2016年3月15日 星期二

Book 2 - Unit 2: Reading & Grammar

Reading P1
Hello, my name is Pongo, like the “Pongo” in the movie 101 Dalmatiansž. It was such a popular movie that many kids wanted to get a dog of their own after they watched it. My former2 owner, Jimmy, was one of them. 嗨!我叫Pongo,就像電影《101忠狗》中的“Pongo” 它是一部如此受歡迎的電影,以致於看那部電影的小孩都想有隻自己的狗。我之前的主人,Jimmy,就是其中一位。
1 Hello, my name is Pongo, like the “Pongo” in the movie 101 Dalmatians.
1. 第一句話以自我介紹方式開場,點出本文以第一人稱講述故事。
2. like prep.
• Kelly treats her friends like family.
• Like father, like son. 虎父無犬子。
2 It was such a popular movie that many kids wanted to get a dog of their own after they watched it.
1.such (+a/an) + Adj + N + that + S + V 表示「如此……以致於……」,相關用法可參照本課句型1
2.N + of one’s own  某人自己的……
• The young couple have no house of their own.
• The kind woman has three dogs of her own.
SPP 1:
so + Adj/Adv + that + S + V
such (+ a/an) + Adj + N + that + S + V
² 此為表示「如此…以致於…」的句型,that接事件結果。
² so為副詞,後面接形容詞或副詞;such為形容詞,修飾名詞,名詞可為可數或不可數。that為連接詞,後接完整子句。
² 101 Dalmatians was such a popular movie that many kids wanted to get a dog of their own after they watched it.(《101忠狗》是如此受歡迎的電影,以致於許多小孩在看完這部電影後,都想擁有一隻自己的狗。)
² That night was so scary that I’ll remember it for my entire life.
² Cindy is such a pretty girl that her classmates can’t keep their eyes off her.Cindy是個如此漂亮的女孩,以致於她的同學都目不轉睛地看著她。)
² This alley is so narrow that it is impossible for two people to walk through it side by side.(這條巷子如此狹窄,以致於兩個人不可能並肩通過。)
3 My former owner, Jimmy, was one of them.
1. my former owner亦可說成my previous master
2. Jimmymy former owner的同位語。
3. one of themone of the kids who wanted to get a dog of their own
Reading P2
Jimmy was a nice boy, but he didn’t know much about taking care of dogs. If you don’t let us go outside, we will make a mess3 in the house. Also, we like to chew4 on things like shoes, sofa legs, and toys! As a result, I don’t think Jimmy’s mom and dad were too crazy about me. Jimmy是個好孩子,但他不太懂得該怎麼照顧狗。如果你不讓我們出去,我們就會把房子弄得一團糟。而且,我們喜歡咬東西像是鞋子、沙發腳和玩具。因此,我不認為Jimmy的爸媽會很喜歡我。
4 Jimmy was a nice boy, but he didn’t know much about taking care of dogs.
know about... 懂得關於⋯⋯之事
• Julian really knows about young children and how to play with them.
5 If you don’t let us go outside, we will make a mess in the house.
1. if引導表條件的副詞子句,主要子句用未來式。
2. let + O + VR(使役動詞)讓人做⋯⋯
SPP 3: let + O + OC (VR/prep. phrase)
² let使役動詞,表示「使╱讓……」。和have/make相比,let語氣最緩和,有「允許」的味道。注意let的過去式和過去分詞都是let
² let後接受詞,再接修飾受詞的原形動詞或介系詞片語(通常是let搭配的慣用語,如let the cat out of the bag,表示「無意中洩漏祕密」)。
² 注意受詞後若接動詞不用加to
Ÿ  If you don’t let us go outside, we will make a mess in the house.
Ÿ  Nick stopped the car and let the old man pass.
Ÿ  One night, they drove me out of town and let me out of the car.
Ÿ  For safety reasons, I don’t let strangers into the house when I’m alone.
6 Also, we like to chew on things like shoes, sofa legs, and toys.
句中第二個like為舉例用法,在此亦可用such as代替,來說明things所指的東西。
7 As a result, I don’t think Jimmy’s mom and dad were too crazy about me.
此句亦可寫成Therefore, I don’t think Jimmy’s mom and dad liked me very much.
