2015年1月18日 星期日

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.2

1. S1 + advise/insist/order/demand/require + that + S2 (+ should) + V....
說明1. 表示建議、堅持、命令、要求等意思的動詞,後面所接的that子句中助動詞should常省略,故子句中的動詞須為原形動詞。
2. 此句型中的常見動詞有:suggestadvise表示「建議」,insist表示「堅持」,order表示「命令」及demandrequire表示「要求」。
3. that子句如需表達否定意義,則須把not加在原形動詞之前;若為被動語態,則為be動詞加過去分詞(Vpp)
1. The doctor advised that I (should) take good care of my mother. (醫生建議我應該好好照顧我媽。)
2. The customer demanded that his meal (should) be served immediately. (顧客要求餐點要立刻上桌。)
3. The tour guide suggested that the tourists (should) not bring too much cash with them.  (導遊建議旅客不要帶太多現金在身上。)

2. If + S + were/V1-ed/Aux + V1..., S + would/could/should/might + V2....
說明1. 此句型為假設語氣用法,用來敘述「與現在事實不符或不可能會發生」的事。
2. if所引導的條件子句中,如果是一般動詞,要使用過去簡單式;但如果是be動詞,則無論主詞人稱為何,都必須使用were
1. If my mom didn't have Otto's love, she wouldn't be so healthy now.
2. If you were not smart enough, you could not pass such a difficult exam.
3. If Wendy disliked the guy, she would not chat with him.

3. It + be + Adj + that + S + V....
1. It was important that I did the same for my mother. (我以同樣的方式對待我母親是重要的。)
2. It is wonderful that our friendship has lasted for such a long time.(我們的友誼維持這麼長一段時間是美好的。)
3. It was very impolite that you took my books away without asking me first.

4. Instead of + V1-ing, S + V2.... S + do/does/did not V1.... Instead, S + V2....沒有……,反而……
說明1. of是介系詞,後面可以接名詞或代名詞;若要接動詞,必須把動詞改成動名詞(V-ing)
2. instead of後面接的為「沒有或不會做的事」。
3. instead為副詞,可以放在句子的前面、中間或後面。和instead of不同的是,有instead的句子則表示「有或會做的事」。
1. Instead of running away, Otto jumped onto the end of my mother's bed.
Otto didn't run away. Instead, he jumped onto the end of my mother's bed.
2. Instead of being made of animal fur, the clothes were made from natural fibers.
The clothes were not made of animal fur. Instead, they were made from natural fibers.  (這些衣服並非使   用動物毛皮,而是以自然纖維製成。)
3. Instead of crying, the baby girl smiled at very stranger.
The baby girl didn't cry. Instead, she smiled at every stranger.

5. despite +   N/V-ing
           the fact that...  儘管……,雖然……
說明1. despite為介系詞,後面可接名詞(N)、名詞子句或是動名詞(V-ng)
2. 若要加上子句時,可用despite the fact引導that子句。
3. in spite ofdespite意思一樣,後面也可接名詞(N)或動名詞(V-ing)
1. Despite what the doctors had said, my mother is still here with her faithful companion. (儘管醫生所過說的,我媽媽仍然健在,和她最好的朋友在一起。)
2. Despite her sore throat, the singer gave an excellent performance.
3. I went to the movies with my friends despite the fact that my mom didn't let me go out. (儘管我媽媽不讓我出門,我仍然和朋友們去看電影。)
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1.The salesperson suggested that Kelly _____ on the pair of shoes.
      (A) trying                 (B) to try                      (C) tried                       (D) try
( ) 2._____ John's good performance in the interview, he wasn't accepted by the school.
      (A) Instead                (B) In spite                     (C) About                     (D) Despite
( ) 3.The doctor advised that my father _____ medicine before meals.
      (A) not taking           (B) not take                   (C) not to take               (D) to not take
( ) 4. Viola _____ at least a cup of coffee every day if she _____ a dislike for coffee.
      (A) drank; had       (B) drank; has                (C) wouldn't drink; had         (D) wouldn't drink; has
( ) 5.It is _____ that you can come to my birthday party.
      (A) greatly              (B) great                     (C) greatness               (D) greatest
( ) 6.If I _____ my mind, I _____ that stupid man.
      (A) lost; might marry                                  (B) lose; would marry 
(C) will lose; may marry                                (D) lost; will marry
( ) 7.It is _____ that all of you have already passed the exam.
      (A) better                      (B) greatly                    (C) good                 (D) well
( ) 8._____ _____ the reason, Richard still can't make his idea clear.
     (A) Despite; explaining                                  (B) Despite of; explaining
     (C) In spite of; explain                                  (D) In spite; explaining
( ) 9.The student didn't go to school. _____, she went shopping.
      (A) Instead              (B) Instead of               (C) Despite                    (D) In spite of
( ) 10. Julie told her father the truth instead of _____ it from him.
      (A) to hide                (B) hide                        (C) hidden                     (D) hiding

II. 改錯:挑出語法有誤的選項,並加以改正。
( ) _____ 1. Roy tried to keep smiling despite of great anger.
(A)  (B)    (C)          (D)
( ) _____ 2. It will be greatly that the old machine in the factory can be changed.
(A)      (B)             (C)                     (D)
( ) _____ 3. The king ordered that every house in his country is painted red.
(A)   (B)                      (C) (D)
 ( ) _____ 4. If Leo knows what he did was wrong, he would say sorry to you.
(A)  (B)                     (C)        (D)
( ) _____ 5. Instead dressing up as a ghost, Kate scared us by telling us a ghost story.
(A)             (B)           (C)      (D)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
  _______________ _____________ common __________ people only think of themselves when in danger.
  If Tom ____________ ____________ the entrance examination, he ____________ ____________ ____________ at this school.
  My teacher required that I _______________ down what he had said in class.
  _______________ _______________ _______________ beaten out, the army won the war.

  ____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ wars may happen, peace is still worth fighting for.

