2018年3月26日 星期一

B4 U1 隨堂手寫習題

You Have Just Been Phubbed!

1. 你應該避免打斷正在說話的人,因為這個行為非常不恰當。
You should avoid        comes         someone who is speaking because this        comes         is very in appropriate.
2. Tom很渴望當面見到那位他所崇拜的作家。他將出席明天的簽書會。
Tom is        comes         to meet the writer whom he admires very much        comes                comes                 comes        . Therefore, he will be        comes         at tomorrow’s signing event.
3. Sally認為和David共進晚餐是個很吸引人的主意,因為他們的交談總是很愉快。
Sally considers the idea of having dinner with David very        comes         since they always have        comes                comes        .
4. Jerry曾經被流浪狗追過。由於這起事件,他從此很害怕狗。
Jerry was once chased by a stray dog.        comes         to this        comes        , he has been afraid of dogs ever since.
5. 研究人員將這個地區的高罹癌率和水汙染聯結在一起。受汙染的水很明顯地正對居民的健康造成負面的影響。
The researchers have c        comes         the area’s high cancer rate with water pollution. It is o        comes         that polluted water is having a        comes         e        comes         on the residents’ health.

1. too/in/does,/Joe/his brother/works/and/the bookstore, (重組句子)
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                              
2. had/to quit/but/her job/because of/Sylvia/no choice/her poor health (重組句子)
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                              
3. and/enjoy/my friend/did/the movie,/didn’t/neither/I (重組句子)
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                              
4.   Vicky was born in 1990. 
Maggie was born in 1990, too. (...so...)
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                          
5.   Ray will never reveal the secret. 
Chris will never reveal the secret, either. (...neither...)
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                        

將以下英 () 文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的中 () 文。
1. My old friend and I spent several hours catching up on each other’s recent lives.
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                              
2. Lucy is always quiet in a stranger’s presence.
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                              
3. Matthew’s car was out of gas this morning, so he had no choice but to take the bus to work.
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                              
4. Lisa決定這個週末和朋友去健行而不是去購物
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                              
5. 別再對你的女兒吼了!該是與她耐心溝通的時候了
How amazing the magic trick was!                                                                                 

