2018年3月30日 星期五

B4 U1 Sentence Patterns

Unit 1
1. ...and S + Aux/be, too. → ...and so + Aux/be + S.
...and S + Aux/be + not, either. → ...and neither + Aux/be + S.
說明 此為將too「也」或not...either「也不」的句子代換成以soneither為首的句型。soneither置於句首時,後面的主詞和動詞須倒裝,即先寫助動詞或be動詞再寫主詞。
例句 1. My friend Ellie is normally a polite person, and I am, too.
→ My friend Ellie is normally a polite person, and so am I.
2. I didn't enjoy our talk, and she didn't, either.
→ I didn't enjoy our talk, and neither did she.
3. I am not interested in math, and my sister isn't, either.
→ I am not interested in math, and neither is my sister.
練習 1. Mr. Nolan is a very hard­working man, and his employees are, too.
2. I haven't started packing for my trip to Japan, and my sister hasn't, either.

2. have no choice but + to V
說明 此句型用來表示「別無選擇只好……,不得不……」之意,but後須接不定詞(to V)
例句 1. Finally, I had no choice but to leave her alone with her smartphone.
2. Because of the heavy rain, we had no choice but to cancel the baseball game.
3. My mother had no choice but to throw away the meat that has turned bad.
練習 1. Helen不小心把她的咖啡打翻了,所以她不得不再買一杯。
Helen accidentally spilled her coffee, so she had no          but            
        another one.
2. Betty拒絕了Peter的電影邀約,所以他別無選擇只好自己去看電影。
Betty rejected Peter's movie invitation, so he had no          but           
          to the movies alone.

3. be + busy + V­ing/with + N
說明 busy後面接動名詞(V­ing)用來表示「忙於……(做某事)」。如果要接名詞則可用介系詞with
例句 1. She kept using her smartphone and was busy exchanging instant messages with others. (她不停地使用她的智慧型手機和忙著和別人交換即時訊息。)
2. Mandy is busy preparing for the badminton game next week.
3. Nancy has been busy with her history report lately.
練習 1. Kevin忙著清理他的書桌。
Kevin is                            his desk.
2. Woods先生最近非常忙於工作。
Mr. Woods has been very                   his work lately.

4. S + V..., which....
說明 關係代名詞which可以用來補充說明前面子句指的事情,which前要加逗點,且不可用that替代。
例句 1. When you snub someone, you ignore him or her, which often upsets that person. (當你冷落一個人時,你忽視他或她,這常常使那個人不高興。)
2. Frank asked Nancy out on a date, which made Rachel very jealous.
3. Wendy won first prize in the singing competition, which made her mother proud. (Wendy在歌唱比賽中得了第一名,這使她母親引以為傲。)
練習 1. Gary兩分鐘就把詩背起來,讓人印象深刻。
2. Sally昨晚熬夜,這就為什麼她今天早上感到如此疲倦。

5. due to + N
說明 1. due to為介系詞片語,表示「由於……」,後面須接名詞或名詞片語,可置於句首或句中,置於句首時須加逗點隔開。
2. due to也可以用owing tobecause of等介系詞片語替換。
例句 1. Due to their smartphone addiction, many people can no longer appreciate things in their actual environment.
2. Owing to the typhoon, all flights to Los Angeles were delayed.
3. Mr. Frost retired early because of his poor health.
練習 1. 由於油價高漲,許多人偏好搭乘大眾運輸。
D                  the rise in oil prices, many people prefer to take public transportation.
2. 這個方案由於缺乏財力資助而被取消了。
The project has been cancelled o                  lack of financial support.

1­1.  Mr. Nolan is a very hard­working man, and so are his employees.
1­2.  I haven't started packing for my trip to Japan, and neither has my sister.
2­1.  choice, to, buy
2­2.  choice, to, go
3­1.  busy cleaning up
3­2.  busy with
4­1.  Gary memorized the poem in two minutes, which was impressive/impressed many people.
4­2.  Sally stayed up (late) last night, which is why she felt so tired this morning.
5­1.  Due, to

5­2.  owing, to

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( C ) 1. The manager is busy    a Japanese client.
(A) at                            (B) with                 (C) of                      (D) on
( C ) 2. Nick doesn't know how to fix his bike, so he had no choice but    his father for help.
(A) to ask                     (B) asking              (C) asks                   (D) ask
( C ) 3. Iris has been busy    her house for Halloween.
(A) decorates                (B) to decorate      (C) decorating         (D) decorate
( C ) 4. Monica can never be a good cook, and    can I.
(A) so                           (B) neither             (C) too                    (D) either
( C ) 5. Karl lost 10 kilograms in two months,    surprised all of his friends.
(A) that                         (B) which              (C) what                  (D) who
( C ) 6. Nancy won the tennis game    her hard work.
(A) due                         (B) owe to             (C) because             (D) due to
( C ) 7. I often stay at home on weekends, and    does my husband.
(A) too                          (B) so                    (C) either                 (D) neither
( C ) 8.    the weak economy, the Watson couple changed their mind about buying a house.
(A) Owing to                (B) Due                 (C) Owing of          (D) because
( C ) 9. Because Jennifer caught a bad cold, she had no choice but    a day off.
(A) took                        (B) take                 (C) taking                (D) to take
( C ) 10. Renee was one hour late,    made her boyfriend unhappy.
(A) which                   (B) that                  (C) what                  (D) where

II. 合併句子:依據提示字將以下各句合併。
1.   Polly didn't do well on the test.
I didn't do well on the test, either. (...and neither...)  
2.   Tina gave a violin performance in front of the whole school.
That made her nervous. (..., which...)
3.   Cindy has been busy.
She has been writing a book about baking.
4.   The city has been flooded.
There was a storm. (owing to...)

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. Mark是個足球迷,而我也是。
Mark is a football fan, and                           .
2. Tracy錯過了末班火車,所以她別無選擇只好搭計程車回家。
Tracy missed the last train, so she                                            
           a taxi home.
3. Melissa忙著準備她下禮拜的婚禮。
Melissa has been                   her wedding, which will be held next week.
4. Laura's最喜歡的洋裝現在對她來說太小了,她別無選擇只好把它給她妹妹。
Laura's favorite dress is now too small for her, so she                            
                           it to her younger sister.
5. 這個地區的房價正在下跌,這對計劃在這裡買房的人是好消息。
The house prices in the area are falling,          is good news for those who plan to buy a house here.
6. 由於駕駛者的粗心引發了這場意外。
The accident happened d                  the driver's carelessness.

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B
6. D 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. A
1. Polly didn't do well on the test, and neither did I.
2. Tina gave a violin performance in front of the whole school, which made her nervous.
3. Cindy has been busy writing a book about baking.
4. The city has been flooded owing to a storm.
1. so, am, I
2. had, no, choice, but, to, take
3. busy, with
4. had, no, choice, but, to, give
5. which
6. due, to

