2015年1月6日 星期二

句型重點解析 UNIT 1.6

1. S + have/has + Vpp
1. 表示「從過去某時起一直持續到現在的動作或狀態」,通常與「for + 一段時間」或「since + 過去時間」連用。
2. 表示「動作剛完成或尚未完成」,通常與alreadyjustyet連用。
3. 表示「截至目前為止已有過或未有過的經驗」,常和everneveronce等時間副詞連用。
1. Have you ever wondered what leads creative people to invent something new?
2. I have already bought a nice gift for my mother.  (我已經幫媽媽買了一份好禮物。)
3. Johnny has played online games for ten hours.  (Johnny已經玩戲上遊戲十小時了。)

2. S + is + one of + the Adj-est + N + that-clause
說明1. 此句型結合了形容詞最高級的名詞片語和that引導的關係子句,用來表達「所曾經……最……的事物或人之一」。用來陳述經驗的關係子句修飾前面的名詞片語,時態要用現在完成式,且主詞通常為第一人稱。
2. one of + the Adj-est + N表示「……之一」,所接的名詞須為複數。
3. 先行詞是形容詞最高級,故關係代名詞that不可用which或是whom來代替,且可被省略。
1. This is one of the greatest economic difficulties that we have ever faced.
2. This is one of the most exciting baseball games that I have ever watched.
3. Yellowstone National Park in America is one of the largest national parks that I have ever visited.

3. As + S + V..., S + V....
1. As the following stories show, sometimes they want something useful, while other times they just want to have fun.  (如同接下來的故事所示,他們有時候需要有用的東西,而其他時候他們只是  為了樂趣。)
2. As we had expected, the singer’s concert attracted thousands of people.
3. As the guide book says, there is a beautiful lake in the forest.

4. ...N + when + S + V...
說明1. 關係副詞when用來修飾表「時間」的先行詞。關係副詞具有連接詞及副詞兩種作用,且必須用於結構完整的關係子句中。
2. 關係副詞可用「介系詞 + 關係代名詞」代替,故關係副詞when = in/on/at/during + which

1. Darrow remembered the good times when he had money to travel abroad.
2. It was a comforting idea during times in which people had nothing.
3. In Taiwan, July and August are the months when the weather is very hot and humid.
  In Taiwan, July and August are the months during which the weather is very hot and humid.  (在臺灣,七、八月是天氣又熱又潮濕的月份。)

5. It + takes + 時間 + for sb + to V.... It + takes + sb + 時間 + to V....
說明:此句型表示「某人花了多少時間做……」,it為虛主詞,代替後面的真主詞to Vtake 表示「花費」之意,若將人放時間後面,則要加介系詞for
1. It took ages for Gino to get around his bicycle factory.
  It took Gino ages to get around his bicycle factory.
2. It took nearly a year for Dick to find a job. (Dick花了近一年的時間才找到工作。)
  It took Dick nearly a year to find a job.
3. It took four days for us to finish painting the whole house. (我們花了四天才漆完整棟屋子。)
  It took us four days to finish painting the whole house.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. Frank said he would call me this afternoon, but I ________ any calls from him yet.
            (A) don’t receive                                    (B) haven’t received
            (C) hadn’t received                                (D) wasn’t receiving
( ) 2. It took Alice a few weeks ________ a good apartment.
            (A) find                 (B) found                 (C) finding            (D) to find
( ) 3. Andrew avoided driving his car during the time ________ oil price was going up.
            (A) where              (B) when                  (C) which              (D) while
( ) 4. It kept raining for a week ________ the weather report had said.
            (A) as                    (B) for                      (C) since                (D) until
( ) 5. Larry ________ in this company since his graduation from high school.
            (A) works              (B) worked               (C) has worked     (D) had worked

II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。
( ) ____________ 1. Grandma is very sick with cancer for six months.
                                                   (A)               (B)            (C)
( ) ____________ 2. I have already make a special plan for Terry’s birthday.
                                       (A)               (B)                           (C)
( ) ____________ 3. I hope for peaceful days which there is no war around the world.
                                                                     (A)   (B)            (C)
( ) ____________ 4. Peter is one of the smartest students that I ever taught.
                                                                     (A)         (B)                  (C)
( ) ____________ 5. It took only a few minutes of Chad to finish the meal.
                                                         (A)               (B)            (C)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 搭乘高鐵往返臺北高雄只需花兩個鐘頭。
It _________________ only two hours _________________ _________________ from Taipei to Kaohsiung by High Speed Rail.
2. Maria有過一段快樂且無憂無慮的童年時光。
Maria had a happy childhood _________________ _________________ she had no worries.
3. Andy已經決定要獨自扶養小孩。
Andy _________________ _________________ to raise his children by himself.
4. 如同你所知道的,Hector下星期就要去倫敦了。
_________________ _________________ _________________, Hector is going to London next week.
5. 從上個月我們就已經開始準備書展了。
_________________ last month, we ________________ ________________ to prepare for the book fair.
6. Tess寫一首歌通常需要三個月的時間。
It usually _________________ three months _________________ Tess _________________ _________________ a song.
7. Chris喜歡在午夜一切都歸於寂靜時看書。
Chris likes to read at midnight _________________ everything goes silent.
8. Dora不能如她所願地擺動她的手和腳。
Dora cannot move her arms and legs _________________ she wants.
9. “Larry’s show”是我看過最有趣的電視節目之一。
“Larry’s show” is one of the _________________ _________________ TV programs that I _________________ _________________ _________________.
10. Hector勇敢的行為已經贏得許多人的尊敬。

Hector’s brave act _________________ _________________ many people’s respect.

