2017年9月22日 星期五

Book 5 Unit 1 Answers to Grammar

Focal Point 1
Practice A   Fill in the blanks with “who/which/that” or “, who/which.”
1.      I know a joke which/that will definitely crack you up1.
2.      Like the Summer Olympic Games  , which  are held every four years, the FIFA World Cup takes place every four years.
3.      The school honored the teacher  whom/that  all the students respect and love.
4.      The lady who/that is wearing sunglasses seems to be a Hollywood actress.
5.   If you want to know which team won the NBA championship, you can ask my husband  , who  is extremely enthusiastic about basketball.
6.   Sports cars  which/that  have very powerful engines are made mostly in Germany, Italy, and the US.

Practice B   Combine the sentences by using “N who/which/that....” or
“N, who/which....”

è  The student who/that cheated on the exam has been punished.

è  Rose and Jack are planning their wedding , which will be held in May        .

è  Andre developed a passion for cooking during his childhood , which made him decide to become a chef                                              .

1 crack sb. up 使某人捧腹大笑

è  It is rumored that the house which/that lies deep in the woods is haunted           .

è  Rachael White  , who is the most senior executive in our company          , will be our new CEO.
Rachael White我們公司最資深的主管,將成為我們新的執行長。

è  Amanda’s coffee shop  , which is located downtown                      , attracts hundreds of customers every day.

Focal Point 2
Practice   Combine the two sentences into one by using the pattern above.
1.     Betty doesn’t want to eat food she doesn’t like.
She chooses to be hungry.                       (... would rather... than...)
è  Betty would rather be hungry than eat food she doesn’t like                 .
2.     The considerate daughter doesn’t want to continue her studies.
She chooses to look after her sick mother at home.    (... would... rather than...)
è  The considerate daughter would look after her sick mother at home rather than   
   continue her studies                                                 .
3.     I don’t want to play online games on weekends.
I choose to listen to music or get some exercise.    (... prefer to... rather than...)
è  I prefer to listen to music or get some exercise rather than play online games on   
   weekends                                                         .
4.     Edison did not want to stop his experiments.
He didn’t care about being regarded as a madman.    (... would rather... than...)
è  Edison would rather be regarded as a madman than stop his experiments       .
5.     The students don’t want to miss the opportunity to do volunteer work.
They don’t mind sleeping in a school.              (... would rather... than...)
è  The students would rather sleep in a school than miss the opportunity to do      
   volunteer work                                                     .
6.     Jack doesn’t want to cook unhealthy food for his customers.
He chooses to spend more money on fresh ingredients. (... prefers to... rather than...)
è  Jack prefers to spend more money on fresh ingredients rather than cook         
   unhealthy food for his customers                                       .


