2017年9月14日 星期四

Book 3 Unit 1 課文重點

1-1 This art-loving Japanese writer has visited more than 45 countries.
(1) art-loving表示「熱愛藝術的」,為複合形容詞,由「名詞 + 分詞」所組成。當名詞結合分詞時,須視該動詞對名詞的主動或被動而改為現在分詞 (表示主動) 或過去分詞 (表示被動)。以art-loving為例,其原意為love art,為主動,故用現在分詞loving。其他類似的複合形容詞尚有eye-catching (吸引目光的)time-consuming (浪費時間的)drug-addicted (有毒癮的) 等。
(2) more than + 數量」為「多於……,超過……」之意。less than則為「少於……」。
There are more than two thousand people living in this town.
1-2 ...seldom did it occur to Aoki to visit Taiwan.
(1) 原句為...it seldom occurred to Aoki to visit Taiwan.。此為將否定詞或具有否定語意的字詞置於句首的倒裝句構,其用法詳見本課句型解析2
(2) occur to表示「想到……」。
it occurs to sb to V/that-clause 某人想到……
It has never occurred to me to travel alone.
It occurs to me that my mom’s birthday is coming.
1-3 ...Taiwan seemed very close to Japan.
(1) 原句為 ...Taiwan seemed to be very close to Japan.,亦可改寫為 ...it seemed that Taiwan is very close to Japan.。此為S + seem(s) to V的用法,seem之後的to be可省略,此句型可參見第二冊Unit 2句型2
(2) (be) close to + N 靠近……
The bus stop is close to the restaurant.
2-1 ...because of an invitation from her friend.
...because her friend invited her.
because of + N表示「因為……,由於……」。關於because ofbecause互換的用法because + S + V... because of + N可參見第二冊Unit 6句型1
2-2 ...was amazed by this "strange" place, but...between Taiwan and Japan.
(1) be amazed by/at + N為「對某事感到驚奇」之意。
Judy was amazed by the beautiful fireworks display tonight.
使用情緒動詞變化的形容詞時,須注意主被動的差別,主動須用現在分詞 (V-ing) 表示,被動須用過去分詞 (Vpp) 表示。常用的情緒動詞尚有interestexciteboresurprise等。
It was a boring speech. We all felt bored.
Everyone was surprised at the surprising news.
(2) between A and B 在AB之間
This is a secret between you and me.
2-3 ...as a Japanese woman in Taiwan...
As a parent, you should take good care of your children.
2-4 ...through her writings and drawings.
(1) through prep. 透過,經由
I got to know Terri through her website.
(2) writings在此為複數形,表示「某人所有的作品」。
Carl enjoys reading Shakespeare’s writings.
3-1 ...much freer than the Japanese.
much/far/a lot + 形容詞/副詞比較級
Luke is much older than Jack.
Peter runs far more slowly than David.
Cherries cost a lot more than oranges.
3-2 For instance, at a Taiwanese KTV, one is free to talk while someone else is singing.
(1) for instance = for example 舉例來說
(2) while 表示「某段短時間裡正在發生的事」,而when則表示「某段期間的狀況」。
Please turn off the TV while you are studying.
When I feel sad, I listen to happy songs.
3-3 ...respectfully and even praise the worst singers after they have finished.
(1) respectfully adv. 恭敬地
We bowed to the king respectfully.
(2) 為了表示兩個動作發生的先後順序,因此先發生的用「完成式」,後發生的用「簡單式」。
I have finished my homework before I eat dinner.
The train had left when I reached the station.
3-4 ...it is considered rude [to sing the same song right after it has been sung].
原句為 ...to sing the same song right after it has been sung is considered rude.,此句真正的主詞為不定詞to sing...been sung,但因為主詞過長,故用it當虛主詞來代替真主詞置於句首,避免句子出現頭重腳輕的狀況。
4-1 ...girls may even hold hands while walking.