Reading P3
Then, something happened. One night, they drove me out of town and let me out of the car. When I turned my head, I saw their car driving away! Suddenly, I realized that they would never come back. I felt so alone, and every sound terrified5 me. That night was so scary6 that I’ll remember it for my entire7 life. On the second night, I decided to follow some other dogs. We were dirty, smelly8, and hungry. What (p.23) was worse, one of my friends was hit by a speeding9 car and his leg was broken10. 然後,發生了一件事。一天晚上,他們載我出城,然後讓我下車。當我回過頭,我看到他們的車子開走了。霎時,我意會到他們永遠不會回來了。我覺得很孤單而且每個聲音都讓我感到害怕。那是個如此恐怖的夜晚,以致於我這一生永遠都會記得。到了第二個晚上,我決定跟隨其他幾隻狗。我們又髒、又臭、又餓。更糟的是,我其中一個朋友被快速行駛的汽車撞到,然後牠的一條腿斷了。
8 Then, something happened.
1. then adv. 然後,指過去某個時間點,故接過去簡單式。
2. happen vi. 發生,只能用主動式。
9 One night, they drove me out of town and let me out of the car.
one + 時間,常指過去某個時間,在此與過去簡單式連用。
10 When I turned my head, I saw their car driving away!
see + O + V-ing 感官動詞後接現在分詞,表示受詞正在做某事 (參照本課句型2)。
SPP 2: S + see/watch/hear/feel/listen to + O + VR/V-ing
² 以上為感官動詞,後接受詞及修飾受詞的補語。
² 受詞補語說明受詞的狀態,常見的受詞補語有原形動詞VR與現在分詞V-ingVR強調動作發生的事實,為已完成的動作;V-ing則強調動作正在進行。
² 另有一組感官類連綴動詞:look(看起來)、sound(聽起來)、taste(嚐起來)、smell(聞起來)、feel(感覺起來),後接形容詞或like + N(像……),應注意句構差別。請參考本課句型Ⅳ。
Ÿ  When I turned my head, I saw their car driving away!
Ÿ  All of a sudden, I felt someone touching me.
Ÿ  Mr. and Mrs. Chen watched their son get into the taxi and wave goodbye.(陳氏夫婦看著兒子鑽進計程車,和他們揮手道別。)
11 I felt so alone, and every sound terrified me.
1. feel alone表感到孤單。如果要強調因沒有人陪而感到不快樂,則用feel lonely
2. every + 單數名詞 + 單數動詞。
SPP 4: feel/sound/taste/smell/fall/become/grow + Adj.
² 上列皆稱作連綴動詞,功能是連結主詞和主詞補語。在本句型中的主詞補語是形容詞,用來修飾主詞。須注意連綴動詞後不接副詞。
² 和感官有關的連綴動詞有feel(感覺起來)、sound(聽起來)、taste(嚐起來)、smell(聞起來)、look(看起來),如You look great!表示「你看起來真棒!」。
² 有一類連綴動詞用來表示「變成某狀態」,除fall/become/grow外尚有get(如get wet「溼掉」)、go(如go blind「失明」)、come(如come loose「鬆掉」、come true「成真」)、turn(如turn cold「變冷」、turn sour「發酸」)等。因為部分動詞也作一般動詞,所以辨別是不是連綴動詞,就看這些動詞後面是否接主詞補語。
Ÿ  I felt so alone, and every sound terrified me.
Ÿ  Adding some rice to the soup can make it taste less salty.(加些飯到湯裡可以讓湯嚐起來較不那麼鹹。)
Ÿ  His advice sounds useful. You should take it.
Ÿ  Finally, I was really tired and fell asleep.
Ÿ  Growing old scares some people, so they do everything possible to look young.(變老讓有些人憂心忡忡,所以他們盡一切可能讓自己看起來年輕。)
Ÿ  The weather has become warm, so people are starting to wear T-shirts.(天氣已經變暖,所以人們開始穿T恤。)
12 That night was so scary that I’ll remember it for my entire life.
1.so Adj + that + S + V 表示「如此……以致於……」,相關用法可參照本課句型1
2.for my entire life 亦可寫成 for my whole life
Focal Point 1
  so + Adj/Adv + that + S + V
  such (+ a/an) + Adj + N + that + S + V
so + Adj/Adv + that + S + V
Jimmy is so kind that everyone loves to be
around him.        
Jessica did so well on the exam that she got
into a good college.
such (+ a/an) + Adj + N + that + S + V
Jimmy is such a kind boy that everyone loves
                      a/an + Adj + 單數可數名詞
to be around him.
The restaurant serves such delicious food that
                                               Adj + 不可數名詞
customers keep coming back. 
