2016年3月4日 星期五

Live Longer with a Cat!

Live Longer with a Cat!
One common myth has it that cats have nine lives. While this may not be true, scientific studies show that having a cat as a pet can actually extend our own lives by many years. How exactly could this be possible?

First of all, cats are a source of laughter. When your cat is pouncing on a light that you are shining on the wall or leaping from the sofa and doing a one-eighty in the air, chances are you are rolling on the floor laughing. And you know what they say: laughter is the best medicine. Laughter boosts your body’s immune system by increasing your white blood cell count.
Secondly, cats are known stress-relievers. The company and affection that a cat provides has measurable effects on the human body. Petting and cuddling your cat can actually reduce cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone.” So it seems that your cat is not the only one who is benefiting from that back scratch!

Lastly, one study of 1000-plus senior citizens showed that elderly people with cats were more active, and of course being more active leads to better health. Besides the daily chores relative to caring for a pet, chasing Kitty around the house is great exercise!   

Now you may be wondering, “Just how much longer can I live if I have a cat?” Well, the answer isn’t so clear yet, but one 20-year study indicated that people who didn’t own cats were 40% more likely to die from heart attacks. Apparently, rather than an apple a day, spending some time with a cat keeps the doctor away!






Vocabulary 好字精選
1. myth (n) a widely held but false idea/a traditional story  迷思、(希臘羅馬)神話虛構的人事物
It is a common myth that the Great Wall can be seen from the moon. No astronaut has ever reported this. 

2. pounce (v) to jump on (an animal’s) prey
The lion crouched low to the ground, preparing to pounce on the deer. 

3. boost (v) help something to increase/push from below
The government is funding the construction of several new beachside resorts as part of an effort to boost tourism. 

4. company (n) a business/companionship
Jane was thankful that her brother Tom had decided to stay home all weekend to keep her company while she was sick.

5. cuddle (v) hold close in one’s arms to show affection
The couple cuddled in bed while they watched the movie. 

6. apparently (adv) obviously, seemingly
Nick had a big smile on his face all day. Apparently, he was finally getting over his recent breakup with his girlfriend.

Phrases and Sentence Patterns句型解析
1. rumor/myth/legend has it that (phr)  謠言/迷思/傳說中
Rumor has it that Frank and Debbie and dating again!

2. one-eighty (n/exp) to turn 180 degrees.  180
The skateboarder did a one-eighty in the air and landed on the park bench.

3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (idiom) it is important to eat healthy  一天一蘋果醫生遠離我
John, you should eat more healthily. You know what they say: An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

4. Chances are that +S+V… 是大有可能的
Chances are that she has already heard the tragic news. 她很有可能已經聽到這件悲劇性的消息了。

