2015年1月8日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 1.8

1. S + Vt + O + by + N/V-ing....
說明1. 此句型為S + Vt + O的衍生用法,即在S + Vt + O之後加上by所引導的介系詞片語,以作為補充說明之用。
2. by + N/V-ing表示「藉由……,透過……」。
1. Igbo people in Nigeria welcome the new year by clapping their hands.
2. We finally reached Finland by taking a ship.  (我們最後藉由搭船的方式抵達了芬蘭。)
3. Please tell the assistant to send the package by express.  (請告訴助理以快遞寄送這個包裹。)

2. It + be + Adj (+ for someone) + to V....
說明:此句型中的it為虛主詞,代替後面的真主詞to V...。而for someone通常置於句中,且在to V之前;但也可依需要放在句首,或者被省略。
1. It is important for the Japanese to wake up early to see the first sunrise of the year.
2. It is common for me to have dinner after 8 p.m.  (對我來說,在八點以後吃晚餐是稀鬆平常的事。)
3. For drivers, it is very dangerous to exceed the speed limit.  (對駕駛人來說,超速是非常危險的。)

3. ...as + Adj/Adv + as...
說明1. 此句型表示「和……一樣……」之意,為以形容詞 (Adj) 或副詞 (Adv) 原級來表示兩者在某方面相等的比較。第一個as 是副詞,用來修飾後面的形容詞或副詞,第二個as 是連接詞,引導副詞子句。
2. 當主要子句的動詞為be動詞或連綴動詞時,須接形容詞原級;若為一般動詞時,則接副詞原級。
3. 第二個as所引導的子句與主要子句重覆的部分可以省略。
1. In Russia, New Year’s Eve is as important as Christmas in the United States.
2. Gabriel speaks English as well as Ted (does).  (Jimmy英文說得和Ted一樣好。)
3. Zack sounded as cold as ice is.  (Zack 的聲音變得和冰一樣冷。)

4. as a way of + V-ing...   作為…的方式
說明a way of加上V-ing表示「……的方法或方式」,前面加上介系詞as,有「當作」之意,所以整個片語的意思為「作為……的方式」。
1. The Japanese eat buckwheat noodles as a way of sending away the old year.
2. Frank sends e-mails as a way of keeping in touch with his friends in Canada.
3. They set a large playground as a way of attracting kids.

5. sb + spend + 時間/金錢
說明1. spend的主詞必須為「人」,後接「時間」表示「度過、消磨或花費(時間)」;若接「金錢」則表示「花費()」。
2. 若要表示花時間或錢「在某事物上」,介系詞用on,即sb + spend + 時間/金錢 + on + N;若要表示「做某事」,後面動詞須改為動名詞(V-ing),即sb + spend + 時間/金錢 + V-ing
1. Most Japanese adults spend a quiet day at home on New Year’s Day.
2. Irene often spends lots of money on clothes and cosmetics.  (Irene通常花很多錢在衣服和化妝品上。)
3. Barbara has spent two weeks reading that novel.  (Barbara已經花了兩個禮拜閱讀那本小說。)

I. 判讀題:依各題句意選出適當的介系詞。
A. as                   B. by                     C. for                  D. of                   E. on
( ) 1. Stella usually goes to work ________ train.
( ) 2. I think it’s very difficult ________ Andy to get up before 6 a.m.
( ) 3. It is good ________ you to exercise every day.
( ) 4. Roy is ________ heavy as Hank.
( ) 5. Spending two thousand dollars ________ that umbrella sounds crazy.
( ) 6. It’s impossible to make your dream come true just ________ thinking about it.
( ) 7. Tilla gave me a homemade cake ________ a way of welcoming me.
( ) 8. Jeremy spent four days ________ his final report.
( ) 9. Owen has his own special way ________ dealing with problems.
( ) 10. Kelly sings ________ beautifully as her mother.

II. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. Smith spent two days ________ up their house.
            (A) clean               (B) cleaned               (C) to clean           (D) cleaning
( ) 2. It is common for me ________ a glass of water after I get up.
            (A) drink               (B) drinking             (C) to drink           (D) by drinking
( ) 3. I have won Mrs. Sinise’s trust ________ for her all these years.
            (A) in work           (B) with working     (C) to work           (D) by working
( ) 4. Should I send this letter ________ airmail?
            (A) by                    (B) with                    (C) in                     (D) on
( ) 5. Paul has become as ________ as his father.
            (A) strongly           (B) stronger              (C) strong              (D) strongest

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 對我來說,造訪一直夢想要去的地方是美好的。
__________________ me, __________________ w__________________ __________________ v__________________ the place that I have always dreamed of going to.
2. Bennett先生以在馬戲團裡擔任魔術師維生。
Mr. Bennett earns his living __________________ __________________ a magician in a circus.
3. 我的腳踏車和Fred的一樣貴。
My bike is __________________ __________________ __________________ Fred’s.
4. 你打算在哪裡度過你的暑假?
Where do you plan to ________________ ________________ ________________ v_______________?
5. 對那些小孩子來說,聽懂這個故事是容易的嗎?

Was _________________ _________________ _________________ those kids to understand this story?

