I. Words
for Production
1. exchange [Iks`tSendZ]
to give something and receive the same kind of thing in return 交換
2. text [tEkst]
n. [U] any form of written material 文字,文本
3. message [`mEsIdZ] n.
[C] a piece of spoken
or written information 訊息,留言
► I left a message for Tim, asking him to call
me back.
4. conversation [&kAnv2`seS1n] n. [C][U] an informal talk between two or more people 談話,交談
► Rose and I had a long
conversation in the café. We had many things to talk about with each other.
5. interrupt [&Int1`r^pt] vt.; vi. to stop something temporarily, or to make
someone stop what they are doing or saying 打斷,使中斷
► Mark seemed embarrassed
when he arrived late and interrupted the meeting.
interruption [&Int1`r^pS1n] n. [U][C] 打斷,中斷
► The speaker spoke for two hours without interruption.
1. catch up on to learn about something that has happened 了解,得知 (近況)
► Rachel
and I spent the whole night catching up on what had happened recently in our lives.
to do something that should have been done earlier 補做
► Rex didn’t go out with me because he had a lot
of homework to catch up on.
too和so代換:...and + S + Aux/be, too.
→ ...and so + Aux/be + S.
not...either和neither代換:...and + S +
Aux/be + not, either.
→ ...and neither + Aux/be + S.
此為「也 (不)……」的代換用法。第一個為too和so的肯定子句代換,表示「也……」;第二個則為not...either和neither的否定子句代換,表示「也不……」。代換成so/neither的句型時,so/neither後的主詞和動詞須倒裝,即先寫助動詞或be動詞,再寫主詞。

1. Kenny likes chocolate, and Shirley does, too.
→ Kenny likes chocolate, and so does Shirley.
2. My friend Ellie is a polite person, and I am, too.
→ My friend Ellie is a polite person, and
so am I.
3. I didn’t enjoy our talk, and Ellie didn’t, either.
→ I didn’t enjoy our talk, and neither
did Ellie.
4. Lisa is not fat, and Jessica is not, either.
→ Lisa is not fat, and neither is Jessica.
Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型改寫畫線部分。
1. Mr. Lee is an
engineer, and his wife is, too.
→ Mr. Lee is an engineer,
2. Alan can’t swim, and Bill can’t, either.
→ Alan can’t swim,
3. Ben loves to play online games, and Jennifer does, too.
→ Ben loves to play online games, .
4. Hank is not
interested in scary movies, and I am not, either.
→ Hank is not interested in scary movies, .
1. Grace: I missed the school bus yesterday morning.B. 根據句型改寫下列對話。第一題為範例。
Susan: Me, too.
→ Grace missed the school bus yesterday morning, and so did Susan.
→ Grace missed the school bus yesterday morning, and so did Susan.
2. Kurt: I didn’t
know that news.
Zoe: I didn’t, either.
→ .
3. Hulk: I am big and
Shrek: I am, too.
→ .
4. Bob: I’ve lived in Taipei for more than 8
Joyce: Me, too.
→ .
5. Ann: I’ve never been
to Africa .
Ann’s sister: I haven’t,
have no choice but + to V

1. Ellie was busy using her smartphone, so I had
no choice but to leave her alone.
2. I didn’t want to help my sister, so she had
no choice but to struggle with her homework by herself.
Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型及中文填入最適當的字詞以完成下列英文句子。每格限填一字。
1. Michael的腳踏車壞了,所以他不得不走路回家。
bike was broken, so he _____________ no _____________ but to _____________ home.
2. 由於這家餐廳今天不營業,我們別無選擇只好去別家。
this restaurant is not open today, we _____________ _____________ _____________ but to go to another one.
3. Giselle忘記帶錢包了,所以她不得不向朋友借一點錢。
forgot to bring her wallet, so she had no _____________ _____________ to _____________ some money from
her friend.
4. 因為Faith的一只高跟鞋斷了,她別無選擇只好買一雙新鞋。
one of Faith’s high heels snapped, Faith had no choice _____________ _____________ _____________ a new pair of
1. I missed the last bus, so I had no chance but to take a taxi home (no choice/take a taxi/home).B. 根據句型及提示字完成下列句子。第一題為範例。
2. Jeremy’s umbrella was stolen, so he
(no choice/borrow/mine).
3. Lauren
got lost in the foreign city, so she
(no choice/ask somebody there/for help).
(no choice/ask somebody there/for help).
4. The room was very noisy. Thus, in order
to make myself heard, I
choice/shout to/my friend).
5. There was no food to eat at home, so
(no choice/go out/and/buy something for dinner).
A few days ago, I hung out with my friend Ellie. We were sitting in a café and catching up on some gossip ([`GAs1p] n. [U] 八卦,閒話). However, she kept using her smartphone and was busy exchanging instant and text messages with others. Our conversation was interrupted every time she looked at her phone. I didn’t enjoy our talk, and neither did she. Finally, I had no choice but to leave her alone with her smartphone. I had just been phubbed!
6. combine [k1m`baIn]
vt.; vi. to come together or put things together to
form a single thing or group (使) 結合,混合
► The medicine works better when it is combined with other medical treatments.
7. presence
[`prEzNs] n. [U] the state or fact of being in a particular place 在場,出席 ANT absence
► Molly was so quiet that no one noticed her presence.
present [`prEzNt] adj. (not
before n.)
在場的,出席的 ANT absent
► More than twenty
thousand people were present at the big event.
adj. (only
before n.)
當前的,現在的 SYN current
► Joey is a manager, and he is satisfied with his
present position in the
8. negative [`nEG1tIv] adj. bad or harmful; considering only the bad
side 不好的,負面的 ANT positive
► If parents constantly fight, it may have a negative impact on their children.
