2018年3月21日 星期三

TOEIC Test 1

101. Author Ken Yabukki wrote a magazine article based on _____ recent visit to Iceland.
(A) he                           (B) his                        (C) him                           (D) himself
102. To _____ the Adele’s Apparel store that is nearest to you, select your state or country from the pull-down menu.
(A) afford                      (B) create                  (C) locate                       (D) provide
103. The ink cartridge is designed for the SZ2000 laser printer _____ should not be used with any other model.
(A) while                      (B) and                       (C) or                              (D) also
104. Lonan Imports will work _____ with any distributor to fulfill a customer request.
(A) directly                   (B) directs                  (C) directed                   (D) directness
105. Products made by Izmir Vitamins are designed to promote _____ and well-being.
(A) health                     (B) healthy                (C) healthful                  (D) healthfully
106. _____ graduating from Laccord University, Jing Xiong worked for Osiris Financial Service.
(A) During                    (B) After                     (C) Next                         (D) Above
107. Gyeong Designs recently changed its marketing strategy to target hotel and restaurant _____.
(A) to own                    (B) owned                 (C) owners                     (D) own
108. Ulrich Electronics will provide free _____ of any entertainment system purchased by June 30.
(A) assistance             (B) contract               (C) market                      (D) installation
109. Jane Turngate was elected chairperson of the board of directors at Stellmann Corporation by a  _____ margin.
(A) narrow                   (B) narrows               (C) narrowly                  (D) narrowness
110. The Keenview television is _____ selling well, even though the advertising campaign just started.
(A) already                  (B) often                     (C) once                         (D) previously
111. Today, Wichner Industries announced that it _____ opening an office in Kuala Lumpur to coordinate its overseas operations.
(A) be                           (B) will be                  (C) is being                    (D) been
112. This is a _____ to renew your Chamber of Business membership, which expires on August 30.
(A) purpose                 (B) conclusion          (C) question                  (D) reminder
113. Grove Canoes’ prices may _____ vary depending on changes in the cost of raw materials.
(A) occasion                (B) occasions           (C) occasional              (D) occasionally
114. The Estes Museum explores the life and work of artist Mariella Estes and is located just _____ of Valparaiso, Chile.
(A) outside                   (B) through                (C) next                          (D) beyond
115. A 20 percent increase in revenue makes this the _____ year yet for the Sorvine Hotel Group.
(A) more profitable     (B) most profitable   (C) profiting                   (D) profitably
116. The information you provide on this questionnaire is strictly _____ and will not be shared with any other vendors.
(A) potential                (B) concentrated      (C) dedicated                (D) confidential
117. Remove all items from your desk in preparation for the office reorganization, but do not attempt to move heavy furniture by _____.
(A) yourself                  (B) yours                    (C) your                          (D) you
118. Dhyana Home Improvement routinely offers discounts to local nonprofit organizations that are _____ new buildings.
(A) addressing            (B) constructing        (C) investing                  (D) centering
119. By the time Ms. Okada _____ in Incheon for the sales meeting, she had already completed preliminary negotiations by telephone.
(A) arrives                    (B) arrived                 (C) has arrived              (D) will arrive
120. _____ the terms of the contract, Mulz Janitorial Service will clean all offices in the Lundquist Building daily.
(A) As long as             (B) Because              (C) According to           (D) In order that
121. At Hemdom Beds, our goal is to design _____ furniture while maintaining comfort and function.
(A) innovatively          (B) innovations         (C) innovates                (D) innovative
122. Despite several setbacks, the restoration of the Pratt Theater will be completed _____ of schedule.
(A) soon                       (B) front                      (C) early                         (D) ahead
123. The visiting diplomat spoke only _____ at the international conference before returning to Johannesburg.
(A) constantly              (B) frequently            (C) usually                     (D) briefly
124. The Moore Landmark Society has asked that city council members _____ the demolition of the historic library.
(A) reconsider             (B) to reconsider      (C) reconsidering         (D) reconsidered
