2016年3月14日 星期一

FTV 28

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
 A. 恩准    B. 集會   C. 化妝品    D. 政客   E. 蒼白的

1.      pale      
2.      grant      
3.      politician      
4.      assembly      
5.      makeup      

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    Daniel put together the model plane according to the instructions.
(A) recruited        (B) assembled          (C) arrested              (D) rejected
(   ) 2.    Scott supposed that he would study abroad, but things didn’t work out.
(A) assumed        (B) annoyed             (C) possessed           (D) punished
(   ) 3.    This company offers a high wage and great benefits for each of its employees.
(A) necessity       (B) recovery             (C) salary               (D) quantity
(   ) 4.    Jessica treated all her co-workers to dinner to express her appreciation.
(A) factor            (B) institute             (C) injury                 (D) gratitude
(   ) 5.    Grace had only an unclear idea of what her boss had requested.
(A) a vague        (B) a virtual            (C) an exact           (D) an extinct
(   ) 6.    The police got a precise description of the robber from a witness.
(A) a skeptical     (B) a mental             (C) an exact             (D) a political
(   ) 7.    Yvonne plays tennis just for amusement.
(A) representative                                (B) rejection
(C) admission                                       (D) recreation
(   ) 8.    The couple invited only close friends and relatives to their wedding.
(A) intimate         (B) innocent             (C) qualified            (D) inspiring
(   ) 9.    The way that blogger became a writer has set a model for many others. 
(A) contrast         (B) context              (C) pattern             (D) property
(   ) 10.  The man       making the wrong decision after he lost everything.
(A) consumed      (B) constructed        (C) assumed           (D) admitted
(   ) 11.  People usually       high prices with good quality.
(A) explore        (B) export                (C) associate          (D) assemble
(   ) 12.  We should count what we      , not what we don’t have.
(A) persuade        (B) possess             (C) contain               (D) recover
(   ) 13.  None of the applicants was       for this position.
(A) qualified      (B) contrasted        (C) virtual              (D) extinct
(   ) 14.  The local hospital is       volunteers.
(A) solving        (B) signing               (C) assembling         (D) recruiting
(   ) 15.  Speed, alcohol and not wearing a seat belt are major       contributing to fatal accidents.
(A) masks            (B) routines              (C) factors               (D) patterns
(   ) 16.  In       to friends of her own age, Sue looks much younger.
(A) container       (B) contrast           (C) virus                  (D) victory
(   ) 17.  We hold different       opinions.  So, we don’t talk about politics.
(A) political         (B) proper                (C) pale                    (D) potential

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   下星期公司會分配十臺新的筆記型電腦到每個部門。
The company will
       10 new laptops        each
department next week.
2.   這篇文章的主題是家庭感情上的支持的重要性。
       is on the importance of         support from one’s family.

3.   Jason仔細思考了很久,最後簽了契約到軍隊服役。
       for a long time and finally signed the        to serve in the army.

