2016年3月18日 星期五

Book 4 Unit 1: Exercise Book

龍騰英文IV習作簿第1  簡答
I. 1. organization 2. violated  3. regretful  4. equipment  5. medical  6. struggling  7. requests  8. D  9. C  10. B
II. 1. A 2. C  3. B  4. C  5. D
III. 1. C 2. D
IV. 1. D 2. C  3. C  4. A  5. B
V. 1. C 2. D  3. B
1. The teacher advised that the students not spend too much time on the Internet. 
2. As soon as Sarah opened the box, she burst into tears of joy.
3. My friend recommended that we try the Japanese restaurant.
4. As soon as Mary finished her homework, she turned on the TV and started watching cartoons.
5. The teacher suggested that Jack (should) become a musician. 
VII. 1. turned; down 2. on; duty
1. I worried that my brother would get lost when he walked home after school on his own.

2. 在社區醫院娛樂病童讓我的人生有了改變。

