這些文件歸檔在那個卷宗夾內。

Frank filed a lawsuit against the doctor who used illegal drugs. / 法蘭克要對那個使用禁藥的醫生提出告訴。


folk [fok] n. 人們可使用 folk folks均作複數等於 people),雙親親戚使用 folks等於 parents

The folk(s) in this part of the country are generally farmers and factory workers. / 國內這一帶的居民多半是農民和工廠勞工。

My folks are coming to see me today. / 我爸媽今天會來看我。


glance [glæns] vi. 瞥視 n. 一瞥

片語:glance at... 瞥視⋯ = take a glance at...at first glance 乍看之下

I glanced at the girl one more time before I left. / 我對那個女孩子匆匆再看了一眼便離開了。

At first glance, the painting was average. But the more I looked at it, the more I liked it. / 乍看之下,這幅畫沒啥了不起。不過,我愈看則愈愛。


gradual [`grædʒʊəl] a. 逐漸的

The growth of a child into an adult is gradual. / 小孩是逐漸長大成人的。


gradually [`grædʒʊəlɪ] adv. 逐漸地

反義字:suddenly [`sʌdənlɪ] adv. 突然間 ②

The patient's condition gradually improved. / 病人的狀況漸漸有了起色。


heaven [`hɛvən] n. 天堂(不與 the 並用)

同義字:paradise [`pærə͵daɪs] n. 天堂 ③

Good people will go to heaven after they die. / 好人死後會到天堂去。

Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. 法網恢恢,疏而不漏。──諺語*vengeance [`vɛndʒəns] n. 報仇


hell [hɛl] n. 地獄(不與 the 並用)

Bad people go to hell after they die. / 壞人死後會下地獄。


historian [hɪs`tɔrɪən] n. 歷史學家

This historian wrote a book, revealing the mysteries of the dynasty. / 這位歷史學家寫了一本書,揭開該朝代神秘的面紗。


historic [hɪs`tɔrɪk] a.  有歷史性的,歷史上著名的

This invention is of historical significance. / 這件發明具有歷史性的意義。

It was on this historic spot that the battle was fought. / 那場戰役就是在這歷史上很著名的地方開打的。

用法:由於 historical historic 意思接近,不少英美人士已將這兩個字混用。

be of historical significance 有歷史性的意義 = be of historic significance


historical [hɪs`tɔrɪkḷ] a. 與歷史有關的

I don't enjoy historical novels; I like modern short stories instead. / 我不喜歡歷史小說,我倒喜歡現代短篇小說。


historically [hɪs`tɔrɪkḷɪ] adv. 歷史上

Historically, the party was opposed to monarchy.

歷史上,該政黨一直反對君主政治。*monarchy [`mɑnɚkɪ] n. 君主政治


hollow [`hɑlo] a. 中空的

反義字:solid [`sɑlɪd] a. 實心的;固體的 & n. 固體 ③

Bamboo is light because it is hollow. / 竹子因為是中空的所以很輕。


inner [`ɪnɚ] a. 內部的,內心的

片語:the inner circle 核心集團;內圈人士

Beauty is only skin deep. It is inner beauty that counts. / 美貌是膚淺的。重要的是內在美。

They believe the religious faith can bring them inner peace. / 他們相信這個宗教信仰能帶給他們內心的平靜。

One figure in the dictator's inner circle was executed this morning. / 該獨裁者身邊的核心人士其中一位今晨遭到處決了。*dictator [dɪk`tetɚ] n. 獨裁者*execute [`ɛksɪ͵kjut] vt. 處死


internal [ɪn`tɝnḷ] a. 內部的

同義字:inner [`ɪnɚ] a. 內部的;內心的 ③

These inspectors decided to examine the corpse's internal organs. / 這些探員決定開驗這具屍體的內臟。*corpse [kɔrps] n. 屍體


necessity [nə`sɛsə͵tɪ] n. 需要(不可數),必需品(可數)

