2017年12月1日 星期五

FTV U9-U10

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
 A. 無聊乏味的  B. 教育  C. 令人驚奇的  D. 大廳  E. 前進

1.      advance      
2.      dull      
3.      hall      
4.      education      
5.      amazing      

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    The Olympic Games are one of the greatest international sports events.
                    (A) criminal         (B) personal             (C) educational        (D) worldwide
(   ) 2.    Kate had a hard time choosing her college major because she has a wide range of interests. 
(A) broad           (B) traditional        (C) dull                  (D) similar
(   ) 3.    I’m glad to inform you that you have won the scholarship.
                    (A) pleasant         (B) pleased              (C) required             (D) objected
(   ) 4.    Without a doubt, the Internet has had a great impact on the conventional print media. 
(A) greedy           (B) picky                  (C) traditional          (D) criminal
(   ) 5.    Jack and Jill are arguing violently about the human rights of smokers and non-smokers.
                    (A) uniting           (B) deciding            (C) speeding            (D) debating
(   ) 6.    A group of fans gathered at the gate to receive their favorite Japanese singer.
                    (A) firm               (B) matter                (C) crowd                (D) figure
(   ) 7.    The farmer caught the wolf which had ruined his farm and eaten his chickens.
                    (A) debated         (B) produced           (C) crowded            (D) captured
(   ) 8.    He tried to do the best of his capability; however, the results were not as good as he had expected. 
(A) ability          (B) requirement       (C) discussion          (D) personality
(   ) 9.    The manager interviewed the applicants who met the company’s       
                    and was planning to hire two staff members. 
(A) traffic            (B) requirements      (C) efforts               (D) products
(   ) 10.  All of the ladies       up for the charity ball tonight.  They look very glamorous.
                    (A) united            (B) dressed              (C) switched            (D) sped
(   ) 11.  A: What’s the major       of your company?
B: Cell phones.
                    (A) ability            (B) education           (C) product              (D) discussion
(   ) 12.  The two companies have       for their mutual benefit.
                    (A) required         (B) figured               (C) dressed              (D) united
(   ) 13.  The government adopted an economic       for dealing with the economic slump.
                    (A) difficulty       (B) strategy              (C) disease               (D) object
(   ) 14.  At the meeting, all of the workers are       the year-end bonus.
(A) producing      (B) trafficking         (C) discussing          (D) requiring
(   ) 15.  We have to       up preparing the food.  The guests are coming soon.
                    (A) resist              (B) express               (C) unite                  (D) speed
(   ) 16.  The businessman’s       handshake left a good impression on his
                    (A) dull                (B) chief                  (C) firm                    (D) greedy
(   ) 17.  There is always heavy       during the downtown rush hours.
(A) crime             (B) traffic                (C) ability                (D) debate

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   我的隊員責怪我輸了球賽。
My teammates
       me        losing the ball game.
2.   我欽佩祖父的智慧。
       my grandfather        his wisdom.
3.   Jason充分利用假期參訪了倫敦。
              of the holiday vacation and visited London.

I. 選填題(每題4分,共20分)
 A. 酪農場   B. 機器人   C. 煮沸   D. 拍電影   E. 四分之一

1.      dairy      
2.      boil      
3.      robot      
4.      quarter      
5.      film     

II. 字彙選擇題(每題4分,共68分)
(   ) 1.    This course teaches skills to release stress.
(A) practices       (B) advantages       (C) plans                 (D) techniques
(   ) 2.    The president speaks to the nation each year on Chinese New Year’s Eve.
(A) crowd            (B) environment     (C) country             (D) passenger
(   ) 3.    Mix sugar and flour first.  Next, put in eggs and milk.
(A) Phrase           (B) Combine           (C) Dress                (D) Pick
(   ) 4.    The mother demanded that her son show her his report card.
(A) filled           (B) dressed              (C) requested         (D) reduced
(   ) 5.    The expression “a piece of cake” means something is easy.
(A) phrase           (B) discussion         (C) passage             (D) pressure
(   ) 6.    Most parents believe too much TV will have a bad influence on children.
(A) advantage    (B) effect                (C) danger              (D) interest
(   ) 7.    We will likely not be able to catch the last train.
(A) practically    (B) possibly            (C) terribly              (D) similarly
(   ) 8.    This little insect bites people, but it’s harmless. 
(A) picky            (B) dull                   (C) tiny                   (D) alive
(   ) 9.    We are trying to cut down on our spending to save more money for a new car.
(A) switch           (B) unite                  (C) reduce               (D) trade
(   ) 10.  It’s everyone’s responsibility to protect the surroundings.
(A) border           (B) environment     (C) traffic                (D) figure

(   ) 11.  Steve       his pens for comics with his friends.
(A) trades           (B) requires              (C) fills                   (D) reduces
(   ) 12.  Many       of his report were copied from online articles.
                    (A) techniques     (B) passages             (C) producers           (D) passengers
(   ) 13. The pianist       his skills by non-stop practice every day.
(A) mattered
      (B) captured           (C) reduced            (D) mastered
(   ) 14.  When you cross the      , you are requested to show your passport to the officials.
                    (A) passenger      (B) education           (C) environment      (D) border
(   ) 15.  Cindy sent me a card of       and a bunch of beautiful flowers. 
(A) objects                                           (B) difficulties
(C) congratulations                              (D) techniques
(   ) 16.  Frank has much       experience in dealing with annoying customers.
(A) practical       (B) traditional         (C) presidential       (D) picky
(   ) 17.  The       election is held every four years in Taiwan.
(A) practical       (B) presidential       (C) pleasant            (D) terrible

III. 填充(每題4分,共12分)
1.   Daniel花了許多時間和努力,彈奏鋼琴有很大的進步。
It took time and effort for Daniel to
              in playing the piano.
2.   臺灣的衛生當局擔心禽流感病毒會散布到未受侵襲的地區。
Health officials in Taiwan are worried that the bird flu virus will
       the non-stricken areas.

3.   我的家人感到很失望,因為我們拿到了錯誤的地址而無法找到那間餐廳。
My family were
       because we had the wrong        and couldn’t find the restaurant.

