sh [æʃ] n. 灰
片語:turn to
ashes (夢想)化成灰燼,變成泡影
[`æʃ͵tre] n. 煙灰缸
Mary emptied the
ashes in the trash can. / 瑪麗把垃圾筒裡的灰清掉。
John felt that
all his dreams turned to ashes when his girlfriend left him. / 約翰的女友離他而去時,他的夢想全都化成泡影了。
awful [`ɔfʊl] a.
[`hɔrəbḷ] a. 恐怖的;很差的 ③ = terrible [`tɛrəbḷ] a. 可怕的;很差的
handwriting was so awful that the teacher asked him to rewrite his report. / 丹尼的字跡非常潦草,所以老師要他重寫一次報告。
ax/axe [æks] n. 斧頭
片語:have an
axe to grind 別有用心(*grind [graɪnd] vt. 磨(刀));give sb the axe 開除某人(口語)= give sb the sack = fire sb
An ax is a tool
commonly used to cut down trees. / 斧頭是常用的砍樹工具。
Be careful when
you are speaking to Lora. She always has an ax to grind. / 跟蘿拉講話的時候要留心。她總是心懷叵測。
The employer
gave the new staff member the axe for being too lazy. / 新來的員工太懶,老闆就把他開除掉了。
brow [braʊ] n. 額頭,眉毛
one's brow 某人拭去額頭的汗水
Owen wiped his
brow after doing 50 push-ups. / 歐文做了 50 下伏地挺身後擦了擦額頭的汗。
Raising one's
brows could be a gesture of disbelief. / 揚眉毛可能是懷疑的表示。
用法:brow 作單數時,可表『額頭』或『一根眉毛』。但 a pair of brows 則指『一對眉毛』。brow 表『眉毛』時亦可用 eyebrow 取代。
casino [kə`sino]
n. 賭場
That club has a
secret casino upstairs. / 那間俱樂部的樓上有個秘密賭場。
centimeter [`sɛntə͵mitɚ]
n. (長度單位)公分
An inch equals
2.54 centimeters. / 一英寸等於 2.54 公分。
cm。10 centimeters(
chip [tʃɪp] n. 碎片,屑片 vt. 撞成碎片
The detective
found some chips of wood on the floor. / 那位偵探在地板上找到一些木屑。
Dennis chipped
his tooth when he fell down. / 丹尼爾跌倒時撞斷了一顆牙。
Peter looks very
much like his father. He is indeed a chip off the old block. / 彼得跟他爸爸很像,簡直就是一個模子刻出來似的。
延伸:a. chip
亦可指電腦晶片。b. be a chip off the old block 是從老木塊掉下來的木屑(喻像極了某人)
collar [`kɑlɚ] n. 衣領
[͵(h)waɪt`kɑlɚ] a. 白領階級的(指坐辦公室的上班族);blue-collar [͵blu`kɑlɚ] a. 藍領階級的(勞動階級的)
Todd grabbed
George by the collar and punched him in the face. / 陶德揪住喬治的衣領,往他臉上揍了一拳。
A mechanic is a
blue-collar worker, whereas an editor is a white-collar worker. / 機械工是藍領員工,編輯則是白領員工。
[`kʌlɚ] n. 顏色
deposit [dɪ`pɑzɪt] vt. 存放(銀行)n. 蘊藏量,訂金
[wɪð`drɔ] vt. 提領(金錢)④
Jessie deposits
200 dollars in the bank each month. / 潔西每個月存 200 美元到銀行。
The country has
quite a few oil deposits. / 那個國家蘊藏了豐富的石油。
The hotel
requires a deposit of 5% to book a room. / 這間旅館要求房客支付 5% 的房間訂金。
作及物動詞表『存放』時,與介詞 in 或 into 並用。withdraw 作及物動詞時表『提領』,與介詞 from 並用。例:deposit money in/into a bank (account) 將錢存放在某銀行(戶頭)內;withdraw money from a bank (account) 將錢從某銀行(戶頭)內提領出來
discount [dɪs`kaʊnt]/[`dɪskaʊnt]
vt. 打折 n. 折扣
片語:give sb
a 20%/40% discount on sth 就某物給某人打8/6折
[rɪ`dʌkʃən] n. 減少 ③
Shops discount
everything around holidays. / 商店會在假日前後大減價。
Since I was a
regular customer at this fashion boutique, they gave me a 30% discount on that
dress. / 因為我是那家精品店的老顧客,所以這套洋裝他們給我打了 7 折。*boutique [bʊ`tik] n. 時裝精品店
drain [dren] vt.