衍生字:necessary [`nɛsə͵sɛrɪ] a. 必須的;不可避免的 ②

necessarily [`nɛsə͵sɛrəlɪ] adv. 必然的 ②;unnecessary [ʌn`nɛsə͵sɛrɪ] a. 不必要的 ①

Necessity is the mother of invention. / 需要為發明之母。──格言

Water is a basic necessity of life. / 水是生命中不可或缺的基本要素。

延伸:basic necessities 生活必需品

Most families ran out of basic necessities during the natural disaster. / 在這場天災期間,多數家庭耗盡了他們的生活必需品。


outer [`aʊtɚ] a. 外在的,外面的

片語:in outer space 在外太空;in space 在太空

Some people believe that there are intelligent beings like mankind in outer space. / 有些人相信,在外太空有像人類一樣會智慧型生物。


paradise [`pærə͵daɪs] n. 天堂(= heaven),樂園

They say Singapore is a shopping paradise. / 據說新加坡是個購物天堂。


peep [pip] vi. 偷看

片語:peep at... 偷看

Stop peeping at me like that. It embarrasses me.  / 不要那樣偷看我嘛。這令我怪難為情的。


pilot [`paɪlət] n. 飛行員,舵手,嚮導 vt. 駕駛(飛機)

片語:pilot a plane 開飛機 = fly a plane (不可說:drive a plane

衍生字:copilot [`ko͵paɪlət] n. 副駕駛員

Brian is a licensed pilot and owns his own plane.  / 布萊恩是位有執照的飛行駕駛,而且還有一架私人飛機。

I can drive a car and pilot a plane. / 我會開車也會開飛機。


proposal [prə`pozḷ] n. 提議,建議,求婚

片語:approve/reject a proposal 贊成/反對某項提議

衍生字:propose [prə`poz] vt. 計劃;建議 & vi. 求婚(與介詞 to 並用)②

proposition [͵prɑpə`zɪʃən] n. 提議 ⑥

The proposal to close the hospital was rejected.  / 關閉這家醫院的提議被否決了。

Eve was thinking how to decline David's marriage proposal. / 伊芙在想該怎麼婉拒大衛的求婚。


remind [rɪ`maɪnd] vt. 提醒,使想起

片語:remind sb of sth/sb 使某人想起某事物/某人;remind sb to V 提醒某人要

衍生字:reminder [rɪ`maɪndɚ] n. 提醒物;提示;令人回憶之物 ⑤

The lullaby reminds me of my childhood. / 這首搖籃曲使我想起我的童年。

Please remind me to call Jason at seven. / 請提醒我 7 點時打電話給傑森。


sensible [`sɛnsəbḷ] a. 明智的,顯著的

That's a sensible approach to the problem. / 那是一個解決問題的明智辦法。

There's a sensible difference between red and blue. / 紅色和藍色之間有顯著的差別。


sensitive [`sɛnsətɪv] a. 敏感的

片語:be sensitive to/about sth 對某事物很敏感

衍生字:sense [sɛns] n. 感覺 & vt. 察覺 ①;sensitivity [͵sɛnsə`tɪvətɪ] n. 靈敏;感性;靈敏度 ⑤;sensory [`sɛnsərɪ] a. 感覺的,知覺的 ④;insensible [ɪn`sɛnsəbḷ] a. 失去意識的;sensation [sɛn`seʃən] n. 感覺;轟動 ⑤

反義字:insensitive [ɪn`sɛnsətɪv] a. 遲鈍的

John is sensitive to others' remarks. / 約翰對別人的話很敏感。

Don't mention his missing doghe's very sensitive about that. / 不要提到他走失的狗——他對那件事非常敏感。


slave [slev] n. 奴隸(與介詞 to 並用)

片語:be a slave to... 所奴役 = be enslaved by...

