2018年3月12日 星期一

cost, take, spend 及 pay的用法

cost, take, spend pay的用法
本單元診斷範圍為 cost, take, spend pay 的用法。本測驗共分成二個部份:文法選擇及整段式填空,而每單元後均附有說明檔,按相關連結後,即可了解測驗結果。
1. Amy: The food in that restaurant is delicious. Best of all, I didn't     much money for the meal.
  Jenny: Really? Where is that restaurant?
 (A) cost (B) take (C) pay
2. Jack: How much does the book    ? Sue: Two hundred dollars.
 (A) cost (B) take (C) pay (D) spend
3. Walking to school     me only ten minutes.
 (A) costs (B) takes (C) pays (D) spends
4. Helen     two hours playing the piano every day.
 (A) costs (B) takes (C) pays (D) spends
5. The coat     Jay eight hundred dollars.
  (A) cost (B) took (C) paid (D) spent
6. Mary     three thousand dollars on the bike.
 (A) cost (B) took (C) paid (D) spent
7. My father     a lot of money for the new car.
  (A) cost  (B) took (C) paid
8. It     Peter a long time to finish the homework.
  (A) cost (B) took (C) paid (D) spent
第二部分:整段式填空。請依前後文意思,填入適當的動詞 cost, take, pay, spend 並做適當的變化。
Ben and Tony are good friends. They are talking about what they did on the weekend.
I was very happy yesterday. I went out with my cousin, Henry.
What did you do?
We went shopping. I bought a new pair of shoes and they didn't  (1)  me much money.

Then, we went to see the movie, Harry Potter. Henry was nice to me because he  (2)  for the movie tickets.
I had a happy day, too. I  (3)  the whole day with my family. We went hiking in Mt. Ali. I saw many kinds of trees, flowers and wild birds on the way. It  (4)  us four hours to get to the mountaintop. It was truly exciting. You should try it next time.

cost, take, spend pay的用法說明
cost, take, spend, pay 這四個動詞經常會讓台灣學生混淆不清,原因無外於它們所對應的中文,往往都會有一個字「花 ‧‧‧」有關,這包括了「花時間」和「花金錢」。這四個動詞用法上的注意事項如下:
1. 它們的「主詞」是什麼?是「人」?還是「物」?
若其後有接第二個動詞,是「不定詞」( to + 原形動詞)?還是「動名詞」( V-ing )
1. cost 的本意為「價值」,故僅限用於「主詞」為「物」時,當然也僅限用於「金錢」上。(過去式為 cost
 物品 + cost(s) + + $:(物)花了(人)($)
2. take 用於花費「時間」,主詞有三種可能情形,其後若有第二個動詞,則只能用「不定詞」形式。(過去式為 took
 It + takes + + 時間 + to + 原形動詞:做(事)花了(人)(時間)
 V-ing (動名詞當主詞) + takes + + 時間:做(事)花了(人)(時間)
 + take + 時間 + to + 原形動詞:(人)花(時間)做(事)
3. spend 用於花費「時間、金錢」,主詞只能是「人」,其後若有第二個動詞,則只能用「動名詞」形式。(過去式為 spent
  + spend + 時間/ $ + V-ing:(人)花(時間/ $ )做(事)或買(物)
  + spend + $ + on+ 物品:(人)花 $ 買(某物)
4. pay 的本意為「付錢」,故只能用於「金錢」上,當然「主詞」也只能是「人」。(過去式為 paid
 人 + pay + $ + for + 物品:(人)付 $ 買(物)

