2017年9月19日 星期二

B5 U1 課文句型結構分析

Lesson 1 Youth Travel in Taiwan: A Journey, Not a Destination
  You may have dreamed of exploring your motherland, but will that dream ever
       S                                 V                                                O                                                               S
come true? “Youth Travel in Taiwanis a government initiative. It encourages
  V / SC            S/專有名詞/大寫        V            SC             S     V
individuals or teams to plan unique and creative trips, and then document their
     O1          O2                  OC1                           OC2/省略不定詞to
experiences {while they are traveling}. The itineraries can be based on any activity
               副詞子句/while(時候)              S              V                O1
or theme, (such as charity work, aboriginal culture, or environmental issues). This
     O2     表舉例       1              2                      3
program has motivated young Taiwanese to set off on amazing journeys every year.
   S             V                O                      OC

  One example is the three business majors (from Kaohsiung) {who were inspired (by
            S       V           SC               修飾SC/from來自”  關係子句/修飾SC
a documentary)}. It told the story of a doctor {who gave up his position (in an urban
片語/by”       S   V        O               關係子句/修飾a doctor           修飾position
hospital) (to work at a rural clinic) (deep in the mountains). They were so moved (by
            片語/to = in order to,表目的     修飾rural clinic/表位置       S               V   片語/
the film) {that they decided to make some positive changes themselves
by”   副詞子句/表結果/so…that(那麼所以;如此以致)          反身代名詞/他們自己
(in a rural clinic).} They contacted over thirty clinics (to ask about volunteer service).
   片語/表地方         S       V              O          片語/to = in order to(以便),表目的     
(In the end), only one clinic (in Taitung County) replied.
片語/最後        S             表地點              V

  None of the three had a medical background, {which limited [what they could
              S           V             O              修飾前面句子   名詞子句/limited
do (for the clinic)]}. However, they came up with the idea (of giving it a makeover).
受詞   for”       反意轉折語   S         V          O       修飾the idea/of”…
They scootered (back and forth) (between Taitung and Kaohsiung) (to seek help from   S       V        修飾scootered       修飾scootered/between之間”     片語/to = in order to,
people) {they knew}. They persuaded an artist to teach them (how to make
表目的 修飾people,省略whom S     V         O          OC        片語/teach的受詞
decorations.) Their classmates were motivated (by their enthusiasm) and volunteered
                       S                V1             片語/by”                V2
to help paint the walls and do carpentry work. Soon, new paintings and furniture
       O2                    V3        O3         Adv                S
were used to decorate the halls and wards. Furthermore, the students visited
     V                                        轉折語/此外”      S         V  
the patients and tutored the young ones. {Although they had to sleep
     O               V          O          副詞子句/Although(雖然)
(in an abandoned school nearby)}, they didn’t mind. One of them, Lee, said,
   表地點                              S        V            S               V
“We helped out (with daily chores) and encouraged the kids to study harder and
  S       V1                                    V2        O           OC1
to appreciate {what they had}.”
    OC2        名詞子句/what事物

  The three students matured a lot {as they overcame many hardships}.
               S             V     adv.   副詞子句/as=when                     
(For them) it was a joyful and inspiring experience. They obtained much more
            S  V                   SC                    S      V
[than they gave]}. Lee said, “I thought {I would see tired doctors
副詞子句/表比較,than(…)           S+V     O/名詞子句
and patients (in great pain)}. But I was wrong. I was surprised to see {how everybody
               修飾patients                                                名詞子句    S
there faced the difficulties (with calmness and courage). They showed
        V          O         修飾faced/with…;…”        S      V
respect (for life), and I admire them (for this). I wish {that I could stay there longer
  O     修飾respect     S    V    O   修飾admire  S  V    O/名詞子句,wish的受詞
and help more.}

  This is just one of many amazing youth travel stories. It shows {that Taiwan is
       S   V      SC/one of…+複數名詞,”…其中之一”            S   V     O/名詞子句
the perfect place for those [who are willing to stretch their boundaries.]} It also
                             關係子句/修飾those(=those people)                    S
proves {that the most meaningful part of traveling lies not in your destination,
   V     名詞子句/proves之受詞       S                 V(不在於)       O
but in [what you experience and learn (along the way)]}. So, {if you would rather
而在於  名詞子句/作介詞in之受詞/what”…之事物”                    副詞子句     寧願
see your own country in person than just read about it,} grab a map and begin
                                   不願                         V    O         V
your journey!
     O [祈使句, 主詞you省略]