衍生字:slavery [`slevərɪ] n. 奴隸制度 ⑥;enslave [ɪn`slev] vt. 奴役

Peter is a slave to his work and often works himself to exhaustion. / 彼得是工作的奴隸,常工作到筋疲力盡。

I feel sorry for John because he is a slave to money. = I feel sorry for John because he is enslaved by money. / 我為約翰感到難過,因為他是金錢的奴隸。


stare [stɛr] vi. 凝視,瞪視(與介詞 at 並用)

片語:stare at... 凝視著

Why are you staring at me, John? Is there something wrong with me? / 約翰,你為什麼這樣瞪著我?我有什麼不對勁嗎?


sufficient [sə`fɪʃənt] a. 充分的,足夠的

片語:be sufficient for sth 足以應付對某事

衍生字:sufficiency [sə`fɪʃənsɪ] n. 充足

同義字:enough [ɪ`nʌf] a. 充分的,足夠的

反義字:insufficient [͵ɪnsə`fɪʃənt] a. 不足的

Those poor children do not have sufficient food for the winter. / 那些窮孩子沒有足夠的食物過冬。

This sum will be sufficient for our living expenses.  / 這筆金額將足夠應付我們的生活開銷。


sufficiently [sə`fɪʃəntlɪ] adv. 充分地,足夠地

Is your home sufficiently insured against fire? / 你家有投保足夠的火險嗎?

This room is sufficiently large. / 這個房間夠大了。


sum [sʌm] n. 合計,總額,數目,金額 vt. 概述

片語:To sum up,... 總之,⋯ = In sum,...a large/small sum of money 巨額/小額金錢

54 is the sum of 17, 18 and 19. / 171819合計是54

Harry has a large sum of money in a bank account in Switzerland. / 哈利在瑞士某家銀行戶頭內有大筆存款。

To sum up, the plan to raise taxes is a terrible idea. / 總之,這項增稅計劃是個很差勁的想法。


summarize [`sʌməraɪz] vt. 摘要,摘錄大意

Some of the students merely summarized the books they had read instead of writing a real review. / 有些學生只是把他們讀過的書摘錄大意而不是寫下真正的心得。


summary [`sʌmərɪ] n. 概述,概要

片語:In summary,... 概括來說,⋯ = In sum,...

Please give me a summary of what was decided at the meeting. / 請就會議的決議事項給我一個概述。

In summary, the meeting last Friday was quite fruitful. / 概括來說,上星期五的會議成果豐碩。


threat [θrɛt] n. 威脅,恐嚇,惡兆,兆頭

片語:pose a threat to... 構成威脅

Poverty is a threat to society. / 貧困對社會是一種威脅。

Global warming is posing a threat to human survival. / 全球升溫對人類的生存正構成威脅。

The dark clouds are a threat of a heavy rain. / 這些烏雲是大雨將至的前兆。


threaten [`θrɛtṇ] vt. 威脅,有的前兆

片語:threaten sb with sth 以某事威脅某人

Todd threatened his wife with divorce. / 陶德以離婚威脅他老婆。

These clouds threaten rain. / 這些雲是下雨的前兆。


tide [taɪd] n. 潮汐,潮流 vt. 幫助(某人)渡過(難關)

片語:tide sb over 幫某人度過難關

Time and tide wait for no man. / 歲月不饒人。──諺語

I wonder if you could lend me $200 to tide me over until payday. / 我不知道你是否可借我 200 美元,讓我撐到發薪水的那一天。


trend [trɛnd] n. 趨勢,潮流(常用複數)

片語:keep up with the trends 趕上潮流;follow the trends 跟著潮流走

衍生字:trendy [`trɛndɪ] a. 時髦的

Business leaders have to keep track of the latest economic trends. / 企業領袖必須隨時掌握最新的經濟趨勢。

