2021年4月14日 星期三



Unit 1

Twitter and Facebook are two of the most popular online social networking tools. They have a huge number of users, __1__ subscribe to both services. Though they share other similarities, the two networks are different in many ways. The biggest difference __2__ content. Twitter consists mainly of text posts, with some advertising. Users send and read text messages of up to 140 characters. These are known as "tweets." Facebook, __3__, includes all forms of media. It __4__ messages, photos, videos, ads, games, and other kinds of information. The site often appeals to people who want to catch up with old friends and stay in touch with distant family members. Users can take advantage of the e-mail, instant messaging, and image and video sharing services it __5__. Twitter is mainly used to let other people know what you are up to at any particular moment. Twitter users have "followers" who receive and read their tweets, and may make their own comments in turn.

(   ) 1. (A) lot of them        (B) many of whom  (C) most of it           (D) last of all

(   ) 2. (A) goes to              (B) lies in                 (C) relies on                   (D) makes of

(   ) 3. (A) all the time        (B) in the same way (C) on the other hand(D) not to mention

(   ) 4. (A) features                   (B) flavors               (C) floats                 (D) freezes

(   ) 5. (A) offends              (B) omits                 (C) occupies                   (D) offers

Unit 2

Contact lenses are a product that many people take for granted, but their safety depends on careful handling. Most contact lenses easily become covered in dust and dirt with everyday use. __1__, they may be a breeding ground for eye infections. That's why it is extremely important to follow the cleaning instructions and handle them properly. You need to use the correct solutions for your lenses and avoid __2__ them with tap water, for instance. Also, lens cases should be replaced at least once every three months. __3__ the lenses are clean, the cases can still contain a lot of harmful bacteria. Other problems can arise if people continue to wear contact lenses when their eyes are __4__ redness or irritation. Some types of contact lens can be worn during sleep, but even so, they should not be misused or worn for extended periods. All in all, the safety of contact lenses depends entirely on the habits and __5__ of the person using them.

(   ) 1. (A) In contrast        (B) In case               (C) At any rate        (D) As a result

(   ) 2. (A) clean                 (B) cleaning              (C) to clean              (D) be cleaned

(   ) 3. (A) Whenever         (B) No matter what (C) Because             (D) Even if

(   ) 4. (A) replying                   (B) processing         (C) experiencing             (D) restoring

(   ) 5. (A) practices           (B) addictions          (C) instructions       (D) infections

Unit 3

People who are overweight or have a certain health condition often _1_ it on their genes. They say it “runs in the family," believing they have the problem because their parents did too. This may be true in some cases. Most of the time, _2_, our genes are influenced by other factors, including our environment, and especially our lifestyles.

The most common health conditions and diseases, including high blood _3_, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, are all influenced by lifestyle choices. Eating too much, eating the wrong foods, lack of exercise, and too much stress can cause serious harm to our bodies. Over time, such behavior can affect _4_ our genes function. For example, some research has suggested that an unhealthy lifestyle can "switch off" the genes that help us protect and maintain our bodies. In fact, there is a growing body of evidence to support a connection between genes and lifestyle. What we eat and how active we are play a supremely important role in _5_ the length and quality of our lives.

(  ) 1. (A) argue                         (B) burden               (C) blame                 (D) glance

(  ) 2. (A) however              (B) moreover           (C) because              (D) thus

(  ) 3. (A) pressure              (B) preference          (C) privacy              (D) profit

(  ) 4. (A) what                          (B) how                          (C) that                    (D) which

(  ) 5. (A) determined          (B) determine           (C) determines         (D) determining

Unit 4

Ancient Greece had many wise philosophers, and one of the most famous was Socrates. The son of a stone carver, he was born in Athens in 469 BC. Socrates was a soldier _1_ a while and fought in wars for Athens. He became a teacher around the age of forty.

Socrates taught that the most important thing was _2_ was right, no matter what happened to you as a result. He also encouraged his students to think for themselves and _3_ the things they learned. Some wealthy citizens did not like what Socrates told young people. In 399 BC, they accused him _4_ a bad influence on youth. Socrates had a trial in court. He was found guilty, and killed himself by drinking poison.

Socrates never wrote anything himself. It was Plato, one of his students, who wrote down some of his ideas and made him _5_. Plato called him "the best and most just and wisest man," who was sentenced to death for what he thought was right.

(  ) 1. (A) for                       (B) in                       (C) as                       (D) with

(  ) 2. (A) what to do          (B) to do what         (C) what was doing (D) did what

(  ) 3. (A) declare                (B) question                   (C) assemble            (D) cooperate

(  ) 4. (A) of having                   (B) he had                (C) to have              (D) was having

(  ) 5. (A) be famous           (B) to be famous            (C) was famous       (D) famous

Unit 5

Tea is believed to have been drunk in China for over 4,000 years. According to legend, an ancient ruler called Yan Di was tasting herbs _1_ medical treatments. One day, he was _2_ by a herb he had ingested. Luckily, he was saved by a drop of water that dripped from a tea tree into his mouth. For a long time after that, tea was used as a medicine.

