2018年3月30日 星期五

B4U2 課後練習解答

──────────────Do It Yourself──────────────
I. Vocabulary
__________ 1. Helen c______fied the situation for me so that I could know what was happening.
__________ 2. Paul b______hed when the girl he liked smiled at him.
__________ 3. Mrs. White always likes to b______t about how smart and talented her son is.
__________ 4. The doctors had different opinions r______g how to treat Ivy’s stomach cancer.
__________ 5. It is better not to write a business letter in an i______l style (文體).

1. clarified     2. blushed    3. boast    4. regarding    5. informal

II. Derivatives
__________ 1. Molly ______ (greeting) me with a smile when she saw me.
__________ 2. I’m ______ (confusing) by your explanation. Could you give me a clear example of what you mean?
__________ 3. The girl was ______ (stun) when she heard that her pet dog had been hit by a truck.
__________ 4. Against all ______ (expect), the weak-looking horse won the race.
__________ 5. To my ______ (astonish), the stranger knew my name.
1. greeted  2. confused 3. stunned  4. expectations  5. astonishment

III. Multiple Choice
(   ) 1. Chloe’s interests are similar ______ mine. We both enjoy water sports, for example.
(A) to                (B) by              (C) with             (D) as
(   ) 2. Could you please stop ______ so much noise? You’ll wake up the kids.
(A) make           (B) and making                          (C) to make (D) making
(   ) 3. Do you know ______ this smartphone to check e­mail?
(A) how you using                    (B) how to use
(C) you how use                                                  (D) how using
(   ) 4. There’s a big difference ______ Japanese culture and American culture.
(A) at                (B) between     (C) from             (D) for
(   ) 5. Kelly is ______ stay home alone. She can take care of herself.
(A) old enough                          (B) enough old
(C) old enough to                      (D) enough old to

1. A  2. D  3. B  4. B  5. C

IV. Sentence-Writing
i. 填入附加問句以完成下列句子。
1. Edward loves his parents very much, __________________________?
2. Tiffany is never late for school, __________________________?
3. All of the students should take part in the school activity tomorrow, __________________________?
ii. 將下列句子以過去分詞片語改寫。
4. The story that was told by Kate was very touching.
5. The player who was chosen to represent our country is very young
→ ______________________________________________________

1. doesn’t he
2. is she
3. shouldn’t they
4. The story told by Kate was very touching.
5. The player chosen to represent our country is very young.

V. Guided Translation
1. Joe有時候會跟朋友出國旅行
Joe __________ abroad with his friends __________ t__________.
2. 這個英文句子一點都說不通。我完全無法理解
This English sentence doesn’t __________ any __________. I can’t understand it at all.
3. Adrian為什麼突然這麼生氣?
Why did Adrian get so angry __________ __________ __________ __________?
4. 我想我們應該選擇Daisy的計畫
I think we should __________ __________ Daisy’s plan.
5. 那些國家幾乎要開戰了
Those countries are __________ __________ __________ __________ war.

1. travels...at times
2. make...sense
3. out of the blue
4. go with
5. on the verge of