Reading newspapers and watching TV enable you to keep up with the trends. / 看報及看電視可以讓你趕上潮流。


typical [`tɪpɪkḷ] a. 典型的,特有的

片語:be typical of... 的典型

衍生字:type [taɪp] n. 形式,類型 & vt. 打字 ②;typist [`taɪpɪst] n. 打字員 ②

typically [`tɪpɪkḷɪ] adv. 典型地;特有地

It was a typical summer morning. / 那是個典型的夏日早晨。

This weather is typical of the Mediterranean climate. / 這種天氣是典型的地中海型氣候。


vacant [`vekənt] a. 空缺的,未被佔用的

同義字:available [ə`veləbḷ] a. 空著的 ③

We'll keep this position vacant until you come back. / 我們會把這個職位空著直到你會來為止。



Unit 08

advertise [`ædvɚ͵taɪz] vt. 登廣告 vi. 登廣告

片語:advertise for sb 登廣告徵人

You should advertise your car in the local newspaper if you want to sell it quickly. / 你如果想快點把車賣掉,應該在本地的報紙登廣告。

On the wall there was a small poster advertising a new magazine. / 牆上有張替新雜誌打廣告的小海報。

They advertised for someone to look after the garden. / 他們登廣告徵人照顧花園。


advertisement [͵ædvɚ`taɪzmənt] n. 廣告(可數,常縮寫成 ad [æd]

片語:put/place an advertisement in the newspaper 在報上刊登廣告

衍生字:advertising [`ædvɚ͵taɪzɪŋ] n. 廣告(不可數)

No one replied to the advertisement Mary put in the paper. / 瑪麗在報上登的廣告沒有回音。


advertiser [`ædvɚ͵taɪzɚ] n. 刊登廣告者,廣告商

Super Bowl advertisers have to pay lots of money for their commercial time. / 超級盃的廣告商要花很多錢來支付他們打廣告的時間。


beneath [bɪ`niθ] prep. 正下方

片語:beneath the surface  外表下

同義字:underneath [͵ʌndɚ`niθ] prep. 下方 ⑤;below [bə`lo] adv. & prep. 在下方 ①

反義字:above [ə`bʌv] adv. & prep. 在上方 ①

The money was hidden beneath a stack of newspapers. / 錢藏在一堆報紙下面。

Beneath his inconspicuous appearance, he is a talented pianist. / 在不起眼的外表下,其實他是個很有才氣的鋼琴家。*inconspicuous [͵ɪnkən`spɪkjʊəs] a. 不顯眼的


breast [brɛst] n. 胸部,乳房

片語:keep abreast of the times 跟上時代 = keep pace with the times

衍生字:abreast [ə`brɛst] adv. 並排

Breast cancer can be cured if detected early. / 乳癌若能及早診斷出來是可以治癒的。


brilliant [`brɪlɪənt] a. 明亮的,出色的

Incandescent bulbs are more brilliant and energy- saving. / 白熾燈泡比較亮也比較省電。*incandescent [͵ɪnkæn`dɛsṇt] a. 白熾的

Tom came up with a brilliant idea to solve the urgent problem. / 湯姆想到了一個很棒的方法,來解決這個緊急的問題。


buffalo [`bʌfə͵lo] (複數形: buffalo buffaloes) n.  野牛,水牛(= water buffalo

The American buffalo is one of the largest land animals in North America. / 美洲野牛是北美陸地上體型最大的動物之ㄧ。


bull [bʊl] n. 公牛

During the festival, many bulls will run through the narrow streets in the city. / 在慶典期間,許多公牛會狂奔於該城市狹窄的街道。

延伸:cow [kaʊ] n. 母牛①


cattle [`kætḷ] n. 牛群

In New Zealand, there are more than 13,000 sheep and cattle farms. / 紐西蘭有13千多個飼養綿羊和牛群的農場。

延伸:cattle 如同 people,視作複數名詞,可被 two(2) 以上的數詞(如threefourmany等)修飾。There is a people in the room. (×) There are two /five /many people in the room. ()(房間裡有 2 個/5 個/許多人。)

同理:There is a cattle in the field. (×) There are two /five /many cattle in the field. ()牧場裡有 2 隻/5 隻/許多隻牛。


chest [tʃɛst] n.