排掉(液體)n. 排掉(液體)
The water in the
bathtub should be drained first. / 浴缸的水應該先放掉。
Many African
countries have had a problem with brain drain over the years. / 多年來,非洲許多國家一直都有人才外流的問題。
drain 人才外流
earnings [`ɝnɪŋz]
n. 收入(恆用複數,不可數)
[`ɪn͵kʌm] n. 收入 ②;revenue n. 營收 ⑥(亦可作 revenues,均不可數)
Thanks to our
successful marketing strategies, our company's earnings increased by 20% last
quarter. / 由於我們的行銷策略奏效,本公司上一季的收入增加了20%。*strategy [`strætədʒɪ] n. 謀略,策略
echo [`ɛko] n. 回音 vt. 重複
[rɪ`pit] vt. 重複 ②;reiterate [rɪ`ɪtə͵ret] vt. 重申
I heard vague
echoes of someone's footsteps. / 我隱約聽見有某人腳步的回音。*vague [veg] a. 模糊不清的
Our teacher echoed
what the report stated. / 我們老師把報告上寫的東西重述一遍。
fasten [`fæsṇ]
vt. vi. 繫緊
[`lusṇ] vt. 鬆開 ③
For your safety,
always fasten your seatbelt while driving. / 為了安全起見,開車上路一定要繫安全帶。
fond [fɑnd] a. 喜好的
片語:be fond
of... 喜愛⋯
Kim is really
fond of heavy metal. / 小金真的很喜歡重金屬樂。
forehead [`fɔr͵hɛd]
n. 前額
[braʊ] n. 額頭 ③
Helen's got a
large forehead and a pointy chin. / 海倫的額頭高,下巴尖。*pointy [`pɔɪntɪ] a. 尖的
gamble [`gæmbḷ]
vt. vi. 賭博
A on B 將A賭在B之上
同義字:bet [bɛt]
vt. 打賭 ②
James loves to
gamble by buying lottery tickets each week. / 詹姆斯喜歡每個禮拜買彩券來賭一賭。
Jessica gambled
all her savings on the stock market. / 潔西卡拿她畢生的積蓄賭在股市上。
gram [græm] n. (重量單位)公克
One thousand
grams equals one kilogram. / 1 千公克等於 1 公斤。
[͵hæf`we] a. 中途的 adv. 在半途上
halfway house 中途之家;meet sb halfway 和某人妥協
A halfway house
is a place aimed at helping former prisoners turn over a new leaf. / 中途之家旨在幫助曾經坐過牢的人改過自新。*turn over a new leaf 翻開新的一頁(喻改過自新,重新做人)
I called John an
hour ago, and he said he was halfway here. / 我一小時前打給約翰,他說他還在來這裡的半路上。
I choose to meet
Dave halfway on the business deal. / 我決定和大衛妥協,搞定這筆生意。
hallway [`hɔl͵we]
n. 走廊
[`pæsɪdʒ] n. 通道 ③;corridor [`kɔrɪdɚ] n. 走廊 ⑤
The restroom is
at the end of the hallway on the right hand side. / 洗手間在走廊盡頭的右手邊。
handful [`hændfəl]
n. 一把
handful of... 一把⋯
The boy grabbed
a handful of berries and tucked them in his pocket. / 這男孩抓了一把莓果塞進口袋。*tuck [tʌk] vt. 塞
handy [`hændɪ]
a. 在手邊的,方便的
in handy 隨時可以派上用場
You'd better
carry an umbrella with you; it may come in handy. / 你最好帶把傘,它可能隨時會用得到。
This new kitchen
gadget is very handy. / 這個新的廚房器具使用便利。*gadget [`gædʒɪt] n. 小器具(如開罐器、果汁機等)
harvest [`hɑrvɪst]
vt. 收穫 n. 收穫
[rip] vt. & vi. 收割;收穫 ⑤
The farmers had
to harvest the rice before the typhoon came. / 農人必須在颱風來臨之前收割稻穀。
The farm owner
gave his farmhands a share of profits from the harvest. / 這個農場主人讓他的工人從收益中分錢。*farmhand [`fɑrm͵hænd] n. 農場工人
hastily [`hestɪlɪ]
adv. 倉促地,匆忙地
haste 倉促地,匆忙地 = hurriedly [`hɝɪdlɪ] adv.
Don't do things
hastily, or you're likely to make mistakes. / 做事別過急,否則你可能會出錯。
hasty [`hestɪ]
a. 急忙的
[`hesṇ] vt. 催促 & vi. 急忙,趕快 ④;haste [hest] n. 匆忙,急促 ④;in haste 匆促地 = in a hurry = in a rush
[`hɝɪd] a. 急忙的 ②
A hasty decision
is often regretted later. / 草率的決定經常讓人事後感到懊悔。
indirect [͵ɪndə`rɛkt]
a. 間接的,迂迴的
[də`rɛkt] a. 直接的 ①
We had to take
an indirect route because of the traffic jam. / 由於塞車,我們必須繞道而行。
indirectly [͵ɪndə`rɛktlɪ]
adv. 間接地,迂迴地
[də`rɛkt] a. 直接的 ①;direction [də`rɛkʃən] n. 方向 ②;director [də`rɛktɚ] n. 導演 ②
[ɪm`plɪsɪtlɪ] adv. 間接地
[də`rɛktlɪ] adv. 直接地 ①
At the meeting,
Jack indirectly referred to a project he was working on. / 傑克在會議上拐彎抹角地提到他在進行一項計劃。*refer to... 提及⋯ = mention...