125. As stated in the company guidelines, sales agents receive _____ for time spent traveling to meet with clients.
(A) automation            (B) interruption         (C) compensation         (D) distribution
126. The well-known legal firm of Peterson, Wong, and Lundgren, Inc., is _____ referred to as PWL.
(A) common                (B) commonness      (C) commonly               (D) commonality
127. Restaurant critic Pierre Dunn remarked that the food served at Druss’ Kitchen has never been anything _____ superb.
(A) given                      (B) but                        (C) against                     (D) by
128. Based on the _____ number of advance ticket sales, we expect to see record attendance levels at this year’s festival in Donegal.
(A) overwhelm            (B) overwhelms        (C) overwhelming         (D) overwhelmingly
129. Sassen Motors’ newest car features a stylish dashboard design and a _____ interior.
(A) widespread           (B) plenty                   (C) prevalent                 (D) spacious
130. Civil engineer Lorenzo Raspallo _____ as the guest speaker at the fifth annual Bridge Conservation Colloquium next month.
(A) to confirm              (B) to be confirmed  (C) has been confirmed    (D) having been confirmed
131. Dr. Chan’s groundbreaking research on hospital services has effectively redefined the basic _____ of patient care.
(A) conceptualize       (B) conceptually       (C) concept                    (D) conceptual
132. The environmental protection plans submitted to the council were developed by various organizations working _____ of each other.
(A) closely                   (B) collaboratively    (C) primarily                  (D) independently
133. Ms. Yao’s final performance marks _____ only the end of an extraordinary career, but also her twentieth anniversary with the Rebelo Dance Company.
(A) not                          (B) none                    (C) neither                     (D) nothing
134. Only candidates with extensive leadership experience will be considered for the _____ position to the president.
(A) responsible           (B) advisory              (C) elementary              (D) apparent
135. Tallis Engineering is awaiting _____ that its new water tank designs meet legal specifications.
(A) verify                      (B) verifies                 (C) verified                     (D) verification
136. Glasstown’s mayor, Edward Raston, will _____ at the opening ceremony for the new Compton Bridge on May 18.
(A) encounter              (B) officiate                (C) generate                  (D) experience
137. _____ interested in purchasing group tickets for a Clovett Theater production should contact Miriam Miller.
(A) Whoever                (B) Another               (C) Anyone                    (D) Either
138. The unseasonably cold weather has _____ affected the availability of some fruits and vegetables in local supermarkets.
(A) adversely              (B) faithfully               (C) consciously             (D) accurately
139. Rigon Communications, a leading telephone service provider, is _____ the most notable businesses featured in this month’s edition of Best Enterprises.
(A) especially              (B) primarily              (C) among                     (D) considered
140. Great _____ in tourism levels have had a significant impact on the success of Darling Beach’s small businesses.
(A) fluctuations           (B) perceptions         (C) narrations                (D) obligations
Questions 141-143 refer to the following letter.
Cosar Jimenez
11 Greenway Court, Apt. 4G
Franklin, WI 53133

Dear Mr. Jimenez,
Your supervisor and _141_ have reviewed your request to extend your hours from 20 hours to 40 hours per week. Based on the high quality of your performance and the needs of your department, we have agreed to the time increase, effective January 2. The enclosed benefits booklet details the compensation that will be available to you as a full-time employee. Be sure to read this information _142_ and submit the necessary paperwork before January 2. In the meantime, please meet with your supervisor to discuss how this change _143_ your job responsibilities. Should you have any questions regarding your benefits or hours, I am available by phone (414-555-0186) or e-mail (d_richard@haroldsonelectric.com).
Deborah Richards
Director, Human Resources
141. (A) mine                        (B) theirs                    (C) they                          (D) I
142. (A) easily                      (B) carefully              (C) suitably                    (D) usually
143. (A) will impact              (B) has impacted      (C) is impacting            (D) to impact
Questions 144-146 refer to the following information.
Get More with Klein!
Klein Mobile gives you _144_! Customers can choose that perfect plan from the wide variety that we offer.
