2018年3月30日 星期五

B4 U2 Sentence Patterns

Unit 2
1. N + who/which/that + be Vpp... → N + Vpp...
說明 過去分詞片語為限定用法的關係子句簡化而來。關係子句為被動語態時,可省略關係代名詞及be動詞,只保留過去分詞(Vpp)來修飾先行詞(N)
例句 1. I quickly discovered that I still had plenty to learn, especially regarding the informal English which/that was often used there.
I quickly discovered that I still had plenty to learn, especially regarding the informal English often used there.
2. The girl who/that is named Alice is my best friend.
The girl named Alice is my best friend.
3. Ian released the rabbit which/that was caught in the trap.
Ian released the rabbit caught in the trap.
練習 1. The chocolate cake which is made by my sister is very delicious. (改寫句子)
2. The cultural differences that are discussed in this book are interesting.

2. Tag Question
說明 1. 附加問句為附加在直述句之後的簡短問句,常用於徵詢對方的肯定或意見。
2. 附加問句的主詞須用代名詞,並與主要子句中的主詞一致。
3. 附加問句的動詞須和主要子句的動詞一致:若主要子句用一般動詞或助動詞,附加問句要用相對應的助動詞;主要子句用be動詞則附加問句也要用be動詞。
4. 肯定的主要子句搭配否定的附加問句,否定的主要子句則搭配的肯定附加問句。須注意的是,若主要子句裡有seldomneverhardly 等含否定意味的字詞,則句意視為否定,須用肯定附加問句。
例句 1. He didn't want me to look up above him, did he?
2. Kim is fluent in Japanese, isn't she?
3. Frank traveled to Italy last summer, didn't he?
練習 1. You broke your cell phone again,          ? (完成句子)
2. Ann will come to my birthday party tomorrow,          ? (完成句子)

3. N + who/which/that + V... → N + V­ing...
說明 1. 關係子句中的關係代名詞若為主格時,可將關係代名詞省略,並將子句中的動詞改為現在分詞(V­ing)簡化成現在分詞片語,來修飾先行詞(N)
2. 若關係子句為進行式,則直接省略關係代名詞及be動詞,保留V­ing 即可。
例句 1. As a student who/that learned English in Taiwan, I had always been confident of my ability to speak English.
As a student learning English in Taiwan, I had always been confident of my ability to speak English.
2. I like to make friends with people who/that share the same interest as me.
I like to make friends with people sharing the same interest as me.
3. The children are happy to see a clown who/that is wearing a funny costume.
The children are happy to see a clown wearing a funny costume.
練習 1. The man who is talking on the phone right now is the manager. (改寫句子)
2. Timothy fell in love with the girl who sat next to him in class. (改寫句子)

4. wh­ + S + V → wh­ + to V
說明 疑問詞wh­ (who(m)whatwhenwherewhichhow)引導的名詞子句中,若句意為「應該……」或「可以……」,通常可簡化成名詞片語wh­ + to V。此類的名詞子句中常搭配shouldcancould等助動詞。
例句 1. At first, I didn't know how I should respond.
At first, I didn't know how to respond. (起初,我不知道該怎麼回答。)
2. Mike is thinking about where he could find his missing dog.
Mike is thinking about where to find his missing dog.
3. The manager will tell you what you should do when you come to work.
The manager will tell you what to do when you come to work.
練習 1. Both the dresses were beautiful, and Sophia couldn't decide which she should buy. (改寫句子)
2. After his girlfriend lied to him, Gary doesn't know whom he can trust anymore. (改寫句子)

說明 1. whenafteras soon as等表「時間」的連接詞置於句首引導副詞子句時,若副詞子句與主要子句主詞相同,可以省略連接詞及副詞子句的主詞,並將副詞子句中的主動動詞改為現在分詞,簡化成現在分詞構句。
2. 若副詞子句為否定句,改成分詞構句時,否定詞須置於分詞之前。
例句 1. When she saw my strange behavior, she then asked me, What's wrong?
Seeing my strange behavior, she then asked me, What's wrong?
2. After I arrived in New York City, I immediately gave my parents a call.
Arriving in New York City, I immediately gave my parents a call.
3. As soon as Larry entered his house, he found his TV missing.
Entering his house, Larry found his TV missing.
練習 1. When Ryan was exercising in the gym, he ran into his friend Joanne.
2. After I realized my words had upset my mother, I apologized to her.