inspect [ɪn`spɛkt]
vt. 檢查,視察
[ɪn`spɛkʃən] n. 檢查;查驗 ④
[ɪn`vɛstə͵get] vt. 調查 ③;examine [ɪg`zæmɪn] vt. 檢驗
The police
inspected the bloodstains at the crime scene. / 警方檢查犯罪現場中的血跡。*bloodstain [`blʌd͵sten]
n. 血跡
The fire
department inspects all pubs and KTVs in the city on a monthly basis. / 消防局每個月視察該市所有的酒吧和 KTV。
inspector [ɪn`spɛktɚ]
n. 檢查員
[ɪg`zæmɪnɚ] n. 檢查員 ④
Those inspectors
were busy checking our products for defects before shipment. / 那些檢查人員正忙著檢查我們準備運送前的產品,看看有什麼瑕疵。*defect [`difɛkt] n. 瑕疵,缺點
kilogram [`kɪlə͵græm]
n. (重量單位)公斤
That heavy bag probably
weighs about 50 kilograms. / 那個沉甸甸的袋子大概有 50 公斤。
亦可簡寫成 kilo [`kilo] 或 kg。2 kilograms
kilometer [kɪ`lɑmətɚ / `kɪlə͵mitɚ]
n. (長度單位)公里
The Great Wall
is thousands of kilometers long. / 萬里長城有數千公里長。
km。10 kilometers
lens [lɛnz] n. 鏡片 (複數形: lenses [`lɛnzɪz])
衍生字:a contact lens 隱形眼鏡鏡片;a pair of contact lenses 一副隱形眼鏡;a camera lens 相機鏡頭
Disposable contact lenses are rather popular among young people. / 拋棄式隱形眼鏡很受年輕人歡迎。
lobby [`lɑbɪ] n. 大廳 vt.
vi. 遊說(國會議員)
[`lɑbɪɪst] n. 說客
[pɚ`swed] vt. 說服 ③
Harry and I will
meet in the hotel lobby tomorrow morning. / 哈利和我明天早上要在飯店的大廳碰面。
Those people
were lobbying some congressmen to support their proposal. / 那些人正在遊說若干國會議員支持他們的提案。*proposal [prə`pozḷ] n. 提案
meter [`mitɚ] n.
When it comes to
the one hundred meter race, my friend Kathy is second to none. / 說到百米賽跑,沒人可以跑贏我朋友凱西。*be second to none 是最棒的 = be the best
用法:本字亦可寫成m。10 meters
milligram [`mɪlɪ͵græm] n. (重量單位)毫克
Do you know what the written abbreviation of "milligram" is? / 你知道『毫克』的簡寫是什麼嗎?*abbreviation [ə͵brivɪ`eʃən] n. 縮寫字
用法:milligram 亦可簡寫成 mg。2 milligram 2 毫克 = 2 mg
mob [mɑb] n. 一群暴民
片語:a mob of + 數字 一群為數若干的暴民
衍生字:mobster [`mɑbstɚ] n. 暴民中的一員
The demonstrators got out of control and became a mob. / 那些示威群眾失控,變成一群暴民。
A mob of some
sixty occupied the building and destroyed everything they saw. / 一群為數約 60 人的暴徒佔據大樓,看到什麼就全加以破壞。
outline [`aʊt͵laɪn]
n. 大綱,輪廓 vt. 重點說明
[skɛtʃ] n. 概述 ④;summarize [`sʌmə͵raɪz] vt. 概括說明;總結
Our teacher
asked us to write an outline before writing our research papers. / 老師要求我們先擬大綱再寫研究報告。
Jessie knows the
outline of the lecture, but not the details. / 傑西知道這堂課的梗概,但對細節並不瞭解。
At the
interview, Nancy outlined the requirements for the position. / 面試的時候,南西就這個職位的資格做了重點說明。
peel [pil]
n. 水果皮 vt. 剝/削(果皮)
[`pilɚ] n. 削皮器
Scientists have
discovered that banana peels contain alcohol. / 科學家發現香蕉皮含有酒精。
I think it's rather
troublesome to peel grapes. / 我認為剝葡萄皮很麻煩。
pit [pɪt] n. 坑
[hol] n. 洞 ①
We dug a pit for
the campfire. / 為了生營火,我們挖了一個坑。
rug [rʌg] n. 小地毯
A good rug can
add a cozy atmosphere to your living room. / 好地毯可以為府上的客廳增添舒適的氣氛。*cozy
[`kozɪ] n. 舒適的(= comfortable)
延伸:rug 是指小地毯,尤指放在壁爐前客廳地板上的方毯;carpet [`kɑrpɪt] 是指覆蓋全部地板的地毯;blanket [`blæŋkɪt] 指蓋在身上的小毯子;tapestry [`tæpɪstrɪ]
rumor [`rumɚ] n.
謠言,傳言 vt. 散播謠言
has it that... 謠傳⋯(本句構中 Rumor 恆為不可數)= It is rumored that...