It was such a popular movie that many kids wanted to get a dog of their own after   
  they watched it.
That night was so scary that I’ll remember it for my entire life.
I was so terrified that I couldn’t sleep for two days.
Practice A  Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.
1. Peter is ( so / such ) tall that he could almost touch the ceiling*.
2. He is ( so / such ) a tall man that everything seems tiny around him.
3. They are ( so / such ) good friends that they spend most of their time together.
4. Henry is ( so / such ) honest that everyone trusts him.
5. It is ( so / such ) a great movie that I like it so much.
* ceiling  n. [C] 天花板
Practice B  Combine the sentences by using the patterns above and the key words given.

è  I was so tired last night that I fell asleep on my desk.                         

è Communication is so important that it can build or break a relationship.             

è Julie performs so well in school that many teachers have praised her to the skies.   

è Science is such a difficult subject that some students give up on it.              

è Helen and her sister are such friendly people that everyone likes to make friends with them.                                                          
13 On the second night, I decided to follow some other dogs.
1. on + 特定時間;如 on a hot summer day, on your birthday, on April 1st
2. decide + to VR 決定做⋯⋯
3. follow vt. 跟隨 SYN go behind
14 What was worse, one of my friends was hit by a speeding car and his leg was broken.
SPP 5: What is/was worse, S + V.
² 此為口語用法,表示「更糟的是……」。當前面已提到一件不好的事,接著要提另一件更不好的事時使用。
² 相關片語有what is more,表示「此外」,常用於加列原因。
Ÿ We were dirty, smelly, and hungry. What was worse, one of my friends was hit by a speeding car and his leg was broken.(我們又髒、又臭、又飢餓。更糟的是,我的其中一個朋友被疾馳的汽車撞到,斷了一條腿。)
Ÿ I locked myself out of the house. What was worse, I didnt have my cell phone or purse with me.(我把自己鎖在房子外。更糟的是,我的手機或錢包都不在身上。)
Ÿ Walking to work is an easy way to exercise. What’s more, you can save money on gas.(走路去上班是一種簡易的運動方式。此外,你可以節省油錢。)
1. one + of + 複數名詞 + 單數動詞。
2. friends在此指之前所提的some other dogs that Pongo decided to follow
3. was hit為過去式被動語態,亦可寫成 A speeding car hit one of my friends and his leg was broken.
S + be + P.P. (+ by 動作者)
將主動句的主詞與受詞互相交換位置而形成被動語態,「by + 動作者」常在動作者不明確或範圍廣時被省略。
• People use smartphones in modern society.
→ Smartphones are used in modern society.
Reading P4
One day, we saw “The Truck.” It came out to look for stray11 dogs. When I saw it, I tried to run as fast as possible, but I still got caught. Then I was sent to a “shelter12.” The dogs there told me that if nobody came within13 twelve days to take me home, I would be put to sleep. And no one could ever wake up from that sleep. 有一天,我們看到「卡車」來了。它出來尋找流浪狗。看到它時,我試著盡速跑走,但我仍然被抓了。然後我被送到一個叫「庇護所」的地方。在那兒的狗告訴我,如果十二天內沒有人來帶我回家,我就會被迫睡著。而且不曾有狗從那長眠中醒來。
15 One day, we saw “The Truck.”
The Truck指捕捉流浪動物的卡車。在美國,捕捉流浪狗的工作人員稱a dog catcheran animal control worker
16 When I saw it, I tried to run as fast as possible, but I still got caught.
1. 本句句構:時間副詞子句 + 主要子句 + 對等子句。構成此句為一複合複雜句(compound-complex sentence):but連接左右兩句成複合句,而前句有when附屬子句是複雜句,全句便稱為複合複雜句。
2. as + adj./adv. + as possible 盡可能地⋯⋯
fast  adv.修飾動詞run,表示“Pongo”盡可能跑得非常快。
• I tried to run as fast as possible.= I tried to run as fast as I could.= I tried to run as fast as I possibly could.
3. still got caught亦可寫成 was still caught,是一過去被動語態。
SPP 6:  S + get + P.P.
² 此句型多用於非正式的文章或對話中。get後所接的過去分詞用來修飾主詞,表示主詞的狀態,意為「被……」,同被動用法,可用be代換。
² get + P.P.亦可用來說明主詞對自身所做的事情,具有反身行為的含意。常見用法有get lost(迷路)、get married(結婚)、get dressed(穿好衣服)等等。
Ÿ I tried to run as fast as possible, but I still got caught.
