2017年9月21日 星期四

Book 3 Unit 2 Vocabulary & Phrases

I. Words for Production
1. ill [Il] adj. suffering from a disease, or not feeling well 生病的 
SYN sick
► Jeff was ill today, so he didn’t go to school.
2. cancer [`k8ns2] n. [U][C] a serious illness that occurs when cells in the body begin to grow in an uncontrolled way  ()
 ► Justin suffers from skin cancer because he has worked in the sun for many years. 
3. advise [1d`vaIz] vt. to tell someone what is best to do in a particular situation 建議,勸告
 ► My doctor advised me to give up smoking for better health. 
advice [1d`vaIs] n. [U] 建議,勸告
 ► I took Claire’s advice and brought an umbrella with me this morning. 我聽從克萊兒的建議並在今天早上帶雨傘出門。 
4. peace [pis] n. [U] a calm feeling or a situation in which one is not bothered by anything or anyone 平靜
 ► After a busy week, Amy enjoyed the peace and quiet of a weekend at home by herself. 
n. [U][sing.] a situation in which there is no war or violence in a country or an area 和平 ANT war
 ► The two countries have been at peace with each other for many years. 
peaceful [`pisf1l] adj. 平靜的
 In comparison with city life, life in the country is more peaceful. 
5. satisfied [`s8tIs&faId] adj. happy or pleased because something happened the way one wants 感到滿意的 ANT dissatisfied
 ► Karl is satisfied with his new haircut. He likes it very much. 
satisfying [`s8tIs&faII9] adj. 令人滿意的 ANT unsatisfying
 As soon as Karen finished school, she got a satisfying job in the city. 凱倫一從學校畢業就在城裡找到令人滿意的工作。 
6. dislike [dIs`laIk] vt. to not like something or someone 不喜歡,討厭 
  ANT like
 ► Ellen dislikes going out on rainy days. Thus, she usually stays home when it rains. 
dislike [dIs`laIk] n. [sing.][U] 不喜歡,厭惡
 ► I have a strong dislike for seafood, so I never order it in a restaurant. 我非常厭惡海鮮,所以我去餐廳從不點海鮮。 
7. equipment [I`kwIpm1nt] n. [U] the tools, machines, etc. that are needed for a particular activity or purpose 設備,裝備
 ► A copy machine is one of the basic pieces of equipment in offices
equip [I`kwIp] (equip—equipped—equipped) vt. 配備,裝備
 ► The computer which is equipped with a touch screen is quite
8. adjust [1`dZ^st] vi.; vt. to gradually get used to a new situation  適應    SYN adapt
 ► Rose moved to the United States last month, and she is still trying to adjust to her new life there.
9. unfamiliar [&^nf1`mIlj2] adj. not known to someone 不熟悉的
► The writer’s name is unfamiliar to me. I don’t think I have read any
of his books. 
familiar [f1`mIlj2] adj. 熟悉的
 ► I am familiar with all the singer’s songs because I’m a big fan of hers. 
10. shelter [`SElt2] n. [C] a place that provides food and protection for people or animals that need help 收容所
   ► The foundation is raising money to build a shelter for people who have lost their homes in the typhoon.
11. insist [In`sIst] vt.; vi. to demand that something should be done or happen 堅持
   ► Mary insisted that I stay for dinner. 
   ► Janet’s father insists on driving her to school every morning. 
12. steadily [`stEd1lI] adv. continuously or developing gradually 持續地
   As more and more products are being sold, the company’s business grows steadily. 
steady [`stEdI] adj. 持續的 SYN constant
   ► The country’s steady economic growth has made its people rich and happy. 
13. improve [Im`pruv] vi.; vt. to become better than before, or to make something better 改善 ANT worsen
   ► Henry’s English has improved greatly since he started listening to the English radio program every day.
improvement [Im`pruvm1nt] n. [U][C]  改善,改進
► You have done a good job on this report, but there’s still room for
14. attached [1`t8tSt] adj. having strong feelings of love or affection for someone or something 依戀的
► Lisa is deeply attached to her old car and doesn’t want to sell it.
adj. connected or joined to something  附加的,連接的
  ► Please see the attached file (文件) for more information. 
attach [1`t8tS] vt. 附加,連接
► Michael attached a card to the flowers and sent them to his girlfriend. 
15. develop [dI`vEl1p] vt. to begin to have something, such as habits, feelings, or interests 養成
  ► Josh developed a taste for coffee while he was studying in the United States. 
vi.; vt. to grow bigger or stronger gradually, or to make someone or something do this (使) 成長,(使) 發展
  ► Over the past few years, the small town has developed into a big city. 
development [dI`vEl1pm1nt] n. [U] 成長,發展
  ► Home environment plays a very important part in a child’s development. 
16. despite [dI`spaIt] prep. used for saying that something is true or happens although something else might have stopped it 儘管 SYN in spite of
  ► Daisy bought the blue dress, despite the fact that it was very  expensive. 
17. faithful [`feTf1l] adj. remaining supportive of someone or something 
忠實的 SYN loyal
  ► Many people like to have dogs as pets because dogs are usually very faithful to their owners.
faith [feT] n. [U] 信任,信心
  ► I have faith in Ray, and I’m sure he will make the right decision. 我對雷有信心,我確信他會做出正確的決定。 
18. companion [k1m`p8nj1n] n. [C] someone or something that one enjoys being with or spends a lot of time with 夥伴,同伴
 ► After the old lady’s husband died, her cat became her closest companion. 
1. take care of  to do the necessary things to help or protect someone or something 照顧 SYN care for, look after
 ► I asked Kelly to take care of my kids while I was away from home last Saturday. 
2. even though despite the fact that 儘管,雖然
 Even though Ben is thirty years old, he still acts like a child. 
3. turn out  to develop or happen in a particular way, or to have a certain result 原來是……,結果為……
 ► After careful examination, it turned out that Mr. Miller’s headache was caused by cancer.
4. (much) to one’s surprise  in a way that surprises someone 
令某人感到 (非常) 驚訝的是
 ► Much to everyone’s surprise, the child beat all the adults and won the card game.