= It is said
that...;Rumors spread that... 有關⋯⋯的謠言四處傳播(本句構中 Rumors 應採複數)
Rumor has it
that Gatsby is going to marry a rich widow. = It is rumored that Gatsby is
going to marry a rich widow. = It is said that Gatsby is going to marry a rich
widow. / 謠傳蓋茲比要迎娶一位有錢的寡婦。
Rumors spread
that the mayor is going to step down. / 市長就要下台的傳聞四處散播。
savings [`sevɪŋz]
n. 存款(恆用複數)
片語:open a
savings account 開儲蓄帳戶/開定期戶頭
Karen opened a
new savings account so she could begin saving for college. / 凱倫新開了一個定存戶頭,這樣就可開始存錢唸大學了。
比較:open a
checking account 開支票帳戶/開活存戶頭
sincere [sɪn`sɪr]
a. 誠懇的,誠摯地
one's sincere thanks/apologies to sb 向某人表達誠摯的謝意/歉意
[sɪn`sɛrətɪ] n. 誠懇 ④;sincerely [sɪn`sɪrlɪ] adv. 誠懇地
[`ɑnɪst] a. 誠實的 ②
[͵ɪnsɪn`sɪr] a. 不誠懇的
John was sincere
in his apology, so his mom forgave him. / 約翰很誠懇地道歉,所以媽媽就原諒他了。
I'd like to
express my sincere thanks to you for all the help you've given me. / 我想向你表達誠摯的謝意,感謝您對我種種的幫助。
sleeve [sliv] n.
sth up one's sleeve 藏了一手;roll up one's sleeves 捲起袖子
It looks like
the boxer is going to lose the fight, but I believe he still has some tricks up
his sleeve. / 這位拳擊手看來好像快輸了,但我認為他還留了幾手。
Judy rolled up her
sleeves and did the dishes. / 茱蒂捲起衣袖開始洗碗。
spray [spre] vt.
噴灑 n. 噴霧劑
[`sprɪŋkḷ] vt. 噴灑 ③
Mary sprays
herself with perfume before going out on a date. / 瑪麗在出門約會前噴了香水。
I'd like to try this
new styling spray. / 我想試用這款新的髮型噴霧劑。
sprinkle [`sprɪŋkḷ]
vt. 撒
[spre] vt. 噴灑 ③
I like to
sprinkle pepper on my steak because it tastes better. / 我喜歡在牛排上撒胡椒,因為那樣味道比較好。
sweat [swɛt] vi. 出汗 n. 汗
片語:sweat heavily 大量流汗 = sweat a lot = sweat like a pig (俚語);No sweat. 沒問題。(俚語)= No problem.;break a sweat 冒汗
同義字:perspire [pɚ`spaɪr] vi. 出汗
I sweat a lot on hot days. / 大熱天我會流很多汗。
A: Can you help me carry these books? B: No sweat. / 甲:你可以幫我搬這些書嗎?乙:沒問題。
After jogging for 10 minutes, Jim started to break a sweat. / 慢跑 10 分鐘後,吉姆就開始冒汗了。
tray [tre] n. 托盤
The waitress brought the drinks we ordered on a tray. / 那名女侍用托盤送上我們點的飲料。
truthful [`truθfəl]
a. 誠實的,真實的
[`ɑnɪst] a. 誠實的 ②;true [tru] a.
You can trust
Jim; he is a truthful and upright man. / 你可以信任吉姆,他為人誠實又正直。
The boy's
account of what happened seems to be truthful. / 這個男孩子對事件發生的說詞似乎是真的。
tub [tʌb] n. 澡盆,浴缸
[bæθ] n. 浴缸 ① = bathtub [`bæθ͵tʌb]
My apartment,
sadly, does not have a tub. / 遺憾的是,我的公寓沒有浴缸。
tug [tʌg] vt. vi. 突然拉扯 n. 突然拉扯
片語:tug sb's arm 拉某人的手臂;tug on/at sb's sleeve 拉扯某人袖子
My girlfriend gently tugged my arm, asking me to give her a kiss. / 我女友輕輕拉了拉我的手臂,要我給她一個吻。
My grandson tugged on my sleeve and pointed at the toy he wanted me to buy.
/ 我孫子扯了扯我的袖子,指著他要我買的玩具。
延伸:a tug
boat 拖船
tug-of-war [͵tʌg
əv `wɔr] n. 拔河比賽(可數)
My class played
against Christine's in a tug-of-war. / 我們班和克莉絲汀她們班比賽拔河。
ache [ek] vi. 疼痛 n. 疼痛
I'm so tired that
I'm aching for a good sleep. / 我好累,因此好想要好好睡一下。
My heart ached
when I saw images of bony-faced children in refugee camps on TV. / 看著電視畫面中難民營裡臉頰削瘦的幼童,我很心痛。
I had a
toothache and didn't sleep a wink last night. / 我牙痛,昨晚都沒睡。*not sleep a wink 沒閤過眼
(wink [wɪŋk] n. 眨眼)
延伸:a. have
a headache 頭痛;have a toothache 牙痛;have a backache 背痛;have a stomachache 胃痛。b. ache 作動詞亦可表『渴望』,有下列結構:ache for sth 渴望得到某物 = long for sth
awake [ə`wek]
vi. 醒來 a. 清醒的 (時態:awake,
awoke [ə`wok], awoken)
awake to sth 了解某事
up 醒來;wake 的三態為:wake, woke
[wok] , woken [`wokən]。
It was raining
outside when Dylan awoke. / 狄倫醒來時,外頭正在下雨。
Lisa was wide
awake the whole night, fearing the worst. / 莉莎整晚都沒睡,擔心最壞的情況會發生。
John doesn't
seem to be awake to the dangers of smoking. / 約翰似乎不了解抽煙的危險。
awaken [ə`wekən]
vt. 喚醒
sb to sth 喚醒某人注意某事
Bill was
awakened by a strange noise in the middle of the night. = Bill was woken up by
a strange noise in the middle of the night. / 比爾在半夜被奇怪的聲響吵醒。
We should awaken
John to the dangers of smoking. / 我們應喚醒約翰了解抽煙的危險。
bleed [blid] vi.
