2017年12月1日 星期五

Answers to B3 U3-U4

Review (II)  Units Three & Four
I. 文意字彙與詞類變化
1. fortune                    2. international      3. regarded                 4. extra
5. directions                6. relatives                7. meaning             8. confident 
9. generally              10. fond                   11. normal                   12. offended
13. tradition                14. embarrassing   15. whistle

II. 文法選擇
16. B   17. C  18. D  19. A    20. C  

III. 綜合測驗
21. A   22. C  23. B  24. A  25. D  
26. B  27. B  28. C  29. A  30. C  

IV. 對話
31. D  32. B     33. A  34. C  35. C  

V. 閱讀測驗
36. B  37. D     38. C  39. B  40. A  

VI. 重組句子
41. Nick called his mom in order to tell her the good news.
42. It was such a beautiful day that we went on a picnic.

VII. 改寫句子
43. It was a box of chocolates that James bought for his wife.
44. Henry finished his meal, wiping his mouth with a tissue.

VIII. 中譯英
45. I look forward to dressing up as a witch at tomorrow’s Halloween party.
IX. 英譯中

46. George 將老師的話牢記在心,以免又再次犯相同錯誤。