1-­1.  The chocolate cake made by my sister is very delicious.
1-­2.  The cultural differences discussed in this book are interesting.
2-­1.  didn't you
2-­2.  won't she
3-­1.  The man talking on the phone right now is the manager.
3­-2.  Timothy fell in love with the girl sitting next to him in class.
4­-1.  Both the dresses were beautiful, and Sophia couldn't decide which one to buy.
4­-2.  After his girlfriend lied to him, Gary doesn't know whom to trust anymore.
5­-1.  Exercising in the gym, Ryan ran into his friend Joanne.

5-­2.  Realizing my words had upset my mother, I apologized to her.

I. 選擇題:依據下列各題句意,選出一個最符合語法的答案。
( C ) 1.    prepared all the tools, my father started repairing the car.
(A) To have                  (B) Having            (C) Has                   (D) Have
( C ) 2. Nick doesn't know    cheer his girlfriend up.
(A) what to                   (B) what can he     (C) how to              (D) how can he
( C ) 3. Eric seldom goes to the movies alone,    he?
(A) didn't                     (B) have sat           (C) doesn't              (D) does
( C ) 4. Do you know the girl    by the window?
(A) sit                           (B) have sat           (C) sitting                (D) to sitting
( C ) 5.    the bad news, Bryan's face turned pale.
(A) Hearing                  (B) Hear                (C) To hearing         (D) Hears
( C ) 6. The teacher will tell you    stop writing and hand in the test paper.
(A) whom do                (B) where              (C) when to             (D) when will you
( C ) 7. You haven't seen the movie,    you?
(A) have                       (B) haven't            (C) don't                 (D) do
( C ) 8. The ingredients    in this restaurant are fresh and of great quality.
(A) using                      (B) used                (C) use                    (D) uses
( C ) 9. The man    a gray suit is our client from England.
(A) to wearing              (B) wore                (C) wear                  (D) wearing
( C ) 10. Children often    by their parents have more confidence in themselves.
(A) be encouraged     (B) encourage        (C) encouraged       (D) encouraging

II. 重組句子:將以下各句重組並做適當修改。
1. ask for/worried mother/whom/The/didn't/to/know/help
2. in Taiwan/of good quality/are/Most products/made
3. the cute puppy,/Sam/Seeing/hugged/warmly/it
4. in/People/to leave/talking/be asked/loudly/the library/will
5. wouldn't/You/lie to/you?/me,/would

III. 引導式翻譯:每格限填一字。
1. 那個被老師懲罰的學生是Jack
The student
                  the teacher is Jack.
2. 坐在櫃檯後面的女孩是我的姊姊。
The girl
                  the counter is my sister.
3. 搭上公車後,Tina向她的朋友Willy揮手說再見。
                  the bus, Tina waved goodbye to her friend Willy.
4. Betty問我要去哪裡買我在派對上所供應的美味蛋糕。
Betty asked me
                           the delicious cake I served at the party.
5. 你很少抱怨你的工作,對吧?
You rarely complain about your job,

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A
6. C 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. C
1. The worried mother didn't know whom to ask for help.
2. Most products made in Taiwan are of good quality.
3. Seeing the puppy, Sam hugged it warmly.
4. People talking loudly in the library will be asked to leave.
5. You wouldn't lie to me, would you?
1. punished, by
2. sitting, behind
3. Getting, on
4. where, to, buy
5. do, you

