2021年4月26日 星期一

7000: 3201~3300

 11.7000(填充題) 32013300,挑82

題號        題 目    語音        答案


10    自由地 (adv) freely

17    商人 (n) businessman

23    員警 警員 (n) policeman

25    新近 最近 (adv) newly

35    牛肉 (n) beef

74    騎士 騎馬者 騎師 (n) rider

80    最大的 (adj) biggest



5      蜂蜜 (n) honey

6      裸的 光禿禿的 (adj) bare

8      磁碟片() (n) disk

20    皮革 (n) leather

26    疾病 (n) illness

36    同伴 夥伴 (n) mate

37    大致上 概略地 大體上 (adv) roughly

41    跳躍 (v) leap

45    高等學府 學院 (n) academy

48    (船的) 艙面 甲板 (n) deck

51    堅果 核果 (n) nut

53    管子 (n) pipe

59    貨運 貨物 (n) freight

62    凋謝 枯萎 衰弱 褪色 (v) fade

63    策略 戰略 (n) strategy

68    小屋 (飛機的)駕駛艙 (n) cabin

69    粉末 (n) powder

73    神祕的 不可思議的 (adj) mysterious

77    船艦 容器 (n) vessel




1. b / p / m / f / v ///

2. d / t / n / / l / r / z / s / ʒ / ʃ / θ / ð //////

3. g / k / h / dʒ / tʃ / ŋ / j //////

4. u / v / w字母對應

5. h / s字母對應

6. a / e / i / o / u / y母音通轉



1      緊急的 急迫的 (adj) urgent (work / N; ADJ)

1 urge / urgent // student / excellent / president / confident / silent / frequent / obedient / urgent / resident / correspondent / detergent



2      (陸上的)風景 景色 (n) landscape (N)

1 landscape

&®記助】land 陸地 + scape 景觀,風光陸地景觀


3      否認 否定 (n) denial (no; not / N)

1 deny / denial /// animal / hospital / national / arrival / cereal / cultural / personal / trial / traditional / criminal / emotional / natural / regional / continual / denial / economical / educational / mechanical / memorial / occasional / refusal / rural / agricultural / clinical / continental / exceptional / external / horizontal / rival / aboriginal / cynical / marginal

&®記助】de向下, 離開 + ny = neg否認 + al表名詞 否認 否定


4      ...弄直 (v) straighten (pull / straight; right / V.; ADJ.; N.)

1 correct / direct / direction / directly / director / straight / straighten / rectangle / erect / indirect / rectify /// chicken / children / golden / wooden / citizen / deepen / frighten / shorten / threaten / tighten / weaken / hasten / lengthen / waken / broaden / maiden / sharpen / straighten / darken / kitten

&®記助】str + raight = right正的 平直的 + en表動詞 ...弄直


7      地下室 地下層 (n) basement (low, foundation)

1 baseball / base / basic / basis / basement / bass // agreement / movement / development / government / management / statement / advertisement / pavement / amusement / equipment / establishment / fragment / segment / harassment

&®記助】base 基礎 + ment 具體物地下室


9      開始 開始實施 啟動 (v) initiate (go)

1 visit / exit / ambition / ambitious / initial / initially / circuit / initiate / initiative / transit / transition

&®記助】in 使… + it 行走 + iate 使行走〔起來〕開始


11    (n) bundle (tie together)

1 bundle

&®記助】bund,結合+le→n., , v.捆紮


12    遊客 觀光者 (n) tourist (turn)

1 tour / tourist



13    謀反 造反 反叛 (v) rebel (war; fight)

1 return / rest / remove / represent / reaction / rebel / recall / reflect / retreat / reassure / recommend / reverse / reproduce / resent / revolt // rebel / rebellion / rebellious   

&®記助】re 回,向後 + bel 戰爭;打鬥反過來打〔自己人〕叛亂者

61    反抗者 反叛者 叛徒 叛軍 (n) rebel (war; fight)

1 return / rest / remove / represent / reaction / rebel / recall / reflect / retreat / reassure / recommend / reverse / reproduce / resent / revolt // rebel / rebellion / rebellious   

&®記助】re 回,向後 + bel 戰爭;打鬥反過來打〔自己人〕叛亂者


14    評估 鑑定 (n) evaluation (value)