流血 (時態:bleed, bled [blɛd] , bled)
like a stuck pig 像被刺到的豬那樣流血(喻流很多血)= bleed heavily
[`blidɪŋ] n. 流血 & a. 出血的;沉痛的
After being hit
in the face with a volleyball, Tom's nose kept bleeding. / 被排球打中臉部後,湯姆的鼻子一直流血不停。
The criminal
fell down on his back after being shot by police, bleeding like a stuck pig. / 被警方射擊後,該名罪犯仰天倒地,流了很多血。
cane [ken] n. 手杖 vt. 用杖打(某人)
衍生字:a sugar cane 一根甘蔗(可數);cane sugar 蔗糖(不可數)
Oliver gave his father a cane as a gift for his 70th birthday. / 奧利佛送給老爸一根手杖,慶祝他 70 歲生日。
In some
countries, people who steal will be caned. / 在若干國家,偷竊的人會被施以杖刑。
canyon [`kænjən]
n. 峽谷
Have you ever
visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona? / 你有去看過亞利桑納州的大峽谷嗎?
[gɔrdʒ] n.(小而深的)峽谷;the Tarogo Gorge (花蓮)太魯閣
ceramics [sə`ræmɪks]
n. 陶瓷工藝,陶瓷學,陶瓷作品(集合名詞,不可數)
[sə`ræmɪk] a. 陶瓷的;a ceramic knife 陶瓷刀
Professor Hunt
is going to give a speech on Chinese ceramics tonight. / 杭特教授今晚將就中國的陶瓷工藝發表演講。
There is an
exhibition of Japanese ceramics in the museum now. / 一批日本陶瓷作品現在正在博物館展覽中。
chill [tʃɪl] n. 寒冷,恐懼,寒意,感冒
片語:catch a
chill 著涼 = catch a cold;a chill
of fear 一陣恐懼引起的寒意
I felt the chill
in the air when I left home this morning and realized that winter was around
the corner. / 今天早上我出門時感到一陣寒意,知道冬天就要到了。*be around the corner 即將來臨 = be coming soon
David suddenly
realized, with a chill of fear, that his business partners had been plotting
against him. / 大衛倒抽一口涼氣,突然發現自己的生意合夥人一直對他圖謀不軌。*plot against... 密謀對抗⋯
Dry your hair
before you go out, or you'll catch a chill. / 把你頭髮吹乾再出門,不然你會著涼的。
chilly [`tʃɪlɪ]
a. 寒冷的
[kold] a. 寒冷的
It is getting
chilly in here. Let's turn the heater on.
/ 這裡頭愈來愈冷了。把暖氣打開吧。
cleaning [`klinɪŋ]
n. 打掃
片語:do the
cleaning 打掃
Matt sometimes
helps his mother do the cleaning. / 麥特有時候會幫媽媽打掃。
crutch [krʌtʃ]
n. 拐杖
片語:be on
crutches 拄著柺杖
Billy broke his
leg in a motorbike accident and has been on crutches for the past few months. /
dash [dæʃ] vt. 衝撞,急奔 n. 衝撞,急奔 n. 短跑比賽
sb's dreams 破壞某人的夢想
[sprɪnt] vt. 急奔 & n. 短跑比賽 ⑤
Frank dashed to
the toilet as soon as the film was over. = Frank made a dash for the toilet as
soon as the film was over. / 電影一結束,法蘭克馬上急奔廁所。
Phoebe won first
prize in the women's 100-meter dash. / 菲比贏得女子一百公尺短跑比賽第一名。
John's dreams
were dashed when he found Mary had no interest in him at all. / 約翰發現瑪莉對他一點都不感興趣時,他的夢想全都落空了。
dive [daɪv] vi. 跳水 (時態:dive, dived/dove [dov] , dived)
into... 跳入(水中)
The boys took
off their clothes and dived into the river. / 男孩們脫下衣服跳進河裡去。
[`skaɪ͵daɪv] vi. 高空跳傘;go skydiving 從事高空跳傘
export [ɪks`pɔrt]/[`ɛkspɔrt]
vt. 出口 n. 輸出品
sth to + 地方 出口某物至某地;export sth from + 地方 從某地出口某物
Cheap toys made
in China are exported to the US in large numbers every year. / 由中國製造的便宜玩具每年都會大量出口到美國去。
Oil is the major
export of this country. / 石油是該國主要的出口品。
gown [gaʊn] n. 禮服,長袍
Jessica was
dressed in a gorgeous evening gown at the banquet. / 潔西卡在宴會上穿了一襲迷人的晚禮服。*banquet [`bæŋkwɪt] n. 盛宴
The patient was
asked to put on a hospital gown before his operation. / 手術前,該病患被要求換上手術服。
dressing gown (男女皆可穿的)浴袍;an evening gown (女性穿的)一般晚禮服;a ball gown (女性穿的)最正式禮服;a wedding gown (女性穿的)婚紗禮服
guardian [`gɑrdɪən] n.