Ÿ Because the worker stole money from the company, he got fired.(因為這員工從公司偷了錢,所以他被開除了。)
Ÿ Hurry up! You have only ten minutes to get dressed.(動作快點!你只有十分鐘可以著裝。)
17 Then I was sent to a “shelter.”
was sent為過去式被動語態,亦可寫成The Truck sent me to a “shelter.”
18 The dogs there told me that if nobody came within twelve days to take me home, I would be put to sleep.
1. thereat the shelter
2. that子句為一名詞子句,用來說明在「庇護所」的狗講述的內容,當作tell的直接受詞,me則為間接受詞。if子句為表條件的副詞子句。
3. within twelve days的時間副詞為強調came這個動作(最好在12天內來)而緊接在其後。
4. I would be put to sleep為過去式被動語態,亦可寫成 the shelter would put me to sleep
19 And no one could ever wake up from that sleep.
wake up from... ⋯⋯中醒來
Roy woke up from a good night’s sleep this morning.
Reading P5
I was so terrified that I couldn’t sleep for two days. Finally, I was really tired and fell asleep14. All of a sudden, I felt someone touching me. I opened my eyes and saw a cute little girl smiling at me. She took me home. 我太驚嚇了,以致於兩天無法入睡。最後,我真的累壞並睡著了。突然間,我覺得有人在摸我,我張開眼睛看到一個可愛的小女孩在對我笑。她帶我回家了。
20 I was so terrified that I couldn’t sleep for two days.
for 加一段時間,表示動作、狀態持續的期間。
Focal Point 1
  so + Adj/Adv + that + S + V
  such + (a/an) + Adj + N + that + S + V
(1) 副詞片語“so... as to / too... to”等。
(2) 課文句型“so... that / such... that”
(3) 區別“such... as”“such... that”之結構,老師可斟酌學生程度及需要補充。
(1) 課文句型:so... that...
句型:S + Be-V + so + Adj + that + S + V...
句型:S + V + so + Adv + that + S + V...
說明:so... that... 所搭配的that子句都是表示由前文所述內容所致的「結果」。
The stream is so dirty that no fish can live in it.
Judy eats so much that she has put on a lot of weight.
John laughed so hard that his eyes were filled with tears.
The tour guide spoke so loudly that I could hear him in the back of the bus.
(2) 課文句型:such... that...
句型:S + V...+ such + 不可數名詞
                      複數名詞 + that...
說明:單數可數名詞“... such a(n) + + ...”可以改寫成“... so... that...”
It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.(單數可數名詞)
  = It was so cold that there was nobody on the street.
Joe is such a rich man that he could buy an island.(單數可數名詞)
  = Joe is so rich that he could buy an island.
It was such good weather that we all went on a picnic.(不可數名詞)
  = The weather was so good that we all went on a picnic.
The musician played such sweet music that the audience was carried away.(不可數名詞)
  = The music was so sweet that the audience was carried away.
They are such faithful friends that they would do anything for me.(複數名詞)
  = My friends are so faithful that they would do anything for me.
(3) 補充句型:... so that...
so that + S + V... = in order to + VR...
Lucy eats less so that she may lose weight.
  = Lucy eats less in order to lose weight.
I am saving money so that I may travel abroad.
  = I am saving money in order to travel abroad.
Tom gets up early so that he may get some exercise.
  = Tom gets up early in order to get some exercise.
Sam works part-time so that he may earn money.
  = Sam works part-time in order to earn money.
(4) 補充句型:too... to V
too + Adj/Adv + to + VR... ……而無法/不能
not too + Adj/Adv + to + VR... 不會太……而無法/不能……
說明:表「結果」的副詞片語“too... to VR”“not/never too... to VR”可改寫成副詞子句“so... that + S +V”
The book is too difficult for me to read.
  = The book is so difficult that I can’t read it.
The coffee is too hot for me to drink.
  = The coffee is so hot that I can’t drink it.
We are too late to catch the train now.
  = We are so late that we can’t catch the train now.
No one is too old to learn.
  = One is never too old to learn.
  = No one is so old that he may not (still) learn.
A. so… that… such… that…合併:
1.   The weather was good.
       My family went on a picnic.
2.   Jessica is a friendly girl.
       We all like to be with her.
3.   The experience was terrible.
       Jackson will never forget it.
4.   The water pollution is serious.
       The number of fish is dying.
5.   Brian was in a hurry.
       He left his notebook here.