1 available / valuable / value / evaluate / equivalent / prevail / valid / invaluable // elect / eliminate / emerge / elaborate / erupt / eccentric / emigrate

&®記助】e + valu 價值 + ate 表動詞 + ion 表名詞出價估價

50    評估 (v) evaluate (value)

1 available / valuable / value / evaluate / equivalent / prevail / valid / invaluable // elect / eliminate / emerge / elaborate / erupt / eccentric / emigrate

&®記助】e + valu 價值 + ate 表動詞出價估價


15    最優秀的傑作 經典之作 (n) classic (class)

22    古典的 經典的 最優秀的 (adj) classic (class)

1 classmate / classic / classical / classification / classify



16    使洩氣 使沮喪 (v) discourage (heart)

1 disagree / disappear / discover / discuss / display / dishonest / dislike / disadvantage / discourage / disgust / dismiss / disorder / discourse / discriminate / distract / disable / dismay / dispense / discern / disgraceful / displace / distrust // record / accord / according (to) / accordance / recorder / courage / encourage / encouragement / discourage / core / cardinal

&®記助】dis 除去;剝奪 + courage 勇氣使失去勇氣


18    敏感度 靈敏度 (n) sensitivity (feel)

1 sense / sensitive / sensible / nonsense / sentence / consent / sensation / sensitivity / sensor / sentiment / sentimental / dissent / resent / resentment / scent // sensitive / appreciative / talkative / competitive / informative / primitive / cognitive / definitive / lucrative / authoritative // relative / detective

&®記助】sense 感覺 + itive 傾向(性質)的 → sensitive 敏感的 + ivity …性;狀態敏感(度)


19    代理人 代替物 代用品 (n) substitute (set up; place; stand)

1 constitute / constitution / institute / institution / substitute / superstition / superstitious / constituent / prostitute / prostitution

&®記助】sub + stitute 建立;放被放到下麵代替

32    代替 取代 代理 (v) substitute (set up; place; stand)

1 constitute / constitution / institute / institution / substitute / superstition / superstitious / constituent / prostitute / prostitution

&®記助】sub + stitute 建立;放被放到下麵代替


21    保証 自信 (n) assurance (sure)

1 sure / assure / assurance / ensure / insure / insurance / reassure

&®記助】as 表加強 + sur 肯定+ ance 表狀態保證


24    進口 輸入 (n) import (carry)

1 important / impossible / inconvenient / include / increase / import / impress / indoor / immigrate / impose / insert / impulse / incorporate / inevitable / infect / inject / imprison / incur / induce / inflict / injustice / impolite / impetus / inability / inaccessible / incidence / inevitable // important / airport / report / sport / port / importance / support / export / import / transport / transportation / portable / sportsman / porter / portfolio / deport

&®記助】im 進入 + port 拿,運進入〔港口〕進口


27    上下文 (n) context (weave)

1 text / textbook / context / texture / textile / pretext

&®記助】con 共同 + text 編織〔內容〕共同編織在一起的上下文


28@方法 門路 方便使用 (n) access (go)

1 necessary / succeed / success / successful / successfully / necessity / process / access / ancestor / accessible/ excessive / recession / accessory / concession / excess / procession / succession / successive / inaccessible / procedure / proceed / exceed / unprecedented / precede / precedent

&®記助】ac 加強 + cess 行走,前進一再向前走接近


29    哲學家 (n) philosopher (love / wise)

1 sophisticated / philosopher / sophomore



30    器官 (n) organ (work; do)

1 organ / organization / organic / organize / organism

&®記助】org工作 + an表名詞 → n. 器官

31    有機的 (adj) organic (work; do / ADJ; N)

1 organ / organization / organic / organize / organism /// public / electronic / organic / academic / atomic / elastic / logic / magnetic / poetic / rhetoric / arithmetic / mimic / cosmic / metric / static

&®記助】organ[ n.器官;風琴;機構]+ic……→adj.器官的, 有機的, 組織的


33    屬性 特性 特質 (n) attribute (give)

1 contribute / contribution / distribute / distribution / distributor / attribute / tribute / contributor

&®記助】at 加強 + tribut 給予 + e →〔確定屬性前要〕給出〔原因〕歸因於;屬性

54    歸因於 (v) attribute (give)