[gɑrd] n. 守衛 ②
[dɪ`fɛndɚ] n. 防衛者
The US views
itself as the guardian of the values of democracy. / 美國自許為民主價值的捍衛者。
Nancy's uncle
became her guardian after her parents died in an airplane crash. / 父母死於空難之後,南西的叔叔成了她的監護人。
guardian angel 守護者
gum [gʌm] n. 牙齦(複數),口香糖(不可數)
I went to see a
dentist for my sore gums. / 因為牙齦疼痛,我去看了牙醫。
The driver
chewed gum to keep himself awake. / 駕駛嚼著口香糖,好保持清醒。
gum/bubble gum 口香糖;a stick/piece of chewing gum 一片口香糖;a pack of chewing gum 一條口香糖
headache [`hɛd͵ek]
n. 疼痛,令人頭痛的事物
片語:have a
headache 頭痛;be a headache for sb 是令某人頭痛的事/人
Mike called in
sick this morning because he had a headache. / 麥可早上因為頭痛請病假。*call in sick 打電話請病假
Heavy traffic is
a common headache for Taipei residents. / 交通阻塞是台北居民共同的頭痛問題。
heading [`hɛdɪŋ]
n. 標題,書名
[`taɪtḷ] n. 標題 ②
What's the
heading of that article you mentioned? /
headline [`hɛd͵laɪn]
n. (報紙)標題
片語:be in
the headlines 被媒體大肆報導 = hit the headlines = grab the headlines
= make the
The financial
scandal has been in the headlines for weeks. / 這則財經醜聞被媒體大肆報導了好幾個禮拜。
heal [hil] vt.
vi. (使身體或心理的)傷口痊癒
[kjʊr] vt. 治癒 ②
My broken leg is
gradually healing, but the doctor said it'll take me three more weeks to fully
recover. / 我斷掉的腿正慢慢在復原,不過醫生說還要再三個禮拜才會完全康復。
Some people
claim they can heal the sick by simply touching them with their hands. / 有些人宣稱他們藉著用手碰觸病患便能使他們復原。
heals all wounds. / 時間可癒合所有的傷口。
heap [hip] n. 一堆
片語:a heap
of... 一堆⋯ = a pile of...
There is a heap
of dirty clothes on Jack's bed. / 傑克床上有一堆髒衣服。
icy [`aɪsɪ] a. 結冰的,冰涼的
cold 非常寒冷的
[æɪst] a. 冰過的 ①
Be careful! The
sidewalk is icy. / 小心點!人行道上都結冰了。
Nothing beats a
glass of iced/icy tea on a hot day. / 大熱天一杯冰茶比什麼都好。
[bit] vt. 勝過
import [ɪm`pɔrt]/[`ɪmpɔrt]
vt. 進口 n. 進口品
sth to + 地方 將某物進口至某地;import sth from + 地方 從某地進口某物
Most cheeses in
that store are imported from France. / 那家店的起司大都是從法國進口。
Millions of
cheap imports from India enter European markets each year. / 每年都有大量的廉價進口品從印度進入到歐洲市場。
ivory [`aɪvərɪ]
n. 象牙,象牙材質(不可數)
A grown male
elephant has two long tusks of ivory. / 成年公象有兩條長牙。
Many elephants
were killed for their ivory. / 許多大象因為牠們的象牙而遭捕殺。
延伸:live in
an ivory tower 住在象牙塔裡(喻某人很封閉,不知外面的世界)
比較:tusk [tʌsk]
jungle [`dʒʌŋgḷ]
n. 叢林,競爭激烈的環境(可數)
[`fɔrɪst] n. 森林(可數)①;woods [wʊdz] n. 樹林(恆用複數,不可數)
They said the
rebels had a stronghold deep in the jungle. / 據說叛軍在叢林深處有個據點。*stronghold
[`strɔŋ͵hold] n. 據點
Many people
consider big cities to be jungles because you have to watch out for yourself. /
After trekking
through the wilderness of New Zealand, Peter returned to his life in the
concrete jungle. / 經過一趟紐西蘭野外之旅後,彼得又重回都市的水泥叢林。*trek [trɛk] vi. 徒步長途行走,跋涉;wilderness [`wɪldɚnɪs]
n. 荒野
concrete jungle 水泥叢林(指都市內醜陋的水泥建築)(可數)
laundry [`lɔndrɪ]
n. 待洗衣物(集合名詞,不可數)
片語:do the
laundry 洗衣服
I used to do the
laundry once a week when I lived in a dormitory. / 我以前住宿舍時一星期洗一次衣服。
延伸:do the
dishes 洗碗
leisure [`liʒɚ]
n. 閒暇,空閒時間
one's leisure 某人閒時間
[`liʒɚlɪ] adv. 從容不迫地 & 休閒的 ④;lead/live a leisurely life 過著悠閒的生活
What do you
usually do at your leisure? / 你空閒時通常做些什麼事?