片語:get something off one's chest 心中一吐為快

Don't keep the secret to yourself. You should tell me and get it off your chest. / 別把秘密守在自己心裡,你應告訴我,心中一吐為快。


comfort [`kʌmfɚt] n. 舒適 vt. 安慰

片語:find/take comfort in... 中尋找安慰

衍生字:comfortable [`kʌmfɚtəbḷ] a. 舒適的 ②

反義字:discomfort [dɪs`kʌmfɚt] n. 不適 ⑥

Despite all the material comforts, the rich man isn't happy. / 這個富翁儘管有種種的物質享受,卻仍不快樂。

We comforted the woman when her child was killed in a car accident. / 這位婦人的兒子在車禍中喪生,我們便安慰她。

I find comfort in listening to music whenever I feel troubled. / 每當我心煩時就會在聽音樂中找到慰藉。


comparison [kəm`pærɪsən] n. 相較,相比

片語:in comparison with... 相較

衍生字:compare [kəm`pɛr] vt. & vi. 比較 ②

A comparison of the two teams indicates that the game should be close. / 兩隊實力相較,可預見那場比賽將是五五波。

In comparison with my old one, my new motorcycle is really fast. / 與我那台舊摩托車比起來,新的跑得真是快。


complex [`kɑmplɛks / kəm`plɛks] a. 複雜的 n. 綜合設施

衍生字:complexity [kəm`plɛksətɪ] n. 複雜性 ⑥

同義字:complicated [`kɑmplə͵ketɪd] a. 複雜的 ④

反義字:simple [`sɪmpḷ] a. 簡單的 ①

The mathematician invented a complex number system. / 那位數學家發明了一套複雜的數字系統。

This shopping complex consists of a department store and two big malls. / 這塊購物區有一家百貨公司及兩個大賣場。

延伸:a shopping complex 購物區


confuse [kən`fjuz] vt. 使困惑,混淆,弄錯

片語:confuse A with B AB混淆;get confused 搞迷糊了

Please slow downyou are confusing me. / 請說慢一點──你把我搞糊塗了。

Our teacher sometimes confuses John with Lee. / 我們老師有時會把約翰當作是李。

She saw the sign and got confused. / 她看到這標示就搞不清楚了。


confusion [kən`fjuʒən] n. 混亂,混淆,困惑

片語:be (left) in confusion 陷入混亂 = be (left) in chaos  (chaos [`keɑs] n. 混亂)

The whole city was in great confusion after the earthquake. / 地震過後,整座城市陷入了一片混亂。

The confusion of the word borrow for lend is a common mistake among English learners in Taiwan. / 把『借入』一字誤以為是『借出』是台灣學英文的學生常犯的錯。


conscious [`kɑnʃəs] a. 有所察覺的,清醒的

片語:be conscious of... 察覺到⋯ = be aware of...

Conscious of the dangers of smoking, Benny decided to give up the bad habit. / 班尼察覺到抽菸的危險,決定要戒掉這個壞習慣。

The soldier was wounded but still conscious. / 這士兵受了傷,但仍然清醒。

比較:conscience [`kɑnʃəns] n. 是非之心,良心 ④


consciously [`kɑnʃəslɪ] adv. 有意識地,自覺地

Don't mind Daniel. He is probably not consciously aware that what he said was rude.  / 請別介意丹尼爾。他可能沒有意識到他所說的話是無禮的。


consciousness [`kɑnʃəsnɪs] n. 知覺,了解,知道

片語:regain consciousness 恢復意識

衍生字:awareness [ə`wɛrnɪs] n. 察覺 ③

The patient regained consciousness shortly after treatment. / 這個病人經過治療後不久就恢復了意識。

My consciousness of their suffering urged me to offer help. / 我知道他們的痛苦遭遇後,就有一股伸出援手的衝動。


cricket [`krɪkɪt] n. 蟋蟀,板球

Do you hear a cricket? It's keeping me awake. / 你有沒有聽到蟋蟀在叫?它讓我睡不著。

Let's play cricket this afternoon at the park. / 咱們今天下午去公園玩板球如何?


