2017年12月27日 星期三

作文致勝關鍵 - 寫作範例100A

Unit 4: Whenever I Feel Lonely
A、句型重點Sentence Pattern Focus
I. even though… = although… = though… 雖然、儘管…          even if… 即使、就算
Even though many people around me are chatting and laughing, I still feel alone in the crowd.
I didn’t get upset even though Jason declined my invitation.
Even though Ken is a ten-year-old child, he can speak four languages.
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. 雖然沒有人贊同我的看法,我不覺得氣餒。
2. 即使我當時說實話,我想也沒有人會相信我。
II. such as + N/Ving 例如、譬如                such + Ns + as + N, N, and N 這樣的
We did many things together, such as singing songs on the way home from school, playing basketball on the basketball court, and reading comic books at my house.
Jason is good at playing sports such as baseball, basketball, and golf.
I have been to many countries, such as Japan, Korea, and Singapore.
àI have been to such countries as Japan, Korea, and Singapore.
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. 在暑假期間,我從事許多戶外活動,例如衝浪、健行以及釣魚。
2. 我喜歡閱讀像<老人與海>這類的勵志小說。

Unit 4: I. 1. Even though no one agreed with my idea, I didn’t feel discouraged.
        2. I think nobody would believe me even if I told the truth then.
      II.1. During the summer vacation, I did many outdoor activities such as surfing, hiking, and fishing.

        2. I like reading such inspiring novels as The Old Man and the Sea.

B、寫作構思流程Writing Process
鋪陳:1.主旨句:每當我感到寂寞的時候,我總是會以電話或電子郵件的方式和我最要好的朋友聯絡。(Sentence 3)
2.細節發展:和最要好的朋友聯絡,總讓我回想起過往美好的時光。(Sentence 4~7)
3.結論句:回首往日美好時光,我總是感到慰藉,不再感到寂寞。(Sentence 8)
As a teenager, I sometimes think that no one can share in my happiness and sorrow. Even though many people around me are chatting and laughing, I still feel alone in the crowd.

However, whenever I feel lonely, I just contact my best friend by phone or by e-mail. By doing so, I can recall the time we spent together in school, when we shared many things and I found happiness. In my memories, we were always carefree, and we did many things together, such as singing songs on the way home from school, playing basketball on the basketball court, and reading comic books at my house. We always had a lot to talk about. Sometimes I didn’t even need to speak, and my friend would know exactly what I was going to say. Looking back on those good old days, I am always comforted, and I don’t feel lonely anymore.

D.實戰演練提示:我們的心情常因周遭環境或自身心境改變而有所不同,而人們也不喜歡寂寞的感覺。請以”Whenever I Feel Lonely”為題,寫一篇短文闡述一種你排遣寂寞的方法。

Unit 3 One Thing Ive Learned from My Teacher
A、句型重點Sentence Pattern Focus
I. for example… = take sth. / sb. for example 舉例來說
I have learned a lot from her. For example, last summer, my class planned a trip to Kenting.
My family usually dine on special occasions. For example, last Friday night, we had a dinner at the Fridays to celebrate my grandpas 80th birthday.
Fruit can be made into different dishes. Take pumpkins for example. There are pumpkin stews, pumpkin pies, pumpkin soup, etc.
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. 王太太對她的孩子很嚴格。舉例來說,她要求他們在學校要拿到好成績。
2. Jason不只是個好爸爸,他也是個好老師。舉例來說,他下班後總是很有耐心地教導他女兒數學。
II. those who… 凡是的人
If I can, I will help those who are in need, and I will ask for nothing in return.
God helps those who help themselves.
Those who love others will be loved, too.
I admire those who work hard to realize their dreams.
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. 凡是夠成熟的人都應能分辨對錯。
2. 凡是未滿十八歲的人都不能駕駛車輛。
B、寫作構思流程Writing Process
鋪陳:1.主旨句:Klark小姐是我的英文老師,我從她身上學到很多東西。(Sentence 1)
2.細節發展:一則故事的描述基本上是由whowhenwhywhere以及what happened等五個疑問詞的答案所連結而成的。(Sentence 2~9)
3.結論句:我從老師身上學到,當我有能力時,我會幫助那些有需要的人。(Sentence 10)
Ms. Klark is my English teacher, and I have learned a lot from her. For example, last summer, my class planned a trip to Kenting. I couldn’t join in because the trip would be too expensive for my parents to afford. Ms. Klark heard about this and called me into her office. She took out NT$2,000 and said that she hoped I would be able to join my class on the trip. It was very touching, but I didn’t take the money. I told her that although I did want to go with my classmates to Kenting. I didn’t want to spend someone else’s money. “Ms. Klark understood what I meant, but told me that if she could give me a hand in this case, then I could learn to help someone else in the future. In the end, I accepted the money, and Ms. Klark’s words have always remained in my mind. I learned a valuable lesson from my teacher: if I can, I will help those who are in need, and I will ask for nothing in return.
D.實戰演練提示:在我們生活週遭的人們,如父親、母親、師長或朋友,對我們都有某種程度的影響。請以 “One Thing I’ve Learned from _____”為題寫一篇短文,敘述他或她曾經做過令你印象最深刻的一件事,並說明這件事對你的影響。

Unit 2: If I Were a Big Movie Star
A、句型重點Sentence Pattern Focus
I. A consist of B = A be made up of B  AB所組成(A表示整體,B表示組成的個體)
My life would not consist of only exams and the daily routine.
= My life would not be made up of only exams and the daily routine.
The committee consists of ten doctors and fifteen scientists.
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. 這個班級是由21個男孩和24個女孩所組成的。
2. 這份餐點是由一杯果汁、一個漢堡以及一些薯條所組成的。

Unit 2: I. 1. This class consists of twenty-one boys and twenty-four girls.
        2. This meal consisted of a glass of juice, a hamburger, and some French fries.