Basic calling plans allow customers to choose between unlimited minutes or 200, 400, or 650 minutes per month. These plans include text message service but not Internet service. Premier calling plans, _145_, allow customers to use their phones to access e-mail, social networking sites, and more.
Though premier plans cost slightly more, they provide enhanced _146_ features.
144. (A) change                   (B) discounts            (C) quantity                    (D) options
145. (A) provided that         (B) on the other hand (C) therefore               (D) similarly
146. (A) interacts                 (B) to interact            (C) interacted                (D) interactive

Ramsey Wipers
Corporate and Residential Window Cleaning
July 9

Dear Mr. Tang,
At Ramsey Wipers, we work hard to provide our customers with superior cleaning services at reasonable rates. _147_, because of advances in our window cleaning technology, we are now able to lower our rates while still providing the same quality service. You will see a 5 percent _148_ in your bill from now on, beginning August 1.
Thank you for supporting your neighborhood cleaners. We look forward to _149_ our outstanding relations with your company.
Janet Green Office Manager, Ramsey Wipers
147. (A) Fortunately            (B) Globally               (C) Temporarily            (D) Potentially
148. (A) tax                          (B) supplement         (C) reduction                 (D) loss
149. (A) continue                 (B) continued            (C) continuing               (D) have continued
Azmah, Inc., Hits a Record
1 May---Azmah, Inc., one of Malaysia’s leading electronics manufacturers, announced yesterday that it achieved record sales in the last quarter. Azmah’s revenue jumped 18 percent to RM 144 million, with the increase largely _150_ by television sales. Sales of flat-screen models alone rose nearly 30 percent over sales figures from the previous quarter. _151_, production costs also reached record highs. Azmah reports its profit margins have been reduced by 20 percent because of the rising prices of computer chips and other electronic _152_.
150. (A) driving                    (B) driven                  (C) drives                       (D) is driving
151. (A) In other words      (B) Consequently     (C) For example           (D) However
152. (A) compositions         (B) combinations      (C) components            (D) compartments
Questions 155-156 refer to the following memo.
From: Eun Mi Ha, CEO
To: All Employees
Subject: January 10 Meeting
Date: January 13
As announced at the company meeting on January 10, we will be changing the regular work hours for most employees as part of our initiative to reduce energy costs. Since our energy costs are generally higher in the late afternoon, it will be to our advantage to perform more work in the morning. Therefore, beginning on Monday, February 24, the workday will officially start at 8:00 A.M. instead of 9:00 A.M., and it will end at 4:00 P.M. instead of 5:00 P.M. The last day of the old schedule will be Friday 21, and the office will close at 5:00 P.M. on that day.
Employees in the accounting department will not be affected by the change, since their schedule is determined by normal banking hours.
155. What are employees asked to do?
(A) Adjust their typical work schedules
(B) Switch to energy-efficient light bulbs
(C) Take a shorter break in the afternoon
(D) Submit their time sheets to the accounting department
156. When will the change go into effect?
(A) On January 10      (B) On January 13   (C) On February 21      (D) On February 24
Questions 157-159 refer to the following notice.
The Oakview Café
12 Torpoint Hill, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP 21 75R
01623 399196
The Oakview Café proudly presents Gordon Macaulay in a solo concert at 7 P.M. on 10 September. Mr. Macaulay is known for his poetic songs and fluid guitar playing. Lauren Tighe of The Aylesbury Record writes, “Gordon Macaulay has one of the most melodious voices I have ever heard.” Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear him in the intimate setting of the Oakview Café. Our award-winning chef, Lucas Brizard, will prepare a selection of unique dishes, but our regular menu items will also be available on the day of the show. Space is limited---purchase your tickets now by phone or at the café during normal business hours. For more information about us and a full listing of our dishes for the event, please visit our Web site.
157. What is suggested about the Oakview Café?
(A) It opens for dinner at 7 P.M.                   (B) It advertises in a local newspaper.
