2016年3月15日 星期二

Book 4 - Unit 2: Reading & Grammar

Reading P1
Were you one of those children who spent their childhood1 wearing masks and jumping off the walls, copying Batman, Iron Man, or Spider-Man? Have you even carried your love of superheroes into adolescencež? Do you still get excited about the next superhero film to be released2? 你是曾經在童年時期戴著面具、從牆上跳下來、模仿蝙蝠俠、鋼鐵人或蜘蛛人的小孩之一嗎?你是否甚至將對超級英雄的熱愛延續至青春期呢?你是否仍然對下一部即將發行的超級英雄電影感到興奮呢?
1 Were you one of those children who spent their childhood wearing masks and jumping off the walls, copying Batman, Iron Man, or Spider-Man?
1. 這個句子可拆成兩部分來看,首先Were you one of...?表示「你是……之一嗎?」。另外,those children who... 是常見的關代組合,其中who spent their childhood... Spider-Man用來修飾先行詞children
2. 關係子句的動詞用spent,因此後面接的動詞要用V-ing,變成wearing, jumping,表「花……時間做……」。
3. 分詞構句..., copying...原為..., and copied....
2 Have you even carried your love of superheroes into adolescence?
1. 這裡用現在完成式 Have you even carried 表示從過去到現在的經驗。
2. carry... into 使延續……,請參閱片語1
3. 三個不同時期:childhood 童年期、adolescence 青春期、adulthood 成年期。
3 Do you still get excited about the next superhero film to be released?
1. get excited about 對……感到興奮,常見的情緒動詞片語如下:
(1) be interested in... 對……感到興趣
(2) be satisfied with... 對……感到滿意
(3) be confused by/aboup... 對……感到困惑
(4) be bored with/by... 對……感到無聊
(5) be surprised by/ap... 對……感到驚訝
(6) be amazed at/by... 對……感到驚奇
(7) be annoyed at/with/aboup... 對……感到生氣
2. ... to be released (音樂、影片)即將發行
Reading P2
We humans love to imagine having great powers and supernatural3 abilities, like flying or being invisible4. You might sometimes even ask yourself, “What would I do if I had those powers?” That is why one theme5 is often found in movies about superheroes—most of these characters started off as ordinary people before something happened to make them “extraordinary6.” Take Spider-Man for example. Peter Parkerž was just a normal high school kid. One day on a science field tripž, he got bitten by a radioactivež spider, which made it possible for him to shoot7 spiderwebsž, climb walls, and swing8 between (p.29) buildings. The sudden change from being an average9 teenager to becoming Spider-Man was a mixed blessingž for Peter. He was left not only with superhuman skills, but also with the duty of using them to help others. This is the message behind the best-known Spider-Man quote10, “With great power comes great responsibility.” If you had such incredible powers, would you be able to use them responsibly? 我們人類喜歡想像擁有強大的力量和超自然的能力,像是飛行或隱形。你也許有時甚至自問:「如果我有這些超能力,我會怎麼做?」那就是為什麼在超級英雄電影中,常會發現一個主題:大部分這些角色都以平凡人物開始,後來某事發生才使得他們變得特別。以蜘蛛人為例。Peter Parker原本只是個普通的高中生。有一天在一趟科學校外教學中,他被一隻具有放射性的蜘蛛咬傷,這使得他能夠發射蜘蛛網、爬牆,並且在大樓之間擺盪。從一般的青少年變成蜘蛛人的突然轉變,對Peter而言是件好壞參半的事。他不只被賦予超人類的能力,更被賦予責任使用這些能力去幫助別人。這就是蜘蛛人最有名的引文:「強大的力量伴隨著重大的責任」所要傳達的訊息。如果你有這樣不可思議的能力,你能夠負責任地使用它們嗎?
