2017年12月18日 星期一

英文III隨堂句型手冊(八課版)(學用)Unit 5

Unit 5
1.V1­ing..., S + V2....
說明 1 此句型為現在分詞構句用法,是由whenafteras soon as等表「時間」的連接詞所引導的副詞子句簡化而來,其主要子句和副詞子句的主詞須相同。
          2 使用現在分詞構句時,先省略連接詞及副詞子句的主詞,然後將副詞子句中的主動動詞改為現在分詞。
          3 當要省略的動詞時態為「進行式」時,以V­ing的方式呈現。若副詞子句為否定句,改成分詞構句時,否定詞置於分詞之前。
例句 1. When you have prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can then start to cook them together.
Having prepared all the necessary ingredients, you can then start to cook them together.  (準備好所有必需的材料時,你就可以開始煮它們。)
          2. After I left London, I've decided to travel around the world.
               → Leaving London, I've decided to travel around the world.
          3. As soon as Fiona got her salary, she bought herself a pair of shoes.
               → Getting her salary, Fiona bought herself a pair of shoes.
練習 1. When Frank was walking his dog in the park, he ran into his neighbor.
               Walking his dog in the park, Frank ran into his neighbor.                
          2. As soon as Ryan got in the house, he saw a big birthday cake on the table.
              Getting in the house, Ryan saw a big birthday cake on the table.           

2. All (that)/What + S + V + is/was + N/(to) V....
說明 此句型中,All (that)What為主詞,引導名詞子句,需視為單數,故be動詞用iswasbe動詞後接的名詞或不定詞為主詞補語,其中不定詞中的to常可省略。
例句 1. What you have to do is get involved in the process.
  2. All Katy needs to do is to tell the truth. (Katy需要做的就是說出真相。)
  3. What I got for my birthday was a beautiful dress.
練習 1.The bus just left. All we can/could do is/was (to) wait for the next one.             
                                                    (all/we/can do/wait for the next one)
          2. Sandy left her keys at home. What she could do was (to) wait for her parents to come home.                 (what/she/could do/wait for her parents to come home)

3. S + V + O + wh­clause
說明 此句型由S + Vt + IO + DO延伸而來,受詞之後的wh­子句為直接受詞(DO),表示「告知或詢問」的內容。wh­子句在此為間接問句用法,故須用直述句的語序。
例句 1. This recipe tells you exactly what you need.
          2. Elsa asked me where the Taipei Main Station was.
          3. John told me why he was angry with Dan. (John告訴我他為什麼生Dan的氣。)
練習 1.  Jennifer told me.
                How did she and her husband met?  (合併句子)
               Jennifer told me how she and her husband met.                          
          2.  Tina asked me.
                Why was I feeling upset. (合併句子)
                 Tina asked me why I was feeling upset.                                 

4. If + S1 + V1..., S2 + Aux + V2....
說明 1 此句型表示「如果……,那麼……」,句型中連接詞if所引導的子句表示事件成立的可能條件;而主要子句則為條件成立的結果。
2 在表示直說語氣時,if所引導的條件子句須使用「現在簡單式」,而其主要子句則常用助動詞 (willcanmayshould) 加上原形動詞。
例句 1. If everything is done right, the result can be something truly magical.
          2. If it rains tomorrow, the baseball game will be cancelled.
          3. If the price of the car rises next month, I will not buy the car.
練習  1. still have/ask/should/If/you/any questions,/you/the teacher
               If you still have any questions, you should ask the teacher.                   
          2. you can't/If/get in/don't have/you/the theater/a ticket,
               If you still have any questions, you should ask the teacher.                     

5. by + N/V­ing
說明 以介系詞by加上名詞或是動名詞組成的介系詞片語,by + N/V­ing為「藉由……,透過……」之意。
例句 1. A good chef will take care of the soup on the stove by stirring it.
  2. Emily made the drink by mixing lemon juice and soda together.
  3. Helena traveled to Tainan by train. (Helena搭乘火車前往台南。)
練習 1. her sister/by/Brittany/words of comfort/cheered up/giving/some
              Brittany cheered up her sister by giving some words of comfort.                    
          2. stay in touch/Jennifer/her brother/and/letter/by
              Jennifer and her brother stay in touch by letter.                          

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( C )1. If the weather    bad tomorrow, we    stay home and watch a movie.
            (A) is; would            (B) will be; will        (C) is; will             (D) will; could
( B )2. Please tell Mr. Wang to send this package    airmail.
            (A) for                       (B) by                       (C) at                     (D) on
( A )3.    a gift from Billy, Brenda seemed very delighted.
            (A) Receiving           (B) Receive              (C) Received        (D) Receives
( B )4. You    me if you    help.
            (A) call; need                                             (B) can call; need
            (C) call; will need                                      (D) can call; will need
( D )5. William learns to play the violin    taking some lessons.
            (A) on                       (B) at                        (C) for                   (D) by
( B )6.    Clare wanted to do was make her mother happy.
            (A) All what              (B) All that               (C) Which             (D) What that
( A )7.    the singer, the crowd started screaming.
            (A) Seeing                 (B) See                     (C) Saw                 (D) Sees
( B )8. The teacher will tell you    you need for the class.
            (A) that                     (B) what                   (C) which              (D) where
( D )9. Peter gave her girlfriend    she had always wanted—a 100 roses bouquet.
            (A) that                     (B) where                (C) which               (D) what
( C )10. What Harry needs    a bit of encouragement.
            (A) being                   (B) be                      (C) is                      (D) are
II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. by/a living/The man/fishing/makes
    The man makes a living by fishing.                                           
2. me/Eric/told/made/what/him/upset
    Eric told me what made him upset.                                          
3. go to/I will/the movies/if/free/I'm/with/you.
    I will go to the movies with you if I'm free.                                     

III. 改寫句子:依據提示字將以下各句改寫。
1. When Alice listened to the old man's story, she was moved to tears.
    → Listening to the old man's story, Alice was moved to tears.                     
2. Rick has some change in his pocket. (All that....)
    → All that Rick has is some change in his pocket.                               

IV. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 抵達機場時,Sean看見他的家人正在那等他。
    Arriving     at   the airport, Sean saw his family waiting for him there.
2. 這個魔術師向觀眾展示他如何使一輛車消失。
    The magician showed the audience   how    he   made a car disappear.
3. 如果你6點沒有出現的話,我們會直接出發不等你。
    If you  don’t  show up at six, we  will  start off directly without you.
4. Mandy想要的是一份高薪的工作。
    All   that   Mandy wants  is  a well­paid job.
5. 如果Chris大考考得好,他將能夠進入他想要的學校。

 All  Chris  that  well on the entrance exam, he   is  be able to go to the school he wants.