(C) It is located in the city’s business district.  (D) It is a small restaurant.
158. Who most likely is Ms. Tighe?
(A) A newspaper reporter  (B) A musician  (C) A café owner     (D) A chef
159. What does the notice encourage readers to do online?
(A) Purchase tickets for an event                (B) View a full dinner menu
(C) Listen to samples of music                    (D) Read reviews of a performance
Questions 160-161 refer to the following article.
OSTRAVA (20 February) --- Old City Museum in Ostrava, Czech Republic, will undergo a major refurbishment beginning 1 April. The site houses the area’s largest collection of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century paintings. The repair of the 300-year-old building began nearly a decade ago but had been put on hold because of a lack of financial support. Thanks to funds from the Czech Architectural Preservation Society and significant private donations to the museum, the project can now be completed. Architect Zbysek Dvorak, who is based in Prague, says, “Since the museum’s board first contacted me during the initial stages of the project, I have been committed to maintaining the building’s original architectural elements.” The museum will close during the months of April and May, but key parts of the museum will be reopened to the public in June, just as tourist season begins.
160. What does the article mainly discuss?
(A) The history of an architectural firm       (B) The business hours of a museum
(C) The restoration of a building                 (D) The purchase of an art collection
161. What is suggested about Mr. Dvorak?
(A) He is in charge of the Architectural Preservation Society.
(B) His business is based in Ostrava.
(C) His work on the project began ten years ago
(D) He made a financial donation to Old City Museum.
Questions 162-164 refer to the following e-mail.
To: Lisa Pak <lpak@watkins.com>
From: Robert Thierry <r.thierry@cooa.ca>
Subject: Final Notice
Date: March 8
Dear Ms. Pak:
This reminder is being sent because your annual membership in the Canadian Organization of Accountants (COOA) will expire on March 31. If you renew now, you will not miss a single issue of Accounting News, which is complimentary with your associate-level membership. As you know, it is filled with informative articles and discusses current topics in the accounting world.
To maintain your active status with our organization, go to www.cooa.ca. Please use April as your renewal month when prompted in the online application form.
Finally, if you have not done so already, be sure to visit www.cooa.ca/membersportal.html to access the members-only section of our Web site. This area has up-to-date job notices, an index of relevant courses for professional development, industry-specific articles, and a video archive of past conference presentations. For access, you will need the COOA identification number listed on your membership card.
Robert Thierry
Executive Director
162. Why did Mr. Thierry send the e-mail to Ms. Pak?
(A) To invite her to join a new organization  (B) To let her know about a change in benefits
(C) To ask her to recommend new members (D) To advise her to renew her membership
163. What is indicated about Mrs. Pak?
(A) She has been receiving Accounting News.
(B) She has written articles for Accounting News.
(C) She previously contacted Mr. Thierry.
(D) She will attend the annual convention.
164. According to the e-mail, what is NOT available on the Web site?
(A) Job postings                                             (B) Conference videos
(C) A directory of accounting firms              (D) A list of educational opportunities
Questions 165-167 refer to the following policy.
Marsdin Medical Equipment
Shipping Policy
Unless otherwise specified, orders are sent from our Louisville warehouse by standard ground shipping via JMO Transport, which provides special handling for fragile and bulk items to ensure that orders are delivered in perfect condition. Please allow up to five business days for in-state delivery and ten for deliveries outside Kentucky. If you require expedited service, select Express or Next Day handling in your online order form. Express orders will arrive within two to four business days. For guaranteed arrival of orders by the following business day, choose Next Day and submit your order by 5:00 P.M. Additional fees for expedited service will be charged to your account. For an estimate of the amount, call the shipping department at 502-555-0171, Monday-Friday, 8:00 A.M.---6:00 P.M. Note that orders may be delayed if payment cannot be processed, the shipping address is incorrect, or the item is temporarily out of stock. Should your order be delayed, our customer service department will contact you by phone or e-mail.
165. According to the policy, why has JMO Transport been selected as the delivery service?
(A) It charges low fees.                                 (B) It ships to locations with care.
