2021年4月19日 星期一



IV. Grammar

1  副詞子句簡化的分詞構句:V1-ing..., S + V2....

1. 此句型為現在分詞構句用法,是由whenwhileafteras soon as等表示「時間」的連接詞所引導的副詞子句簡化而來,其主要子句和副詞子句的主詞須相同。

2. 使用現在分詞構句時,先省略連接詞及副詞子句的主詞,然後將副詞子句中的主動動詞 (V1) 改為現在分詞 (V1-ing)

3. 當要省略的動詞時態為「進行式」時,以V-ing的方式呈現。若副詞子句為否定句,改為分詞構句時,否定詞置於分詞之前。

例:As soon as Ariel received the parcel, she immediately opened it.

Receiving the parcel, Ariel immediately opened it.


When Eric arrived in Hokkaido, he sent a message to his sister.

Arriving in Hokkaido, Eric sent a message to his sister.



1. When the police officer saw a car running through a red light, he blew his whistle.


2. After the boy broke the window, he ran away in fear.


2  S + V... + so that + S + Aux + V....

1. so that為從屬連接詞,引導表「目的」的從屬子句,表示「好讓……,以便……」。so that前面通常不加逗點。

2. 此句型中,so that也等同於in order that,不過後者較為正式。

例:Sweets are placed at the checkout counter so that customers can buy more easily.


Victor sets the alarm for 6:30 so that he can go to work on time.



1. 系所辦公室會寄一封電子郵件給你,好讓你知道面試的時間。

The department office will send you an email __________ you know the time of the interview.

2. Margret在整堂課中一直做筆記以便她課後能夠複習。

Margret took notes throughout the lecture __________ she could review after class.

3  S + claim + that + S + V….

claim作及物動詞使用時,表示「聲稱,主張」,通常為單方面依僅有證據所提出的說詞,可能未受到證實。claim後面通常搭配that所引導出的名詞子句,作為受詞;或是搭配不定詞to beto V作為受詞。其他與表達信念相關的動詞還有believe表示「相信」、think表示「認為」、hold表示「認為」、declare表示「宣稱」等。

例:Some scientists claim that fake meat makes us catch fewer diseases.


Felix claimed to be innocent of the crime.



1. 那家公司聲稱他們的產品對減重很有效果。

The company __________ their product has great effects on losing weight.

2. 那位醫生聲稱他已找到治癒傳染性疾病的方法。

The doctor __________ he has found a way to cure the infectious disease.

4  補語置於句首的倒裝句:OC + V + S

英語基本句型的詞序,有「主詞 (S)、動詞 (V)、受詞 (O)」和「主詞 (S)、動詞 (V)、受詞補語 (OC)」。在這類句型中,顛倒主詞和動詞詞序的修辭技巧,稱為倒裝。倒裝句通常會把原句中的重要元素,像是「否定副詞」、表「方向或場所的副詞」、「補語」、以及「受詞」提前到句首,以強調該部分的資訊,或調節句子中各部位的資訊量。若是句中的主詞為代名詞,如hesheit,通常不會倒裝其句型。

例:The words “Veggie Meat Burger” were in bold writing. (S + V + OC)

In bold writing were the words “Veggie Meat Burger.” (OC + V + S)


Frantz Fanon was among the famous philosophers, who discussed the living conditions of the black people. (S + V + OC)

Among the famous philosophers was Frantz Fanon, who discussed the living conditions of the black people. (OC + V + S)

在著名的哲學家當中,Frantz Fanon曾探討關於黑人的生存處境。


1. The mountain views in Taroko National Park was amazing.


2. The news was so surprising that Alice could not say a word.


5  While + S1 + V1, S2 + V2….


例:Some people support the new policy while others expressed their doubts.


While Ted did not agree with what his brother said, he respected his opinions.



1. are good friends / from time to time. / While / they / still quarrel / Edith and Ray


2. she is always right. / While Tina / that / it doesn’t mean / is experienced




(     ) 1. ________ Ricky likes Thai food, Joyce thinks it’s too spicy for her.

(A) Since    (B) While    (C) For    (D) So

(     ) 2. ________ her hard work has paid off, Maria could not help but cry.

(A) Know    (B) Knowing    (C) To know    (D) Knew

(     ) 3. The country lowered its taxes on imported goods ________ international trade can flow.

(A) such that    (B) in order to    (C) so that    (D) so as to

(     ) 4. Louisa is active and outgoing, ________ her sister is quiet and shy.

(A) since    (B) for    (C) so    (D) while

(     ) 5. The politician claimed ________ he was supported by a majority of people.

(A) that    (B) what    (C) when    (D) how

(     ) 6. ________ a cat sleeping on the sofa.

(A) There are    (B) Is there    (C) Are there    (D) There is

(     ) 7. Lillian kept the tag on the skirt ________ she could return it to the store.

(A) in order to    (B) so that    (C) so as to    (D) such that

(     ) 8. ________ the receipt for your clothes today.

(A) Here are    (B) Was here    (C) Here is    (D) Were here

(     ) 9. Henry claims ________ writing the whole book all by himself.

(A) finished    (B) finish    (C) to have finished    (D) to finishing

(     ) 10. ________ a big fan of basketball, Nate bought a front-row ticket to the game.

(A) Being    (B) To have been    (C) Be    (D) To be


1. on your report. / In / were / the teacher’s feedback / red marks (重組句子)


2. he ate a large pizza. / was / that / So starving / Larry (重組句子)


3. As soon as John finished his report, he sent it to his teacher. (以分詞構句改寫句子)


4. When Ted realized that he forgot to bring his keys, he turned back. (以分詞構句改寫句子)


5. living in the city. / while her sister / prefers / Ann prefers / living in the country (重組句子)


6. she still respects him. / Claire / that her husband is not perfect, / admits / While (重組句子)


7. Tim早點上床睡覺,好讓他有精神上明天的課。(中翻英)


8. Debbie每天清理書桌,以便她更容易找到她需要的東西。(中翻英)


9. 那位科學家主張人造肉和真肉一樣有益健康。(中翻英)


10. 那位設計師主張紙吸管是較好的選擇。(中翻英)