B. 翻譯:
1.   那消息太好了,不會是真的。
      The news is     good         true.
2.   亡羊補牢,猶未晚也。
      It is         late     mend.
3.   Wayne傷得很重,無法自己走路。(so… that)
4.   Amanda太累了,因此吃不下晚餐。(so… that)
5.   那件傢俱那麼貴,我買不起。(such… that)
1.   The weather was so good that my family went on a picnic.
2.   Jessica is such a friendly girl that we all like to be with her./Jessica is so friendly that we all like to be with her.
3.   The experience was so terrible that Jackson will never forget it.
4.   The water pollution is so serious that the number of fish is dying.
5.   Brian was in such a hurry that he left his notebook here.
1.   too ; to; be
2.   never; too ; to
3.   Wayne was so badly injured that he couldn’t walk by himself.
4.   Amanda was so tired that she couldn’t eat dinner.
5.  That is such an expensive piece of furniture that I can’t afford (to buy) it.
21 Finally, I was really tired and fell asleep.
1. tired為情緒形容詞,意為「累壞的」。
2. fall為連綴動詞,在此意為「進入某種狀態」,其後接形容詞,作為主詞補語。
22 All of a sudden, I felt someone touching me.
1. all of a sudden 忽然地 SYN suddenly
2. 感官動詞feel + O + V-ing表「感覺到⋯⋯正在⋯⋯」。
Focal Point 2
S + see/watch/hear/feel/listen to + O +
1.感官動詞包括see(看到)、watch(觀看)、hear(聽到)、listen to(聆聽)、feel(感覺到)等。
I saw a cat chase/chasing a mouse.
          VR        V-ing
When I turned my head, I saw their car driving away!
All of a sudden, I felt someone touching me.
I opened my eyes and saw a cute little girl smiling at me.
Practice  Complete the following sentences by using the pattern above.
1. We/sing a song/listen to/Mia
We listened to Mia sing/singing a song .
2. Nancy/fight/Julia and Hank/hear
Nancy heard Julia and Hank fight/fighting.
3. The man/the car/drive away/see
The man saw the car drive/driving away .
4. I/the naughty student/see/punish/the teacher
I saw the teacher punish/punishing the naughty student .
5. Lisa/something/feel/under her feet/move
Lisa felt something under her feet move/moving.
23 I opened my eyes and saw a cute little girl smiling at me.
感官動詞see + O + V-ing表「看到⋯⋯正在⋯⋯」。
Focal Point 2
S + see/watch/hear/feel/listen to... + O +OC (VR/V-ing)
當一個 “S + V + O” 的句子語意仍不完整時,必須要添加受詞補語(OC),以補充說明受詞的情況。而當感官動詞作及物動詞使用時,補語可用原形動詞或現在分詞;又受詞與補語關係為被動時,補語則用過去分詞。動作性的受詞補語有下列情況:(1)原形動詞表「主動的動作」;(2)現在分詞表「進行的動作」。老師可依序講解受詞補語的特性。至於過去分詞作受詞補語以及感官動詞的被動用法,可斟酌補充。
(1) 課文句型:原形動詞作受詞補語
S + see/watch/hear/feel/listen to... + O + VR
• I saw Lily enter a French restaurant with her boyfriend.
• The father watched his little girl dance on the stage.
• We heard someone call out for help in the park last night.
• We felt the house shake when the big earthquake occurred.
• Hank listened to his girlfriend talk about her job.
(2) 課文句型:現在分詞作受詞補語
S + see/watch/hear/feel/listen to... + O + V-ing
• At the scenic spot, you can see many tourists taking pictures.
• We watched the dancers moving on the stage.
• We heard John singing pop songs while he was taking a shower.
• Tina felt the night wind blowing over her face.
• The kids listened to the music playing on the radio.
(3) 相關句型:過去分詞作受詞補語
S + see/watch/hear/feel/listen to... + O + P.P.
說明:過去分詞作為受詞補語時,表示「受詞被⋯⋯/遭⋯⋯」,指一被動動作。在動詞上的選擇常因句子情境而有所限制,多數外籍教師視此處的P.P.為一完成動作,因此不適用感官動詞。另外,若要表達「看/ 聽/ 感覺受詞正在被⋯⋯」, 應使用O +being/getting + P.P.。以下列舉一些例子供老師補充教學使用。
• Linda saw the worm being caught by the bird.
• The family watched their house being washed away by the flood.
• Ian feels his arm being stunned by a bee.
