2017年12月1日 星期五

Answers to Do It Yourself @B3U3-U4

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. A cat suddenly e______ed from the darkness and surprised me.
__________    2. The FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sporting e______ts in the world.
__________    3. Lisa started her own business and made a small f______e.
__________    4. Pearl milk tea is g______y available in Taiwan’s night markets.
__________    5. Many pet owners r______d their pets as their own children.

1. emerged    2. events   3. fortune   4. generally   5. regard

II. Idioms and Phrases
dress up    believe in    pass away   door to door    look forward to
1. My father doesn’t _____________ God, but he still respects other people’s religious beliefs (宗教信仰).
2. Last night, Edward _____________ as a scary monster and went to a Halloween party.
3. The students were all _____________ their school trip and couldn’t concentrate in class.
4. The girl went _____________ to hand out the handmade cookies to her neighbors.
5. I was sorry to hear that Angela’s mother had _____________.

1. believe in
2. dressed up
3. looking forward to
4. door to door
5. passed away

III. Cloze Test
    The jack-o’-lantern is an important symbol of Halloween. Do you know how it got its name? It  1  that the name came from an Irishman who was named Jack. Jack once tricked the Devil into climbing up a tree, and he put a cross (十字架) on the tree so that the Devil could not get down. Then, he made the Devil promise (承諾) that he would never be sent to hell. After Jack died, his  2  went to the gate of heaven. However, he was  3  a bad person  3  he couldn’t get in. Then, he went to the gate of hell, but he was not allowed  4  enter there, either.  5 , Jack could only go back to the earth. It was very dark on his way back to the earth, so Jack put a piece of burning coal (煤塊) inside a turnip (蕪菁) to light his way. That’s probably how the jack-o’-lantern began to appear.
(   ) 1. (A) believing   (B) is believed (C) to believe  (D) believes to
(   ) 2. (A) spirit         (B) whistle       (C) direction  (D) immigrant
(   ) 3. (A) as...to        (B) too...to      (C) so...that    (D) such...that
(   ) 4. (A) of              (B) in               (C) to              (D) at
(   ) 5. (A) Therefore  (B) However   (C) At first      (D) For example

1. B  2. A  3. D  4. C  5. A

IV. Sentence-Writing
1. Andy went to his room because he wanted to rest for a while.
  (...in order to...)
2. Emma brought a book with her so that she could kill time on the train.
  (...so as to...)
3. Rita approached the rabbit slowly because she didn’t want to scare it away. (...so as to...)
4. Leo always carries an umbrella with him so that he will not get wet in the rain. (...in order to...)
5. Monopoly is an interesting game, so it has become popular all over the world. (...such...that...)

1. Andy went to his room in order to rest for a while.
2. Emma brought a book with her so as to kill time on the train.
3. Rita approached the rabbit slowly so as not to scare it away.
4. Leo always carries an umbrella with him in order not to get wet in the rain.
5. Monopoly is such an interesting game that it has become popular all over the world.

V. Guided Translation
1. 這項活動不包含在團費裡。如果你想要參加,需要支付額外的費用。
This a_____________ is not included in the tour price. If you want to take part in it, you need to pay _____________ money.
2. 一隻老鼠出現在餐廳,嚇跑了許多顧客。
A rat appeared in the restaurant and _____________ _____________ many customers.
3. 服務生給我一杯茶,而不是咖啡。
The waiter gave me a cup of tea i_____________ _____________ coffee.

1. activityextra
2. scared away
3. instead of

VI. Translation
1. Mr. Simpson is such a wise man that many people respect him.
2. Since we settled in Australia, my mother has become healthier.

1. Simpson先生是一位如此聰明的男子,以至於很多人都尊敬他。
2. 自從我們定居在澳洲後,我媽媽變得更健康了。

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. Showing your middle finger to others is considered to be an o  e gesture in many countries.
__________ 2. I didn’t know the m  g of this English word, so I looked it up (查詢) in the dictionary.
__________ 3. It was quite e  g to mistake a stranger for my close friend.
__________ 4.When I studied abroad, I met many people from very different social and cultural b  ds.
__________ 5. Its n  l to feel sleepy after taking this medicine, so dont worry too much about it.
__________ 6. Everyone in this company should a  d the important meeting tomorrow.
__________ 7. Toms parents u  e him to find a job, since he has been out of work for two years.
__________ 8. Jill made an i  l call to her best friend overseas.
__________ 9. It doesnt m  r what gift you give me. Ill like everything that comes from you.
__________ 10. After Peter made that huge mistake, he no longer feels
c  t about his decisions.

1. offensive  2. meaning                       3. embarrassing  4. backgrounds  5. normal
6. attend      7. urge        8. international   9. matter       10. confident

II. Cloze Test
My parents and I will pay a visit to an Indian friend of my fathers. My father asked me to choose a gift for his friend, so I spent some time  1  to know more about Indian culture. After doing so, I realized that it would be rude  2  us to give a gift of cow leather to Hindus,  3  think cows are sacred. Therefore, it would be best for me to avoid  4  any products that are made of cow leather as a gift for my fathers Indian friend. I was really amazed that  5  customs are so different around the world.
(   ) 1. (A) get        (B) got        (C) getting     (D) to getting
(   ) 2. (A) of          (B) to          (C) with        (D) at
(   ) 3. (A) which    (B) that        (C) who            (D) ×
(   ) 4. (A) buy       (B) buying      (C) to buy    (D) bought
(   ) 5. (A) give­gift   (B) giving­gift  (C) gift­give  (D) gift­giving

1. C  2. A  3. 4. 5. D

III. Sentence­Writing
i. 根據提示字將下列句子改寫成強調句。
1. I met your father at the bus stop. (強調at the bus stop)
2. Many teenagers love that attractive actor. (強調that attractive actor)
3. My sister graduated (畢業) from senior high school last June.
強調last June)
ii. 將下列句子合併。
4.   Janet was rude.
     Janet laughed at the womans clothes.
5.   Mark was kind.
     Mark helped the elderly lady cross the road.

1. It was at the bus stop that I met your father.
2. It is that attractive actor that many teenagers love.
3. It was last June that my sister graduated from senior high school.
4. It was rude of Janet to laugh at the woman’s clothes.
5. It was kind of Mark to help the elderly lady cross the road.

IV. Guided Translation
1. Henry喜愛西方藝術。他家有大量的歐洲繪畫收藏。
Henry is f
                     art. He has a great collection of European paintings in his house.
2. Jeff經常取笑Tracy。難怪她不喜歡他。
Jeff often makes fun of Tracy. It
s               that she doesnt like him.
3. Helen看到她抽屜裡有蜘蛛時,她的臉立刻變得慘白。
When Helen saw a spider in her drawer, her face immediately t
      p      .
4. 你一定要將我的話牢記在心,這樣才不會犯同樣的錯誤。
You must
       my words               so that you wont make the same mistake.
5. 儘管Victoria的家離學校只有三分鐘的路程,她仍然每天早上都遲到。
                     the fact that Victoria lives only three minutes away from school, she is still late every morning.

1. fond of Western
2. no wonder
3. turned pale
4. keep...in mind 
5. In spite of 