1 contribute / contribution / distribute / distribution / distributor / attribute / tribute / contributor

&®記助】at 加強 + tribut 給予 + e →〔確定屬性前要〕給出〔原因〕歸因於;屬性


34    熟練的 有技能的 (adj) skilled (ADJ)

1 decided / interested / married / noted / packed / repeated / fixed / limited / skilled / supposed / wicked / attached / disturbed / injured / allied / accustomed / cultivated / hardened



38    動脈 主要道路 (n) artery (pipe)

1 artery

&®記助】arter 管道 + y 表性質動脈


39    習俗 慣例 (n) custom (habit)

1 custom / customer / accustom / customary

&®記助】custom習慣→n.習慣, 風俗


40    暴露 揭發 接觸 (n) exposure (put)

1 pose / position / positive / pound / purpose / suppose / deposit / opposite / postpone / compose / composition / expose / exposure / impose / oppose / proposal / component / compound / opponent / opposition / dispose / posture // failure / mixture / pressure / signature / exposure / torture / miniature / closure / fracture / moisture



42    嚴格地 (adv) strictly (tighten)

1 street / string / strict / stress / distress / stretch / restrict / restriction / district / strain / restrain

&®記助】strict拉緊 + ly …嚴格地


43    詩情畫意的 (adj) poetic (ADJ)

1 poetry / poet / poetic /// public / electronic / organic / academic / atomic / elastic / logic / magnetic / poetic / rhetoric / arithmetic / mimic / cosmic / metric / static

&®記助】poet 詩歌 + ic …有詩意的


44    資格 條件 (n) qualification (kind)

1 quality / qualified / qualify / qualification

&®記助】qual某一種類,資格+ification表名詞→n.資格, 條件, 限制, 限定, 賦予資格


46    更新 復原 恢復 續借(圖書) (v) renew (new)

1 new / news / newspaper / renew

&®記助】re重新+new新的→v.[使]更新, 使恢復


47    和平的 平靜的 (adj) peaceful (ADJ)

1 careful / peaceful / doubtful / handful / hopeful / shameful / forgetful

&®記助】peace 和平 + ful 和平的


49    拓荒者 先鋒 (n) pioneer (foot / person)

1 pioneer / expedition / pedal / pedestrian /// engineer / pioneer / volunteer

&®記助】pion= ped腳〕+ eer 人(專做某種工作或從事某種職業)走在前面的人先驅


52    農舍 小屋 (n) cottage (N)

1 cottage / cot /// baggage / manage / stage / damage / marriage / village / cottage / percentage / postage / advantage / disadvantage / carriage / luggage / heritage / incentive / shortage / beverage / drainage / envisage / mileage / patronage



55    一般地 普通地 (adv) commonly (public)

1 communicate / common / communication / community / communism / communist / municipal / communal

&®記助】com共同+mon=mun公共→common共有的,公共的 + ly …一般地 普通地


56    市長 鎮長 (n) mayor (great)

1 major / majority / maximum / magnify / magnitude / majesty / mayor / mayor / majestic / majesty

&®記助】may= maj〕大,偉大 + or 表名詞地位高的人市長


57    下降 傳承 (v) descend (climb)

1 descend / ascend / descent

&®記助】de 向下 + scend 爬,攀向下爬下降


58    繼續地 持續地 (adv) continually (hold)

1 tennis / continue / contain / maintain / container / content / continuous / entertain / entertainment / obtain / retain / maintenance / sustain / attain / attainment / detain / tenant / pertain / pertinent / retention // finally / happily / easily / certainly / politely / necessarily / officially / practically / presently / probably / actively / actually / exactly / relatively / shortly / generally / instantly / immediately / positively / chiefly / formally / normally / commercially / currently / mentally / anxiously / dramatically / extremely / sufficiently / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continually / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / partially / biologically / exceptionally / excessively / progressively / undoubtedly / accordingly // friendly / greatly / likely / lively / costly / weekly / monthly

&®記助】con 加強 + tin 拿住 + ue → 從頭拿到尾繼續 + al … + ly …繼續地 持續地


60    干涉 阻礙 妨礙 (n) interference (between / carry / N)

1 interview / international / interact / interfere // prefer / different / difference / differ / offer / suffer / ferry / refer / reference / fertile / transfer / conference / indifferent / interfere / interference / offering / differentiate / preference / referee / referendum / fertility / fertilizer / confer / infer

