2017年12月1日 星期五

龍騰高職英文V Lesson 3 Exercises單元 簡答

龍騰高職英文V  Lesson 3  Exercises單元  簡答

1. vital               2. exhibit             3. signal             4. guilty           5. actual
6. revealed         7. observe         8. interact              9. latter            10. reflects

1. D         2. C         3. D

1. A         2. A         3. D         4. C         5. B

1. make; up
2. rely; on
3. made; up
4. made; eye; contact
5. pay; attention; to

No villager knows where the friendly stranger comes from.

Allen copies the behavior of Jenny, with whom he has been in love for a long time.

1. Reading people’s body language is a vital skill on which we all rely to interact with one another.
2. 藉由這些觀察,你通常可以辨別出此人是在回想真實發生過的事情,或是否只是在編造故事。