cultural [`kʌltʃərəl] a. 文化的

衍生字:culture [`kʌltʃɚ] n. 文化 ②

The argument was caused by cultural differences. / 這場爭執是由於文化差異所引起的。


discovery [dɪs`kʌvərɪ] n. 發現,被發現的事物

片語:make a discovery 有所發現

衍生字:discover [dɪs`kʌvɚ] vt. 發現 ①

The scientist made a significant discovery in his research. / 這位科學家在他研究中有了重大的發現。

比較:invention [ɪn`vɛnʃən] n. 發明;發明物 ④


domestic [də`mɛstɪk] a. 國內的,家庭的

衍生字:domesticate [də`mɛstɪ͵ket] vt. 飼養;馴服

反義字:foreign [`fɔrɪn] a. 外國的 ②

Many domestic products are cheaper in other countries. / 很多國內產品在國外賣得反而比較便宜。

I have many domestic chores to do on weekends. / 週末時我都會有許多家事要做。*chore [tʃɔr] n. 雜務事


engine [`ɛndʒɪn] n. 引擎

My car wouldn't move because something was wrong with the engine. / 我的車動不了,因為引擎有毛病了。

延伸:engine 亦可指『火車頭』,等於 locomotive [͵lokə`motɪv]


engineer [͵ɛndʒə`nɪr] n. 工程師,火車司機 vt.  策劃

Tom is a good mechanical engineer. / 湯姆是個優秀的機械工程師。

A person who drives a train is known as an engineer. / 開火車的人被稱為火車司機。

I'm sure Samantha will engineer the election campaign beautifully. / 我相信莎曼莎會把這次選舉活動辦得很漂亮。

延伸:a computer engineer 電腦工程師;a mechanical engineer 機械工程師;a chemical engineer 化學工程師


engineering [͵ɛndʒə`nɪrɪŋ] n. 工程學

She studied electrical engineering at that university. / 她在那所大學唸電機工程。


fairly [`fɛrlɪ] adv. 相當的,蠻

同義字:rather [`ræðɚ] adv. 相當 ②

It's fairly difficult to tell the difference between Sandy and her twin sister. / 要區分珊蒂跟她的雙胞胎姊妹相當困難。


grasshopper [`græs͵hɑpɚ] n. 蚱蜢

Did you know that a grasshopper can leap 20 times the length of its own body? / 你知道蚱蜢一跳可跳過多達自己身長 20 倍的高度?


liberal [`lɪbərəl] a. 自由的,開明的

反義字:conservative [kən`sɝvətɪv] a. 保守的 ④

John was criticized for being too liberal in spending the company's money. / 約翰被批評花公司的錢太隨便。

Nowadays, teenagers take a more liberal attitude toward sexuality. / 現在的青少年對性的態度比較開放。


liberty [`lɪbɚtɪ] n. 自由

Give me liberty or give me death. / 不自由毋寧死。──格言

延伸:the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像


lord [lɔrd] n. 貴族,君主(大寫)上帝

A knight should pledge loyalty to his lord. / 騎士應該向他的君主效忠。

pledge [plɛdʒ] vt. 誓言,保證

If you feel lost, let the Lord guide you. / 如果你迷失了,就讓上帝來指引你方向。

延伸:在教會基督徒對上帝祈禱時,即用 Lord 一字。

Oh, Lord, forgive me for cheating on my wife. I'll never do it again. / 哦,主啊,原諒我對內人的不忠。我下次再也不會做這樣的事了。


native [`netɪv] a. 祖國的,本地的,土生的 n. 本地人,土著

片語:sb's native language/tongue  某人的母語

be native to + 地方  出生於,原產於 = be unique to +  地方 = be indigenous to + 地方(*indigenous [ɪn`dɪdʒɪnəs] a. 土生的,土長的)

Chinese is his native language, but he is more fluent in Spanish. / 中文是他的母語,但是他的西班牙文比較流利。

