2017年9月21日 星期四

Book 3 Unit 2 Grammar

It + be + time (+ for sb) + to V....
It + be + time + for N....
這兩個句型皆表示「該是 (某人) ……的時候」之意,time後面可接to加原形動詞,也可接for加名詞,兩句型有時可相互代換。

1. It is time to take a break.
2. It was time for me to take good care of my mother.
3. When it was time for a walk, my mother would let Otto know.
4. It is time for you to go to school.
→ It is time for school.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型選出語法最適當的答案。
      1. It is time    bed.
(A) to         (B) for       (C) to going    (D) for go
      2. It is time    a party.
(A) have        (B) has        (C) for have   (D) to have
      3. It is time    Jenny    married.
(A) to; to get   (B) to; for get (C) for; to get        (D) for; get
      4. It is time    Mr. Jackson    a long vacation.
(A) for; to take      (B) for; take  (C) to; to take  (D) to; for take

1. B   2. D   3. C   4. A

B. 根據句型及提示字完成下列句子。
1. My computer was broken and couldn’t be fixed, so I thought                               
                                     (time/me/buy a new one).
2. Bill has gained a lot of weight recently. He thinks                  
                              (time/him/start exercising/again).
3. When my stomach began to rumble (咕嚕叫), I knew                
                                           (time/some food).
4. The students should stay at school until                           
                                            (time/go home).
5. If you want to save the earth,                                  
                   (time/take action/and/protect the environment).

1. it was time for me to buy a new one
2. it is time for him to start exercising again
3. it was time for some food
4. it is time to go home
5. it is time to take action and protect the environment

if假設語氣If + S + were/V1-­ed/Aux + V1..., S +
would/could/should/might + V2....

1. If I were a bird, I could fly high into the sky.
2. If Jessie had enough money, she might study abroad.
3. If my mother didnt have Ottos love, she wouldnt be so healthy now.

Let’s Try!
A. 根據句型寫出提示動詞的正確時態。
1. I don’t have much money. If I          (have) more money, I
         (may buy) the expensive coat.
2. Jimmy has very few friends. If he          (be) nicer to people, he
         (will become) more popular.
3. I don’t like the color of this sofa. If it          (not be) brown, I
          (will choose) it.
4. Mr. Moore always tells the same joke. If he          (can tell) a different joke, his class          (will be) more interesting.

1. had...might buy
2. were...would become
3. weren’t...would choose
4. could tell...would be

B. 根據句型改寫下列句子。第一題為範例。
1. Nancy doesn’t have a cell phone, so we cannot contact her easily.
→ If Nancy had a cell phone, we could contact her easily          .
2. David doesn’t own a car, so he can’t drive his friends to the airport.
→ If                                                    .
3. Judy is tall, so she can get the book from the top shelf (架子) for me.
→ If                                                    .
4. Sam is not here, so he can’t enjoy the magic show with us.
→ If                                                    .
5. Frank exercises every day, so he is in such good shape.
→ If                                                    .

2. David owned a car, he could drive his friends to the airport
3. Judy were short/not tall, she couldn’t get the book from the top shelf for me
4. Sam were here, he could enjoy the magic show with us     
5. Frank didn’t exercise every day, he would/might not be in such good shape

