2015年1月10日 星期六

句型重點解析 UNIT 2.2

1. S (+ Aux) + be + Vpp (+ by N)
說明1. 此句型介紹的是現在或過去簡單式的「被動語態」。被動語態的主詞為動作的承受者,而執行動作者則置於句尾以by連接,且常省略不提。
2. 被動語態也可與助動詞(Aux)連用,形成“S + Aux + be + Vpp”的句構。
1. A rumor is sometimes called an “urban legend.” (謠言有時被稱作「都市傳奇故事」。)
2. Ann’s purse was stolen by a boy. (Ann的錢包被一個男孩偷走了。)
3. Fish cannot be found in this dirty river. (在這條骯髒的河裡找不到魚。)

2. S + seem(s) to + V.... → It seems (that) + S + V....
1. 此句型有推測的意味,用來表達「不確定的看法或推論」,意思為「似乎……,好像……」。句子中以人或具體的事物作主詞,後面則以seem(s) to加上原形動詞來表示。注意,seem不能以進行式使用。
2. 另外,此句型也能以第二個句型替換。句子中的it為虛主詞,用以代替that所引導的子句(真主詞)。當從第一個句型換成第二個句型時,須注意動詞的時態變化。
1. Many people are tricked by urban legends because the stories seem to be true.
→Many people are tricked by urban legends because it seems (that) the stories are true. (許多人被都市傳奇故事所騙,因為那些故事似乎都是真的。)
2. Joyce seems to have been sick for days. → It seems (that) Joyce has been sick for days.
3. Tracy and Mike seem to fall in love with each other.
It seems (that) Tracy and Mike fall in love with each other.    (TracyMike似乎愛上彼此了。)

3. S + V...or S + V....          否則
說明1. or此句型中為語氣轉折的連接詞,表示「否則,要不然」的意思,用來警告他人應該或不應該做什麼,不然會帶來不好的後果。
2. 連接詞or亦可作「或者」解,用以連接兩個對等的子句,前後子句的主詞和助動詞或be動詞常常相同,因此後面子句的主詞和助動詞或be動詞可省略。
1. One e-mail says never doze off on a bus or the bus driver will doze off too.
2. You should eat breakfast or you cannot focus your mind in class.
3. Lucas doesn’t want to see a movie or go shopping. (Lucas不想去看電影或去逛街。)

4. stop + V-ing...     停止做…                                        stop + to V...     停下來去做…
說明stop加上動名詞(V-ing)時,表示「停止正在做的動作」;相反地,stop加上不定詞(to V)時,則表示「停下原先的動作而去做另一個動作」,用來強調「接下來要執行的動作」。
1. Customers stopped going to that restaurant because of the rumor about its unclean food. (因為關於那間餐廳食物不乾淨的謠言,顧客不再去那裡用餐了。)
2. Please stop smoking. It is not allowed to smoke here. (請停止抽菸。此處禁菸。)
3. The workers stopped to take a break after they had worked for five hours.

5. S + V... + whenever/wherever/however + S + V....
1. whenever可以是「每次」或「無論何時」的意思。當表示「每次」時,whenever = each/every time;作「無論何時」解時,whenever = anytime = (at) any time (that) = no matter when
2. wherever = anywhere = at/in/to any place (that) = no matter where,作「無論在哪裏,在任何地方」解。
3. however = in any way (that),為「不管用什麼方法」或「無論如何」的意思。however也可以先接形容詞或副詞,再接主詞和動詞,構成“however + Adj/Adv + S + be/V...”的句型,其意思相當於no matter how
1. The Make-A-Wish Foundation has agreed to donate 7 dollars whenever this e-mail is forwarded.
→ The Make-A-Wish Foundation has agreed to donate 7 dollars each time this
e-­mail is forwarded. (許願基金會已同意這封電子郵件每被轉寄一次,就捐美金七塊錢。)
2. Wherever you want to travel, I will go with you.
No matter where you want to travel, I will go with you. (無論你要去哪旅行,我都會跟你去。)
3. You can decorate your own room however you like. (你可以用任何你喜歡的方式佈置你自己的房間。)
→ You can decorate your own room in any way (that) you like.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. _____ seems that my uncle’s business is getting better.
(A) That                   (B) It                     (C) What               (D) Which
( ) 2. On her way home, Iris stopped _____ a look at those beautiful flowers in the park.
(A) take                    (B) taking              (C) to take             (D) to taking
( ) 3. Would you prefer to drink orange juice _____ green tea?
(A) or                       (B) but                   (C) and                  (D) to
( ) 4. The Eiffel Tower _____ by millions of people every year.
(A) visits                  (B) visited             (C) is visited          (D) is visiting
( ) 5. I feel uncomfortable _____ I think of the terrible movie.
(A) however             (B) whenever        (C) no matter         (D) in any time
( ) 6. Tom has to get two jobs _____ his family won’t have enough money for living.
(A) but                     (B) and                  (C) so                    (D) or
( ) 7. John seems _____ Sophia because he seldom talks to her.
(A) dislike                (B) dislikes            (C) disliked           (D) to dislike
( ) 8. _____ rich Richard is, he always wants to make more money.
(A) Whenever          (B) However         (C) Wherever        (D) It
( ) 9. Zoe stopped _____ online games and went playing basketball.
(A) to play                (B) to playing        (C) playing            (D) play
( ) 10. The letter was mailed _____ Wendy yesterday.
(A) for                      (B) by                    (C) at                     (D) with

II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。
( ) ____________ 1. Come in and sit no matter any place you like.
                                      (A)       (B)      (C)
( ) ____________ 2. Willy is seeming to feel not so well right now.
                                                      (A)    (B)       (C)
( ) ____________ 3. English is speaking in the United States.
                        (A)  (B)   (C)
( ) ____________ 4. Rex asked me to stop to listen to music because he had
                               (A)    (B)            (C)
something to say to me.
( ) ____________ 5. You must buy a ticket and you cannot take the train.
                        (A)          (B)     (C)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 這個禮物是Roger上禮拜送的。
   The present ____________ ____________ ____________ Roger last week.
2. Frank似乎感冒了。
  It ____________ ____________ Frank has caught a cold.
3. 你最好用功點,否則考試會全都不及格。
   You’d better study hard ____________ you’ll fail all of your tests.
4. 在我們開車五小時之後,我們停在一間餐廳吃點東西。
   After having driven for 5 hours, we ___________ ___________ ___________ something at a restaurant.
5. Peggy怕老鼠。每次她看到牠們就尖叫。

  Peggy is afraid of mice. She screams ____________ ____________ she sees them.

