2021年4月1日 星期四

Reading Smart S2 U9 Start Your... Soapboxes?

 Section 2---Unit 09 Sports and Entertainment

Start Your... Soapboxes?

Many car races begin with the phrase, "Start your engines!" However, the Red Bull Soapbox Race is more likely to begin with a song and dance instead.

The Red Bull Soapbox Race has been held more than 40 times in countries around the world. Teams build their cars by hand, using any material they want, as long as the cars have no engine. In the past. pianos, pirate ships, and even the Starship Enterprise have rolled their way toward the finish line.

Teams must also make sure their cars fit the race's size limits. Cars can't weigh more than 80 kilograms or be longer than six meters. Since it is a race, the car that crosses the finish line with the fastest time gets extra points. While these cars aren't race cars, they do pick up a lot of speed, so all teams must put braking systems and steering wheels into their designs.

Cars are judged for their speed and design, but there's also a third factor: showmanship. Before the race begins, teams have 30 seconds to show off their car. Many teams choose to do a little show to get the audience laughing. For example, watchers have enjoyed a team of dancing Mr. Beans before one of the team members jumped into the car and then rolled down the hill.

For some teams, making it down the hill in one piece is the biggest challenge. Crashes are common, and that's why drivers must wear helmets. But even those who end up crashing still have a great time.

There is much fun and excitement to be had at the Red Bull Soapbox Race. With all the jumping, rolling, laughing, dancing, and even crashing, the event is one that shouldn't be missed!

 audience第三級[名詞] 聽眾
 braking第三級[動詞] brake(煞車,制動) 的現在分詞
 bull第三級[名詞] 公牛
 challenge第二級[動詞] 對...提出異議; [名詞] 挑戰;艱鉅的事
 crashes第三級[動詞] crash(碰撞,倒下,墜落) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] crash(相撞(事故)) 的複數
 crashing第三級[動詞] crash(碰撞,倒下,墜落) 的現在分詞
 design第二級[動詞] 設計; [名詞] 圖案;設計
 designs第二級[動詞] design(設計) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] design(圖案;設計) 的複數
 engine第二級[名詞] 引擎
 engines第二級[名詞] engine(引擎) 的複數
 enterprise第五級[名詞] 企業,公司
 entertainment第四級[名詞] 招待,款待; 演藝界
 event第二級[名詞] 事件
 excitement第二級[名詞] 刺激;興奮,激動
 extra第二級[形容詞] 額外的; [副詞] 額外地;另外;特別地,非常地; [名詞] 附加的人物或錢;號外
 factor第二級[名詞] 因素;要素
 fit第二級[形容詞] 適合的;恰當的;相稱的;能勝任的; [動詞] 合身;適合; [動詞] fit(合身;適合) 的過去式及過去分詞; [名詞] 適合;合身
 helmets第三級[名詞] helmet(盔;頭盔;鋼盔;帽盔;安全帽) 的複數
 instead第二級[副詞] 反而,卻
 judged第二級[動詞] judge(判斷;審判) 的過去式及過去分詞
 kilograms第二級[名詞] kilogram(公斤) 的複數
 likely第二級[形容詞] 有可能的; [副詞] 很可能
 limits第二級[動詞] limit(限定) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] limit(限度) 的複數
 material第二級[名詞] 材料,原料
 meters第二級[名詞] meter(公尺;計量器) 的複數
 phrase第二級[動詞] 用言語表達,用(詞); [名詞] 片語,詞組
 pirate第五級[動詞] 掠奪;剽竊; [名詞] 海盜;劫掠者
 speed第二級[動詞] 加速;促進; [名詞] 速度
 sports第二級[動詞] sport(炫耀;誇示;遊戲,;開玩笑,嘲弄;突變) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] sport(消遣;運動;突變) 的複數
 steering第五級[動詞] steer(掌(船)舵,駕駛) 的現在分詞
 systems第二級[名詞] system(系統) 的複數
 toward第二級[介系詞] 向;對
 weigh第二級[動詞] 稱...的重量
 wheels第二級[名詞] wheel(輪子) 的複數

Reading Comprehension

(   ) 1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a soapbox car?

(A) A piano (B) A pirate ship (C) A bull (D) The Starship Enterprise

(   ) 2. Which of the following soapbox cars wouldn't be allowed to race?

(A) A car that is 70 kilograms and two meters long

(B) A car that is 75 kilograms and five meters long

(C) A car that is 80 kilograms and three meters long

(D) A car that is 85 kilograms and four meters long

(   ) 3. What do the judges in the soapbox competition base their decisions on?

(A) Speed, design, and showmanship        (B) Speed, design, and material

(C) Design, material, and showmanship    (D) Speed, design, and cheerleading

(   ) 4. According to the article, which of the following is correct about the Red Bull Soapbox Race?

(A) Race cars in the Red Bull Soapbox Race don't have an engine or braking systems.

(B) They put safety first, so crashes are not common in the race.

(C) The race will be held annually in forty countries around the world.

(D) The Red Bull Soapbox Race is a combination of fun, excitement, and speed.

 according第五級[動詞] accord((與...)一致;調解) 的現在分詞
 annually第四級[形容詞] annual(一年一次的;每年的) 的衍生的副詞
 article第二級[名詞] 文章;報導;論文;物件;條款
 base第二級[動詞] 以...為基地; [名詞] 基;底;基部
 braking第三級[動詞] brake(煞車,制動) 的現在分詞
 bull第三級[名詞] 公牛
 combination第四級[名詞] 組合
 competition第四級[名詞] 競爭,角逐
 comprehension第五級[名詞] 理解;理解力
 crashes第三級[動詞] crash(碰撞,倒下,墜落) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] crash(相撞(事故)) 的複數
 decisions第二級[名詞] decision(決定) 的複數
 design第二級[動詞] 設計; [名詞] 圖案;設計
 engine第二級[名詞] 引擎
 enterprise第五級[名詞] 企業,公司
 excitement第二級[名詞] 刺激;興奮,激動
 following第二級[形容詞] 接著的,其次的;下面的; [介系詞] 在...以後; [名詞] 一批追隨者;下列事物(或人員)
 judges第二級[動詞] judge(判斷;審判) 的第三人稱單數現在式; [名詞] judge(法官) 的複數
 kilograms第二級[名詞] kilogram(公斤) 的複數
 material第二級[名詞] 材料,原料
 mentioned第二級[動詞] mention(提到,說起) 的過去式及過去分詞
 meters第二級[名詞] meter(公尺;計量器) 的複數
 pirate第五級[動詞] 掠奪;剽竊; [名詞] 海盜;劫掠者
 safety第二級[名詞] 安全
 speed第二級[動詞] 加速;促進; [名詞] 速度
 systems第二級[名詞] system(系統) 的複數