9. effect [I`fEkt] n. [C][U] a change which is a result of an action or
other cause 影響,結果
► A change in your habits will have an effect on your lifestyle.
effective [I`fEktIv] adj. 有效的 ANT ineffective
► This solution is simple but highly effective in fixing the problem.
10. yell [jEl] vi.;
vt. to shout loudly 大吼,叫喊
► When I stepped
on Nancy’s foot, she yelled in pain (疼痛).
11. behave [bI`hev] vi. to act or do things in a particular way 表現 SYN act
► Kyle is thirty years old, but sometimes he behaves just like a little boy.
behavior [bI`hevj2] n. [U] 行為,舉止
► Vanessa’s strange behavior
made me wonder if she was hiding something from me.
2. in one’s presence with someone in the
same place 在……面前,有……在場
► Jerry never says anything negative
about my favorite singer in my presence.
is a new word that combines two
words—“phone” and “snub ([sn^b] vt. 冷落).” When you snub
someone, you ignore him
or her, which often upsets that person. Therefore, “phubbing” is doing this by keeping using your smartphone in
others’ presence. It has become a common habit that can have a negative effect on personal
Yesterday, for example,
I was looking at my Facebook page on my smartphone when my sister asked me for help with her homework. I
wasn’t happy about the interruption, so I yelled at her, “Can’t you
see I’m busy?” As a result,
she had no choice but to struggle with her homework by herself. My friend Ellie is normally a polite person, and so am I.
However, when we are absorbed in our smartphones,
we often behave rudely toward other people. We just can’t resist interacting with our electronic devices.
12. appealing [1`pilI9] adj. attractive, interesting 有吸引力的,令人感興趣的 ANT unappealing
► The idea of taking a trip to London is very appealing to me.
appeal [1`pil] vi. 吸引,引起興趣
► This movie appeals not only to children but also to adults. It is
popular among all age
13. obvious [`AbvI1s] adj. easy to see or understand 明顯的 SYN
► Jane looks pale. It is obvious that there is something
wrong with her.
14. communication [k1&mjun1`keS1n] n. [U] the process of exchanging information or
expressing thoughts and feelings 交流
► Body language can be an effective form of communication.
[k1`mjun1&ket] vi.; vt. 溝通,傳達
► My client lives in a foreign country, so we usually
communicate with each other by email.
15. eager [`iG2] adj. very interested in doing something or
excited about something that is going to happen 熱切的,渴望的
► Tom is very eager to start his new job tomorrow.
16. connected [k1`nEktId] adj. related to each
other 聯結的,有關聯的 ANT unconnected
► The police
thought that the two similar cases might be connected.
connect [k1`nEkt] vt. 和……有關聯,連接 SYN link
► The scientists have connected the area’s recent unusual weather with global warming.
Smartphones are so appealing.
They allow people to share things with others anytime,
anywhere. People often use them to send instant messages or visit social networking ([&soS1l
`nEt&w3kI9] n. [U] 社交網路)
websites. There is even a growing trend toward using smartphones to take selfies ([`sElfi] n. [C] 自拍照). That is, more and more people
like to take photos of themselves and post the attractive ones online. It is obvious that people love communication
and are eager to be connected with others.
17. odd [Ad] adj. different from what is usual or expected 古怪的,怪異的 SYN strange
► My neighbor is an odd
person. She likes to wear a heavy coat in the summertime.
18. engage [In`GedZ] vi. to be doing or to get involved
in an activity 投入,從事
► Diane has engaged in several animal protection campaigns.
19. unpleasant [^n`plEzNt] adj. not enjoyable or comfortable 令人不愉快的
► The meeting was such an unpleasant experience that no one wanted to talk about it.
pleasant [`plEzNt] adj.
令人愉快的 SYN nice
► Philip’s smiling face showed that he had enjoyed a pleasant evening with his date.
20. incident [`Ins1d1nt] n. [C] an event, especially an unusual or
unpleasant one 事件
► I saw a dead cat last
month. Since then, I have dreamed about
this incident every night.
[hArm] n.
[U] damage or injury caused by an action or event 傷害
► Swimming without warming up first may cause some harm to your body.
3. due to caused by someone or something 由於,因為 SYN because
► Due to a lack of food, most
people in that country are very thin and unhealthy.
However, something odd happens. People seldom talk to others when they are using their smartphones. While smartphone users are busy interacting
with others far away, they often phub the people who
are actually next to them.
Smartphones seem to encourage
people to engage in the virtual ([`v3tS51l]
adj. 虛擬的) world rather than the real
world. This can not only change personal relationships but cause unpleasant incidents
or even harm in
people’s lives. For instance, many traffic accidents occur because people are using smartphones
and not paying attention to the road. In addition, due to their smartphone addiction ([1`dIkS1n]
n. [U][C] 成癮),
many people can no longer appreciate things in their actual environment.
4. face to face
in a
situation where people are close together and looking at each other 面對面
► The
salesperson likes to meet with customers face to face.
It feels bad to be phubbed, and you
certainly don’t want to
hurt your friends’ feelings by phubbing them. So, using smartphones too much is not a good idea. Oh, are you
using one right now? Maybe it’s time to put it down and say hello to
the friends next to you. They will be happier to share things with you face to face.
Word Smart
arm in arm 臂挽著臂 face to
face 面對面
back to back 背靠著背 hand in hand 手牽著手
cheek to cheek 臉貼著臉 shoulder to
shoulder 肩並肩
—by Ian Fletcher