(C) It delivers products with care.                (D) It offers delivery on Sunday.
166. What is true about Express delivery?
(A) It requires the customer’s signature.    (B) It ensures the order is received by 8:00 P.M.
(C) It costs more than Next Day shipping. (D) It takes up to four business days.
167. According to the policy, why might a delivery be late?
(A) An account number was not provided.
(B) The order contains especially large items.
(C) An item needs special packaging.
(D) There is an error in the recipient’s address.
Questions 168-171 refer to the following schedule.
The Pharmaceutical Association of South Africa (PASA)
29th Annual Conference in Durban
1~3 April
Day 1
9:30-10:00A.M.             Opening address
                                        - Joyce Wang, PASA President
10:00-10:45A.M.           Annual update: Newly approved medications for children and adolescents
                                        - Hans Kreuzer, Pharm.D., Rheingeld Laboratories (Pretoria)
11:00~11:45A.M.          The development of international standards in pharmacy education
                                        - Dr. Maria Rodriguez, Medical University of Madrid
12:00~1:30P.M.            Luncheon with PASA president and officers
                                        - (Tickets can be purchased the same day by visiting the PASA booth.)
2:00~2:45P.M.              Advances in patient database and electronic prescription management
                                        - Mohammed Aljamal, Clinical Information Systems (Bangalore)
3:00~3:45P.M.               A risk analysis of changing global distribution networks in the pharmaceutical industry
                                        - Jeffrey Knapp, Morgan & Hyde Consulting (New York)
3:45~4:45P.M.               The labeling of makeup and personal care products
- Eileen Bolocco, South African Institute for Health and Consumer Protection (Johannesburg)
168. What is Ms. Wang’s role in the conference?
(A) She will give an introductory talk.         (B) She will cater the luncheon.
(C) She will lead a training seminar.          (D) She will announce the presenters.
169. What is the topic of Mr. Kreuzer’s talk?
(A) Improvements in pharmaceutical technology
(B) Changes in marketing regulations
(C) Medicine for young people
(D) Guidelines for laboratory technicians
170. When is the presentation that concerns cosmetics?
(A) At 10:00 A.M.        (B) At 11:00 A.M.      (C) At 2:00 P.M.            (D) At 3:45 A.M.
171. What is NOT indicated about the conference?
(A) It will include a discussion about distribution challenge.
(B) It will address international issues.
(C) It will be held for the first time in Durban.
(D) It will take place over three days.
Questions 172-175 refer to the following information.
Avina Nature Reserve
The Avina Nature Reserve Access (ANRA) card allows you, your passengers, and your vehicle to enter the Avina Nature Reserve at Amber Falls. Daily, weekly, monthly, and annual cards are available. These can be purchased for a fee of $10, $25, $40, and $60, respectively, and the visitor information center located at the park’s entrance. Cards can also be ordered online at www.avinapark.com. Online orders will be delivered to your address within approximately a week of your order.
Please note that proof of purchase of an ANRA card is not sufficient to enter the park; the actual card is required. Once on the premises of the Avina Nature Reserve, please make sure your card is in an area of your car, such as on the dashboard, that is clearly visible from the outside. Also, since the ANRA card carries the license plate number of the vehicle registered with the Avena Nature Reserve, it cannot be used with another vehicle.
172. For whom is the information probably intended?
(A) Park guests           (B) Job applicants    (C) Parking area attendants     (D) Local tour guides
173. How much does a monthly pass cost?
(A) $10                         (B) $25                       (C) $40                           (D) $60
174. What is stated about the ANRA card?
(A) It is available for a discounted price online.
(B) It is valid for only one vehicle.
(C) It may be used for more than one year.
(D) It can be used to charge expenses at the park.
175. What are ANRA card holders advised to do after entering the park?
(A) Receive a stamp on their card
(B) Keep their card on view inside their cars
(C) Obtain a proof of purchase for their card
(D) Submit their card to the information center

