2017年9月14日 星期四

Book 3 Unit 1 Grammar

否定副詞倒裝句:Seldom/Never/Little/Rarely... +
                Aux/be + S....

1. It had seldom occurred to Yuka Aoki to visit Taiwan.
  → Seldom had it occurred to Yuka Aoki to visit Taiwan.
2. Japanese people never throw dirty toilet paper into a trash can.
  → Never do Japanese people throw dirty toilet paper into a trash can.
3. Edward knew little about his son.
  → Little did Edward know about his son.
4. This kind of animal is rarely seen in Taiwan.
  → Rarely is this kind of animal seen in Taiwan.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型改寫下列句子。
1. Simon never sings in front of people.
2. The old lady is seldom kind to others.
3. I rarely use that old computer now.
4. Other companies know little about our business secrets.

1. Never does Simon sing in front of people.
2. Seldom is the old lady kind to others.
3. Rarely do I use that old computer now.
4. Little do other companies know about our business secrets.

B. 根據句型重組提示字以完成下列句子。
1. My grandpa looks young and healthy. Actually, seldom                                                      
                                      (I/have/seen/him) get sick.
2. Linda is a very nice girl. Rarely                                                    
3. I don’t talk to my neighbor much, so little                                   
                                        (I/know about/do/him).
4. Penny gets up early every day, and never                         
                                        (she/is/school/late for).
5. In order to stay healthy, seldom                                 
                             (Roy/a chance/does/miss) to exercise.

1. have I seen him
2. does she get angry
3. do I know about him
4. is she late for school
5. does Roy miss a chance