II. How + Adj./Adv. + (S + be/V)! = What (+ a/an) + Adj. + N (+ S + be/V) !…真是
Oh, how wonderful my life would be, if I were a movie star!
How interesting the show is!
How wonderful! We can go shopping together!
What big eyes Alice has!
What a cute baby!
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. 謝謝你提醒我要關燈。你真體貼!
2. 真可惜!你昨晚應該來參加派對的。

      II.1. Thank you for reminding me to turn off the lights. How considerate you are!

        2. What a pity! You should have come to the party last night.

B、寫作構思流程Writing Process
鋪陳:1.主旨句:如果我是有名的電影明星,我的生活會多采多姿,與平凡人的生活截然不同。(Sentence 1)
2.細節發展:先說明幻想中的生活會是如何,再進一步闡述自己會想做哪些事。(Sentence 2~8)
3.結論句:如果我是電影明星的話,我的生活是多麼地美好啊!(Sentence 9)
注意:1.凡是針對現在的事實提出假設的狀況,可用句型If + S + were/V-ed…, S + would/should/could/might + V…

2.若是針對過去的事實提出假設的狀況,句型可用If + S + had V-en…, S + would/should/could/might + have V-en…
If I were a big movie star, I would lead a fantastic life that would be very different from the lives of normal people. “My life would not consist of only exams and the daily routine. Instead, it would be so amazing that each day would be like a new adventure. I would travel to many different places around the world to shoot movies, and this would give me the chance to experience various cultures. At the same time, I would show the world the beauty of Taiwanese culture through my movies. Besides working hard in show business, I would try to create my own products, such as a perfume or a clothing brand, and set new fashion trends. I would never be just a stereotypical movie star, seeking fame and wealth. In fact, I would use the money I made from the sales of my own products to improve the lives of people in Africa. Oh, how wonderful my life would be, if I were a movie star!

D.實戰演練提示:人常會有不同的幻想,想像自己是國際巨星、運動明星、大企業家、國王、將軍或作家。你可曾有過奇特的想法?寫一篇短文,題目為”If I Were a(n)…”,寫出你的幻想,並寫出你想要做的事情有哪些。

Unit 1: The Subject I Like Best in School
A、句型重點Sentence Pattern Focus
I. not only…but also… 不但而且
It is not only a good tool for entertainment but also an important means of communication.
Mr. Wu is not only a dancer but also a famous writer.
This room is not only dark but also damp.
Not only did Jane offer the emotional support, but she also volunteered to pay Jim’s massive medical bills.
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. Susan不僅是個才華洋溢的鋼琴家,她還是個有名的畫家。
2. 林先生不僅會說流利的英文,他還精通西班牙文。

Unit 1: 
I. 1. Susan is not only a talented pianist but also a famous painter.
        2. Not only does Mr. Lin speak fluent English, but he also masters Spanish.

II. as + adv. / many Ns + as one can = as + adv. / many Ns + as possible 盡某人所能
I expose my self to this language as much as I can by reading English novels and listening to radio programs in English.
Although John ran as fast as he could, he still failed to catch the bus.
I will reply to your e-mail as soon as I can. = I will reply to your e-mail as soon as possible.
I memorize as many English words as possible / I can.
㊣句型翻譯Sentence Pattern Translation
1. 此外,我以每天放學後沿著河邊慢跑,週末時到山區健行的方式,盡可能接觸大自然。
2. 高中生在空閒時間應盡可能多閱讀中文經典著作。

      II.1. In addition, I expose myself to nature as much as I can by jogging along the riverside after school every day and going hiking in the mountains on weekends.

        2. Senior High school students should read as many Chinese classics as they can in their leisure time.

B、寫作構思流程Writing Process
鋪陳:1.主旨句:直接點明在學校裡最喜歡的科目是英文。(Sentence 1)
2.細節發展:先說明喜歡英文的原因,再接著提出學習英文的心得。(Sentence 2~7)
3.結論句:因為有毅力和興趣,現在表現愈來愈好,覺得恨開心。(Sentence 8)

注意:段落寫作中第一個句子通常是主旨句(Topic Sentence),接下來的數個句子是支持細節(Supporting Details)。支持句的主要功能有三個:詳述細節、解釋原因、舉例說明,例如第一段先解釋最喜歡英文的原因(because…),接著再舉例說明(For example,…)
The subject I like best in school is English. I like English because it is not only a good tool for entertainment but also an important means of communication. For example, when I watch English movies or listen to English songs, I can understand what the lines mean, and this makes me happy. I have also made many friends from around the world on the Internet. We all communicate in English, the international language.
Because I like English very much, I pay attention in all of my English classes, and I memorize as many English words as possible. In addition, I expose myself to this language as much as I can by reading English novels and listening to radio programs in English. Learning English was not easy at first, but because of my perseverance and interest, I am happy to say that my English keeps on getting better and better every day.

D.實戰演練提示:求學的過程中你最喜歡的科目是哪一科?請以 “The Subject I Like Best in School”為題寫一篇短文,說明你喜歡該科的原因,並提出你個人的學習心得。