...girls may even hold hands while they are walking.
此句因主詞皆為girls,故從屬子句的主詞可以省略,再將其後的動詞改為現在分詞(V-ing),若從屬子句本身已是進行式,則將be動詞省略即可。此句型可參見第一冊Unit 3句型2
4-2 How strange this would be to Japanese people!
How great the idea sounds!
5-1 While some Taiwanese customs are funny to Aoki, she is not afraid to mention the things [that bother her].
(1) while在此為連接詞,其意義等同although,為「雖然,儘管」之意。while在此的作用為強調某事雖然為真 (some Taiwanese customs are funny to Aoki),但仍有其他因素不可被忽略 (the things that bother her),故此處不宜作「當……的時候」解。
While Dana said nothing, she in fact disagreed with her mother.
(2) be afraid to V/of N 害怕……
Sam is afraid to touch snakes.
Nancy is afraid of spiders.
(3) that bother her為關係代名詞that所引導的關係子句限定用法,修飾前面的先行詞the things。此句型可參見第二冊Unit 5句型1
5-2 ...the habit of using...
the habit of V-ing ……的習慣
Molly has the habit of brushing her teeth twice before she goes to bed.
5-3 ...[putting dirty toilet paper into a trash can] is a disgusting habit.
(1) 此句主詞為動名詞putting...can,當動名詞或不定詞作主詞時,皆視為單數,故後面動詞使用第三人稱單數形is。此句型可參見第一冊Unit 5句型1
(2) put A into B 將A放入B
Lisa put her dirty clothes into the washing machine.
5-4 ...used toilet paper down the toilet.
此處use的過去分詞usedtoilet paper的形容詞,表示被動,即toilet paper是「被使用過的」。
6-1 ...Aoki has lived in Taiwan for more than 7 years.
for + 一段時間」的時間副詞主要和完成式連用。
Laura has gone to Japan for one week.
6-2 [What made her adopt this island as her second home] is....
(1) What made...home為本句主詞,為以what為首所引導的名詞子句,視為單數,故後接第三人稱單數動詞is;此句亦可改寫為 The thing(s) which/that made her...home
What you did is really terrible!
The thing that you did is really terrible!
(2) as在此為「當作……」之意。
I see Emily as my best friend.
6-3 She considers Taiwanese people to be the country’s greatest resource, and she often writes about the interesting people [that she meets].
(1) consider A to be B 將A視為B
此處的to be可以省略。
S + consider + O (+ to be) + OC (N/Adj)
The boss considers Michael a good worker.
Lots of people consider this movie to be exciting.
(2) that she meets為關係子句,修飾先行詞the interesting peoplethat可改為whom;由於that/whom在此句中是受格的緣故,故也可直接省略不寫。
6-4 In addition to her books...introduces Taiwan to other Japanese people.
(1) in addition to = besides 除了……之外
In addition to swimming, I love hiking as well.
(2) introduce A to B 把A介紹給B
I introduced Jane to my mom yesterday.
6-5 To people in Taiwan, [listening to an outsider like Aoki talk about their culture] can also offer them a fresh perspective on their country...eye-opener....
(1) listening to...culture為以動名詞作主詞的用法,可參見第一冊Unit 5句型1
(2) listen to an outsider...talk...
listen to sb + V/V-ing 聽某人()……
listen to的用法與感官動詞seewatchhear feel等相同,後接受詞,再接原形動詞;強調動作「正在」進行時,則可用現在分詞 (V-ing)。感官動詞的用法可參見第二冊Unit 8句型1
I listened to Joe singing a love song.
(3) them一詞指的便是people in Taiwan
(4) a perspective on sth 看某事的角度
The report put a different perspective on world economy.
(5) eye-opener 為複合字,而eye-opening為其形容詞,表示「打開眼界的」。

open sb’s eyes to sth 使某人看清某事
Oscar’s behavior opened my eyes to his real intention.

