2017年9月6日 星期三

B1 U1 課文句型結構分析

Lesson 1  Bring the Pot and Try Your Luck

【第一段】What do you want for dinner?” Cathy asked her friend (on
                            DO                      S      V         IO      修飾
the phone).  She was inviting friends over (for a New Year’s Party). 
asked             S          V         O             修飾inviting/for表目的
She was excited (about the gathering) and wanted to plan a big 
  S    V    SC      修飾excited/about表關於           V           O
dinner. Howeverit was tiring (for her) to prepare everything (by
           轉折語    S/ V   SC   for表對某人             真正S         修飾
herself). She finally came up with a good ideaa potluck party!
prepare     S                  V               O           補充說明idea

【第二段】(At a potluck party), each guest brings a dish (to share), {so
                 片語/表場合                S        V      O    片語/表目的
the host doesn’t have to do all the work}. The guest can cook his or
對等子句/so表結果                            S          V1     O1
her dish, or bring store-bought food. There will be many kinds of
          V2            O2            虛字      V          S
dishes, {and each dish can be a surprise.}.
              對等子句 / and表附加

【第三段】However, some surprises are not so joyful. {When two or
              轉折語            S           V       SC                副詞子句
more guests bring the same dishes}, they may feel awkward. So, it 
 /表時間                                     S       V         SC          S
is important (for the host) to do some planning (before the party). For
V     SC        for表對某人             真正S          時間片語/……之前   轉折
example, the host can ask some guests to prepare salad and pasta, and
/舉例        S          V          O               OC/guests
assign others to bring pizza and fried chicken. The rest can make
  V        O               OC/others                     S         V
tiramisu and puddings.

【第四段】In fact, a potluck was not originally a party. The word
             轉折語        S      V                      SC          S
comes (from the Middle Ages). (At that time), people did not throw
V         片語/修飾comes            片語/表時間       S            V
out leftovers. They kept them warm (in a pot) (for unexpected
         O        S     V     O      OC   片語/表地方  目的片語/for…”                        
guests). So {when guests showed up (at someone’s house)}, they
副詞子句/表時間           地方副詞片語/at表小地方     S
tried the “luck of the pot,” {and had anything (in it)}.
  V              O                 對等子句/and表附加

【第五段】A potluck is like a small food fair. {When guests prepare
                  S       V           SC                副詞子句/表時間
their dishes}, they hope {their food is the most popular.} They may
                  S     V     名詞子句/hope之受詞/省略that        S
prepare their grandma’s secret recipe. Or, the dish may even come
    V                       O                          S              V                                
from a top-rated restaurant)! Eating is an interesting experience (at
O                   S / V                   SC
a potluck party). {Next time you plan a party}, why not try a potluck?
片語/表場合       副詞子句/表時間(=Next time when)    祈使句   V       O