• Mary listened to her favorite song being sung by a famous singer.
(4) 相關句型:感官動詞的被動
S + be + seen/heard + to VR/V-ing
1 感官動詞 see hear 用被動表達 “be seen” “be heard” 時,其後須接 to VR/V-ing作主詞補語(SC),用來補充說明主詞的情況。
2 另外,感官動詞改為被動語態時,以see, hear, observe, perceive較為常見,主動語態的受詞補語VR必須改為to VR,如果原本即為 V-ing,則維持不變。
• People saw a bull cross the busy street.
→A bull was seen to cross the busy street.
• We hear our neighbor Nina play the violin every night.
→ Our neighbor Nina is heard to play the violin every night.
• The teacher saw a student crying on campus.
→A student was seen crying on campus.
• Jean heard some dogs barking loudly in the night.
→Some dogs were heard barking loudly in the night.
A. 合併句子:
1.  Do you hear something?
Someone is playing the piano.
2.  On my way home, I can see something.
Children play baseball in the park.
3.  The girl felt something.
Her heart was beating faster as her boyfriend came to her.
4.  People are watching something.
The artist is drawing a picture on the street.
5.  Listen to this.
The soft music is being played from the garbage truck.
B. 翻譯填充:
1. 我昨天看見小女孩在路邊哭。
I _______ a little girl _______ on the roadside yesterday.
I _______ a huge explosion _______ from a nearby restaurant.
3. 我們在露營時,我看到有動物在樹林裡跑動。
While camping, I _______ some animals _______ in the woods.
4. Jenny看著她兒子在客廳玩樂高積木。
Jenny _______ her son _______ Lego in the living room.
5. 學生們正在聆聽老師講解課文。
Students were _______ _______ the teacher (e)        the lesson.
1. Do you hear someone playing the piano?
2. On my way home, I can see children play baseball in the park.
3. The girl felt her heart beating faster as her boyfriend came to her.
4. People are watching the artist drawing a picture on the street.
5. Listen to the soft music playing from the garbage truck.
1. saw; cry/crying
2. heard; come/coming
3. saw; run/running
4. watched; play/playing
5. listening; to; explain/explaining
24 She took me home.
take... to... ⋯⋯帶到⋯⋯;此處因home為地方副詞,故不需加介系詞to
Reading P6
That was over a year ago. Now I live with Katrina, and she gives me a nice home. She takes me out for walks and plays with me. I think I’m a very lucky dog, after all! Hopefully15, my friends out on the streets and at the shelter can find a home just like I did. 那已經是一年多前的事了。現在我和Katrina住在一起,她給我一個很溫暖的家。她帶我去散步而且跟我玩。我想我終究是隻幸運的狗。但願我那些在外頭待在街上及庇護所的朋友們也能跟我一樣,找到一個家。
25 That was over a year ago.
1. That 指前幾段課文中所提到的事。
2. over prep. 超過 SYN more than
26 Now I live with Katrina, and she gives me a nice home.
27 She takes me out for walks and plays with me.
1. take... out for... ⋯⋯外出做⋯⋯
2. 跟寵物、朋友玩、玩玩具或玩水等,以上這些動作都應在play後加上with
• Tim enjoys playing with water on the beach.
28 I think I’m a very lucky dog, after all!
after all 終究;畢竟
• Don’t argue with your parents. After all, they brought you up.
29 Hopefully, my friends out on the streets and at the shelter can find a home just like I did.
1. 介系詞片語 out on the streets and at the shelter修飾主詞my friends
2. just like... 就如⋯⋯,為介系詞片語在正式用法中其後應接名詞,在此當連接詞,後接子句為口語用法,可等於just as
3. did = found a home
did = found a home,為助動詞代替前述動詞片語的用法。
• My parents like to make new friends, and I do, too. (do = like to make new friends)
Main Idea  Choose the best answer to the question.
  C            What is “Home Again” about?
         (A) The movie 101 Dalmatians is popular with kids.
         (B) Bad things happen to a stray dog.
         (C) A dog talks about his life.
         (D) It talks about how to solve* the problem of stray animals.
Details  Write a T (True) or an F (False) for each sentence.
  F  1.  Katrina was Pongo’s first owner.
  F  2.  Pongo didn’t like his home, so he decided to live on the street.
  T  3.  “The Truck” took stray dogs to the shelter.
  F  4.     Pongo felt excited as he followed the other dogs around.

* solve  vt. 解決

