2015年1月22日 星期四

句型重點解析 UNIT 3.6

1. S + Vi (feel/look/smell/sound/taste) +   SC (Adj)
                                                                      like + N
說明1. 感官動詞為不完全不及物動詞,後面不接受詞,但須有主詞補語(SC)來修飾主詞,主詞補語可以是形容詞(Adj)或是介系詞片語like加上名詞。
2. 常見的感官動詞有:feel表示「感覺起來」、look表示「看起來」、smell表示「聞起來」、sound表示「聽起來」和taste表示「嚐起來」。
3. 感官動詞後接「形容詞」時,疑問句要用how;如果後接「名詞」時,疑問句則是要用what
1.Some Alaskans even say winter there now feels like summer.
2.To many lovers, Venice, the city of canals, looks romantic.
3.How does this burger taste?  (這漢堡嚐起來如何?)

2. either A or B    不是……就是……
  neither A nor B  既不是……也不是……
說明1. 對等連接詞either A or B表示「不是A就是B」;而neither A nor B表示「既非A也非B」,且本身已有否定意味,所以不再加否定詞。
2. 由於AB是以對等連接詞相連,所以兩者的詞類一定要一致。如果A是形容詞片語,則B也一定要使用形容詞片語。
3. either A or Bneither A nor B作主詞且用直述句時,後面動詞的單複數變化須和B一致。
1. The leaders of Venice must find a way either to stop the city from sinking or to stop sea level from rising.
2.After hearing the news, Sam was neither happy nor sad. (在聽完這個消息之後,Sam既不高興,也不悲傷。)
3.Either Diane or you have a chance to get first place in this competition.

3. S + has/have + Vpp
說明1.現在完成式(has/have + Vpp)可表示「動作已經完成或尚未完成」,此時完成式常與alreadyyet連用。already常用在「肯定句」,而yet則多    用在「否定句」和「疑問句」之中。
2.現在完成式亦可表示「曾經發生的經驗」,此時完成式通常與表示「經驗」的時間副詞連用,包括ever表示「曾經」、never表示「不曾」、once表示「一、twice表示「二次」以及three times表示「三次」等。
3.現在完成式還可表示「從以前到現在的持續動作」,此時完成式通常與「for + 一段時間」、「over + 過去的一段時間」、「since + 開始時刻」等一起使用。
1.Have you ever visited Tuvalu?  (你曾經造訪過吐瓦魯嗎?)
2.Rita hasn't finished her report yet.  (Rita還沒有完成她的報告。)
3.Georgia has been to Paris three times.  (Georgia去過巴黎三次。)

4. such as...例如……
說明1. such as用來列舉具體實例,加強說明前方敘述的內容。
2. such as本身為介系詞片語,故後面要接名詞(N)或是動名詞(V-ing)
1.Global warming is also affecting cities in Europe, such as Venice in Italy.
2.Taiwan is famous for its various kinds of fruits, such as bellfruits, bananas, and mangos. 
3.I usually do some housework, such as cleaning the rooms and washing clothes, on weekends. 

5. keep/prevent/protect/stop + sb + from + sth (N/V-ing)  使……免於
說明1. 此句型的中常見的動詞包括keep表示「保持、防止」、prevent表示「防止」、protect表示「保護」、stop表示「阻止」等。
2. from後面接的事物可以是名詞(N)或是動名詞(V-ing)
3. 如果事物是「被動」時,要使用being Vpp
1.Everyone should do something to help prevent global warming from becoming even worse than it already is, before it is too late.
2.In summer, people try to protect their skins from the sun.  (在夏天,人們試著保護自己的肌膚遠離太陽。)
3.Even though we are grown up, we should keep our imagination from disappearing.
I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. To me, riding a scooter in the beautiful countryside _____ in the sky.
     (A) feels like       (B) feels flying      (C) feels like fly            (D) feels like flying
( ) 2. Ivy doesn't like big cities in several ways, _____ the traffic and noise.
     (A) as for         (B) such as          (C) to be sure       (D) in addition
( ) 3. Tim _____ a headache since last Friday.
      (A) has        (B) had          (C) had had          (D) has had
( ) 4. There is a fire. The police are stopping people from _____ closer.
      (A) to come    (B) come         (C) coming           (D) came
( ) 5. Although Shelly is _____ pretty _____ smart, she is happy with her life.
      (A) either; or      (B) neither; nor       (C) either; nor      (D) neither; or
( ) 6. Robert looked _____; he had a big smile on his face this morning.
      (A) happy      (B) happily      (C) to be happy      (D) being happy
( ) 7. When you feel upset, there are many ways to get through it, _____ jogging or listening to music.
      (A) that is        (B) what's more     (C) such as          (D) instead of
( ) 8. The small town has changed a lot _____.
     (A) three times     (B) yet           (C) over the last ten years  (D) once
( ) 9. Jason's parents once stopped him _____ some of his friends.
     (A) from seeing  (B) from being seen  (C) to seeing   (D) to see
( ) 10. You have to send the message _____ by cell phone _____ by e-mail. You can choose only one way.
     (A) not only; but also  (B) both; and  (C) neither; nor  (D) either; or

II. 配合題:從下列框中選出最適當的答案,以完成句子。
(A) ...that I have ever seen.
(B) ...neither easy to understand nor easy to solve.
(C) ...sounds ridiculous.
(D) ...such as taking a walk or riding a bike.
(E) ...to protect our environment from being polluted.
_____ 1. Global warming is a problem that is...
_____ 2. Many people work hard...
_____ 3. This is the most wonderful show...
_____ 4. You need to do some exercise, ...
_____ 5. The stranger's words....

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
It is believed that parents will try their best to __________ their children __________ __________ hurt.
Christie __________ __________ __________ swimming in the sea.
The book is __________ on the desk __________ on the shelf.
The soup __________ __________ __________. I don't like it.

There are a lot of things which cannot be predicted, ________ _______ fate and death.