By the time of the Western Zhou Dynasty, tea had become popular as a _3_ offering. In the Spring and Autumn Period, the leaves of the tea plant were being eaten as vegetables. As a simple drink, Chinese tea spread throughout the country during the Tang Dynasty, with tea shops springing up all over. This was also the period _4_ Lu Yu, the "Tea Sage of China," completed his work The Tea Classics, which has become a cornerstone of Chinese tea culture. The book explains the rules and practices of tea _5_ and tasting.

(  ) 1. (A) in time to                   (B) on top of           (C) in front of          (D) in search of

(  ) 2. (A) abandoned          (B) poisoned            (C) benefited            (D) polluted

(  ) 3. (A) abstract               (B) truthful              (C) religious                   (D) explosive

(  ) 4. (A) how                    (B) where                 (C) when                  (D) which

(  ) 5. (A) production          (B) mainstream        (C) difference           (D) depression

Unit 6

Despite its recent economic troubles, Greece is still _1_ as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Millions of visitors flock there annually to explore its 4,000 years of history and relax on its beautiful beaches. _2_ the birthplace of European drama and philosophy and the Olympic Games, Greece has plenty to offer those curious about the past. And for lovers of fantastic scenery and charming islands, few places can beat it.

Furthermore, a real treat is in store for people who love food. Greek cuisine is rich and varied, and also considered pretty healthy, _3_ extensive use of olive oil, fish, tomatoes, and many other fresh and nutritious ingredients. A wide variety of herbs _4_ basil, mint, garlic and oregano are also used in Greek cooking. There are also many tasty desserts, including pastries filled with nuts and syrup and yogurt made with honey. Greek coffee is hot, sweet and strong and is a wonderful drink when you want to renew your energy after walking around the _5_ sites.

(  ) 1. (A) inspired              (B) ranked               (C) calculated                 (D) relieved

(  ) 2. (A) To                       (B) As                      (C) On                            (D) By

(  ) 3. (A) to make               (B) it makes                   (C) making                     (D) be made

(  ) 4. (A) because of           (B) as well               (C) such as                     (D) in order

(  ) 5. (A) historic               (B) alcoholic            (C) cosmetic                   (D) allergic

Unit 7

The islands of New Zealand are home to all kinds of fascinating and wonderful creatures. _1_ them is a species of insect, similar to a grasshopper, that is found in no other place on Earth. New Zealanders call it the weta, a word which comes from the native Maori language and means “god of bad looks.” It is not hard to see how the bug got this name, _2_ from its appearance.

Wetas live in caves and holes in the ground, and only come out at night. The largest of them, the giant wetas, can grow up to more than eight centimeters in length. Giant wetas can hop almost a meter _3_. For insects, they are quite long-lived creatures, surviving for as long as two years. Like crickets and grasshoppers, they make a distinctive noise by rubbing their legs together.

 Unfortunately, wetas have become an _4_ species. They have lived on New Zealand since the time of the dinosaurs, and had few natural enemies in the past. Since rats arrived with European immigrants, their numbers _5_ enormously. The slow-moving and clumsy weta is an easy prey for the growing rat population.

(  ) 1. (A) One                     (B) Among              (C) Most of              (D) An example

(  ) 2. (A) judging                (B) judges                (C) have judged       (D) be judged

(  ) 3. (A) on the way          (B) to the point        (C) at a time           (D) in a place

(  ) 4. (A) automatic                  (B) imaginary          (C) endangered        (D) unfinished

(  ) 5. (A) dropped              (B) have dropped    (C) dropping           (D) would drop

Unit 8

No doubt you have heard the phrasecarbon footprint” before. It basically refers to the effect your behavior and lifestyle has on the global environment. The bigger your carbon footprint is, _1_ environmentally friendly you are as an individual. A simple online search will quickly help you establish the size of your own carbon footprint. Then, _2_ it appears to be too large, you can take various steps to reduce it.

You can start by looking at how you _3_. Consider walking or riding a bicycle instead of driving or taking public transportation. The energy you use will all come from you, and have no effect on the environment. You can also help the environment by watching what you eat. The food industry is _4_ for large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions through production and transportation. By eating only locally-grown food, you can help reduce this. Becoming a vegetarian is also a good idea. Producing 15 kilograms of rice, _5_, consumes the same amount of energy as producing one kilogram of beef.