Playing chess is
a leisure activity that requires a lot of mental effort. / 下棋是個需要許多心力的休閒活動。
moist [mɔɪst] a.
[dæmp] a. 潮濕的 ④;humid [`hjumɪd] a. 濕度高的 ②
The warm and
humid climate here makes it a perfect place for tropical fruits. / 該地溫暖且濕度高的氣候很適合種熱帶水果。
Frogs live near
wet places to keep their skin moist. / 青蛙靠近濕地居住以保持表皮濕潤。
moisture [`mɔɪstʃɚ]
n. 溼氣,水分
[`dæmpnɪs] n. 潮濕
Moisture is
taken out of the air by this machine, after which it turns into water.
濕氣被這台機器從空氣裡抽出,之後便轉變成水。*turn into... 轉變為⋯ = change into...
pave [pev] vt. 鋪(路)
the way for... 為⋯鋪路;為⋯奠基
The construction
workers were busy paving the road. / 馬路工人正忙著鋪路。
The decision
paved the way for a future merger with another company. / 這個決定為日後與別家公司的合併案打下基礎。*merger [`mɝdʒɚ] n.(公司)合併
pavement [`pevmənt]
n. 人行道〔英〕
[`saɪd͵wɔk] n. 人行道 ②
David fell from
his bike and his head hit the pavement. / 大衛從腳踏車上摔下來,頭撞到了人行道。
pop [pɑp] vi. 發出爆裂聲 vt. 把某物快速置於⋯ a. 流行的(音樂)(為 popular 的縮寫)
片語:pop up 突然出現
The balloon
Diana held suddenly popped and gave her a fright. / 黛安娜手裡拿的氣球突然爆炸,嚇了她一大跳。
Just pop the
pizza into the oven and it'll be ready in 10 minutes. / 把披薩丟進烤箱,十分鐘後就可以吃了。
Frank popped up
at the party uninvited. / 法蘭克不請自來,突然出現在派對中。
I enjoy pop
music, while my wife loves classical music. / 我喜歡流行樂,我太太則喜歡古典樂。
popcorn [`pɑp͵kɔrn] n. 爆玉米花① ;b.
pop into one's head/mind 某人突然想到
A good idea just
popped into my mind. / 我剛剛突然想到一個好點子。
porcelain [`pɔrslɪn]
n. 瓷器(集合名詞,不可數)
I bought this
porcelain vase at an auction. / 我在一場拍賣會上買了這只瓷花瓶。*auction [`ɔkʃən] n. 拍賣會
pottery [`pɑtɚɪ] n. 陶器(集合名詞,不可數)
Bill has a fine
collection of pottery. / 比爾收藏了一批很棒的陶器。
rid [rɪd] vt. 使擺脫 a. 擺脫的 (時態:rid 三態同形)
sb/sth of sth 使某人/某物擺脫、免於某事物(rid 是動詞)
get rid of
sb/sth 擺脫某人/某物(此處 get 是連綴動詞,相當於 be;rid 是過去分詞,表『被擺脫』)
The police chief
promised he'd do whatever he could to rid the city of crime. / 警察局長承諾將竭盡所能讓該城免於犯罪侵擾。
We all felt it
was a great relief to get rid of Bob. He was such a nuisance. / 能擺脫鮑伯,大家都鬆了口氣。他真的很惹人厭。*nuisance [`njusṇs] n. 令人討厭的事物或人
robe [rob] n. 長袍,浴袍
[`bæθ͵rob] n. 浴袍 (= dressing gown)
The judge was
wearing a black robe. / 那位法官穿著黑色長袍。
screw [skru] n. 螺絲 vt. 用螺絲鎖 vt. vi. 搞砸,毀掉
up/mess up 搞砸;screw A to B 用螺絲將A鎖到B上
I used strong
screws to fix the shelf to the wall. / 我用大螺絲釘把這個書架釘到牆上去。
The benches in
the park are screwed to the ground. / 公園內的板凳被用螺絲鎖到地面上。
Handle this problem
with care. Don't screw up. / 謹慎處理這個問題。別搞砸了。
Toby screwed up
his life with drugs. = Toby messed up his life with drugs. / 托比的人生讓毒品給毀了。
screwdriver 螺絲起子;a wrench 板手;a
hammer 榔頭;screw sth up 把某事搞砸 =
spoil sth
someday [`sʌm͵de]
adv. 某天,有朝一日(= some day)
Ryan always
believes he'll become a millionaire someday. / 雷恩總是認為他有朝一日會成為百萬富翁。
someday 指『未來有一天』,與未來式並用。b. one day 可指『未來有一天』,等於 someday,與未來式並用;也可指『過去某一天』,與過去式並用。
I'm busy now,
but I'll do it one day. / 我現在很忙,不過我有一天會做這件事。
I ran into John
downtown one day. / 有一天我在城裡碰見了約翰。
sometime [`sʌm͵taɪm]
adv. 某個時候(與明確的時間並用)
Let's meet
sometime next week to discuss the details of our plan, all right? / 我們下星期找個時間見面,討論一下計畫的細節,好嗎?