4 We humans love to imagine having great powers and supernatural abilities, like flying or being invisible.
1. imagine + V-ing 想像……
2. like 像是……,是介系詞,表示「舉例來說」。後面的受詞也要用V-ingN
SPP 3: imagine + V-ing
² imagine為及物動詞,表示「想像」。常接的受詞是動名詞和that或疑問詞引導的名詞子句,不定詞(to VR)不能作受詞。
² 同樣用動名詞而非不定詞當受詞的動詞還有avoidinvolveriskmindsuggestmissenjoypracticefinish等。
² 有些動詞用不定詞作受詞,不用動名詞。如:agreechoosedecideexpectfaillearnmanage(表「設法做到」)、mean(表「意圖、打算」)、plan(但plan on後接V-ing)、pretendrefusetend
Ÿ We humans love to imagine having great powers and supernatural abilities, like flying or being invisible.
Ÿ You should avoid staying up all night before an exam.(你應該避免考試前整晚熬夜。)
Ÿ This job involves traveling to Hong Kong on a monthly basis to meet with the clients.(這份工作需要每月出差去香港和客戶會面。)
Ÿ “People discuss my art and pretend to understand as if it were necessary to understand, when it’s simply necessary to love.”—Claude Monet(人們討論我的作品,假裝很了解,好像那是必要的;其實只要喜愛它們就夠了。──莫內)
5 That is why one theme is often found in movies about superheroes….
That is why 那就是為什麼……,用法為That is why + S + V,以S + V來說明原因。
6 Take Spider-Man for example.
1. Take + N/V-ing + for example. 這是個原形動詞為開頭的祈使句,後面需用句點結束。
2. for example = for instance 是片語,可以放在句首、句尾或插入句中。
7 One day on a science field trip, he got bitten by a radioactive spider, which made it possible for him to shoot spiderwebs, climb walls, and swing between buildings.
1. get bitten 被咬傷
2. which 並不是修飾 spider,而是代替逗點前面整句話,也就是被蜘蛛咬傷這件事。
3. make it possible + for sb. + to VR 使某人做某事成為可能
這個句型裡的it是虛受詞,代替後面的不定詞to VR,形容詞possible也可以替換成easy, convenient, important等形容詞,請參閱句型重點2
SPP 2: S + make/find/consider + it + Adj (+ for sb.) + to VR.
² it除作虛主詞外,也可作虛受詞,如本句型。
² makefindconsider的句型:「make/find/consider + O + OC」。受詞補語(OC,修飾受詞使句意完整)在本句型為形容詞。
² 使用it作虛受詞,把真受詞(to VR)移到句末,可以解決真受詞太長不易理解的問題。
² 如要明確指出或強調「對(某人)來說」某動作是如何,可在形容詞後加上for sb.
² 除了makefindconsider外,thinkbelieve可套用同樣的句型。
Ÿ Peter Parker got bitten by a radioactive spider, which made it possible for him to shoot spiderwebs, climb walls, and swing between buildings.
Peter Parker被一隻放射性蜘蛛咬到,這使他能夠射出蜘蛛網、攀牆,還有在建築物間擺盪。)
Ÿ Traditionally, Chinese people consider it inappropriate for lovers to give umbrellas to each other as presents.
Ÿ Ian thinks it unnecessary to shop around to get a good deal.
Ÿ Most people believe it essential for applicants to dress formally for  a job interview.
8 The sudden change from being an average teenager to becoming Spider-Man was a mixed blessing for Peter.
1. 這個句子其中的from being an average teenager to becoming...修飾the sudden change,表示從一般人成為蜘蛛人這樣的突然轉變。
2. The sudden change接的動詞是was,形容那是a mixed blessing(憂喜參半的事)。
9 He was left not only with superhuman skills, but also with the duty of using them to help others.
此句用被動語態 was left,表示 Peter Parker 不是自願的,而是被迫變成蜘蛛人,他被賦予了超乎常人的能力和保護人類的責任。
10 If you had such incredible powers, would you be able to use them responsibly?
1. 假設語氣與現在事實相反的用法:
If + S + were/V-ed..., S + would/should/could/might + VR.
2. be able to + VR 能夠……
3. use... responsibly 負責任地使用
SPP 1: If + S + were/V-ed…, S + would/could/might + VR.