Kiwi birds are native to New Zealand. / 鷸鴕是紐西蘭的原產。

The natives were required to relocate to a safer area. / 當地的人被要求遷居到一處更安全的地區。


pad [pæd] n. 襯墊

There is a pad on the corner of the table so that you won't get hurt if you bump into it. / 桌角都有安全護墊,所以如果你撞到它都不會受傷。


pour [pɔr] vt. vi. 傾注,下大雨

Please pour water into the jug and then place it on the table. / 請把水倒到罐子裡,然後把罐子放在桌上。*jug [dʒʌg] n. 罐子(多指裝水用的玻璃或塑膠罐)

It's pouring now. You may as well stay here for the night. = It's raining hard now. You may as well stay here for the night. = It's raining cats and dogs. You may as well stay here for the night. / 現在正在下大雨,你不妨留下來過夜。*may as well + V 不妨⋯⋯

諺語:When it rains, it pours. = It never rains but it pours. / 每次下雨,就會下傾盆大雨。/禍不單行。


promote [prə`mot] vt. 促進,提倡,昇遷

片語:promote peace 提倡和平;promote sales  促銷;be promoted to + 職位 獲得升任一職

Our company promotes education by offering scholarships to the poor. / 本公司提供窮困的人獎學金,以提倡教育。

Peter was promoted to general manager last week. / 彼得上星期晉陞總經理一職。


promotion [prə`moʃən] n. 促進,提倡,升遷

Lisa got a promotion last month, and now she can afford to buy a new car. / 麗莎上個月升遷,現在她買得起新車了。


protection [prə`tɛkʃən] n. 保護

衍生字:protect [prə`tɛkt] vt. 保護;防禦 ②

He was wearing a heavy coat as protection against the cold. / 他穿著一件厚外套禦寒。

These kittens ran to their mother for protection. / 這些小貓跑去找母貓尋求保護。

延伸:protect 常與介詞 from 並用,有下列片語

protect sb from... 保護某人免於

All parents should protect their children from being harmed. / 所有父母應保護孩子免受傷害。


protective [prə`tɛktɪv] a. 保護的

片語:be protective of... 保護

A boxer can easily be hurt if he doesn't wear protective gear. / 拳擊手要是不穿護具很容易就會受傷。*gear [gɪr] n. 裝備(集合名詞,不可數)

Some parents are too protective of their children. / 有些父母過於保護他們的小孩。


pure [pjʊr] a. 純粹的,純潔的

The pajamas are made of pure cotton. / 這件睡衣是純棉製的。*pajamas [pə`dʒɑməz] n. 睡衣(衣褲成套,故用複數);a pair of pajamas 一套睡衣

The water is clean and pure. It has been tested over and over again. / 水質清潔而純淨,它可是經過一再測試的。

延伸:pure silk 純絲;pure cotton 純棉


purely [`pjʊrlɪ] adv. 全然地

同義字:completely [kəm`plitlɪ] adv. 完全地 ②

This device was purely tailored to meet his needs. / 這個裝置完全就是因應他的需求而打造的。*tailor [`telɚ] vt. 裁剪;修改 & n. 裁縫師


scale [skel] n. 規模

片語:on a large scale  大規模地

Pollution has caused changes to weather patterns on a large scale. / 污染已經大幅造成天氣型態的改變。


shade [ʃed] n. 樹蔭,百葉窗(恆用複數)vt. 遮蔭 vi. 逐漸改變

片語:put...in the shade 使相形失色;in the shade of a tree 在樹蔭下;pull up/down the shades 拉起/拉下百葉窗