sometime 之後有明確的時間 next week(下星期)。
sometime + 明確的過去或未來的時間:過去或未來某個時候
I met John
sometime last week. / 上星期某個時候我曾見到約翰。
b. some time 一段時間
I'm planning to
stay here for some time. / 我計畫要在這裡待上一段時間。
c. sometimes 有時候 (= at
times/on occasion/occasionally)
I call on my
grandparents in the country sometimes. / 我有時候會到鄉下看我爺爺奶奶。
sore [sɔr] a. 酸痛的,刺痛的
n. 酸痛,紅腫
片語:a sore
throat 喉嚨痛;a sight for sore eyes 很高興見到的人或事物,人生一大樂事
[`sɔrlɪ] adv. 強烈地,疼痛地;eyesore [`aɪsɔr] n. 眼中釘
My legs were sore
after running the marathon. / 跑完馬拉松之後,我的雙腳酸痛得要命。
I have a sore throat
today and cannot speak. / 我今天喉嚨痛沒辦法講話。
To Mr. Smith,
seeing his children happily playing when he gets home from work is a sight for
sore eyes. / 對史密斯先生來說,下班回家看著他的孩子開心地玩耍便是人生一樂。
The detective
noticed that the body of the victim was covered with sores and scratches. / 那位刑警發現受害者屍體上滿是腫塊與抓傷。
延伸:like a
bear with a sore head 壞脾氣的人
sprain [spren] vt. 扭到 n. 扭傷
同義字:twist [twɪst] vt. 扭 ③;wrench [rɛntʃ] vt. 扭
Paula tripped on her shoelaces and sprained her ankle. / 寶拉踩到自己的鞋帶,因而扭傷了腳踝。
Larry suffered a bad wrist sprain during the basketball game. / 賴瑞在籃球比賽中手腕嚴重扭傷。
stubborn [`stʌbɚn] a. 頑固的
Jane wanted to try traveling abroad all by herself, but her stubborn
parents wouldn't let her. / 珍想要試試獨自一人出國旅行,但她固執的父母親不答應。
Can someone help
me talk some sense into this man? He's as stubborn as a mule! / 有人能幫我說說這個人,讓他明理一點嗎?他簡直像驢子一樣固執!*talk some sense into sb 跟某人講理
延伸:be as
stubborn as a mule 像騾一樣固執,非常固執*mule [mju] n. 騾(馬與驢雜交所生的後代)
sword [sɔrd] n. 劍
[`sɔrdzmən] n. 劍士
The young man
drew his sword and challenged the knight to a duel. / 年輕人拔出了他的劍,向騎士要求決鬥。*knight [naɪt] n. 騎士,武士;duel [`djuəl] n. 決鬥
延伸:The pen
is mightier than the sword.(文勝於武。)*mighty [`maɪtɪ] a. 強有力的(= powerful)
tribe [traɪb] n.
[`traɪbḷ] a. 部落的 ④
Each of the
tribes has its distinctive tribal traditions and cultures. / 每個部落都有其獨特的部落習俗與文化。*distinctive [dɪ`stɪŋktɪv] a. 特殊的,獨特的
tulip [`tjuləp]
n. 鬱金香
Tulips are on sale
today at the flower shop. / 這家花店今天鬱金香特價。
tumble [`tʌmbḷ]
vi. 跌倒
down... 滾落/跌落⋯
Tom tumbled down
the stairs and got a few bruises. / 湯姆從樓梯跌下,身上帶了幾處瘀青。*bruise [bruz] n. 瘀青
violet [`vaɪəlɪt] n. 紫羅蘭,紫羅藍色,紫色
Violets are my grandmother's favorite flowers. / 紫羅蘭是我祖母最愛的花。
vitamin [`vaɪtəmɪn] n. 維他命
Vitamin C is crucial for healthy gums. / 維他命 C 對牙齦的健康很重要。
*crucial [`kruʃəl]
a. 重要的(= important)
wag [wæg] vt. 搖
片語:wag the
tail 搖尾巴
Mr. Copen's dog
sat up and wagged its tail cheerfully when it saw him coming. / 一看見他過來,柯本先生的狗便坐了起來,興高采烈地搖起尾巴。
Stacy thinks she
should buy a new gown to match her necklace, but I think it's a case of the
tail wagging the dog. / 史黛西認為她應該要買一件新禮服來搭配項鍊,但是我覺得那根本是本末倒置。
tail wagging the dog 本末倒置
waken [wekən]
vi. 醒來 vt. 喚醒
Zola wakened
(up) at the sound of her baby's crying. / 左拉被她寶寶的哭聲吵醒。
I was wakened (up)
by a phone call last night. / 我昨晚被一通電話吵醒。
用法:waken 與 wake 同義,前者較文雅,後者則較普遍。waken up 醒來 = wake up;waken sb up 將某人喚醒 = wake sb up