² 此句型為「和現在事實相反」的假設語氣,動詞需用過去式。課文例句中,讀者事實上並沒有超能力,所以用假設語氣。
² if引導的子句中,不管主詞是單數或複數,be動詞一律用were,一般動詞用過去式。
² 主要子句主詞後接助動詞would(將要;就會)、could(能;可以)、might(或許會),再接原形動詞。
² if引導的子句置於主要子句前,用逗點隔開。若置於主要子句後則不用逗點。
Ÿ If you had such incredible powers, would you be able to use them responsibly?
Ÿ I would take notes by hand if I were you.
Ÿ If you stopped buying bottled tea drinks, you could save a lot of money.
Reading P3
Another legendary11 superhero, Captain America, has a similar story. Steven Rogersž was a physically weak young man who really wanted to get into the army but was never allowed to join. All this changed when he underwent12 some medical tests designed by a scientist. After several injections13, Steven was turned into Captain America, a soldier with great physical strength14. He was known for his (p.30) unbreakable15 shield16, which returned like a boomerangž after he threw it. With this shield, he found it easy to defend17 himself against any weapons18 that his enemies19 used. Captain America used his amazing powers to protect his people from harm in World War IIž.另外一位傳奇的超級英雄——美國隊長——也有類似的故事。Steven Rogers原本是個身體虛弱的年輕人,他很想從軍卻屢遭拒絕。這一切在他經歷一位科學家所設計的一些醫學實驗後改變了。經過數次的注射之後,Steven轉變成為美國隊長,一位體力強健的士兵。他以那堅不可摧的盾牌著名,那盾牌在他丟出之後像回力鏢一樣回到他手上。有了這面盾牌,他發現要保衛自己去抵抗敵人持有的任何武器就容易多了。美國隊長在二次大戰期間使用這些神奇的力量來保護人民免於傷害。
11 Steven Rogers was a physically weak young man who really wanted to get into the army but was never allowed to join.
1. physically weak 為「副詞 + 形容詞」,修飾名詞 young man
2. who... join 為關係子句,修飾先行詞 young man
3. be allowed to VR 被允許……
SPP 4: be/get + p.p. (by O)
² 被動語態的主詞是承受動作的一方,施予動作的一方(即by 的受詞O)連帶介系詞by可視情況省略。
² 如果施予動作的一方描述較冗長,一般也偏好使用被動語態。
² be p.p.get p.p.的差別:get p.p.有強調「狀態改變」的意味。如:「I am dressed.」表示著好裝的狀態,但「I got dressed.」表示「從沒著裝變成穿好衣服」的轉變。
Ÿ Steven Rogers really wanted to get into the army but was never allowed to join. Steven Rogers十分想要進入軍隊,但是從未被允許加入。)
Ÿ The soldier got wounded in the battle and was sent back to his hometown after he recovered. (這名軍人在戰役中受傷,在他恢復後被送回他的家鄉。)
12 All this changed when he underwent some medical tests designed by a scientisp.
1. 連接詞 when 串連前後兩個子句,前句是 All this changed,而後句是 he underwent some medical tests designed by a scientisp.
2. 其中過去分詞片語designed by a scientist修飾medical tests,可視為關係子句中省略which were
13 After several injections, Steven was turned into Captain America, a soldier with great physical strength.
1. was turned into 被轉變成……
2. a soldier with great physical strength Captain America 是同位語的結構。
14 He was known for his unbreakable shield, which returned like a boomerang after he threw ip.
which 前面加上逗點,是補充用法(非限定用法),修飾shield
15 With this shield, he found it easy to defend himself against any weapons that his enemies used.
1. with + 工具 有了……
2. that his enemies used 是關係子句,修飾先行詞weapons
SPP 6: protect/prevent/keep/stop… from…
² protect sb./sth. from N/V-ing表示「保護……免於……」,from後接「身心傷害、疾病;事物損傷、喪失」。
² prevent sb./sth. from V-ing表示「防止╱制止……免於……」,致使事物無法發生或存在、或使某人無法做某事。
² keep sb./sth. from N/V-ing表示「使……免於╱不要……」。有兩種涵義:保護人免於傷害(常用keep sb. from being harmed/out of harm’s way/out of danger/away from danger);致使事物無法發生或存在、致使某人無法做某事。
² stop sb./sth. from V-ing表示「阻止……不要……」。有兩種涵義:預防還沒發生的事(意同prevent from V-ing);阻止正在進行的動作。
Ÿ Captain America used his amazing powers to protect his people from harm in World War.