&®記助】inter 之間 + fer 帶來 + e + ence 表名詞來到中間介入


64    協調 調節 (v) coordinate (order)

1 disorder / ordinary / coordinate / subordinate / extraordinary

&®記助】co 共同 + ordin 命令;秩序 + ate 表動詞〔使〕秩序一樣協作


65    指定 任命 標示出 (v) designate (mark)

1 sign / design / signal / significant / assign / assignment / resign / resignation / significance / signature / designate / signify

&®記助】de 使… + sign 信號 + ate 使… → 發出信號指示


66    溫和的 輕柔的 (adj) gentle (birth, to produce, race)

1 gentle / gentleman / generous / gene / generation / generosity / genius / genuine / generate / generator / degenerate / homogeneous / ingenious

&®記助】gent出生 + le → 出身高貴 溫和的 輕柔的


67    履行 完成 實現 (v) fulfill (full / fill)

1 full / fill / fulfill

&®記助】ful滿的,完全的 + fill裝滿 履行 完成 實現


70    察覺 感知 (v) perceive (through / to take, to hold, to seize; possess)

1 perfect / percent / percentage / persuade / persuasion / permanent / persist / perspective / perceive // have / behave / behavior / captain / accept / except / exception / receive / concept / capacity / capture / caption / captive / occupy / occupation / discipline / anticipate / conceive / conception / deceive / perceive / participate / participant / principal / principle / cop / capacity / recipe / municipal / anticipation / susceptible

&®記助】per 貫穿 + ceive 全部抓住發覺


71    強迫 (v) compel (together / drive; push)

1 correct / complete / conclude / conflict / comparison / comfort compete / confirm / connect / concept / correspond / consist / compassion / combat / commentary / compact / compel / component / comprehend / conduct / confront / corrupt / contemporary / concise / condense / consonant // compel / compulsory / impulse / pulse / propel

&®記助】com 表加強 + pel 驅動,推一再推強迫


72    照著 相應地 (adv) accordingly (heart)

1 record / accord / according (to) / accordance / recorder / courage / encourage / encouragement / discourage / core / cardinal // finally / happily / easily / certainly / politely / necessarily / officially / practically / presently / probably / actively / actually / exactly / relatively / shortly / generally / instantly / immediately / positively / chiefly / formally / normally / commercially / currently / mentally / anxiously / dramatically / extremely / sufficiently / adequately / aggressively / consequently / continuously / definitely / economically / financially / fortunately / gloriously / logically / moderately / partially / biologically / exceptionally / excessively / progressively / undoubtedly / accordingly // friendly / greatly / likely / lively / costly / weekly / monthly

&®記助】ac 加強 + cord 心,心臟心貼心一致 + ing + ly → 照著 相應地


75    顯然地 明顯地 (adv) evidently (see; separate)

1 visit / visitor / divide / division / provide / provided / video / advice / advise / adviser / advisor / individual / visible / vision / device / devise / evidence / evident / revise / revision / visual / supervise / supervisor / visa / visualize / provision / advisory / dividend / provisional / advisable / envisage

&®記助】e + vid + ent 具有性質的看出來了明顯的 + ly …顯然地 明顯地


76    驚人的 難以置信的 (adj) incredible (believe; trust)

1 credit / incredible / credible /// acceptable / agreeable / desirable / sensible / accessible / comparable / flexible / eligible

&®記助】in + cred 相信 + ible 的,能不可靠的,不可信的


78    用完 耗盡 排出 使….精疲力盡 (v) exhaust (draw water)

1 exhaust / exhausted

&®記助】ex + haust 抽水抽出抽乾


79    明確 明晰 清楚 (n) clarity (clear; bright)

1 clear / declare / declaration / clarity / clarify

&®記助】clar 清楚的,明白的 + ity 具備某種性質,狀況清澈;清晰


81    專利() (n) patent (spread)

1 expand / expanse / expansion / expansive

&®記助】pat = pand/pans 延展, 擴展 + ent表名詞專利()


82    困境 進退兩難 (n) dilemma (two; apart / argument)

1 divide digest divorce dilemma diminish divert dioxide / dilute

&®記助】di 二,兩 + lemma 爭論爭論有兩種進退兩難


