2015年1月7日 星期三

句型重點解析 UNIT 1.7

1. S + Vt + IO + DO S + Vt + DO + Prep + IO
說明1. 此句型裡的動詞為「授與動詞」,是及物動詞的一種。授與動詞有兩個受詞(O):一個是給予的物,為直接受詞(DO);另一個則是給予的對象,稱作間接受詞(IO)
2. 授與動詞後方可先加間接受詞,再加上直接受詞。但是,若授與動詞後方欲先加上直接受詞,則須於其後加上介系詞(Prep),例如tofor等,再加上間接受詞。
3. 常見的授與動詞和其搭配的介系詞如下:
(1) bring/give/lend/sell/send/show/teach/tell/... + DO + to + IO
(2) bring/buy/get/make... + DO + for + IO
4. 如果直接受詞是代名詞,如itthem時,必須以代名詞加上介系詞後,再加間接受詞的方式呈現。
1. Prometheus gave humans many gifts.
  Prometheus gave many gifts to humans.  (普羅米修斯給了人們許多禮物。)
2. Lily bought her boyfriend a new cell phone. Lily bought a new cell phone for her boyfriend.
3. I have to bring this to my mother.  (我必須要帶這東西給我媽媽。)

2. wh- + S + V wh- + to V
說明1. 疑問詞引導的名詞子句中,若其主詞與主要子句的主詞相同時,可簡化成「名詞片語」,即疑問詞(wh-)加上to V
2. 在此類的名詞子句中通常有shouldcancould等助動詞,用以表示「應該」或「可以」等。
1. Prometheus taught humans how they could build houses.
  Prometheus taught humans how to build houses.  (普羅米修斯教導人類可以如何建造房子。)
2. Elsa didn’t know what she should eat for lunch.
  Elsa didn’t know what to eat for lunch.  (Elsa不知道午餐應該吃什麼。)
3. The kid isn’t sure which way he should go.
  The kid isn’t sure which way to go.  (這孩子不確定該往哪個方向走。)

3. make A from B   B 做成 A
說明此片語中的make表示「製作」之意,常以被動語態表示。介系詞用from通常表示無法從A的外觀得知其製作原料為B;若可以從A的外觀判斷其製作原料,則介系詞通常用of,為make A of B
1. Prometheus made humans from mud and river water.  (普羅米修斯用泥土和河水製造了人類。)
2. Paper is generally made from wood.  (紙通常是由木頭製成的。)
3. These desks and chairs are made of oak.  (這些桌椅是由橡木做成的。)

4. in addition   除此之外
說明in addition表「除此之外」,用於增補資訊至前面已提過的內容。如果後面欲接上名詞,表示「除了……之外」,則必須先加上介系詞to再加受詞,即in addition to + O
1. In addition, Prometheus also taught humans how to care for the sick.
2. George likes to play basketball. In addition, he likes swimming.
3. In addition to math, Tom is good at English.  (除了數學之外,Tom也擅長英文。)

5. S + Vt (感官動詞) + O +         V/V-ing....
說明1. 「感官動詞」為及物動詞(Vt)的一種,而常見的感官動詞有seehearwatchfeelnoticelisten to等。
2. 「感官動詞」的受詞(O)若為主動動作者,後方動詞須以原形動詞(V) 或現在分詞(V-ing)表示,原形動詞表示「發生的事實」,現在分詞則強調「動作正在進行」。
3. 若「感官動詞」的受詞為被動接受動作者時,則須以過去分詞(Vpp)表示。
1. Zeus did not like to see humans becoming more powerful.  (宙斯不想看見人類變得更強大。)
2. It was said that someone saw a bear appear in that village.  (據說有人看見一隻熊出現在那個村莊裡。)
3. Last night, Kyle heard the back door knocked a few times.  (昨夜,Kyle聽到後門被敲了幾次。)

I. 介系詞填空:依各題句意填入適當的介系詞。
____________ 1. Amy asked me to get a magazine ________ her yesterday.
____________ 2. You had better not lend your car ________ Eason. He’s a careless driver.
____________ 3. The beautiful house is made ________ stone.
____________ 4. Mrs. Shapiro forgot to make dinner ________ her children last night.
____________ 5. The drink tastes special. What is it made ________?

II. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( ) 1. I can’t tell what the shirt is made ________.
            (A) from                (B) with                    (C) in                     (D) by
( ) 2. Billy watched Brenda ________ without stopping her.
            (A) to leave           (B) left                     (C) leaves              (D) leave
( ) 3. In addition ________ English, I am also learning Spanish.
            (A) for                   (B) of                       (C) to                     (D) ×
( ) 4. Vivian didn’t know ________ Bert feel better.
            (A) how to be making                            (B) how should she make
            (C) how to make                                    (D) how she to make
( ) 5. You need to ________ your ticket ________ the woman over there before entering the museum.
            (A) get; to             (B) show; to             (C) bring; for         (D) buy; to

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 你有聽到Mary正在叫你的名字嗎?
Do you _________________ Mary _________________ your name?
2. 請為我買一些有用的工具。
Please _________________ some useful tools _________________ _________________.
3. 這本書好笑又有趣,此外,它還很有教育性。
The book is funny and interesting. _________________ _________________, it is very educational.
4. 我們必須知道如何在遭遇困難時保持冷靜。
We must know _________________ _________________ stay calm when running into trouble.
5. 我昨天看見Alex的皮夾被一個陌生人拿走。
Yesterday, I _________________ Alex’s wallet _________________ away by a stranger.
6. 不管你相不相信,我家裡其中一個馬桶是以黃金打造而成的。
Believe it or not, one of the toilets in my house _________________ _________________ _________________ gold.
7. 我希望你能告訴我該向誰請求協助。
I hope you can tell me _________________ _________________ _________________ for help.
8. Jose忘了該什麼時候到機場接Paris
Jose forgot _________________ _________________ _________________ pick up Paris at the airport.
9. 我看到一個小男孩正坐在街上哭泣。
I saw a little boy _________________ and _________________ on the street.
10. 除了丹麥之外,Connie也去過瑞典。

_______________ _______________ ________________ Denmark, Connie has been to Sweden as well.