We took a rest in the shade of a large tree. / 我們在一個大樹的樹蔭下休息。

I pulled down the shades and went to bed. / 我拉下百葉窗便睡覺去了。

The tall trees shade the garden. / 高大的樹將花園遮蔭了起來。

The dusk shaded into night while I was driving home. / 我開車回家時,不知不覺暮色已轉為黑夜。

Michelle's beauty and confidence put other contestants in the shade. / 蜜雪兒的美貌和自信使其他參賽者相形失色。


shadow [`ʃædo] n. 陰影 vt. 以影籠罩

片語:cast a shadow on... 投影在之上;live in sb's shadow 活在某人的陰影下

Winnie sat in the shadows. / 溫妮坐在暗處中。

The cottage was shadowed by palm trees. / 這間小屋被棕櫚樹的陰影遮蔽著。

The tree cast a shadow on the wall. / 這棵樹投影在牆上。

Not wanting to live in his father's shadow, Babe Ruth's son quit baseball. / 貝比‧魯斯的兒子不願活在父親的陰影下,便不再打棒球。


shady [`ʃedɪ] a. 蔭蔽的,曖昧不明的,令人起疑的

同義字:suspicious [sə`spɪʃəs] a. 可疑的 ③

They walked along the shady side of the street.  / 他們沿著街道有蔭蔽的一邊走。

He's a shady fellow, isn't he? / 他是個引人起疑的傢伙,不是嗎?


stormy [`stɔrmɪ] a. 暴風雨的,激烈的

同義字:vehement [`viəmənt] a. 激烈的;a vehement argument 激烈的爭論 = a stormy argument

We had a blackout during the stormy night. / 暴風雨夜晚我們停電了。*blackout [`blæk͵aʊt] n. 停電

After a stormy argument, we finally reached an agreement. / 經過一番激烈的爭論後我們終於達成了協議。


substance [`sʌbstəns] n. 物質

衍生字:substantial [səb`stænʃəl] a. 相當大的;重大的 ⑤

This colorless, odorless substance is actually quite toxic. / 這種無色無味的物質事實上有劇毒。*odorless [`odɚlɪs] a. 無氣味的;toxic [`tɑksɪk] a. 有毒的


suspect [sə`spɛkt] vt. 懷疑,猜想

片語:suspect sb of + N/V-ing 懷疑某人犯了之罪;be suspected of + N/V-ing 涉嫌

The police suspected him of the crime. / 警方懷疑他犯了這個案件。

He was suspected of stealing Mary's watch. / 他涉嫌偷了瑪麗的手錶。


suspect [`sʌspɛkt] n. 嫌疑犯

He was one of the main suspects in the murder case. / 他是這宗謀殺案的主嫌之一。


suspicion [sə`spɪʃən] n. 嫌疑,疑心

片語:be under suspicion 遭受懷疑

Daniel is under suspicion by the police for robbery. / 警方懷疑丹尼爾犯下槍案。

I have a suspicion that Ben is somewhere around here. = I suspect that Ben is somewhere around here. / 我懷疑阿班就在這附近的某個地方。


suspicious [sə`spɪʃəs] a. 可疑的,多疑的,猜疑的

片語:be suspicious of... 懷疑

衍生字:suspiciously [sə`spɪʃəslɪ] adv. 可疑地,鬼鬼祟祟地;懷疑地

Who is that suspicious-looking man near the school? / 那名在學校附近形跡可疑的男子是誰?

My girlfriend is a very suspicious person. / 我女友是一個非常多疑的人。

John said he came here just to say hello, but I was suspicious of his real intentions. = John said he came here just to say hello, but I suspected his real intentions. / 約翰說他來這兒只是打聲招呼,不過我卻懷疑他真正的動機。


troop [trup] n. 軍隊(恆用複數)

The commander gave his troops a pep talk to boost their morale. / 指揮官對他的部隊做精神訓話以提振他們的士氣。*pep talk 精神訓話;morale [mə`ræl] n. 士氣


unknown [ʌn`non] a. 未知的

The cause of the plane crash is unknown at this time. / 目前墜機原因不明。


well-known [͵wɛl`non] a. 出名的

片語:be well-known for  聞名 = be famous for 

John is well-known for his musical talent. / 約翰以他的音樂天賦聞名。