(  ) 1. (A) the most              (B) at least               (C) the less              (D) the more

(  ) 2. (A) why                    (B) what                  (C) if                        (D) so

(  ) 3. (A) get around          (B) take away          (C) walk over          (D) bring about

(  ) 4. (A) respectable          (B) reliable               (C) regional             (D) responsible

(  ) 5. (A) by contrast         (B) for instance        (C) not to mention   (D) similarly

Unit 9

One of the most important relationships between human beings is friendship. Without it, it is very hard to prosper in the modern world. Everyone needs at least one close friend with _1_ they can share their deepest secrets. If you have such a friend, you must try to avoid things that might come between you. Conflicts will always occur _2_, but there are ways to prevent big fights that can destroy a friendship.

For one thing, if your friend _3_ with a boyfriend or girlfriend, you should never consider dating that person. Getting together with your friend's ex is a sure way to end the friendship. Also, you must remember to give _4_ taken from your friend. True friendship is built on equality. It cannot exist when one person is the leader and the other is the follower all the time. Most importantly, _5_ talk about a friend behind their back. That means you are not being honest with your friend, and he or she will soon realize this.

(  ) 1. (A) what                          (B) whose                (C) whom                (D) which

(  ) 2. (A) here and there           (B) there and back   (C) to and fro          (D) first and last

(  ) 3. (A) puts off               (B) wipes out           (C) flunks out          (D) breaks up

(  ) 4. (A) exhibition           (B) equality             (C) exploration        (D) expansion

(  ) 5. (A) ever                     (B) never                 (C) always               (D) usually

Unit 10

Smoking causes terrible harm, not only to the health of the smoker but also to family members, coworkers, and anyone else who breathes in the smoke, In fact, secondhand or "passive" smoking is _1_ with as many as 300,000 cases of bronchitis and pneumonia each year among babies.

Smoking can affect _2_ just the lungs. Smokers are at increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, weakening of the bones, and various types of cancer. Smoking causes a narrowing of the vessels that carry blood to the leg and arm muscles. It also dries out the skin and leads to wrinkles. _3_ some research, smoking is even related to hair loss. A smoker's addiction to nicotine, the drug in tobacco, results in negative changes in their body and in the way they act. It can have serious consequences in people's lives. The longer they smoke, the more _4_ they do to their health. If you smoke, quit now. If you are a non-smoker, be sure to _5_ one for the rest of your life.

(  ) 1. (A) associated           (B) attempted          (C) discouraged       (D) arranged

(  ) 2. (A) many of              (B) much as                   (C) a lot more          (D) more than

(  ) 3. (A) According to       (B) Depending on    (C) Different from   (D) Limited to

(  ) 4. (A) defeat                  (B) difference           (C) demand              (D) damage

(  ) 5. (A) accept                 (B) remain               (C) reject                  (D) avoid

Unit 11

The increasing number of Android smart phone users means there is rising _1_ for Android applications (aka. apps). Such apps are programs that are specially designed to be used on phones and devices using Android system, which was developed by Google. They are available from many online stores and websites. Most people get them this way, but users can also, if they wish, _2_ their own Android apps that run on Android smart phones, tablet computers, and other devices.

Google encourages developers to program their own Android apps. _3_ many apps can be downloaded for free, some are available for purchase. In these cases, the revenue is shared by Google, who takes thirty percent, and the developer, who receives the rest. Apps are designed using c++ and Java programming languages. The operating system for apps is "open source." That means the source code is available _4_ to anyone who wants to develop an app. Developers can also modify and add to any existing Android app, and even redesign it _5_ suit their own purpose.

(  ) 1. (A) demand               (B) drag                         (C) enforcement       (D) measurement

(  ) 2. (A) obtain                 (B) identify              (C) insert                 (D) create

(  ) 3. (A) Whenever           (B) Which                (C) However            (D) While

(  ) 4. (A) at length              (B) in charge            (C) for free               (D) with regard

(  ) 5. (A) so as                          (B) to                       (C) for                     (D) in order that

Unit 12

Chinese calligraphy is an ancient, artistic form of writing which often looks more like a painting than written text. Calligraphy is very _1_, and is capable of expressing all kinds of emotions, morals, and values in various styles. Becoming a calligraphy teacher takes many years of study and practice. _2_ the techniques, it is necessary to learn about the history and development of the art form through the ages.

The themes used in calligraphy are _3_ from Chinese culture and folklore. It is not just a case of using the right characters, however. Considerable concentration is needed to get the brush strokes exactly right; _4_ the precise meaning of the work could be lost. Holding the brush properly and applying the right pressure is very important in forming the characters. Chinese calligraphy is widely regarded as a highly spiritual form of language use. Though an ancient method of expression, nowadays it _5_ in everything from modern art to fashion and graphic design.

(  ) 1. (A) productive          (B) complex                   (C) urgent                (D) economical

(  ) 2. (A) As long as           (B) In addition to     (C) Because of         (D) In reality

(  ) 3. (A) divided                (B) dropped                   (C) drawn                (D) driven

(  ) 4. (A) otherwise                  (B) meanwhile         (C) therefore            (D) finally

(  )5. (A) picks out              (B) breaks down            (C) stands by           (D) turns up