Ÿ The farmer built a fence to prevent the cattle from escaping.
Reading P4
Today, Spider-Man and Captain America seem more popular than ever, based on the success of their recent20 movies. When we watch them fighting crime21 on the big screen, their great courage and spirit inspire us to do what we can to fight against evil. We not only see what kinds of powers the superheroes have, but also witness22 how they make use of those powers to do the right thing. We may not have the same powers, but our will23 to do the right thing should be just as strong as theirs. 根據它們最近電影的成功,現在蜘蛛人和美國隊長似乎比以前更受歡迎了。當我們在大銀幕上觀看他們打擊犯罪時,他們偉大的勇氣和精神啟發我們盡己所能來對抗邪惡。我們不只看到這些超級英雄擁有什麼樣的力量,而且見證他們如何運用這些能力來做正確的事情。我們或許無法擁有相同的能力,但我們想做正確事情的意志應該和他們的一樣強大。
16 Spider-Man and Captain America seem more popular than ever, based on the success of their recent movies.
1. seem (連綴動詞) + adj. = appear + adj. 似乎……
2. more... than ever 比以前更……;愈來愈……
  = more and more...
3. based on 根據,可以放句首或句中,用法為based on sth.,請參閱片語5
  SYN according to
17 When we watch them fighting crime on the big screen, their great courage and spirit inspire us to do what we can to fight against evil.
1. watch (感官動詞) + O + V-ing,表示「看到O正在……」。
感官動詞用法為S + V + O + OC,而受詞補語若為VR,表「受詞主動目睹VR動作的整個過程」。若受詞補語為V-ing,表「受詞主動且正在進行V-ing的動作,但未目睹整個過程」。而受詞補語為P.P.時,表「受詞被動進行P.P.的動作」。
2. fight crime = fight against evil 對抗犯罪;打擊邪惡
3. inspire 激發;鼓勵 SYN stimulate, encourage
SPP 5: inspire/encourage/motivate sb. to VR
² inspire意為「振奮、鼓舞、激勵、啟發(某人)」,encourage意為「鼓勵、勸勉(某人)」,motivate意為「給(某人)動機、激發(某人)」。
被動用法:「sb. be inspired/encouraged/motivated to VR」。
Ÿ Their great courage and spirit inspire us to do what we can to fight against evil.
Ÿ One way to help prevent drunk driving is to stop encouraging others to “have another drink.”
Ÿ The student was motivated by his peers to study harder.
18 We not only see what kinds of powers the superheroes have, but also witness how they make use of those powers to do the right thing.
(1) 對等連接詞not only... but also(不但……而且……)要連接相同詞性,所以動詞seewitness對稱。
(2) whathowwh-引導的名詞子句,均作為seewitness的受詞,也是對稱。
Main Idea  Choose the best answer to the question.
    B    What is the main idea of “Out of the Ordinary: Superheroes”?
(A)  American action movies are hard to make.
(B)   We should learn from the superheroes and try to do the right thing.
(C)   Superheroes are strong enough to protect people around the world.
(D)  Spider-Man’s superpowers are different from Captain America’s.
Details Choose the best answer to each question.
    C    1. How did Peter Parker become Spider-Man?
            Peter Parker如何成為蜘蛛人?
(A) He was made radioactive by a scientist.
(B) He was trained by the army.
(C) He was bitten by a radioactive spider.
(D) He was born with the superpowers.
    C    2. What is the most famous quote from the movie Spider-Man?
(A) “I’ll be back!”
(B) “May the Force be with you.”
(C) “With great power comes great responsibility.”
(D) “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
    A          3. According to the article, what did Captain America and Spider-Man have in common?
(A) They both started off as ordinary people.
(B) They both joined the army.
(C) They both had an invisible shield.
(D) They both fought in World War II.
    B    4. According to the article, which is true about Captain America?
(A) He became a superhero when he was a child.
(B) He was once a physically weak young man.
(C) He designed some medical tests for himself.

(D) He used a boomerang as his weapon.

