2017年9月18日 星期一

Book 5 Unit 2 Grammar

Focal Point 1
Review: ... N(,) + where/when...

... 地方名詞(,) where + S + V.
That is the movie theater where I had my first date with Julia.(限定→某間電影院)
Is there a nearby supermarket where I can buy organic vegetables?(限定→某間超市)
The venue (會場) where my wedding will be held should be close to my house.(限定→某個會場)
Last year I went on a trip to Japan, where I met my girlfriend for the first time.(補述→特指日本)
I love living in Taichung, where there are many beautiful parks.(補述→特指臺中)

... 時間名詞(,) when + S + V.
Christmas is a time when people send greeting cards to their friends.(限定→某個時間)
Tom and Jane will never forget the day when they got married.(限定→某一天)

The Mid-Autumn Festival is the day when we eat moon cakes.(限定→某一天)
Students always look forward to holidays, when they can relax and enjoy themselves.(補述→特指假期)
Mr. Wang got married in 2000, when he still had his own company.(補述→特指西元2000年)

補充句型: where名詞子句與副詞子句
1. 名詞子句:S + V + where... 何處
2. 副詞子句:Where + S + V, ... 在……地方
Could you please tell me where the restroom is?(名詞子句)
As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”(副詞子句)
Where there is no advanced medical equipment, ORBIS International is needed.(副詞子句)

補充句型 when名詞子句與副詞子句
1. 名詞子句:S + V + when... 何時
2. 副詞子句:When + S + V, ... = ... when + S + V. 當……時
No one can predict when a natural disaster will occur.(名詞子句)
There is no knowing when world peace will become a reality.(名詞子句)
Don’t make any noise when you eat. It is considered impolite.(副詞子句)
When you leave the house, remember to turn off the lights.(副詞子句)

補充句型 介系詞 + which子句
... 時間/地方名詞 + in/on/at/... + which + S + V.
Taipei is the city where/in which I was born.
I need to find a quiet café where/at which I can work on my laptop.

Focal Point 2
Noun Clause: that + S + V

That子句 + V....
• That health is above wealth is a fact ignored by many people.
• That China is home to pandas is known to people around the world.
• That money cannot buy everything is something we should all remember.
• That Johnny did not make it into the NBA made his parents very disappointed.
• That Ken will marry Diana next month surprised everyone around him.

S + Vt + that子句
• I cannot believe (that) you can be so rude as to say those things.
• Many mountain climbers say (that) the mountain has secret power.
• The teacher didn’t know (that) her students had prepared a birthday gift for her.
• John realized (that) there was no way he could ask Mary out.
• I understand (that) you have your reasons for not going to the meeting.

S + be V + that子句
• The truth is that your teachers and parents really care about you.
• The problem is that I have other arrangements on that day.
• The beauty of this plan is that we don’t have to pay a cent.
• What I mean is that you’re not making any sense.
• The tricky part is that we don’t have his contact information.

課文句型:形容詞 + that子句
... Adj + that子句
• I am not sure (that) Maggie will agree with me on this.
• The teacher was surprised (that) all the students had handed in their reports on time.
• I am afraid (that) what you have heard from my brother is not true.

... the fact/idea/belief/news/... + that子句
說明:that子句可以接在the fact、the idea、the belief、the news等之後,作補充說明的同位語。
• The idea that beauty is only skin deep is true.
• The news that Andy has moved to Taipei is true.
• We must accept the fact that no one can live forever.
• The patient holds the belief that he will be able to regain his health through regular exercise.
• Mary’s children still cannot accept the fact that she has passed away.

